celestial ⦿ The Dauntless Archer

kim,joon seok ⦿ sagittarius

"it does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live."

cherryone101 ⦿ cherry ⦿ activity rate — 8/10

birthname: kim joon seok

Other names:  

joseph kim ( english name-it was a name he had given himself in high school.apparently it was the trend in school.) 


wizard's boy ( Given by his friends and fans because he loves to quote harry potter quotes whenever he can and yes it's one up there) joon seok :Hey,i wanted to use 'My father will hear about this' as a quote!" me: "......no lol"

bartender (given by their manager and the members sometimes when they ask him to make them drinks.)

dauntless archer (given by fans for his stage persona as he is very charismatic and seemingly dauntless.like he doesn't care what others think of him-he could go do whatever ridiculous things he wanted to.archer is there to represent his constellation.)

birthday: november 27,1996

age: 19

blood type: b

birthplace: daegu,south korea

hometown: daegu,south korea

ethnicity: korean


korean — fluent ( native language )
english — fluent ( took up english as a second language in high school )
japanese — conversational ( just started learning from yu )
chinese— basic ( the only chinese knowledge he has are basic terms he got off of movies )

stage name: joon seok

fanclub name: magicals

fanclub colour: #66ffcc

position: Lead vocal,dancer ( lead dancer,sub-vocalist,rapper )

singing twin: ahn jaehyo-block b (backup:kim himchan-B.a.p)

dancing twin: kim taehyung (v) -BTS (backup:choi minho-shinee)

rapping twin: -nil-

training years: 4 months

social media:   ---not_kjs (Instagram)

face claim: Cha hack yeon,n of vixx

back-up face claim: kim seokjin, jin of bts

height & weight: 180cm,69kg

appearance: there are currently no known scars from incidents on him but he has a tiny birthmark on his right elbow.he is generally quite muscular and lean and this is mostly because of his regular trips to the pools and work outs at the gym during his free time.one of his most attractive features would be his lively,dancing recklessly laughing eyes.deep and piercing when he wants them to be,playful and fun another minute.he also has piercings on his ears too.it is also a charm that he carries along with him.his hair has been dyed a few times the most extreme colour being a bright red but is now currently a shade of coffee brown.

style: his style is definitely very preppy and old-fashioned,full of knitted sweater and classical vests.he doesn't exactly fancy bright colours or pieces of clothings that are too loud that shows profanities (then again no one really likes shirts like that)or just any irrevelant words.although he likes to wear seemingly 'english school boy',vintage and old-fashioned sort of style,he hates to display brands for he feels it makes him feel labelled.

personality breakdown: 

positive traits — courageous,honest,witty

positive/negative traits — rebellious,lively,impatient

negative traits — reckless,uncommitted,hotheaded


joon seok is one huge ball of complexity,in the eyes of most people.there are just so many interesting tiny details about him that either intrigues or weirds out others.this child is courageous,very courageous.he pays no attention to risks involved in every situation and will never hesistate to make a move even if it threatens his status or safety.he stands up to people even that of way higher statuses and ensures that justice is present.he is unafraid of the price that comes with taking risks,thus showing that he is courageous by nature.joon seok is also rebellious and tends to bend the rules,sometimes completely breaking them.rules make him feel restrained and he hates the feeling of his freedom taken away.he is more of a silent rebel.tell him to do something he doesn't want,he would not hold up an arguement for that rather he'd simply not do what he is told to do.being rebellious has its perks too.being clear about his needs and wants prevents others from taking advantage of him and not being too harsh on him.what for-all he would do is flout it! sometimes it's like he takes joy in breaking rules.one thing about him,his recklessness may possibly know no bounds.he is the live example of 'act first,think later',which can get him into a fair bit of trouble.this is worrying for his fathers for they dread having a letter of suspension from the school.he was one of the school's key pranksters and from the extreme pranks he liked to pull,the suspension seemed quite likely.who knows? ten years from now we could see him getting pulled over for speed driving!

