〈 adulting。hunter vancura

hunter vancura
he's a wallflower
"It's nice to have things to look forward to."
• ( insert color name here) is a nickname from Hunter's friends because his hair is, more often than not, streaked with bright colors. So far, he's been blue, pink, purple, blonde, and red.
• Hunty is a shortening of his name that he hates more than country music, and only Teagan uses, for some stupid reason.
BIRTHDAY: August 5th
BIRTHPLACE: Woodfield, Connecticut
ETHNICITY: Half Brazilian, quarter Czech, quarter Austrian
• English / born and raised in the United States by English-speaking parents / fluent
• Spanish / chosen as his language elective in middle school and taken throughout high school / conversational
APPEARANCE: First off, Hunter's natural hair color is brown, though he's been self-dying it whenever the mood strikes ever since he was fourteen. It isn't uncommon for him to have blonde or blue streaks, and he's once done a full rainbow of colors in his hair once before. He has soft brown eyes that look just like his mother's until they crinkle with his smile that looks just like his father's: a perfect blend of two parents, really, that leaves him with a "look" that's all his own. He isn't the tallest, nor the most muscular, but he's fit and lean, and has an all-around "nice guy" sort of appearance with arms and a chest that are perfect for hugging.
STYLE: Hunter is almost always in black jeans and a band tee. if it's hot, said tee will be replaced with a tank. He religiously wears his dark blue vans, which are an old pair that he's had forever and his mother keeps trying to get him to replace. Come summertime, he'll be sporting knock-off raybans with his countless bracelets: some beaded, some rubber, some leather, and some metal. He's thinking about getting his lip pierced, too, and will definitely get it done before his senior year. Swimsuit wise, they're just your average swim shorts, dark blue in color with nothing truly special about them. On colder summer nights, he has quite a few "ratty old" sweatshirts, blue or black and covered in designs or a band logo, that he'll pull out of nowhere and fling around his shoulders.
who are you?
"I am born to be famous"
— Hunter Vancura's world is music, and he will never be convinced otherwise. He's the type of person that you might find with a guitar in the cafeteria, or singing in the middle of the mall, or going to a $10 no-name band's concert on a monday night. In short: he's incredibly passionate when it comes to the things he cares for. This doesn't only extend to music, as his impulsive nature leads him to threaten anyone who dares to think of hurting his friends or family. He feels emotions very, very deeply; happy is elated and sad is miserable, simply because the passion in his heart allows him to feel the world as pure as it is. Sometimes it's beautiful, sometimes it's tragic, but it always gives him something to write about. Hunter tends to make up his mind quickly, without thinking, and stick to his decisions: his impulses lead to lifelong decisions before he can think of the consequences that comes with such decisions, but he knows that nothing in life is without its consequences, and is resilient enough to navigate through them.

— That said, he may also be considered a bit of a one-track mind: all he sees is music, and he'd rather be dead than not following his artistic dreams. Once his mind is set on something -- anything from becoming a career musician to what he wants to have for breakfast -- he's stubborn about changing his mind. He isn't easily influenced by others, easily making up his own opinions of the world and just about anything else around him. However, this does lead to him being wrong, often. While he tries very hard to apologize with grace, his consciousness sometimes falters and he runs the risk of being bitter when things don't go his way. He will then refuse to listen to reason, shutting out opinions that challenge his own when his heart is dead-set on something -- for example, the frequent arguments that he has with his mother over just how stable being a musician really is. His side is that, if everyone shied away from music because it's hard and you don't make a lot of money easily, there won't be any more music in the world, and that's a world that hunter doesn't want to live in.

— Consciously, Hunter tries very hard to be open to other people and their ideas, but being practical just isn't in his vocabulary. Hunter is a natural dreamer who sees the best in things and people, often firmly believing in the best outcome first. As an optimist, Hunter is a guy who hosts high expectations that are often let down. When he is let down, then, Hunter is subject to sulking and bitterness, due to his heightened emotions. High expectations and optimism lead him to being extremely encouraging to those around him. Even if the situation looks bleak, he naturally becomes the voice of encouragement that, even if only a little bit, helps even the most discouraged of people along. A chant of "you can do it!" goes a lot further when it's partnered with a tight, unwavering hug. And that's something that hunter takes pride in being: unwavering. His stubbornness is a flaw, of course, but he knows that it works in his favor 49% of the time, and if it does anything to help the people he cares about, then its downfalls are worth having. There have been situations where everyone doubts a person, and it's Hunter who stays with them as a source of comfort, as he will be anything he's needed to be: someone to talk to, a hand to hold, or anything between.

