// M O N O L U V // HAMADA KOYUKI // Cotton Candy.

hamada KOYUKI
浜田 小雪




Yuki ⋮ Friends & Family : A shorter, more affectionate form of Koyuki.
Snowflake ⋮ Jiwon : This nickname is given and used only by Jiwon. This is a form of endearment for Jiwon to use.
Shiba ⋮ Seulgi : She thinks Koyuki looks like the Japanese Shiba Inu and the girl's fondness of dogs makes Seulgi call Koyuki Shiba.
→ Kaonashi ⋮ Yuta : Meaning 'No-Face' Kaonashi is a character from Ghibli Studio that Yuki really likes so Yuta calls her this.
Baby Snow ⋮ Fans : Because her name honestly means little snow, so the fans call her this.
Shibe ⋮ Fans and Friends : Her love of dogs earned this nickname, her fans and friends often call her this in a joking manner.
→ Mudkip ⋮ Jiwon : Koyuki loves pokemon and Mudkip is her favorite one, so Jiwon calls her this.
→ Hachiko ⋮ Saeran : Since Koyuki loves dog and the only Japanese dog Saeran's familiar with is the Hachiko, Saeran nicknamed her this.

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ 19th of December 1997
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Kyoto, Japan
⟪ AGE ⟫ 19 ; 20
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Kyoto, Japan

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Japanese


→ Japanese ⋮ Fluent : She's born and raised in Japan.
→ Korean ⋮ Semi-Fluent : Prior to moving to Korea, she practises Korean everyday and now she's able to speak Korean without her Japanese accent, although she sometimes misspell or forgot some words.
→ English ⋮ Semi-Fluent : She has been studying english ever since she's young and is able to speak English without having any accent.

⟪ BACK UP ⟫ here
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 160 cm, 47 kg

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Yuki's fashion style is often super laid-back and casual which consists lots of graphic tees or hoodies or jackets or cute character bag or skirts like tennis skirt, denim skirt or a-line skirt. Her clothes are either 100% grayscale or 100% pastel. To Koyuki, fashion is about expressing herself so she always wear clothes that she deems 'Koyuki-worthy'. She also loves clothes with meme printed on it, so her clothes are either have jokes implied on it or just plain comfy casual.

Daily: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) 
Practise:  (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Dorm: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Airport: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)
Formal: (x) (x) (x) (x) (x) (x)

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Standing at 160cm and weighing 47kg, Yuki's physique is just like typical Asian girl. She has fair skin, her face is oval with pointy, pointy nose. Her eyes are big and round, doe-like eyes and it just draws people in. When she smiles, will reveal two little bunny teeth and her eyes will disappear into crescents. Peole often say they love her smile, because when she smiles, it's just so wide and shows her pearly white teeth and her little bunny teeth. It's honestly stunning and infectious.

Her hair is long is dyed blonde for the debut. She takes really good care for her hair so it's always so soft and silky and healthy.

Also, her body is slim and petite. Even so, she's not the type of person who can eat 24/7 but not gaining weight so she often works out to keep her shape. Overall, her body is well-built and her other feature is that for her petite figure, she still has curves, the right size, the right shape that her body is still proportional. She also managed to tone her stomach, thanks to SM's diet and workout, a nicely shaped abs are visible now.

There is a birthmark on the tip of her right collarbone, near her shoulder.



⟪ Positive ⟫ Kind, Loyal, Forgiving, Hard-working, Funny
⟪ Neutral ⟫ Honest, Shy, 
⟪ Negative ⟫ Overthinking, Stubborn, Indecisive, Emotional, People-pleaser

"Umm... Hi?" The first thing you'd know about Koyuki is that she's shy. She's not the type of person who'd approach you first. In a room full of strangers, she'll blend into background like a chameleon, preferring to just stick to herself rather than to find friend. The thing is, strangers just make her feel so awkward. When forced to hang out with people she doesn't know, she'll get tongue-tied, her brain panicking about how the other person would feel so boring to be with her because she's too quiet and bland. She'll try so hard to find any good topic to talk about but she'll find none and she gets so awkward and nervous because of it. Sadly, people often mistook her shyness as arrogancy, because she honestly won't interract with people she don't know well, unless she needs to. However, if she's paired with people she knows well or if she's comfortable with her surroundings, her more extroverted side can appear and she'll be much more sociable and approachable.

"Have courage and be kind." Koyuki has a side to her that is still child-like. A side that strongly believes in right and wrong, a child who grows up with parents who always tell her to be good and don't do bad things. She's a good kid and this is one thing you'd notice right away when you take a look at her. She treats everyone like how she wants to be treated: kindly. When she sees people who needs help, she won't hesitate to help. When she sees her friend feeling sad, she'll cheer her friend even if it meant staying up awake all night. The point is, Koyuki is a kind-hearted girl who believes that everyone deserves to be treated nicely, even the bad ones. She wants to leave her mark in the world, and she'll leave her mark in the form of kindness. And honestly, needless to say that her kindness is to a fault.

"You're my friend and I will stick with you through thick or thin." Koyuki doesn't easily open up to someone or think of them as her friend, but once she does see you as her friend, she'll be there for you no matter what. She is loyal and selfless when it comes to the people she loves so you will never see her backstabbing her own friend. In fact, she'll become protective of them and will go through great length to help them or make them happy. When her friend is wrong, she'll tell them they're wrong, but that doesn't mean she'll leave them. Her friends will always, always have her back.

"There is nothing to forgive." When hurt, Koyuki may feel vengeful, angry, hate, but as soon as the person at fault apologizes, all those negative feelings will instantly float away and Koyuki would forgive that person right there, right at that moment. She's never one to hold grudge, so even if the person at fault never apologizes, she'll find it in her to forgive them with time-and it never takes a long time. People often say that she always give chances to people who doesn't deserve it, but it is really, really hard for her not to accept an apology. For her, grudges and anger is not something to kept or remembered for a long time.