he is also an honest person.beating about the bush isn't exactly his thing to do and he prefers to keep it straightforward.trust him to be the one to break the bad news to someone.there's just something about the way he tells them,a way that manages to sound comforting and smooth.joon seok voices out his true opinion and never really believes in white lies.like he always says,"What for? they will know sooner of later!".like a huge ball of fun,this child is usually very lively except for those moments he thinks about life and all.to him,being happy is a choice,you choose to be happy or sad.obviously he'd went with feeling happy because it's way easier than feeling sad and it gives him a sense of contentment.so much so he comes off as annoying or even unemotional sometimes! unemotional as in unable to feel pain or even feel sympathy.people usually wonder if they can even take him seriously or not.joon seok can be very uncommitted in a relationship too so it takes a lot of time to get him into the relationship and not treat it like a joke.same applies to things he does.he has even said so himself that he might not even last in a relationship for perhaps more than 6 months.maybe it's because of his wandering mind and wanderlust.it's just like the boy who cried wolf.when something really happens,you never know if he really is committed or not.

despite not having the best of grades,joon seok is a witty boy who has a knack for conjuring amazing ideas.sometimes extremely dumb ideas too and makes you wonder what actually goes on in that mind of his.his pranks are one example-they are world-class pranks.don't even get me started on his comebacks and insults.impatient,the only time he isn't moving is probably when he's sleeping or tied to a pole.joon seok just has to keep moving and lives his life the fast way.his impatience could go either way really.on the far end,it could make him seem like a grump but on the other side,it allows him to finish his given task to do quickly.he could seem like a person who easily tolerates horrible attitude due to his happy and friendly demeanor but no.joon seok is one hotheaded guy and people around him know it.for a guy who treats everyone so nicely,he hits the roof quite easily.a position as discipline master in a school would have been perfect for him-he gets angry one second and can pass out the loudest harshest critiques but the next his anger dissipates very quickly and he's all smiles again.


Harry potter (he's been hooked onto the harry potter series since forever ago and is a hardcore potterhead and wannabe gryffindor )
snow globes (joseph has about five of them which he collects)
waffles (he loves waffles and it's his favourite food)
swimming (it's one of his favourtie sports and he is a good swimmer having taken swimming classes since young.)
jason mraz (someone he looks up to)
roller coasters (maybe it's because of the feeling of wind in his face and the excitment it offers)
the colour grey (to him,it's a classy colour)

new york city (joseph has been there once and wishes to visit again because of the beautiful city lights he have seen)
packed lunches (especially when it's colourful and full of flavours!)
mystique (his favourite x-men mutant of all time)


the scent of clove ( for some reasons,he has never liked the scent of clove. )
stupid/obvious questions (as the saying goes,'ask a stupid question,you get a stupid answer.')
strawberries (joseph's allergic to strawberries)
social gatherings/parties (he's not exactly what we would like to call a social butterfly)
people who put themselves down (why can't they have more self-esteem?)
caramel (weird enough...but this boy doesn't really have a sweet tooth)
'harry potter' haters (just....no thank you.)

sweet nothings (yes,he can be romantic but he absolutely abhors love quotes because they are just so exaggerated! nothing to better than a sincere 'I love you' in his eyes.)
spiders (Joseph has never really liked to tolerate them)


— creating new combination of drinks
—surfing the net


—quotes harry potter at least 5 times at day
—cracking his knuckles when hungry
—when he's angry or frustrated,he tends to draw circles and messy doodles on a notebook he brings along with him everywhere (it's called 'joon seok's anger book' by the staff of milky way entertainment and the members)


—Has a generally high pain tolerance
— can make drinks as he learned skills from his father (jae woo) who was once a bartender
— has very bad eyesight and wears contacts

—has a two cats (one ginger and one black)at home he names potter and malfoy respectively

— never really did extremely well in school
— in 10 years time,he would like to see himself as an author with a bestselling novel
— was adopted by two happily married men when he was 4 years old at the orphanage (he has found his biological father though and keeps in contact with him,but they aren't really close)
— is particularly close to the 'pisces' constellation and Park Nayeon the makeup artist

— he still visits his orphanage regularly to volunteer
— when he has a girlfriend,the first thing he would like to do is bake a cake together
— he doesn't have an ideal type and states that he'd rather just go along with fate's plan

