❝✚ NEFELIBATA ⋮ Jang Chaewon | Canis。

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Oh, what's in a name?
NAME » Jang Chaewon.
OTHER NAME » ( Rosie Jang ) - Her French name.
( Jjang ) It's a pun of her family name, of course; and it's given by herself & though others think this is ridiculous, they end up calling her Jjang anyway.
( Rose/Won ) A shorter form of Rosie and Chaewon. Given by her close friends and family.
( Chaewonie ) A more affectionate form of Chaewon; given by Bobby and used only by Bobby.
( Baymax ) Another nickname given by Bobby because of her love towards baymax, sometimes he'd change it into Chaemax, annoying the heck out of her.

( Sloth ) Given by Joy and fans because she sleeps a lot.
( Gnome ) Given by Daehan to height; everyone uses it every now and then, much to her dislike.
( Oompa Loompa )  Given by Junhoe and he enjoys using this nickname. It's just a funny jab towards her height.

BIRTHDAY » December 19th 1996
AGE » 19
BIRTHPLACE » Marseille, France.
HOMETOWN » Lyon, France.
( Korean ) Fluent ;; she's a full-born Korean and is currently residing in Korea.
( French ) Fluent ;; Even though it's been years since she left France, she's still fluent in French because she still communicate with her relatives and friends who are living in France using French.
( English ) Conversational ;; She learnt english through school and it's quite good with it.

APPEARANCE » Standing on 162 cm and weighed 47 kg, Chaewon is more on the petite side. Chaewon has a pale, fair skin. Her face is pretty much doll-like; her doe-eyes are big, she has small, pointed nose, full, reddish lips and pointed chin. Chaewon's smile is her charm; her smile is wide, showing set of teeth and her eyes would disappear into a pair of endearing eyesmiles.
Her body is not that veloptuous but we can say that she has curves on the right places; her body is toned because of the times she spent dancing and swimming.
Chaewon's other charm is her hair; hands down, she has the best hair, it just falls down to her back in the most perfect way, it's smooth, and it would sway each time she moves. She's the queen of hair-.

STYLE » One of Chaewon's most prominent trait is that she's very fashionable. Chaewon's style is unique and varied. She can be cute, edgy, sporty, vintage, basically varied. Even so she mostly settles down with something casual and a bit boyish, her trademark is probably sweaters, be it knit, printed, or oversized, she loves collecting sweaters. Jacket is also her favourite, along with snapbacks and beanies; you'll often see her wearing those things on her
Airport : O O O O O
Casual : O O O O O
Dorm : O O O O O
Practise: O O O O O
Formal : O O O O O

FACECLAIM » Park Seul.
7 billion people, 14 billion faces
—POSITIVE: observant, kind-hearted, passionate, playful.
—NEUTRAL: shy, tender-hearted
—NEGATIVE: insecure, distant, blunt, rebel
Chaewon is an introvert at heart and she's really, really shy around strangers. In a room filled with people she doesn't know, she'll blend into the background like a chameleon. Starting a conversation with strangers just seem to give her so much burden, heck her awkwardness really shows when she's ordering at KFC and she'd rather check googlemaps and get lost rather than asking a strangers for directions. She won't talk to you unless you talk to her first or if she's really really in a dire situation. Honestly, from the outside, she looks like a meek little sheep that wouldn't catch your gaze twice; but once you pair her with a group of people she knows and comfortable with, you won't see her being shy and timid.

"The world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes."
Chaewon is a very, very observant girl. She likes to sit back and observe a situation silently then act accordingly. Honestly, it almost feels like she sees everything. She saw the stupid stunt you did when you try to stop your phone from falling, or that small spot in the corner you forgot to vacuum earlier on; she can even guess what kind a person you are just by listening to how you speak or your choice of words. It's easy for her to read a person, she can pick up even the subtlest of clues.

"Have courage and be kind."
Once you know Chaewon a bit better, you'll see that she really has a kind heart. She may seem cold and aloof when you first met her but do know that once you're close enough with her, she won't hesitate to sacrifice her happiness for yours and she expects nothing in return. Chaewon always puts others before herself and she's really caring and generous towards other people. Sometimes, she can even be too kind for her own good. You can say that she's a bit innocent at heart because she honestly believes that even the meanest of person has a hint of goodness deep inside them. Chaewon also hates conflict and would always try to be a mediator each time her friends have conflicts going on and she always, always avoids conflict as much as she can; and even if the conflict is unavoidable, she'll try to give a win-win solution for all parties, no matter how impossible it may seem. Also, when she receives spotlight for something she did, she always try not to let the attention linger too much on her and pushes it away for someone else instead.