"No, it looks ugly on you, honestly, go change." Ask Koyuki for her opinion and she'll tell you as it is, no sugar-coat, no saving your feelings or pride. Koyuki is brutally honest so she doesn't hesitate to tell you a fact if she feels the need to. While this is a positive trait, sometimes when it comes to her, it becomes a double-edged sword, because she's really straight-forward, she doesn't realize that her words may have offend the other party. It doesn't really help that her choice of words are often sharp and may comes off as mean. That's just who she is. However, most of the time, she'll keep her opinion to herself unless you ask or she feels the need to voice it. She may be shy, but she knows that she'll get nothing or nothing will change unless she speaks up. If 's ugly, it's ugly, if it's nice, it's nice. When confronted with trouble, she doesn't play with sarcasm, she'll use her sharp tongue. Sarcasm, to her, is just a petty passive-aggressive way. If it's used for fun, it's fun, but when it gets serious and people still uses sarcasm, she'll tear them down with her razor sharp words.

"I'm overworking myself? Nonsense." That is what you'll hear when you told Koyuki she's been overworking herself. The thing is, Koyuki is a very passionate and hard-working person so it's really hard to snap her out of it when she's in the mood or passionate for something. To put it short, she'll only go home until she finished what we started. Training until ungodly hours is only natural for her. Don't even try to stop her because it doesn't have much effect.

"Well, good luck changing my mind." Which brings us to her first negative traits. Stubbornness. Really, Koyuki is really, really stubborn. Trying to change her mind honestly won't work. You'll just wasting your breath. She's the type of person who'll have to really drown in the water to believe that water is wet. One case is that she fell in love with a jackass, a boy, and she got into a relationship with her despite her friends warning-Really, she's stubborn that this man is 'different'-well in the end he cheated. No more boys after that. 

"I can't believe I did that, oh God, I'm screwed, I'm done for!" One thing that makes other people upset is that Koyuki always overthinks. She often try to sit down and analyze a problem or a situation, but most of the time, she ends up overthinking about it and only makes her feel worse. During her down times, she can't be left alone because she'll be left alone with her thoughts and it will only destroys her. Koyuki's biggest enemy is herself; her own thoughts. Every now and then she'll need to be snapped out of it. 

"I don't want people to hate me, I just want everyone to be happy, is that too much to ask?" People-pleaser is a good thing, but not for Koyuki. She has had a number of bad experiences in the past that made her so determined to be liked by everone and the simple thought of people talking behind her back or disliking her gives her so much pressure. She knows she can't please everyone but she listens to other people too much and she just can't help but wanting to be what everyone wants that it actually means putting her true self at risk. It's like she tries to put so many colors on her to the point that her true color is covered and overshadowed by the colors that aren't hers to begin with. This has been an issue she's struggling with for so long and she's been trying not to be so much of a people-pleaser-to live her life the way she wants to and stop listening to other people too much.

"...But what if I made the wrong decision?" Koyuki is also very indecisive. The thing is, she's just afraid of making the wrong decision and afraid to bear the risk, which makes coming up with a solid decision in a tough time really, really hard for her. Her indecisiveness is most visible when she's torn between duty and pleasing herself like, "Man today's class is honestly useless and I want to skip but what if? what if? Oh, man should I skip or not?!" honestly, she needs a person to teach her to woman up and make a decision fast and face whatever comes next bravely.

"I'm just a big lump of an emotionally unstable mess." Also, Koyuki is very, very, emotional. She's not the type to bottle up her emotions. When she's angry, she's angry, when she's sad, she's sad-she couldn't mask it. Koyuki is the most readable person in the world and she can't form a mask when she doesn't feel like it. This is her biggest downfall as an idol because her emotion is just so raw, so big and she can't control it-not yet, hopefully. While at the same time her emotions can change within minutes (if she/another person knows how), she also doesn't think quite straight when her emotions overtake her head. She can spit the meanest and do the stupidest thing when mad, can be unconsollable, crying mess when sad, and she can be the happies person for days if she's truly happy.

"Hehe, securitities." Lastly, Koyuki is a funny person-her sense of humor is so poor she laughs at even the lamest jokes and when she laughs, it'll take long time for her to stop. She also loves throwing lame jokes, puns and cheesy pickup lines every now and then, driving people around them mad. Collecting memes is her hobby and her phone basically is just a device full of dank memes. She also really loves dirty jokes and loves to spill dirty jokes every now and then-to people who appreciates them, of course. Aside from jokes, she loves to do stupid stunts that'll ruin her image. An expressive person, she's good at telling funny stories and would make people laugh.


(( 1997 )) Hamada Koyuki is born in Kyoto, Japan. It is said that during the labor, a snowstorm was raging and when morning arrives, the wheather is so cold but the snow is so thick and white, so her parents named her Koyuki, meaning, little snow. The Hamada family is a small one, only consisting of Hamada Ryosuke, her father, Nakajima Kazumi, her mother, and Hamada Haruki, her older brother. Growing up, Koyuki is often sheltered by her family because she's the youngest and a girl. She is the baby of the family. Her family loved music and art. Ryosuke is actually an art curator, but he loves playing the guitar and piano, when he has time, he taught Haruki and Koyuki how to play guitar and piano. Kazumi, is a vet but able to play the violin, so she taught her children violin, too.

(( 2004 )) It is at the age of 7 that Koyuki received her first vocal training. Kazumi is an ambitious mother, especially when it comes to her children's talent in art. While Koyuki is starting to pave her way as a 'singer', Haruki himself has already mastered some classical guitar and piano, also being fairly blessed with violin-he struggles a bit with this one. The kids are also good at drawing, there's an empty wall room in their house specifically made to satiate the kids' hunger for painting-which honestly, just kids drawing, but they have fun and Kazumi enjoys repainting it white every months. The family often performs in their big-family gathering, Ryosuke would play the piano, Haruki the guitar, Kazumi the violin and Koyuki would sing.