— even if he seems like the type to like skinship,the concept of skinship is always quite a little foreign to joon seok for he doesn't usually get all touchy feely

how you were scouted: 

{the golden opportunity}

the group (his school's glee club-refer more to background >< sorry) was at a nearby mall performing for some sort of charity event when sakura chanced upon him as she was looking to buy some groceries.while they performed,this particular piece had a solo for each member and each and every one of them were required to step forward to sing their verse.something like acapella with dancing included.right after the performance,sakura went up to joon seok and this other girl named ye rim to offer them a chance to train with the milky way entertainment.ye rim had immediately rejected while joon seok had been considering it as he stared at sakura's namecard.and....he rejected it.but no way was sakura about to give in without some persuasion.she needed at least one of them to say yes before she would be content.her target instantly went to joon seok for he'd showed hesistation which meant that he may have wanted to accept it right?he had no idea why exactly he accepted it on that day but all he remembered was sakura begging him,listing the positive sides to the offer and promising him a lifetime supply of waffles.

{Trainee life and the group interaction}

the fact that he had accepted the offer really made him rethink his soberness at that time. probably deluded by waffles.the next thing he knew,joon seok was in a practice room with 9 others and they were required to learn a dance routine as a well a song.it came as a shock really for he just didn't quite believe it was happening to him of all people.not really enthusiastic about it at first,all he really did was sit against the mirror and scroll through his phone.until,he received a huge scolding from inyoung about his lack of passion and terrible attitude..sure,the girl was cute but boy was she a real tigeress when mad.it actually made him a little scared of her.joon seok then began to put in a bit more heart to what he was doing for the group and actually got on really well with the 'pisces' constellation most and the other members of course.his 4 months training actually helped him improve by quite a lot and he gradually began to dedicate more time and effort to this project,much to the approval of inyoung.the group were also aware of his childhood so they didn't bother asking more which to joon seok was weird because he was perfectly fine with it.he gets on well with them but is a little awkward with inyoung.yes they do interact every once in a while but whenever he cuts back to how she berated at the lack of passion he has,he would get a little quieter much to the group's amusment.joon seok trained a lot with oscar and rai too.he had a nice friendly relationship with oscar and would treat each other to meals where oscar would provide advice on joon seok's vocals.up until now,oscar still can't quite fathom how only a year and a half would get him scouted and sometimes insult joon seok on it when he fails to hit some notes.not like it really bothered him anyways.with rai on the other hand,he enjoyed his trainings with her and would sometimes ask her to tell him what being an idol felt like.they get on quite well too as they would tell each other stories and all.not nelgecting work at all.if joon seok even tried to stray,he'd probably risk being shot in the face with a death glare and naggings.


{The finding}

nothing was ever known much of joon seok's birth for at a very young age he was sent to an orphanage in daegu,sotuh korea on a cool autumn's night on the 5th of october (as recorded in the orphanage).he'd came wrapped in a tiny cloth bundle with a note that stated his date of birth which was barely even a year into the world and a grateful words of thanks to keep him in.there was no name written.thus,he was then given the name joon seok by the caring sisters at the orphanage.joon seok's first few years at the orphanage wasn't really anything eventful-he learned to talk,played tons of games and made bosom friends.overall,he quite enjoyed his time there and everyone was kind and he still vividly remembers the usual 'cake sundays' where the mothers would give each kid a piece of delicious cake to enjoy after their dinner on a sunday.as time went on,he began to think of the orphanage as his home.

{New life}

it was until the year when he turned 4 did he get adopted.back then,joon seok was screaming and crying so much as he was placed into the arms of his new parents.he didn't want to leave his friends or sisters who took him under their wing and cared for him.he had an emotional attachment to them and wasn't quite willing to break them just yet.according to his father,joon seok would kick up a hissy fit at the simplest things like his wooden blocks tumbling,screaming and shedding tears during the first few weeks into the family.it was the rebellious spark in him since he was a toddler.joon seok would overturn his bowls and draw on any furniture he could find.whenever his parents try to interact with him,he'd cover his ears and run away yelling gibberish.boy was he a difficult child to handle! the neighbours would think he had been kidnapped.but as time went on,they had him tamed and joon seok in return gradually began to warm up to the pair.

