In response to MariaAnneSpirit's blog.

It's this one: What is your inspiration?

I don't know why I'm doing this but I felt like answering her question. But why via blog post when I could just write down a response in the comment section? Because~ I exceeded the word limit and lost everything I'd written by accidentally going to the previous page. 

So, let's start afresh and with a limitless, borderless, blogpost, answering your question, dear MariaAnneSpirit. 


Initially, I had thought you were asking inspiration as in, in a sense what gives you ideas for your stories and chapters. The things that helps/aids you to keep your story moving and flowing... get me? No? I tend to not make any sense anyway. But yeah... I thought it was that (I don't know how else to explain it in a much simpler way IF you really don't get what I said in the first few sentences of this paragraph). As it turns out, you were actually inquiring about what inspired us to start writing generally. 

Therefore, I am going to dedicate this whole blogpost into telling of my history on how I started to write (thus repeating this process had I even done it before in some other blogpost - I do not know). 

Um... writing for me wasn't something that came naturally. I mean, I knew paper existed and I knew how to work a pencil and pen. I just didn't think that all those times I fantasized a whole universe where a fictional character of my creation could exist alongside the characters of my favourite TV shows. Before, I'd do it endlessly, episode by episode, of how my character would evolve, grow attached to the TV shows character, fall in love and so and so. To the point that it continued in my dreams. It was like a revelation when I realised that these thoughts, these fantasies, could in fact be WRITTEN DOWN and RECORDED. I'd only known to doodle, draw, and jot down notes into it. So, when a fellow friend began to write in a notebook, I followed suit. I was influenced. 

I wrote in a very, informal format/way. It was all just a block of text, no paragraphs, just dialogues. And the characters I used... I shall admit this without shame, I wrote about High School Musical characters and heavily used the Jonas Brothers in my stories... 

   well, that's out in the open now    


Back then, I never really shared my work online since internet access was really hard to get. So, I printed out a lot of my material and gave them to friends like that. I was dumb enough once to let my English teacher read it in High School. He told my Mom about it during open day (it's this day where parents come to school to hear first hand from the teachers our progress in class) and well... from then on my family realised how passionate and out of control my writing hobby had become. I hadn't intend to be that inveested in it. 

But then I entered the KPOP fandom. All hail fanfics~ I should thank the KPOP community for having make me appreciate books more. I learned a lot from the writing community in the KPOP fandom. There were so many themes, terms and settings I came to know about. It certainly widened the variety of things I could do with my writing. I found my real colours, my writing style. Many things changed. I of course had my ups and downs, I craved attention when I first started on this site. A friend told me once that she could see how pissed I was at the lack of feedback I had requested from the readers. I was aiming excellence and I thought that measured in the number of subscribers, and commenters I'd get on a fic. Now, I try not to fix myself on those things. I get a comment, I get a comment. I get a subscriber, I get a subscriber. I've gotten lazier with the times too though so unlike my old self where I'd thank every new subscriber for commenting, I'd just see who subscribed to what and leave it at that. I try to still engage with my readers and supporters through comments though... 

Even so... in some cases, where I don't know what to reply them with, I keep quiet. 

Not proud. But I make up for it in some cases by mentioning them, offering my gratitude in the story updates as author's notes. 

 tee hee~ 

So, yeah... that was pretty much how I got into writing - generally. As for fan fics, I'd gotten to writing them down after reading one in a DBSK forum. I loved the story and was just so inspired, I wrote my own. It was highschool!au and starred the same main characted; MAX ChangMin. As the years went by, the number of stories I've written grew. So did the characters. And genres. 

Yeah. That's pretty much it. 

As for what is my inspiration for a story, like what helps me in my writing process. I'm heavily influenced by songs. Its very rare where I'm inspired by MV's. If it has a storyline, I might be inspired to write out something. And most of all, just every day life... I can even be inspired as I'm washing my clothes or something. Yeah, that's it. 

I don't know what I crapped about but yeah, here's my answer. 

Hope this didn't bore you, Miss MariaAnneSpirit. 

I was the one that was bored and wanted something to do. 

I should go study now.


p.s. pics aren't mind. 
got it from the internet, ppl. 


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