(( 2008 )) She's first introduced to Korean Pop at the age of 11 thanks to Boa, who at that time was promoting in Japan and was the current top artist there. She listened to all of her songs, both Japanese and Korean and from there, she knew KPop, she also started to learn Korean at this age, though she didn't take it seriously, just enough to know little bits of Korean

(( 2012 )) After graduating from middle-school, Koyuki and her family moved to Seoul, South Korea because of her father's job. Her family lived in Itaewon, her mother got a job in the nearby veterinarian while Koyuki got into Sunhwa Arts High School but Haruki stayed in Japan since he enrolled into a good university there. Koyuki also got a part-time job as a waitress in a coffee shop in Hapjeong. It was hard living as a foreigner in South Korea. She wasn't exactly welcomed because of her Japanese ethnicity so she didn't have much friends. Life for awhile, but it was at this point that she met Jo Saeran. Saeran was one of the prettiest girls in the school but she was hard to approach since she didn't talk much and always exuded an intimidating aura. They got paired for singing class at school and matched very welll. Against all odds, they became friends. Saeran tolerated Koyuki's accent-which others found funny and taught her how to pronounce Korean perfectly. It was kind of funny because most of the times, Saeran semeed indifferent to her but Saeran cared for Koyuki more than anyone else in that school. Though, Saeran wasn't the only important person she met that year. Cha Yoosung was also Koyuki's first friend in Korea, aside from Saeran. He was the son of the coffee shop owner in which she worked under. Yoosung was around her age, he went to SOPA and they got along well during Koyuki's time at the coffee shop.

(( 2013 )) In early 2013, Koyuki was introduced to Kim Jiwon, or Bobby through Yoosung. Jiwon was a YG trainee and a regular in the coffee shop. Three of them became friends easily. It was also at this year the thought of auditioning for an idol company came across her mind. It was first spoken by Saeran, suggesting Koyuki would've easily gotten into SM with her singing skill and her looks. Saeran then admitted that she was, at that time, a trainee under SM. The notion was interesting, Koyuki thought about it and discussed it with Yoosung and Jiwon. They told her it would be hard and she must have persistence and nerve of steel since trainee life wasn't easy and even if she managed to debut, it won't be any easier. So Koyuki braved herself to ask her parents' permission to audition at SM, which they flatly denied. She didn't give up though, it took her three months to convince her parents and in May, she got into SM through Saturday Open Audition. Much to her surprise, Saeran had already been a trainee in SM, a year before her, and their friendship blossomed even more. 

(( 2014 )) Koyuki was introduced by SM as one of the SMRookies in late 2014. This year, too, his family returned to Japan since her father decided to continue is work in their homeland. Koyuki stayed in Korea.

(( 2017 )) Preparing her debut with Saeran and 6 other girls in SM's newest gg, Monoluv.



  • (( chocolate )) She really loves chocolate, always have one of them in her purse. Chocolate cake, chocolate bars, chocolate milkshake, chocolate fudge, if it's chocolate, she'll like it.
  • (( books )) She loves reading to spend her free time. Her favorite are fantasy, self-help, poetry and motivational books. She really loves Harry Potter, LOTR, The Hobbit and Maze Runner series. She also really loves Haruki Murakami's books.
  • (( art )) Art holds an important part in her life. Her family, her youth, all of them revolves around art. Aside from reading, she sometimes go to an art exhibition or to an art museum. Her favorite is painting and her favorite painter is Frida Kahlo, Jean Michel Basquiatt, Naohisa Inoue and Tama Kiyohara.
  • (( movies )) Not a movie expert but Koyuki loves hitting the cinemas when there is good movie showing there. Though, her favorite movie genre is mostly animation, like BH6, Wall-E, Moana, The Lion King, Disney's Classic Princesses and of course, Studio Ghibli's movies. She also loves any Marvel movies and Star Wars.
  • (( kaonashi )) Koyuki's favorite Ghibli movie is Spirited Away and she really, really, really loves Kaonashi, a character in the movie. She even collects its merchandises such as backpack, lamp, plush toy, key chain, and phone case.
  • (( doraemon )) Koyuki's favorite fictional character after Kaonashi. She'd trade anything to have doraemon as her friend (and have that magical pocket of his). She owns a doraemon pillow that she always bring when travelling for a long time and its her sleep companion with the Kaonashi plush. 
  • (( video games )) Koyuki also loves playing video games, her favorites are Animal Crossing, Ace Attorney, Kingdom Hearts, Pokemon, Harvest Moon, The Legend of Zelda, Undertale and of course, The Sims.
  • (( perfumes )) She loves collecting perfumes, when she goes to the mall, she'll spend extra time at the perfume section. Koyuki always smells like flowers-thanks to her perfumes.
  • (( skin care products )) She just loves wasting her hard-earned money on masks, scrubs, lotions and such. Koyuki pays attention to her body a lot and she loves pampering herself with high-quality skincare products, even if it means emptying her wallet.
  • (( sky )) When walking or in a car, Koyuki loves to look up at the sky. She thinks the sky is the prettiest thing on earth-any artists can try to portray or capture its beauty but they can never 'truly' capture the beauty of the sky. She loves the afternoon sky, when the sky is so blue and there are pure white clouds every now and then, and sunset sky, when myriad of colors would mix on the sky, creating the prettiest shade of purple, or gold, or pink, or blue.
  • (( beach )) She also loves beaches. Her favorite place to go on vacation would be the beach because she really loves the scenery of sea and sand and sky and the feeling of seawater on her feet. A beauty she can never get tired of.
  • (( snow )) Well, her name means snow, so of course she'd like snow. She's the happiest when it is snowing and she'll just be a little kid and play with the snow and build snowman and make hot chocolate.
  • (( christmas )) Her favorite holiday. When it's November 1st, she'll blast All I Want For Christmas Is You and It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas in the living room, full volume. On November 2nd, the Christmas Tree is already set up.
  • (( animal )) Especially dogs. Koyuki really loves animals, she just wants to cuddle with them forever. Her favorite animal is a dog. She once said that if she didn't become an idol, she'd become a dog lady, spending her adult days only with the company of dogs.
  • (( Manga )) Koyuki enjoys watching anime and reading manga, but her ultimate favorite of all are One Piece and Detective Conan and her favorite characters are Luffy and Heiji.