"Anything that gets your blood racing is worth doing, man!"
Chaewon is a passionate person; especially towards the things she loves in life: music, art and books. You can see Chaewon gives her all towards her work and dream; it's really all or nothing. Sometimes she can even overwork herself or exhaust herself, which can make people around her worry over her. But that's just how Chaewon is; she always gives her everything and puts all of her effort into everything she does.

"Where did Noah keep his bees? In the ARK HIVES!"
Whatever first impression you get from Chaewon (and it usually people thinking she's a quiet, goody two shoes), throw it out of the window because she's nothing like it. Chaewon is dumb, honestly she's one of the dumbest person you'll ever find. She would crack lame jokes, bad puns and do silly stunts that'll ruin her image just for the sake of the fun. She also loves to tease other people, totally the kind of friend who'll remember all of your embarrassing moments and use them to blackmail you and tease you a lot and truth be told, it'll shock you how this meek sheep can become such an idiotic eel. Her eyes always seem to find amusement in all things. She's the kind of girl who'd do funny facial expressions in camera and mutters stupid jokes and do weird things just because it's fun.

"My opinion? That ."
She may has a heart like saint and she may not speak at all, but Chaewon is a straightforward person. Once you get to know her better, you'll see how she has no problem in speaking her mind or voicing her opinion. Let's face it, Chaewon is arguably the realest person you've ever seen. Ask her opinion and she'll give you her honest opinion, without anything sugarcoating it. Her bluntness may hurt people sometimes but she never meant it to hurt, Chaewon believes it's better to be hurt by truth rather than finding false security in white lies. Though she's kind, she's not very good with words and arranging some hurtful truth into something more nicer to one's ear feels like too much of a work for her.

"Confidence is silent. Insecurities are loud."
Underneath Chaewon's carefree smile and playfulness is an insecure girl who pays too much attention to what people say about her. She's not constantly insecure about herself, Chaewon does have some confidence in her, but as soon as she's faced with a mock that's directed towards her (and it's in a mean way, not in a joking way), her self-esteem would drop instantly. She's really not the kind of person who'd easily brush off mean comments and unconstructive criticism. After seeing such mean things, she'll be so much more aware of how people think about her and spend her times worrying and making herself perfect so people can 'accept' or 'approve' her. Despite her cheery image and bluntness, Chaewon has a tender and sensitive heart that's easy to hurt. She's also oblivious towards her own good traits; she focuses on her bad traits too much and even though someone compliments her looks, or talents, she'll spend lots of time worrying over herself and her self-esteem because there are lots of people who are better than her. Chaewon often turns blind eye towards her good traits and powers and rarely ever gives herself credit.

"Every rose has its thorn."
Being Chaewon's best friend means wondering if she really sees you as one from time to time because, well, Chaewon never tells. Truth is, Chaewon hates showing her weaknesses to others and apparently, to her, sharing her worry or problems with her friends also counts as weakness. Chaewon would always bottle up her feelings and cry alone when nobody's watching. It's not because she doesn't trust her friends enough with her problems, it's because she doesn't feel the need or want to. This often makes her friends frustrated because they're more than willing to help Chaewon face her demons but instead, Chaewon would put all the burden on her shoulders and face her demons alone.

*Crying over Mufasa's death scene* "*sobs* This is so *sobs* saaad!"
Despite how much she deny it, Chaewon's heart is much much more tender and sensitive than people would expect. Most of the times, you can see her crying when watching The Lion King or Big Hero 6, or she can be so happy when you bought her favorite food, it's easy to touch her heart but Chaewon being Chaewon, she'll always try not to let it show.