— Hunter has a difficult time asking for help, as he's violently independent and prefers to try and make his own mistakes in order to learn. He isn't one that learns by listening, as doing something is the only way for anything to really sink into his head, which is why he loves using his hands to make music so much. Being the passionately emotional person he is, Hunter sometimes has a hard time verbally expressing his feelings. He is arguably the worst talker on the face of the planet and cannot be straightforward to save his life. When Hunter talks, it's easy to get the run around, as his thinking isn't linear: he jumps from subject to subject with copious amounts of excitement that could make anyone but him exhausted just watching him. In his mind, he's in the middle of his teenage angst period of "no one understands me" so he writes songs. He tells elaborate lyrical stories in order to get his emotions and his thoughts across, and that's why he's at all notable as a musician. He's willing to do just about anything for his passion, regardless of what his family thinks and where they are in the world: he knows that he's going to be okay on his own, and wants his freedom almost desperately, so much so that he has plans in place to move to Los Angeles as soon as he's eighteen.

— TL;DR Hunter is a sweet kid that means well and has big dreams, but he's picky and hates responsibility so much that he avoids it like plague.
— Hunter was born eleven minutes after his twin sister to a set of parents who were deeply in love and thrilled to welcome not one, but two children into a loving home. With two parents in the business world, however, the twins spent the hours of 9 am to 5 pm in their grandparents' care, as their mother trusted only her own mother to raise the two Vancura children exactly how she wanted them to be. Their grandfather, then, ended up having a monumental influence on the young Hunter: as a retired music teacher, instruments were all over the house, and his grandfather would always sit Hunter on his lap while playing the piano. Everyone who knew him as a child could agree that he had a natural liking for music, as he would always reach for the keys and press down, giggling when any noise at all came out. As soon as he was big enough, then, his grandfather began teaching him which keys made what sound, how to string them into simple melodies, and even a few children's songs. Hunter ate all of this up, and so his adoration of music was born.

— Through Hunter's childhood, music was always in the background: he would ask his parents or grandparents to turn music on in the car while he was in the back, he would always be humming as he played alone or with his sister or neighbors, he would always sneak off to play the piano that was in his family's living room. He never wondered why it was there, as no one ever played it besides him, though no one ever complained about his missed notes or other mistakes in the middle of songs, or his foolish playing with the notes. All in all, he was convinced that he was the only one in the Vancura family outside of his grandfather with a deep appreciation for music, until he and his sister were spending another night with their grandparents, and their grandmother brought out a photo album from their mother's childhood. There were pictures of their mother and aunts playing lacrosse, listening to music, and everything in between, but what shocked Hunter was something that his grandmother had to point out to him: their mother used to play piano, apparently very well, as she played in a state-wide music festival. upon being picked up, Hunter couldn't stop babbling about it: he then knew why there was a piano in their living room, and wouldn't go to bed until their mother played for him.

— By the time Hunter and his sister were freshmen in high school, Hunter had been playing piano for ten years and guitar for six, all under the guidance of his grandfather's teaching. It was freshman year, though, that the life he had known -- blissful and always full of music -- had been silenced. When he and his sister were fifteen, their grandfather died, leaving their grandmother in a silent depression, refusing to play or listen to her husband's music that had kept their home so alive. Their parents eventually had the twins stay home alone, rather than with their grandmother, as they feared the way that her sadness would affect two young teenagers. Miserable with the fact that he had lost the greatest man in his life, Hunter spent the rest of his freshman year locked in his room with his guitar, and even his sister couldn't get him out. His grades, which were never anything special, began dropping and all he could focus on was writing and playing music, since that had been all he had known up until then. That time in his life was the one which solidified music as his emotional outlet, his happy place, and his greatest passion. Being twins, Hunter and his sister shared many friends throughout their lives, and high school is no exception. It was due to her efforts in organizing all of their friends together to stage what she called an intervention -- that is, rounding everyone up to get sodas so Hunter could see the light of day for once -- that made him feel just a little bit better, knowing that people cared for him.