  • (( rain )) No matter how much romanticists portray the rain, Koyuki can never, ever like it because to her, it's really, really trouble some. Her hair or clothes or backpack or shoes would be wet and she hates it. For some reason, she's always unlucky when it rains. The only time she likes the rain is when she's at home and heading to sleep and the sound of rain and slow rumble of thunder would be a nice lullaby.
  • (( spicy food )) Koyuki can't handle spicy food, like really can't handle it. Even when you only put the littlest amount of chili on the food-and it doesn't taste spicy at all-it's already spicy for her. She really couldn't stand it.
  • (( bugs )) Koyuki gets disgusted easily and bugs is one of the things she dislikes the most because they just have the... strangest shape and just... ew. If there's a bug in the room, she'll immediately call someone to move it away. Save for fireflies and butterflies, they're cute.
  • (( veggies )) Needless to say that Koyuki doesn't have the healthiest diet. If a meat and veggie are served together, she'll only eat the meat. That's why dieting is hard because SM's diet is strict and most of the menus are green and not to her liking.
  • (( sweating )) Koyuki sweats easily and she hates it. She'll feel like she's the ugliest and messiest person in the world when she starts sweating. She really envies those who rarely sweats
  • (( all talk )) She has had enough experiences with people who's all talk and no action. When she spots that kind of person around, she'll make sure to put a distance between her and that person.
  • (( petty people )) People who's overly dramatic and holds grudges bores them so much. Just let go, she thinks it's not healthy to carry such negativity for a long time. It's also useless to blow things out of proportions. Chill.
  • (( gossips )) One thing that Koyuki is proud of growing up introverted is that she rarely gossips about people. That aside, she really thinks it's pointless to hang out and talk about other people's flaws. She doesn't understand why some people enjoy analyzing other people to find their flaws and then make fun of it. Can't people just be nice to each other and welcome each other? She really distances herself from this kind of people. She really can't mix with them.
  • (( people who uses phone while driving )) Be it texting, calling, browsing, whatever, can't people NOT use phone while driving because it could lead to accidents. Be a smart driver.
  • (( sleep late, wake up early ))  because Koyuki is a firm believer of "8 hours of sleep" and she often gets pissed when she only have 5 or 3 hours to sleep and have to wake up early in the morning.  She'll get really moody after she wakes up.
  • (( slow walker )) Have you ever walked in the station or in the street and there's a person in front of you who just walks reaaaalllyyy slow? She dislikes it and it really tests her patience. She'll walk quickly to be ahead of that person.
  • (( people who blocks the way )) Like people who blocks the door, or stops midway in a narrow stair, or just blocks the way by talking to other people and makes other people can't go through. She really, really can't stand those kind of people and would tell them to move away immediately.
  • (( greasy hair )) Koyuki's hair, especially gets very greasy if she didn't wash it. She can't stand not washing her hair everyday because if she doesn't, her hair would be very, very greasy and it's disgusting to touch.


  • (( reading )) When there's free time, Koyuki is often found tucked on her bed with her reading glasses on, a book in her hands, a cup of hot chocolate or mint tea nearby and body wrapped in blanket.
  • (( watching movies )) Koyuki's pretty much enjoy being a hermit and spending her free time in her dorm, either reading or watching movies. She can spend the entire day doing neftlix and chill.
  • (( painting/drawing )) The ultimate stress reliever for her. She pretty much paints regularly but when she's really stressed, then this is her ultimate medicine. She'll lock herself in her room and paint until she finds a solution to her problem or calms herself down. Every of brush or pencil feels like a therapy for her, it helped her to calm down and think clearly.
  • (( strolling around )) When the confinements of her dorm feels too much, Koyuki will leave and heads out, maybe to the art museum, or nearby coffee shop, or to the park. She does this from time to time.
  • (( covering a song )) Covering and arranging a song is also something she likes to do when she feels productive and inspired. In her laptop, Koyuki has tons of song covers.
  • (( playing video games )) PC games, console games, phone games, even otome games, Koyuki likes killing time with this. Often staying up late just to finish a quest.


  • (( daydream, or just zoning out )) Daydreams a lot like you guys can honestly be nosy and loud as heck but she'll drown in her own world, daydreaming or just thinking about random things... though most of the time, she doesn't think about anything and just... stares ahead and zoning out.
  • (( "uh-huh." )) When someone is talking or telling a story, Koyuki says "uh-huh." a looooot of times to show that she's paying attention. Though, this phrase has double meaning. Either she's really listening or her mind was off somewhere else but pretends that she's listening.
  • (( biting her lips )) When she's being focused, concentrating or thinking hard, Koyuki unconsciously bites her lips. She also does this a lot when embarassed, nervous or feeling awkward.
  • (( talking to herself )) Koyuki talks to herself a lot, like saying "Oh, where is my phone?" when she's looking for her phone. It's not like she's asking someone, she's just unconsciously voicing her mind.