"This is ridiculous, why the heck should we do these troublesome diets when we're pretty much bone and skin?"
Despite her shyness, Chaewon is a true rebel at heart. She respects her personal space and others' and she dislikes it when people try to limit her or even control her. Law and rules are essential, she agrees, but some rules are just ridiculous and she won't obey it. She's exactly the kind of person who'd stuff with an ice cream when she's supposed to go on a diet, she'll the one who will break the curfew by taking a long walk in the middle of the night. This trait of her makes her the group leader's source of worry and misery. Chaewon is pro enough in not letting herself got caught, but someday, she might get caught.

Chapitre un: Bienveniue dans le monde.
Jang Chaewon was born in Marseille, France in December 19th 1996. She was born a month early and her parents were very worried that time; what if something happened to the baby? Premature birth can be very worrisome and the chances of baby developing sickness and problems are greater the earlier the baby is born. Fortunately, a healthy baby girl was born into the family. The Jang household was very overjoyed and named the baby Rosie, taken from Jinhee's favorite flower, rose.

Rosie Jang, or Jang Chaewon, grows up in a musically and artistically influenced family. Her father, Jang Minguk, was an author and her mother, Han Jinhee, was a pianist. On Sundays, her mother would play the piano for the children; before the kids went to sleep, Minguk would always tell them bedtime stories that he made by himself. Chaewon has two older brothers, Daeyong and Daehan, and one little sister who's two years younger than her named Jang Chaeeun.

Chapitre deux: Musique et danse.
In 2003, when Chaewon reached the age seven, her mother introduced her to piano. Her mother would spent the evening trying to teach Chaewon how to play simple songs like Mary Had a Little Lamb or Humpty Dumpty. Her mother taught all of her children how to play the piano and with small, baby steps, Chaewon was slowly able to play her first musical instrument. She also learned vocal at the age of ten and ballet at the age of 12.

Chapitre trois: Corée du sud et YouTube.
In 2010, when she's 14 years old, her family returned to South Korea. She didn't have a problem settling in, since she's already good in Korean. Her family lived in Hapjeong, Seoul and they set up a coffee shop named The Lab which is three minutes walk from YG Entertainment. Her father set up a small bookstore at the second level of the shop.

Around this time, she also began to do covers and arrangements of songs with her brother Daehan and then uploaded it to YouTube and soundcloud; no, they didn't get famous instantly but they did get satisfying amount of views and good comments.

Chapitre quatre: YG.
A year after she settled down in Korea, Chaewon thought about auditioning in YG. Hey, having a coffee shop near the entertainment really influenced her, you know. The Lab was often used as YG's 'secondary canteen' and a lot of YG trainees flocked to the shop at lunch or dinner; Chaewon didn't know, she was just intrigued by how the trainee life is. So one day, she approached Daehan and casually asked if he ever wanted to be a YG trainee. Surprisingly Daehan said yes and the two of them later auditioned for the company and was thrilled that they got accepted.

Chapitre cinq: Nouveau départ.
In late 2013, Chaewon left YG and got accepted into Stardust Entertainment.


: "Hi hungry, I'm Dad."
Minguk loves to tease Chaewon with typical Dad Jokes that'll make you cringe, and sometimes he pesters Chaewon too much about her personal space ("So, Jiwon, eh?") but to Chaewon, Minguk is the best father in the whole world. Minguk is very supportive of her choice of career and that's why Chaewon loves him a lot. Minguk dotes on his children a lot and loves to spoil them just a bit too much and sometimes he's just utterly dorky and random; but yes, he can be wise and protective when he sees the need to.

: "You're only allowed to have a boyfriend once you're over 25."
Jinhee and Chaewon literally bicker 95% of the time. Jinhee's over-protective nature and her tendency to nag Chaewon everyday makes the younger girl rebels easily; but needless to say that the two loves each other very much. Jinhee worries about Chaewon a lot and Chaewon would just huff and say, "Come on mom, chill." and Chaewon also loves being spoiled by her mom and would often buy her mom cute keychains and stuffs.

: "I'm here for you, understood?"
Daeyong and Chaewon are a bit distant with each other but they loved each other nonetheless; it's just because Daeyong is rarely at home when Chaewon is at an age where she can really, really bond with her family, but yeah, that doesn't limit their love towards each other; Daeyong is the one who taught Chaewon how to cook and often teases her for her lack of cooking skill. Out of all Chaewon's family members, Daeyong is probably the less protective and that's just one of the many reasons why Chaewon loves him.