his parents doted on him and tried to spend as much time as possible on educating him on values as well as basic knowledge.they showered him with love but still maintained a certian standard of discipline,careful not to spoil him.he took up swimming lessons as kid and one of the times he would always remember would be the time when he came back from swimming lesson to find a 6 year old girl in front of the television with a plush toy in her arms! imagine the shock he had when he learned that this girl was to be regarded as his little sister.as he lived with the family,papa ahn who used to be a bartender would teach him how to make non-alcoholic drinks and promised to only teach when he is after 18.it became one of his pasttimes alongside swimming after he learned about the harry potter series.the world of fantasy drew him in and it became a habit for him to chant out charms and spells as well as quote harry potter.why would making drinks become his new pasttime you may ask? potions. whenever he made the drinks or created his own,joon seok liked to think he was severus snape's apprentice at hogwarts brewing potions.thus the weird names he gives his creations.

he then went on to high school with an addition to the family-3 year old mi ran.he wasn't exactly very popular but a fair bit of people knew who he was from his pranks.joon seok never achieved the best grades but merely average ones.not like he viewed studies highly either.studies were important yes but he never really invested too much time on it.joon seok then decided to join the school's glee club (a pity there wasn't any quidditch club) for the sole purpose of killing time.the glee club was something new to him-it involved singing and dancing.something he was new to considering he was more of a sports person.

{the biological father}

the year joon seok turned 12 was also the year where major changes began happening.no i'm not talking puberty,it was the year that his biological father had found him after years of anxious searching.it was just like any ordinary weekend day with the family having their usual breakfast of waffles,bacons and a lot more straight from papa kim's beloved frying pan.it was very simple with just a ring on the doorbell which opened to a stoic man decked in a crisp business

suit.the man had scanned the room and actually began to cry as he saw joon seok,his biological son.something joon seok had found extremely funny despite the tense atmosphere.it was only when the man spoked did he realised he'd found his father without actually trying to.his father had came looking for him.it was an emotional moment as the family looked on as his father choked over his sobs as he tried to apologise.his father introduced himself as kwon woo sung and suggested he came back with him.turns out that his mother and father had divorced shortly after his birth and his mother (whose whereabouts are unknown) had decided to leave him,wanting a new life.ina few short minutes,joon seok learned all about the years his father went through sleepless nights and frantic searches.

suggesting that he leave with him,joon seok promptly refused much to the father's disbelief.he had lived with the kim and ahn family for the most part of his life now.he couldn't just say bye to them,he had loved them with all his heart and strongly regarded them as family.no matter how 'close' he was with this man in front of him,they didn't have an emotional bond.they promised to keep in touch and every 2 weeks,joon seok will make the trip down to his fathher's apartment to visit.

{Boy meets arts}

it was an exposure to the artistic scene and it really had some obstacles.like mastering dance moves as well as hitting certain notes he had no idea existed.it was an enjoyable experience and it was where he'd met his one of his best friends-han byeol.they were usually together to sing some verses and she would be the one he would approach for help.it was about one and half years before he was chosen for a performance.it was a magical time for him and joon seok realised just how fun it could be.joon seok then began to participate in more of the glee club's performances both outside and in school.


                        father / kim tae ho / 43 / understanding,soft,kind 'mother of the house'

since he was a kid,papa kim had always been there for him.he made sure he had enough food on his plate,proper clothing without rips and a nice warm bed to sleep on.these two share a close bond and he is also a person joon seok turns to whenever he meets with a crisis or has a secret he can't contain.to joon seok,he is the world's best father (alongside jae woo of course) who cooks the best manduguk(dumpling soup) and one who he trusts and loves a lot.

father / ahn jae woo / 42/ caring,strict,humorous 'father of the house'

being the head of the household needs a trait of seriousness and discipline in him.joon seok as well as his siblings are naturally more cautious and less jovial around for they do not wish to spark the anger in him.seeing him angry isn't exactly a very pretty sight to look at.he is the father who keeps the house standing,maintains a certain level of respect to each other as well as fiercely protect his family from any harm.joon seok's relationship with him is close but they both have their serious moments which aren't quite as friendly.sometimes even something like an intern and boss's interaction!

