Ken x Hani

Ken will have a solo and Hani will be featured, gosh my dream comes true..

I ship this couple, so I made Hani as a cameo in my ff.. and it feels like my ff will have a sequel, lol.. like, Hani suddenly came back from Paris and wanting a new fresh start with Jaehwan.. when Jaehwan is already being with Irene.. and he got stuck between past and present loves.. so he comes to Sukyeon to tell her about his problem, since Sukyeon is his bestfriend but then Taekwoon got jealous over it.. hahaha I have an absurd imagination.. let's just wait until the MV is out in 24th June... maybe it will gives me another idea.. 


Anyway ,thank you Jellyfish :)


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heavenleightorres #1
OMG! I kennot wait!