— So senior year finally came, and so did the pressures the dreaded college search. Hunter had the monumental task of bringing his grades up from a terrible freshman year and a mediocre sophomore anf junior year, though there was one class which boasted an uncharacteristically high average: poetry. Their teacher, arguably a hippie, allowed her students to write poetry for half of the period, share if they wanted to, and analyze poetry for the rest of the period. She encouraged him and his writing, perfectly aware that he loved music and what he handed in as poems were actually his own song lyrics. She began to give him the idea that he might have something special as a musician, and that gave him a bout of confidence to start a band -- he threw a poster up on the career center's bulletin board, rounded up a rag-tag group of musicians from school, and scored an audition for The Coda... Where he worked. It was small, and they've never played anywhere outside of Woodfield -- yet -- but they will. They will, since they got scouted and asked to go to Los Angeles, and Hunter knows that deep in his heart. As of now, his college search is on hold, and he's torn between taking a year off or not going at all, but his mother is desperately trying to convince him to get a degree to teach music or something, anything, in case the band doesn't work out.
• tattoos / he's always been attracted to art of any kind, and body art, from tattoos to body painting to piercings and everything in between, is something for which he can't explain how or why he has such a deep affection. Either way, he knows that he's getting inked as soon as he's eighteen.
• kissing / not to make him sound promiscuous, but hunter really likes kissing. he's only dated a few people, but he's full-on made out with more than he can count. he blames parties and his local-celebrity status. he's also that type of guy that kisses his friends' cheeks, regardless of gender, relationship status, or if they're in school.
• singing / he doesn't think he's the best singer ever. hell, he barely thinks that he's any good. but he got into singing when one of his friends forced him to join the school choir and their director actually had them sing cool songs.
• autotune / controversial as it is, autotune makes his voice do cooler things than he could ever manage on his own, which tends to lend very well to alternative pop music.

