✕ㅤ무단침입 ;ㅤYoon Hae Chan

Yoon Hae Chan
that's your idea of 'perfection'?
character name   Korean-Yoon Hae Chan
                                     English-carlos yoon
aliases  〉- channie (given by his family as a short form of his name)
                  - snoopy (given by fans because when he smiles he resembles snoopy smiling)                      -hitler yoon (given by member and fans because of his sometimes sadistic attitude)
birthdate   august 29 1998 (age 18)
birthplace & hometown   busan,south korea
ethnicity   korean
nationality   korean
languages   korean (Fluent-native language)
                           English (conversational)
                           japanese (fluent-self taught)
                           chinese (conversational)
faceclaim  V (bts) 
backup faceclaim   jung daehyun (bap) 
appearance   Height: 178.5cm
                             weight: 64kg
                             has piercings on his ears
                             has a generally nonchalant,cool demeanor for a first impression
                             a little baby-faced
personality traits  
 ( POSITIVE ) Hardworking,humorous,caring (although it isn't obvious)
( NEGATIVE ) Fussy,demanding,bossy


--{At first sight}

when one first sees hae chan,he may pass off as a pretty ordinary guy with nothing much to make him stand out.they would just see a blank face,hard to make out any emotion.Like a piece of blank paper.but if they pay just a little more attention to him,the blankness on his face merely just adds to the cool,self-confident aura he has around him.

-- (in a nutshell}

Hae Chan is a very hardworking guy who works hard and strives for the best in anything he does.Never sparing room for mistakes and a strong believer in reaping what you sow,he constantly works hard to acheive his desired goals.This trait of his could be both positive and negative as Hae Chan sometimes work a little too hard therefore tiring himself out.A guy who pays close attention to details,he can sometimes be misunderstood as being difficult and a snob.this can come off as him being very demanding too as people could get irritated by his constant reminder for perfection.It would be right to say his standards are practically sky-high.Just like what he expects of himself.Extremely fussy about things,most people tend to steer clear of him and his sky-high standards.

However,this man has a great sense of humor.Hae Chan has a more sarcastic sense of humor which can sometimes hurt others unitentionally or make them laugh out loud.Could go either way.A bossy person by nature,he likes to be in charge.Instructing others to do this and that could be extremely rude of him without him realising it.The fact that he's one of the 'babies' around makes it even worst.He won't get angry easily unless his items or beloved ones are at risk.It can be safe to say he does not lose his temper easily as long as you do not tamper with his things.

Hae Chan can be caring to the people around him,just that he doesn't show it all the time.An appropriate term would be 'silent nurturer'.The guy who doesn't express his care in words but mostly through body language.If someone were to fall,he would just offer the person a helping hand rather than asking the person if he or she was ok.He generally looks like the type to prefer war over peace but really it's the other way round,something like a peacemaker.Hae Chan is more like the type to want everything in order yet perfect to him.

despite all the strict,stoic traits,hae chan has a little of a playful streak in him.this usually comes out of the blue,therefore catching others by surpirse.Once one gets through the cold rough facade he puts up,they would find a sweet warm inner.


When he decides to let one into his world,it is a pretty golden opportunity.He does not trust people easily,only building strong bonds with those he has been friends for a good amount of time.The inner him although still critical and bossy,is much sweeter and kinder.He would be the best friend you never had.The kind of friend that treats you to lunch regularly and visits you often when you are sick (Unless his schedule is really busy).


With fans,he is generally friendly with them.Not exactly the king of fanservice,Hae Chan doesn't go overboard in doing aeygo or complimenting fans just for the sake of it.When he meets with a fan during a fansign event,he would usually just smile and greet them formally.Perhaps make small talk with them and sign their albums just the way they like it.


Onscreen,Hae Chan is usually one that answer questions the mcs throw at them.Any questions no matter how awkward,leave it to him to answer them calmly.It can be interesting sometimes and funny too when he replies back with weird answers.He's not quiet though and can be quite talkative at times when needed.