  • (( spider )) God no, even mentioning the name gives her chill. Show her a picture of spider and she'll yelp and covers her face. She fears and hates them so much that if there's a spider in the room, she'll refuse to enter it before making sure that it's dead. Also the reason why she's not really fond of Spiderman because, well, spiders.
  • (( zombies )) She didn't get the zombie hype a few years back. Is extremely terrified by zombies. Like, imagine waking up to find your neighborhood in ruin and suddenly you are being chased by a dozen of zombies... it's terrible.
  • (( badmouthed )) One thing that make Koyuki really hesitant of strangers is because people always talks and judge others even if they don't know hat person well. Koyuki isn't the type to handle negative comments very well, she's easily affected and her confidence would drop really low when she let those comments get to her head. At times, she can be strong enough to brush it off but sometimes she just cant help but to crumble down. This is one of the many reasons that makes her people-pleaser traits still exist until now, she wants to please people and make everyone happy so they won't talk bad about her.


  • (( yoboseyo )) Her phone is iPhone 6 Rose Gold with Kaonashi case.
  • (( daily necessities )) You'll always find phone, Nintendo 3DS, powerbank, wallet, a bottle of water, perfume and face paper in her bag or purse.
  • (( feeding my feeds )) Has a private IG: @breathe.meme and twitter: @megapunk just for the sake of it. All of them are protected.
  • (( dogs > boys )) Currently owns a black shiba inu named Tappei, Yoosung often takes care of it when she doesn't have the time.
  • (( sleeping beauty )) Has the ability to sleep anytime, anywhere. 3 mins into the car rides and she's off to dream land.
  • (( dog rescue )) Watches videos of dog rescues on Youtube to pass the time, often ends up crying becuse of it. She donates a lot to animal rescue organizations.
  • (( no dignity when laughing )) Her laughter honestly sounds like a dolphin... or printer or just... voiceless laughter with her body just shaking back and forth left and right. Her second laugh scares the out of other people because she honestly looked like she was possessed and in need of exorcism.
  • (( touch my body )) Is VERY handsy. She's the skinship devil of the group, always latching herself to someone 24/7, even if she's not that close to that person, she'll still latch herself onto them.
  • (( ah... )) Her Kaonashi doll is actually gifted to her by Bobby on her birthday. She carries it everywhere and takes reaaally good care of it.
  • (( pillows )) Also owns a dragon!Haku neck pillow that she also carries everywhere, especially when travelling far. It was a gift from Yuta.
  • (( touch my body )) Is VERY handsy. She's the skinship devil of the group, always latching herself to someone 24/7, even if she's not that close to that person, she'll still latch herself onto them.
  • (( bbuing bbuing )) Doesn't know if her aegyo is cute or disgusting, it's up to you to decide. However, she enjoys annoying the hell out of her friends by pretending to do aegyo.
  • (( legolas )) Was in her junior high's archery team and quite good at it.
  • (( "THAT was flirting?!" )) She's painfully slow and oblivious when it comes to dating and flirting. Couldn't smell a flirt even it it's a centimeter from her nose. It's quite funny, to be honest.
  • (( "I just really hate zombies." )) Has nightmares about zombies so often, sometimes as a survivor, sometimes she becomes the zombie. Has zombie nightmare even when she doesn't watch zombie movie or think about zombie throughout the day. Often dreamed them when she's stressed.
  • (( Gordon Ramsay will cry )) If he tries Koyuki's cooking because she at them. The only thing she can cook are chicken nuggets, ramen and egg (is ramen considered cooking though?). However, she really really wants to be a pro in baking because she really loves cakes and desserts and is envious of people who are good at it.


Father, Hamada Ryosuke ⋮ 50 ⋮ Art Curator ⋮

: Personality
Ryosuke is a chill dad. He believes trust is the most important key in handling his kids so he trusts his kids won't do bad things and gives them freedom but both of Koyuki and Haruki are expected to be responsible with the freedom they has. Doesn't get angry easily and constantly telling lame dad jokes that makes his family cringe. However he's a determined and strong person and Koyuki respects him a lot.

: Relationship with your character :
Koyuki is dad's little daughter, Ryosuke loves to spoil her a lot and she really, reallly loves her father. They texted each other a lot and Ryosuke doesn't hesitate to telll Koyuki if there's something bugging his mind. He likes buying Koyuki snacks or books because he knows she loves him. He was the one who make Koyuki believes that everyone should be treated kindly regardless of their race, background, or wealth.

Mother, Nakajima Kazumi ⋮ 47 ⋮ Vet ⋮

Personality ⋮
Kazumi is gentle, loving, but more strict than Ryosuke. She's also stubborn and straight forward but her children are her most beloved treasure in the world. Kazumi is also ambitious and hard-working. She puts others before her but her children and family will always be her top priority. However, she's a bit temperament and gets worked up easily. 

Relationship with your character :
Koyuki and Kazumi bicker a lot. Mainly because both of them are so stubborn that they clash often. However, Koyuki knows she can rely on her mother and she loves her mother with all her heart. Her relationship with her mother is like friends, she can tell her anything and joke about anything and vice versa. They video call every week and Kazumi worries for Koyuki a lot 

Older Brother, Hamada Haruki ⋮ 24 ⋮ Graphic Designer ⋮

Personality ⋮
Haruki is like the polar opposite of Koyuki. He's confident, bright, sociable and always make people adore him. He's also very naughty, he teases his family a lot, particularly Koyuki. Haruki is also very creative and is a bit harder to control than Koyuki. But he's very loving, kind and loyal to his family. His jokes are quite similar to Ryosuke's and it gives his family headache. He's also very protective towards his family.

Relationship with your character :
At first Haruki disses Koyuki a lot, telling her he'd trade her for a better little sister, however, there's no brother out there that could outmatch Haruki's love for Koyuki. He's protective of her yet he still trust Koyuki to stand on her own two feet. He was the one who helped her grow. The two are partners in crime, pulling prank to their parents and sneaking off together at night. No matter how old Koyuki is, she'll forever be Haruki's little sister.