: "You love me more than you dared to admit, right?"
They mock each other all the time, but they all know noone can support them better than each other. Daehan is Chaewon's strongest pillar of support and vice versa. Daehan is also Chaewon's most trusted person in the world. Before Daehan debuted, Chaewon loved to go to his room and talked to him until it's like three in the morning and fell asleep in his spare matress. However, Daehan is very protective of her and the only thing he doesn't know about Chaewon is the fact that she has a big crush on his best friend because he always makes it clear to both Chaewon and his friends that his little sisters are off limit and is uncomfortable with the thought of one of his friends dating Chaewon or Chaeeun.

: "Does this looks good on me, unnie?"
Chaewon loves Chaeeun with her whole heart, body, and soul. Chaeeun is Chaewon's baby and she'd give Chaeeun the world if Chaeeun ever asked her. They love to share each other's clothes (though Bobby's clothes is off limit for the younger) and they also love to go shopping together; Chaewon loves spoiling her sister with food, sweets and cute things and she tries to shield Chaeeun from everything bad. Really, Chaeeun is Chaewon's sun and star.


: "You're hopeless. And an idiot."
Chaewon and Junhoe spends majority of their quality time by bickering and mocking each other. Of course, Chaewon loves to taunt Junhoe's tsundere side and Junhoe would reply her with his ever-sassy retorts. Junhoe is pretty much one of Chaewon's most favorite person on earth and despite the insults they throw at each other, they can be each other's pillar of support when needed. Oh, and Junhoe loves to call Chaewon idiot because of how she never made a move towards Bobby.

: "I know, you're the best and most loyal fan I have in this world."
Chaewon and Hayi are pretty much always together everywhere, if not for their separate companies. But back in YG, these two are like bread and butter; they complete each other best. Hayi has already known Chaewon's bad and good traits and vice versa and is one of the few who'd give Chaewon her own personal space when she needs it. Oh, and Chaewon has no trouble in expressing her overflowing love for Hayi; she roots for Hayi a lot, telling Hayi over and over again how she'll be big in the future.

: "I swear if you steal another piece of my chicken, I'll give you hell, Gnome!"
Oh, the satan duo, when Chaewon and Sooyoung are mixed together, it's going to be chaos. They bring misery to other people and Chaewon loves Sooyoung's sassy jokes the most. They love to spend their time talking about the latest gossip and often mock each other just for fun. Definitely the kind of best friends that'll laugh when the other does a stupid mistake but ended up helping anyway.

: "I bet God made us friends because if we share the same mother, she'll die young."
The two shared the same high school and even though they're two years apart, they share a bond like sisters. Seulgi is the sister Chaewon never has and Seulgi gladly claims Chaewon as her little sister. She always knows when Chaewon is down and instead of giving Chaewon the space she demands, Seulgi would stick close to her until Chaewon tells Seulgi what's bothering her mind. Also, Chaewon is RV Seulgi's #1 fan.

"I'm cooler than you, we both know that."
They pretty much became friends because they were once a part of YGGG. Yuna is pretty much Chaewon's chat friends, they love to talk about... anything and sometimes even talking about something that's utterly random and stupid.

: "Chaewon is my mom, Chaewon umma."
Chaewon literally sees Bambam as her younger brother; if not her son. It's hard not to get all maternal when she sees him. She loves spoiling and joking around with Bambam; they're definitely good friends.

( Chocolate ) She loves chocolate more than any other food. Literally a choco maniac.
( Baymax ) Shamelessly collect all BH6 (esp. Baymax's) merchandises.
( Acoustic Indie ) She loves all genres but acoustic is the best to calm herself and lull her to sleep.
( Books ) True nerd at heart. She's nuts about Harry Potter, The Maze Runner, LOTR and Hobbit.
( Harry Potter ) She has an account in Pottermore. She's a Gryffindor.
( Red ) Her color. Almost all of her stuffs has the color red.
( Fashion ) Girl really knows what's trending and what's not.
( Movies and Games ) She's a geek at heart and can get overly obsessed with these two.
( Chocolate scent ) She smells like chocolate. Her perfume is always chocolate-scented.
( Her hair ) It's her top priority and takes very good care of her hair.
( Children ) Around little kids, especially babies, she'd lower her mentality into the exact same as the baby and play with them; really cute.