sibling / kim ji won / 13 / bossy,smart,sensitive,logical

known as the 'second hermione' to joon seok,this girl has it all in her mind.knowledge,wit and intellect.easily the brain of the three (yes,even joon seok included),she is the type that likes to come up with logical ideas,solve puzzles during her free time or poke her nose into rising electricity bills.she cares for her family a lot but may sometimes pass off as annoying.they generally bicker most of the time but when one is in a crisis,the other won't hesistate to help out.

sibling / kim mi ran / 6 / shy,imaginative (but all children at 6 are so no big deal really),playful,caring,whiny

there's just something about mi ran that makes others feel the need to take her under their wing.perhaps it's her doe-like eyes or her melodic childish laugh but she is one person that can make joon seok go all 'cute' around her.like,playing dolls with her and being 'sir joon seok' to her 'royal tea party'.joon seok is also fiercely protective of his little sister and can't actually disagree with her because he just couldn;t bear to see the kid cry.mi ran cries real loud too-you'd think the amily was beating her up with a broomstick.they love to keep each other company and are very close to each other.


best friend / dokgo ji sung / 19 / friendly,funny,reliable

their interaction with each other is generally typical like how best friends act.they help each other out and are partners in crime in whatever they did.they also share a lot of their secrets with each other and are extremely close.

best friend / min han byeol / 20/ authorative,righteous,caring

han byeol is one noona who joon seok has always respected.he never usually gave any school seniors respect,except for han byeol.back in the glee club,she was the one who beated him into shape with his basic singing skills and much credited for his chance of the offer.they usually meet up sometimes to chat and talk about their ongoing events in their lifes.

friend / cho hyun soo / 19 / timid,kind,soft,weak willed

picture a small puppy that have been kicked way too many times and you would have hyun soo.as a scrawny boy,he had his fair share of bullies and looks up to joon seok for his dauntless nature when he stood up for him way back at 4th grade.they aren't very close just there for each other at any time.

Image result for ske48 rena matsui tumblr_n6hb7smh4B1rtt1apo1_500.gif Image result for ske48 matsui rena

love interest: jung seol min (oc/fan of celestial/'pisces' constellation biased) [FC: ske48 matsui rena]

group: -none-

age: 18

personality: seol min is generally a very loud and determined young lass.she is one of those people you see getting caught by teachers for talking too much but this is really just a trait in her.she loves to talk and almost never conceals her voice because she doesn't care.to her,what matters is how she sees herself not others.determined,seol min hardly gives up without a fight.she knows what she wants,that's all.she is also a sensitive person who can easily detect changes in moods of others and would immediately adapt to the situation.brave at heart,she has no problem trying out new peculiar things when most people don't want to

how you met/meet: their meeting was a very typical one,in which the scene is set at a certain shopping mall in gwangju,south korea.a crowded place indeed,with hoards of 'celestial' fans rushing in and screaming their favourite member's as well as the band's name.it was just like any normal fansigning event,but with a twist.there was to be a lucky draw going on for 1 lucky fan with the members of celestial for a reality tv show!celestial meets tons of fans wherever they go,surely this won't have any difference? famous last words.all it took was a slip of orange paper to spark a romance like no other.

interactions: as the typical fan and idol relationship,joon seok is very kind and friendly around her and is careful not to hurt her feelings or anything.he wasn't really thrilled about the idea but for the sake of the group he had to bear with it.with her around the house (P.s she doesn't live with them,just spend time with them about 3 days each week for 3 months with them),he tries to get out of the way and not cross her path as he finds it extremely awkward as well as weird to have someone fangirling while he's still there (me:"cocky much,joon seok?")they don't usually talk unless the camera pans over to the both of them.but as time goes on,they interact more and gradually began to bond and chat more vigorously.

relationship: fan and idol/acquaintances

Back-up: another member

comments/suggestions: hey there~^^ second app here alongside junghyun and i really hoped you liked him! sorry for my crazy obsession with harry potter ><


scene requests: -the 1 lucky fan with celestial tv show

                                  -running man

                                  -he getting jealous over how she fangirls over 'pisces'

                                  -weekly idol

                                  -celestial's own show ^^

password: Gods/goddesses 


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