Pet, Momotaro ⋮ 5 ⋮ Bringer of joy ⋮

Personality ⋮
The loyal shiba of the family who's very playful, energitic and loveshimself just a bit too much. He's been around since Koyuki was in junior high. A happy go lucky dog, he always seem to know when one of the family member is sad and runs to that person and gives him/her a friendly on the face/hand. Knows everyone loves him and uses it for his own benefit.

Relationship with your character :
Momotaro is basically Koyuki's son. She takes care of him a lot, walks him everyday and spoils him rotten. Momotaro is the closest with Koyuki in the family. At night, instead of sleeping in the dog bed, Momotaro often sleep with Koyuki on her bed. However, after the family returned to Japan, Koyuki rarely sees Momotaro and she misses him a lot.


Best Friend, Kang Seulgi ⋮ 23 ⋮ Idol ⋮

Personality ⋮
Seulgi is kind, really kind and helpful. She's also very innocent and gullible, often ending up as the object of teasing in her group. Seulgi is also forgetful but she has a kind and big heart and oozing with charisma despite her clumsiness-it always shows, her clumsiness really, really shows. She's also a bit shy but she has charm that draws people into her.

Relationship with your character :
Koyuki admires and loves Seulgi a lot. She's pretty much an older sister Koyuki never had, constantly helping Koyuki with her dance and supported Koyuki in her darkest times, especially when it has to do with trainee life. Seulgi herself treated Koyuki like her little sister. She knows all of Koyuki's deepest secrets and dreams and vice versa. Sometimes, Seulgi even take Koyuki to the karaoke, instead of going there alone.

Best Friend, Jo Saeran ⋮ 20 ⋮ Trainee ⋮

Personality ⋮
Saeran is reserved and often oozing with dominating arua that makes her look snobbish, intimidating and cold. She's also very cautious and isn't very friendly towards strangers, but underneath her cold exterior is a warm heart that cares deeply for her loved ones. Saeran is also very sarcastic and blunt, so she matches well with Koyuki.

Relationship with your character :
Like it or not, Saeran is often act like Koyuki's bodyguard or protector, she's the one who urges Koyuki to take risks and step up for herself. In exchange, Koyuki is the one who understands Saeran wholly, not many have that privilege. Saeran and Koyuki are soulmate, they're unseparable and they will always have each other's back no matter what. Saeran will stay by Koyuki's side even if Koyuki's in the wrong and vice virsa. 

Best Friend, Nakamoto Yuta ⋮ 22 ⋮ Idol ⋮

Personality ⋮
Yuta is a guy with sarcasm running through his veins. He likes teasing others with his sarcasm, even his parents. He's one of the savage members in NCT. Nevertheless, he has good heart. Yuta is sensitive but he tries a lot not to let it show. He's also outgoing and enjoys having fun with his friends. Yuta is also quite wise, very open-minded and believes in equality, as seen on his famous opinion in Abnormal Summit.

Relationship with your character :
Since both of them are fellow Japanese, it's easy for them to bond and be the best of friends. However, they drag each other a lot, with Koyuki continuously dissing Yuta and him roasting her as well. However, Yuta will forever has a special heart in Koyuki's place. Being with him feels like home-well, he's Japanese, of course he reminds her of home. They hang out together a lot and always know what to say to each other when one's having a rough day to cheer them up. 

→ Best Friend, Cha Yoosung ⋮ 20 ⋮ College Student ⋮

Personality ⋮
Yoosung is bright, sociable and really nice. He's always helpful and a total people pleaser. He never turns his back on people who needs help. He's also very funny, often spilling jokes that are high quality and actually funny, unlike Koyuki's. He's also very caring, smart and reliable.

Relationship with your character :
Yoosung is one of the few who helped Koyuki adapt to living in Korea. He also helps Koyuki with her homework when she's doing it in his coffee shop. Even until now, they still text each other a lot and meet up often. Yoosung treats Koyuki like a little sister, he helps her when she needs it and they always have fun together, often pulling prank to the unamused Saeran. 

Friend, Kim Jiho ⋮ 20 ⋮ Idol ⋮

Personality ⋮
Jiho is radiant, energitic, playful and friendly. No wonder why she's dubbed as Endorphin Jiho because she's always beaming with energy and happiness and infects people around her. She's also very loving and caring towards people she likes.

Relationship with your character :
Jiho is Yoosung's junior in school and Koyuki met her through Yoosung. They clicked right away and became friends, often gossipping about girl stuff and makes Yoosung life a living hell. Jiho and Koyuki meets up often and texts each other a lot.

Friend, Kim Yerim ⋮ 18 ⋮ Idol ⋮

Personality ⋮
The social butterfly of Red Velvet, Yerim is often dubbed as Lucifer, Joy's partner in crime in trolling the unnie-line. Yerim is bright and playful and is the energy ball that lightens up the mood easily.

Relationship with your character :
Yerim is like a little sister for Koyuki and they two sometimes hang out in a nearby coffee shop and take lot of cute selfies. They've been friends since Koyuki was a trainee and helped each other a lot.


Mentor, Kim Jongdae ⋮ 25 ⋮ Idol ⋮

Personality ⋮
Jongdae is kind, friendly and always eager to help. His kindness is almost to a fault since he's always so sincere and genuine in what he does and never ask anything for return. Jongdae is considerate, he thinks of others before his own comfort and is very caring towards people he loves.