With a practical and realistic outlook on love,this man still has this really playful and romantic streak in him when in love.He is the man who would humor and find chances to cuddle up with his beloved,probably to the point of forgetting to be serious when needed.Like a changed person.A faithful lover,he would shower his queen with love and won't ever make her feel abandoned.

 Yoon hae chan was born to an average household in busan,south korea on the 29th of august 1998.his parents were teachers in a high school and had an older sister who was 3 years older than he was.they were generally a very blissful family,with the occasional scoldings when either of the two get into trouble.both him and his sister were introduced to the concept 'knowledge is power' and were reminded constantly to study hard to obtain what they want in the future.they were made to be well-rounded.they were sent for classes after classes.it was like his childhood comprised of tuition classes and courses.hae chan had wanted to be a high school teacher at first because of the heavy influence from his parents who he saw as people that simply knew everything.
as elementary school rolled by eventually,his school would hold annual talent shows which features singing and dancing.not saying it was an entirely new concept to him,but his parents hardly ever introduced him to learning how to sing and brushing it off as 'nothing'.he would listen to them sing and dance,wishing he could be just like them.possessing no knowledge of the arts,hae chan would look up the songs on youtube and try to sing along.his ambition to become a singer then began to blossom.
at the young age of 10,he tried to audition for juno entertainment but failed.he didn't give up though and tried at age 12 for sm entertainment but didn't make the cut as well.it was only when he was 13 and audtioned for juno entertainment did he get in.
— Video games (eg.Halo,Call of duty) 
— Ellie Goulding (He looks up to her as a role model in his singing career)
Beef Bulgogi (His favourite dish of all time)
—marvel comics (spiderman is his favourite)
—bubble baths (one of his ways to destress)


— When people overuse 'LOL' in texting 

—Biology (This subject has never been one he was really good in)

—Advertistments that pop out when he's surfing the net (One of the few things that get him extremely annoyed)

—Unrealistic films (eg.werewolves,vampires) (Though with the exception of Harry Potter)


 — Tracing his lips when deep in thought
—Tends to talk in his sleep

— Cycling around the neighbourhood

—Writing short stories about the members

—playing video games


— Hae Chan hardly ever dislikes anyone but if he finds out someone dislikes him for an invalid reason,he would dislike the person more than the other dislikes him

—He sometimes sleeps with his eyes open

—Can take gore very well but never wants to watch it

— the leader has stated that he either comes up with the best or the worst ideas. There's no in between.

—Hae Chan says that his ideal date would be something unique,like taking funny interesting quizzes to know more about each other or play tag at shopping malls 

—Has never dated before

—He hardly watches himself on television and once said,"I have been there,done that.I don't see why I have to watch what I did all over again."

—Once Hae Chan is focused or engrossed in one thing,he doesn't get distracted no matter what

—He sometimes goes over to got7's dorm at night to play video games with jackson or the other way round

—Is a light sleeper who will wake up at any noise

—When he is angry,he would bottle it up inside and try to ignore it

—Has won in several writing contests before

—Hae Chan does not like the idea of being inferior compared to others,which probably explains why he always tries to be the best in whatever he does

—Most people finds his laugh cute but he insists that y is a better word 

—When asked which member he would date if he was a girl,his reply was,"None of them...I know them all too well and it's not exactly attractive." (Sorry if this offends you ><,you can choose to omit this?)

—Although he has a good figure,he hates to show it.