( Spicy Food ) Ate spicy ramen for a whole day and got diarrhoea the next. Never again.
( Cigarette ) The smell is so suffocating, she really hates it.
( Rain ) How the hell can rain be romantic? It's troublesome!
( Being disturbed when sleeping ) Just don't unless you want to see an angry loch ness.
( Bad/No Internet Connection ) "For goodness sake, load! FREAKING LOAD!"
( Heat ) Even peeling your own skin won't cool you down when it's hot outside.

( Conflict ) She hates being in one and witnessing one (save for movies and games) and though it sounds naive, she hopes one day people would stop being so full of hate and spread kindness instead.

( Swimming ) She's pretty much half-mermaid or something.
( Reading ) Not just novels, but also those fun encyclopedia in comic form or whatsoever. Nerd.
( Sleeping ) Gosh, she can probably sleep for 24hrs straight if nobody wake her up.

( Music ) She loves making covers of good songs with her voice and guitar/piano and sometimes even her violin.

— Slipping into French when angry or nervous.
— Drinking a cup of mint tea when she's stressed.
— Becomes very, very clumsy when nervous or shy. Often mispronounce words.
— Becomes very stoic and silent when angry.
— Pouting her lips.

— ( I <3 Sleep ) Sleeps anytime, anywhere. 3mins into the car ride and she's already in dreamland.
— ( Personal Healthcare Robot ) Has a baymax neck pillow given by Bobby. She brings it anywhere.
( Hello, I am Baymax ) Has a life-sized baymax plush that she protects with all cost and also this thing.
( Ring Ring ) Owns an iPhone 5s with
Baymax casing.
( Don't touch my snapbacks ) Three of her most favorite snapbacks ( 1 2 3 ) the tye die-d one was a birthday gift from Bobby and the black floral was given by Junhoe.
— ( My son ) Owns a pug puppy named Pierre; given to her by Joy.
( I sang French too! ) When asked to sing a French song, she'll sing Camille's Le Festin.
— ( Come on, give me a hug ) Loves to initiate skinship.
— ( Le Virtuoso ) Able to play guitar, piano and violin.
— ( Picasso ) She can draw. (x) (x).
— ( Slowpoke ) Her reaction is always 3 seconds later than the others.
— ( I'm a social-network butterfly) @jjangchaewon for instagram and @ROSIEJJANG for twitter. Her instagram is filled with pictures of her dog, her drawings, ootd, food, short clips of her song covers and occasionally her own selca.
— ( Forever Alone ) Has never been in a relationship.
— ( *surprised* ) Gets shocked very easily; pretty much anything can shock her and she would flinch in surprise every time something shocked her.
— ( Kitchen is off limit ) Is not a good cook and accidents always happen when she cooks. She hopes she can be better though; and won't stop trying to make a decent dish.
— ( NOTICE ME UNNIE! ) Really loves Red Velvet and is RV's #1 stan.
— ( M-my ideal type ) Is Kim Jongdae a.k.a Chen and would be very flustered each time a question about ideal type is thrown on her.
— ( I can't... see ) She actually wears glasses and tends to misplace it a lot.
— ( "Can't go home now, gotta go to The Lab." ) The name for Jang family's coffee shop came from this sentence (nobody remembered who said it though). It's located in Hapjeong, two minutes walk from YG. The coffee shops also serves as bookstore and provides live music. A bit expensive but delicious; YG trainees would flock to the shop during their break time. (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

— ( Spider ) Would let out a scream like a dying dolphin if she sees one; dead or alive and would run as far as she can form the little devil.
— ( Zombies ) One day when zombie apocalypse happens, those corpse wouldn't be so fun, no? Anyway, would NEVER watch zombie-themed films/movies like Walking Dead or WWZ
— ( Ghost ) Hands down, she's a total coward when it comes to horror movies; even so, she'd still watch them anyway because she's too curious. Though she would beg someone to accompany her to bathroom later on and sleeps with the light on.
— ( Fightings ) Serious fightings and loud screamings really makes her tense and scared and she would flinch.
As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat.