Relationship with your character :
Jongdae was Koyuki's mentor and is a brother figure to her. Koyuki admires him for his outstanding vocals and his beautiful personality. They often texted each other and Jongdae also treated Koyuki like a little sister.
Describe his/her relationship or interactions with your character


⟪ CHOSEN PLOTLINE ⟫ Cotton Candy


Koyuki's name was quite well-known even as a trainee. One, for her outstanding vocal skills, two, because she's close with Saeran and Saeran was already famous for her beauty. Even so, it was no lie when people said trainee life was hard. She had a hard time balancing her school with her trainee schedule. There were times when she felt like quitting and everything felt useless, but her friends and family helped her get through. She befriended other SM trainees. She's extremely close with Kang Seulgi, who's like an older sister she never had, Nakamoto Yuta, a fellow Japanese like her.


  • 2016 // Sung "Everytime" with EXO Chen for DOTS OST // Link 
  • 2016 // Modeled in NCT U's Without You MV // Link 

⟪ SINGING TWIN ⟫ 15& Jimin // (1) (2) (3)

⟪ DANCING TWIN ⟫ Name // Link

⟪ RAPPING TWIN ⟫ Name // Link

⟪ PERSONA ⟫ tba


⟪ FAN NAME ⟫ Snowman

⟪ FAN COLOR ⟫ tba

Kim Jiwon

⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ member of iKon ⟪ AGE ⟫ 21
⟪ DOB ⟫ Dec 21st 1995 ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ write here



→ Pooh ⋮ Yuki teases him a lot by calling him Pooh or BobbyPooh because of his attachment to Winnie The Pooh. Pisses Bobby a lot.
→ Bugs Bunny ⋮ Or sometimes just Bugs. To Koyuki, both Bobby and Bugs Bunny are annoying (but cute) so this is her affectionate nickname for him. Only Koyuki who can call him this.
→ Pepe ⋮ Since he shamelessly said that Pepe is his crush on his secret IG, Koyuki calls him Pepe.
Jiwonnie ⋮ An aegyo(?) version of his name? Again, only Koyuki can get away with calling him this.

⟪ PERSONALITY ⟫ Bobby... Bobby is many things. He's bright, friendly, confident, assertive, lots of people would describe him with many positive traits.

Well, it's true. Bobby is bright and kind. He's always eager to help, sometimes too kind for his own good, but he cares a lot for other people, even if they are strangers. He believes people should be treated as equals and helping each other is a must. It's been imprinted on his personality since long. His bright attitude energizes people around him and when your mind is coulded with worry, or stress, or problems, he won't hesitate to drop what he's doing and help you get back on your feet.

Confidence has always been one of Bobby's forte. He believes a lot in himself, because, hey, in the end we only have ourselves, who else would support ourselves if it's not us? So he's confident and believe in himself. When he walks into the room, his aura is strong and people would find their eyes traveling to him unconsciously. He's confident in his ambitions, his dreams, he's confident in what he wants. Bobby is always sure of what he wants and he knows how to present himself in a way that makes people respect him.

Even so, he's very humble. He never let fame gets into his head. He remembers every single person who helped him to be where he is now and always give them credits. Arrogancy will bring him nowhere and he knows this well. So he works hard. Hard-worker is also one thing to describe him. He knows there's always be a person who's better, so he has no right to be arrogant and that's the reason why he works hard because he always seeks for improvement. It's not a rare sight to see him practising in the studio until 3 AM. He's an ambitious person and he has great dreams and great ambitions and he'll work as hard as he can to achieve them.

Bobby is also loving, his heart has so much love to give that he cares so much for the people he loves. He'd prioritize their happiness over his. Like how much he cherished his family, he just wants people he loves to feel happiness all the time and is protective of them.

He's also a very observant person. Though he may look like he constantly throwing jokes every now and then, Bobby never fails to observe those around him, able to pick up their mood or feeling just by studying their gestures and their choice of words. This is what makes him so sensitive to his surroundings and always seem to know if anyone around him is having a bad day.

He's also very funny and animated, constantly brightening up the atmosphere by throwing jokes or doing something funny. Sometimes it's just totally cringey and sometimes it's just really lame, and the next time it can be sarcastic. 

However, Bobby has a very thick shell to break. It's easy to get along with him but it's hard to truly know him. Bobby likes to keep his group of people small, a tiny circle of people that he truly trusts and feel comfortable with. And he hasn't actually opened up to numerous of people, despite his carefree attitude, so it's quite hard to get to know him-only select few can crack his shell.

But even if you are able to get to know him deeper, he would still confuse you because he never burdens you with his problems. Some say it is because he's too prideful to admit that he has problems and he doesn't want to be seen weak, others say that he just think other people have enough on their plate and he doesn't want to add more.

Even when he's tired, or troubled, he'll only show it when there is no one who can see him. Instead, he'll put a mask and cheer on other people who are also tired-his team mates. Bobby fights his demons alone, even when he thinks he can't, he's hesitant to reach out to others.

He also likes to maintain his personal space and solitude. While he likes having fun with his friends and members, he'll slip away from them regularly, enjoying his solitude.

Bobby is also stubborn. Too stubborn for his own good and a bit too ambitious. He's sure that by achieving his ambitions, he'll make others and himself happy, but probably unaware that he may or may not have hurt his loved ones in the process.  

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT ⟫ Fusce scelerisque sagittis arcu, eget pellentesque tortor pharetra eget.

⟪ SCENE REQUESTS ⟫ Mauris tempor, mi vitae sollicitudin imperdiet, diam lacus venenatis libero, at fringilla risus nunc non elit.

⟪ PASSWORD ⟫ hehe remember our password?



— "Together we're the A Team, a match and gasoline." Both of them are very good friends with each other. Together, they are the dumb and dumber, constantly joking and laughing around, teasing and mocking each other, bringing misery to others, and sometimes just cracking lame jokes. There's never a dull moment when she's with Bobby and for her, times spent with Bobby is good times and vice versa. They often bicker about a lot of things from important things to petty things like how Baymax is a lot cuter than Pooh and Miranda Kerr is prettier than Barbara Palvin. Sometimes Bobby would just tease Koyuki to the pits of hell because well, teasing Koyuki and annoying her seems to be one of his favorite hobby to pass time.