• bright colors / everyone knows that Hunter likes to stand out, so he has a great interest in self-dyed neon streaks in his hair, body art done by one of his artistically talented friends when he's on stage, and anything else that defies every norm ever written.
• ​spiders / he's kind of a about bugs, especially spiders, and he blames it on the fact that his room, come June, becomes some kind of breeding ground for the eight-legged demons. seriously, he finds at least one every time he goes to bed, and therefore has a paranoia about spiders crawling in his mouth when he's asleep.
• school / the institution of education doesn't really make sense to him, since it's so obvious that it's all just a big popularity and memory test, and he's smarter than that. He rejects society's normal goals and means of achieving them, and doesn't plan to go to college.
• country music / is going to be the downfall of this great nation. That is all.
• ​playing piano / was his first romantic relationship, with 88 keys and a five year old boy. For twelve years, he's been in and out of a love affair with the piano in the Vancuras' living room.
• playing guitar / however, is the love of his life. While he plays piano for fun, his guitar has gotten much more love from him since he turned nine and picked it up. his acoustic has stickers all over it, and his two electric are pristine -- one is metallic black, the other is blue. all of his guitars have his signature on them, because he thinks it looks cool and he'll be famous soon.
• songwriting / though this is becoming less of a hobby and more of a career, now that he's legit getting paid, he's been writing songs and poetry since he knew how to hold a pencil. songwriting always starts with his guitar, and ends up going back and forth between that and his piano until he's happy.
never going home / Hunter can and will easily stay out all night, and it's a wonder how he ever gets anything done with the amount of sleep he gets. Regularly, he's running on no more than five or six hours and an extra-large coffee, just because he was out practicing or at someone else's show until 3 AM. He doesn't mean to cause trouble, of course, but his mother scolds him every time. 
• ​stickers / he has a habit of putting stickers on everything, from his acoustic guitar, to his laptop, to his school notebooks and binders. If any of his friends find a random sticker on their stuff, it's probably his fault.
• not listening / headphones in, world out is a phrase that applies very well to Hunter, as he always has at least one earbud in and probably isn't listening to a word that anyone's saying to him. It probably annoys his mother the most, but he doesn't really mean to cause trouble. 
• headbanging / if he likes a song, his body is the first thing to show it: he can't help himself from moving to the beat of the music, be it bobbing his head or swaying his hips or bouncing his knee. This is the main warning sign before he starts dancing, too.
• sulking / Hunter cannot hide his emotions, no matter how hard he tries, so he stopped trying. When he's sad, when things don't go his way or he's just in a not-happy kind of mood, it's not at all uncommon to find him pouting to himself, sitting on the floor with his arms and legs crossed while he leans against a wall.
• smiling / Hunter's smile is unique in that he never just smiles: he starts with biting his lip while his cheeks flush pink, then his eyes crinkle along with his nose, and then he his lips, all before he finally breaks into a bright, dazzling grin. 
• hugging / he doesn't know why, and neither does anyone else, but he always has his arms around something: a pillow, his guitar, the person next to him, anything. Even if he's just sitting on the couch with someone, his arm is naturally around their shoulders like he's making that cliche-yawn-arm-on-the-shoulders move. That said, he's also a sleep cuddler, and wakes up clinging to a pillow like his life depends on it.
• ​cursing / Hunter might have a minor dirty mouth, but he keeps it in check around his family. That, and he tells off anyone who curses around a "lady", be it his female friends or family members or strangers on the street.
• kids / he's kind of indifferent towards kids, being the absolute youngest of his cousins by eleven minutes. However, his oldest cousin -- Christa, on his dad's side -- just had a baby, named Keegan, and he is the cutest darn thing Hunter's ever laid eyes on. 
• college plans / don't exist. Hunter will be moving to Los Angeles after he turns eighteen, the same week that most of his friends are leaving for college, but on the last day -- just so he can be sure to say goodbye to everyone. His college savings is going towards an apratment with the band members who agreed to come with, since some didn't decide to go, and paying their new manager.
• the manager / Precious Freedom was scouted by a small indie record company based in LA, which is why (some) of the band will be migrating west at the end of summer. Their manager's name is David Lu, and he has a cool-looking ponytail.
• Precious Freedom / Hunter is the lead singer and main composer of the band he started at the beginning of his senior year, so it's been around for a solid ten months and they haven't lost any members... Yet. They all work well together and they all share the same creative direction, but some of the members won't give him a straight answer about moving to LA with the rest of them, and he's afraid to lose them after so long.
and who are they?
"It was the kind of kiss that made me know that I was never so happy in my whole life."
LOVE INTEREST & BACKUP: You or you or you
PERSONALITY: All in all, any love interest of Hunter's has got to be able to put up with a ton of weird music, having songs written about them, occasional staring into their eyes with no good reason for doing so, lots of surprise kisses and -squeezes, and a lot of mixed-up thoughts that don't make any sense. Oh. Did I mention kissing? A hell of a lot of kissing. He's not exactly "grown-up" yet, but Hunter's love interest is going to be his moon and stars.
TITLE: Future Celebrity and His Best Boy/Girl
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Hunter's going to be single at the start of the story, so they're either going to be "friends" or "someone has a crush on the other one".
FIRST MEETING: You tell me, sweetheart. 
INTERACTIONS: This person is Hunter's favorite friend. Not best friend, since that's his sister and no one will ever de-throne the other Vancura, but Hunter takes extra special care to make sure that he gives him/her the best birthday gift, is always somehow found at his/her locker after school, and volunteers before anyone else to house-sit if he/she ever goes away on a vacation. He more or less expects the other person to be at all of his shows, though that's not too much of a problem, anyway.
TRIVIA: stuff about them??? fave food?? how their first date went?? idk? their scandal???
what else is there?
misstomorrow / maria / 4
COMMENTS: Have a Tyler Posey gif.
SUGGESTIONS: god no this is my story no.
SCENE REQUESTS: There will be if it kills me.


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