NAME » Kim Jiwon/Bobby.
— ( Pooh ) Basically to tease Bobby on his love towards winnie the pooh; sometimes she'd even call him BobbyPooh and would piss him a lot.
— ( Jiwonie ) If Bobby calls her Chaewonie, Chaewon calls him Jiwonie; and yes, only Chaewon is allowed to call him Jiwonie.
— ( Cheshire Cat ) She rarely calls him this; but when she does, it's to address Bobby's beautiful smile or when he's being too much of a troll.
Bobby is... Bobby is a lot of thing; he's kind and generous; he doesn't hesitate to help others. He's also polite and well-mannered, a sociable, easy-going guy who bonds easily with strangers. Bobby is also a family-oriented guy, his mother being the source of his happiness. He likes to take care of others and Bobby is also a very funny guy. He's mischievous, he loves to tease his friends and he literally lives on the fun-side of life, always full of adventure and energitic. And he's also a chill person, he doesn't get jealous or angry easily.

Bobby is also confident and sure of himself. He's sure of what he wants and what he believes, once he sets his goal, he'll do whatever he can to reach it. He's passionate about his work and he knows his weaknesses and power. Bobby can handle criticism well, he knows how to filter the criticism that purely comes from hate, from the criticism that can make him a better person. He's eager to learn. He's also straight-forward, even blunt, speaking his honest mind from time to time. He's also a risk-taker and brave.

Bobby is a hard worker, the negative comments people throw at him don't bring him down; instead he used it to motivate himself more. Bobby practised hard to prove that those people are wrong and to show them that he's not simply someone to be looked down upon. He hates being underestimated and will do anything to prove those people wrong. When faced with tough situation, he'll put on a brave face and smiles; maybe he'll cry alone when the burden is too much, but Bobby is an optimistic person and it's not easy to extinguish his flame once its ignited.

But Bobby can also be a bit careless; sometimes he takes things for granted. Sometimes he also tends to be over-confident; too sure of himself and believe that he's right, while in truth, he also make a couple of msitakes here and there. Bobby can also be stubborn. He's also a bit self-centered, he's very conscious of how events would affect him and thus, he becomes a bit preoccupied with himself. His teasings can also be a bit too much sometimes, which can offend people;

"Together we're the A Team, a match and gasoline." Both of them are very good friends with each other. Together, they are the dumb and dumber, constantly joking and laughing around, teasing and mocking each other, bringing misery to others, and sometimes just cracking lame jokes. There's never a dull moment when she's with Bobby and for her, times spent with Bobby is good times and vice versa. They often bicker about a lot of things from important things to petty things like how Baymax is a lot cuter than Pooh and Miranda Kerr is prettier than Barbara Palvin. Sometimes Bobby would just tease Chaewon to the pits of hell because well, teasing Chaewon and annoying her seems to be one of his favorite hobby to pass time.

"If we only live once, I want to live with you." Despite all the mayhem they caused together, it's needless to say that they support each other's back like they support themselves. When Chaewon is in trouble, Bobby would waste no time to rush to her side and give her the support she needs until she can stand firm on her own two feet; and needless to say that Chaewon would drop anything she's doing and rush to Bobby's side when he's down. Being friends with him for so long, it's only normal for Chaewon to put Bobby on the top side of her 'Prioritized Person' list, not just because she likes him but because they've been friends for so long (and she knows she's also in Bobby's list of 'prioritized person').

"Someday, I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us." Even so, they won't hesitate to kick some sense into each other's skull when needed, after all, a good friend is a friend who reminds you when you make a mistake. They pretty much already known each other's perfection and imperfection; also each other's beauty and flaws. Bobby especially knows how oblivious Chaewon is towards her good traits and talents and though he sees it as one of Chaewon's endearing charms, he makes it his job and mission to make Chaewon realize what kind of wonderful and admirable person Chaewon is.

"Baby, your smile forever in my mind and memories." To Chaewon, Bobby is definitely more than just friend. She admires him, she looks up to him. It's easy falling in love with his charming smile and intriguing personality. Yet Chaewon refused to let her feelings show; to her, Bobby is something that's out of her reach. There's just no way Bobby would like her, he has known her ever since she's just a young girl so he probably only think of her as his best friend, if not little sister. Chaewon would just admire him from afar and would never make a move on him. Besides, she's already content with what they have now. Even so, it does hurt and she can't help but to get jealous and curious when other female celebrities are paired with him or expressed interest in him.