— "If we only live once, I want to live with you." Despite all the mayhem they caused together, it's needless to say that they support each other's back like they support themselves. When Koyuki is in trouble, Bobby would waste no time to rush to her side and give her the support she needs until she can stand firm on her own two feet; and needless to say that Koyuki would drop anything she's doing and rush to Bobby's side when he's down. Being friends with him for so long, it's only normal for Koyuki to put Bobby on the top side of her 'Prioritized Person' list, not just because she likes him but because they've been friends for so long (and she knows she's also in Bobby's list of 'prioritized person'). 

— "Someday, I will be strong enough to lift not one but both of us." Even so, they won't hesitate to kick some sense into each other's skull when needed, after all, a good friend is a friend who reminds you when you make a mistake. They pretty much already known each other's perfection and imperfection; also each other's beauty and flaws. Bobby especially knows how oblivious Koyuki is towards her good traits and talents and though he sees it as one of Koyuki's endearing charms, he makes it his job and mission to make Koyuki realize what kind of wonderful and admirable person Koyuki is.

— "Baby, your smile forever in my mind and memories." To Koyuki, Bobby is definitely more than just friend. She admires him, she looks up to him. It's easy falling in love with his charming smile and intriguing personality. Yet Koyuki refused to let her feelings show; to her, Bobby is something that's out of her reach. There's just no way Bobby would like her, he has known her ever since she's just a young girl so he probably only think of her as his best friend, if not little sister. Koyuki would just admire him from afar and would never make a move on him. Besides, she's already content with what they have now. Even so, it does hurt and she can't help but to get jealous and curious when other female celebrities are paired with him or expressed interest in him. Nevertheless, she gives Bobby all the support she can give. It was tough cracking his shell and even after all the years they've spent together, Bobby still hesitated to burden her with his trouble so Koyuki takes it as her job to coax him and constantly letting him know that it's 100% okay to tell her if somethin is bugging his mind. She always knows when he has something on his mind. Bobby, she respects him so much and there's a special place in her heart for him. Of course, she teases him a lot and often pranks him, she trusted him with all her heart, though she's often annoyed at how easy he reads her. She also doesn't hesitate to criticise Bobby and scold him if he does something that's not right.

— "Your heart is glowing and I'm crashing into you." For Bobby, he pretty much shees Koyuki as his best friend or little sister, though his heart might have a different opinion regarding the matter. The thing is, he may have developed some feelings towards Koyuki but because he's gotten too comfortable with the girl and too close with the girl, he may haven't realize his feelings yet. One thing for sure though, is that he's a bit protective around Koyuki. He knows how tender Koyuki's heart can be and the last thing he wants is to see her getting hurt. He also loves to , like, a lot, he just really adores the annoyed look on her face. He also doesn't hesitate to tell if Koyuki looked pretty today or whatsoever. Bobby 'reads' other people easily and Koyuki is the easiest person to read, the easiest one he has ever encountered, though she despises it (because she dislikes the thought of other people reads her thought or soul so easily). He's the one to know when she's troubled and he'll come to her and help her as much as he can. He also knows how it irks her that Bobby rarely tells her his worry. Well, Bobby's never one to confide in other people, he solves his problem himself, but one of the reasons why he's hesitant to tell her his troubles because he doesn't want to appear weak to her and he's so used to be Koyuki's pillar of support, how could he be her pillar of support if he wavers? Even so, when he do gives up and tells Koyuki his worry, his fear and his troubles, he's often amazed by how good she is at giving advice, she's open-minded and takes thing well and think the problems through. Though he reads people easily, he always seem to overlook Koyuki's feelings for him-maybe it's because he's always brushing things off with "Of course she can't like me, we've been too comfortable to ever develop feelings." however, it doesn't stop him to feel just a liiiittle bit possesive or jealous when she seems chummy with other boys he doesn't recognize.


It was Saturday in mid January, Seoul was snowing and it's cold as heck outside. Yoosung's coffee shop was unusually barren that day, only three customers and it was quiet save for the Christmas songs playing in the background. Koyuki was bored behind the counter, trying to finish her homweork when suddenly the  shop's door opened and a guy wearing blue beanie and a cringe-worthy glasses walked into the coffee shop. As if on cue, Yoosung walked out of the kitched, spotted the guy and greeted him. Turned out the guy's name was Kim Jiwon, or Bobby, and he's been a regular in that coffee shop. Yoosung then introduced Koyuki to him and Bobby said, "Oh, so you're Koyuki! Yoosung talked a lot about you!" and being the awkward girl she was, Koyuki just let out a forced laugh. However, ever since that day, Koyuki began to see Bobby a lot more during her shift, sometimes alone, sometimes with his friends. That was the start of their friendship.


  • They're at a point where Bobby's stuffs are Koyuki's stuffs and vice versa.
  • You can always find Bobby's caps, sweaters or hoodies, or shirts in Koyuki's wardrobe.
  • They often meet in secret, in the cafe where they first met.
  • They love to buy matching beanies, snapbacks and sweaters. Whenever he's buying one and sees a similar one that's matching to the one he has, he'd totally buy the other one for her.
  • Koyuki saves all pictures of Bobby (ft. her), is saved in a hidden folder in her phone and would browse through the gallery before she goes to sleep.
  • Bobby really loves patting Koyuki's head or ruffling her hair; her angry or flustered reaction when he does that is always pure gold.
  • Bobby loves to lean his head on Koyuki's shoulder while he talks, but he likes it more when Koyuki leans her head on his shoulder.
  • The two of them would often buy matching stuffs or twin stuffs to commemorate something mundane like "2500 days of friendship" or "first time going to everland together!"


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