For the past half an hour I've had BTS DOPE on replay and I freakin love it. The beat is so catchy and the dance? It's freaking dope and slightly strange. It's an unique dance, I kept watching all their vigorous hip movements wondering when they're going to pop out of place XD

Anyway, I've been reading the comments and I see that people really wants to read fanfics of Jungkook x Taehyung based on the new concept. Which I am more than happy to write. So I've been thinking about the storyline and the characters and here's what I have so far for ideas.

So I want to make this a crime / romance fanfic. Mysterious murders are happening at Big Hit Hotel and Jungkook is assigned to solve these cases with the help of Taehyung.... and I'm not telling anymore, I'm still figuring the storyline out. kekeke~

Jungkook - Police officer

Taehyung - Private detective

Jin - Doctor (Medical Examiner)

Rap Monster - Bellboy

Suga - Pilot (Captain)

J-Hope - Biker

Jimin - Buisnessman


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