"Your heart is glowing and I'm crashing into you."For Bobby, he pretty much shees Chaewon as his best friend or little sister, though his heart might have a different opinion regarding the matter. The thing is, he may have developed some feelings towards Chaewon but because he's gotten too comfortable with the girl and too close with the girl, he may haven't realize his feelings yet. One thing for sure though, is that he's a bit protective around Chaewon. He knows how tender Chaewon's heart can be and the last thing he wants is to see her getting hurt. He also loves to , like, a lot, he just really adores the annoyed look on her face. He also doesn't hesitate to tell if Chaewon looked pretty today or whatsoever. Besides, Daehan wouldn't stop reminding him of what would happen if he dares to see Daehan's sister romantically. He himself thinks that as Daehan's best friend, Chaewon is definitely off-limit. But who knows, maybe one day that feeling will grow and he'll realize that he likes Chaewon too.

—The fateful encounter was in 2010. Chaewon, her little sister Chaeeun and her parents were working in The Lab. Daehan were still practising in YG. The Lab were a bit empty that time, only one or two customer. It was 11 o'clock; too early for lunch and too late for breakfast.

Chaewon were wiping off coffee stains from the table when the shop bell rings and the door opens; indicating there's a customer coming. She looked up and saw Daehan entering the coffee shop with a guy trailing behind him.

The boy was skinny, his hair was hidden under his dark blue beanie and he wears brown, thick framed glasses that made Chaewon cringed inwardly. She had a good guess about this new kid, Daehan had been talking about this new friend he got in YG for the past two days; this boy was probably Daehan's new friend.

There was nothing special about their first encounter, really. after introducing Bobby to Haeri and her parents, Daehan and Bobby sat down on Daehan's favorite spot in The Lab; near the window and a bit to the back. Of course, Chaewon apporached them to get their orders.

There wasn't anything special, as soon as Chaewon was close enough, Daehan introduced her to Bobby saying, "Hey, this is Bobby! Bobby, this is my sister Chaewon."

Bobby looked at her and a kind smile bloomed in his face, a smile that left Chaewon a bit stunned.

His smile was pretty. Bobby's eyes disappeared into eyesmile and his smile was wide, showing a set of big, bunny teeth. Chaewon had been a er for people with pretty smile and that day, she was fully captivated by Bobby's smile.

He said, "Oh, so you're Chaewon," the boy grinned wider, "Daehan said you were really talented, it's nice to meet you."

And like the shy little girl Chaewon is, she replied with a small, shy smile.

The Lab got a new regular after that and when Bobby was around, Chaewon, though she would never admit it, would admire him Bobby from the distance and let herself got a bit excited time she managed to get a glimpse of his smile.


— 30% of the sweaters, hoodies, and jackets in Chaewon's wardrobe are Bobby's. The status of ownership? Those belong to both of them.
— They love to buy matching beanies, snapbacks and sweaters. Whenever he's buying one and sees a similar one that's matching to the one he has, he'd totally buy the other one for her.
— Chaewon saves all pictures of Bobby (ft. her), is saved in a hidden folder in her phone and would browse through the gallery before she goes to sleep.
— Bobby loves it when he's able to make Chaewon blush or flustered because of his actions or words.
— Bobby loves to lean his head on Chaewon's shoulder while he talks, but he likes it more when Chaewon leans her head on his shoulder.
— Chaewon loves to hold Bobby's hand.
— Bobby really loves patting Chaewon's head or ruffling her hair; her angry or flustered reaction when he does that is always pure gold.
— Both would never admit but OneRepublic's Something I Need is their jam, man. It was created solely for them. (lol jk)
— The two of them would often buy matching stuffs or twin stuffs to commemorate something mundane like "2500 days of friendship" or "first time going to everland together!"

WILL THEIR RELATIONSHIP BE PUBLICIZED? » Yes, though it took a long time for it to happen; before their relationship got publicized, there are lots of speculations and rumors going on between the two so when their company finally clarified the rumors, the netizens were like "Finally, man, I knew it already."
The mask I wear.
PERSONA » Flowering Songbird
FANCLUB NAME + COLOR » Rose Red + Valentine Red

SINGING TWIN » Red Velvet's Wendy (x) (x) (x)
DANCING TWIN » Red Velvet's Yeri (x)
TALKING TWIN » Red Velvet's Irene (x) (x) (x)

Sparks Fly Between iKon's Bobby and Nefelibata's Rose? | Early 2017 | True | Around this time, Bobby and Chaewon are already dating. The rumor started when a netizen posted a picture of a pair that looked like Bobby and Chaewon with the caption 'I think they are Bobby and Rose, don't they?' which, of course, garnered response from the netizens.
Proof of iKon's Bobby and Nefelibata's Rose Relationship? | Mid 2017 | True | Another netizen spots the matching stuff they wear in public and like the previous rumor, this one garnered attention from the media; however, their relationship remained unclarified and netizen soon forget about it.
Nefelibata's Rose Under Fire for Attitude Problem? | Mid 2015 | False | The accident happened when Nefelibata's in radio interview; the radio host asked something that's too embarassing for Chaewon to answer and she didn't answer him instead. Netizen called her out for being a snob and impolite; but Chaewon's friends defended her through sns and she later on apologized through her sns.

— Was part of the line-up for YGGG but replaced
— Acted in G-Dragon's That XX MV
— Cameo in Taeyang's Ringa Linga MV

ON CAMERA » Honestly there's not many difference between off-camera Chaewon and on-camera Chaewon; around new people, she'll still be shy but if she's with her group, she would be more animated and talkative; she won't be shy to initiate skinship with her members and even do silly stunts or anything else that'll make anyone laugh but ruin her image.

When she's in a bad mood, she'll try to cover it all up with a smile as soon as she meet her fans or staffs because well, that day maybe the only time the fan can see her so she's sure as heck going to give that fan the best time of their life.

OFF CAMERA » When there's no camera around, Chaewon would be her true self, of course, freely expressing her discomfort and would immediately say what's on her mind; she'd be more free to act and speak.

YG ENTERTAINMENT. Being totally new to the trainee environment, Chaewon stuck close with her brother Daehan and Bobby a lot more than she liked; what else can she do, they're her only friends, or basically the only one she can talk to without feeling awkward. However it didn't take long before she received spotlight because of her singing skill; which is good because she garnered attention and a few other friends as well. Trainee time in YG was rough; competition was fierce and there were times when she felt like giving up; but with her friends around to help her share the load, it wasn't that bad.

When Yang Hyunsuk himself approached her and said she'll be one of the original line-up for the new girl-group, she was thrilled. But her happiness didn't last long; it wasn't rare she found herself slumped on the corner of the training room, bawling her eyes out because of Hyunsuk's harsh criticism, but again, her friends were always there for her so it didn't take long before she's able to stand up on her own feet.
Things went even downhill when one day, Hyunsuk told her she would not be a part of the new girlgroup; he found someone who fit the color of the group better both in terms of style and skill. She didn't take it well. It was a big blow both to her confidence and pride. Chaewon didn't know who that new girl was; she didn't want to find out.

She still stayed at the company, hoping that she can still change Hyunsuk's mind but weeks turned to months and she knew she'll never got a spot in that group, no matter how hard she wanted it or how hard she worked; so in mid-November, she left YG Entertainment.

STARDUST ENTERTAINMENT. It didn't take long before she tried auditioning in Stardust; her brother Daehan left YG when he didn't got picked to be in WIN show and joined Stardust instead. He told her Stardust was planning to debuting a girl-group and was looking for female trainee, so Chaewon gave it a go.

Of course, she got accepted and was immediately placed as the original line-up for Nefelibata. However, her performance wasn't as bright and glorious as she was back in YG; she was still butthurt about Hyunsuk's decision. But then again, she couldn't hate Stardust even if she wanted to.

Stardust was an okay company; it's small and new, but the staffs knew each other well and the rules weren't as tight as back in YG; she wasn't forced on crazy diet and she may train whenever she pleased (The CEO said it's their choice whether they want to debut or not, so it's their choice to practise or not); and with the small amount of trainee, it's hard not to bond well with each other.

Of course, she still had doubt whether if the group she's in would do well in the future or not; yes, but right now, she's content with the fact that she feel much much more at ease in Stardust and more like a family to the small, developing company.
Time to say goodbye.
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