—He knows nothing about cooking with the exception of hard boiled eggs and instant food

—He wanted to be a singer after he saw a singing talent show in his elementary school

 —Hae Chan can't hold his liquor well

—During his trainee days,Hae Chan used to go through sleepless nights wondering when he was going to debut

—The one thing he must have in his backpack would be his favourite baseball cap

—when girls try to do aeygo on him,it's one of the things that really get him irritated

—He really likes the movie Big Hero 6 and wanted to voice the korean version of Hiro

—His first ambition was to become a high school teacher

—His favourite song is Ellie Goulding's Love me like you do

—Hae Chan can write really well and the genre he specialises/likes to write is action and adventure

—If he could be granted a superpower,he would like to have the ability to defy gravity as a power

—He is scared of egyptian mummies

—In elementary school,he once liked a girl.But when the girl forgot to bring her homework one day,he stopped liking her.

—It's hard for him to have a fixed motto because it changes all the time,almost every two weeks

—once dressed up as fairy during a dare given by jeonghoo and was made to walk around juno entertainment building.

—has a slight busan accent 

—doesn't like chocolate but likes chocolate flavored things

—because he looks so much like bts's v,people often call him 'other v' as his personality is so different from v's.

—he takes the longest time to memorise dance moves

—once cracked his new phone screen when he tried to test how durable it is

—likes to go on public chatrooms as a girl (you cannot imagine how horrified he was by the number of men hitting him up)

—if hae chan likes someone,he would be harsher on the person and critique on anything the person does.if he dislikes someone,he would ignore the person completely.

—sometimes when he's in a good mood,he likes to draw moustaches on the member's faces when they are asleep as a prank

—his ideal holiday destination is greece because he really wants to vist the parthenon

—the biggest trouble he got into with his parents was when he stole a classmates's key ring in elementary school

—he summarises people's personalities usually base on their music taste

-- Jung ho joon/oc/trainee in cube ent/20/ho joon is a friend that isn't particularly close but one of the friends that stuck for long.he is a bubbly,talkative guy who probably never understood the definition of joking to the point of shameless.he was also the one who introduced sorn (love interest) to hae chan.
--shin hyejeong/idol/aoa member/23/hyejeong is one of those people hae chan can really talk to.she is his listening ear when he needs it and offers the relevant advice on trainings and practically anything.he also see hyejeong as a reliable noona.
--lee tae hyuk/oc/juno ent staff/28/tae hyuk is a man who likes to goof around and doesn't really take his work seriously.he always call hae chan 'lucky rascal' because of how tae hyuk once trained under juno but didn't debut.
--Jackson wang/idol/got7 member/22/jackson is some sort of a buddy to hae chan and is one of the few people he can truly be himself with.truly let go and be the child in him.they are sort of competitive over each other on video games but overall they are best buddies with a mutual passion for action.
others   ideal type: Someone who is down-to-earth and loves with all her heart
family members  
father/yoon jae sang/50/high school teacher
mother/kim yeon ri/48/high school teacher
older sister/yoon hae min/21/university student
stage name   Hae chan
stage persona   opera-chan (On stage when hae chan sings the high notes,he almost always spreads his arms out when doing so.this gesture reminds fans of opera singers in a concert hall hence the persona and the chan represents the fairy in him *throwback to the dare)
position   main vocalist
backup position   lead vocalist,lead dancer
talent twin  bts's V (shinee's jonghyun)
speaking twin   bts's jungkook 
training duration   4 years
trainee life & predebut experience   trainee life for him was pretty much uneventful.his trainee friends would come and go,some that quit and some that debuted.as a trainee in juno entertainment,he didn't have a fixed best friend.most of his friends would be way too busy and some would have left.hae chan was the kid that would turn up for every extra trainings and there waw this one time he was offered to appear in a music video.
obviously as merely a trainee,one would be thrilled and nervous.that was exactly how he felt but it also led to his downfall.within two days,he was replaced by another trainee after supposedly looking too 'stiff'.this rejection was a huge blow for him and he started to push himself even harder.during this period of time,cube and juno entertainment had an exchange programme where some trainees from both companies would train under the other for a few months.
hae chan was one of the trainees selected and that was where he met sorn.they were introduced by mutual friends and would sometime go on outings with their group of friends.however,he never really got close to her and would sometimes only make small talk with her.
love interest   chonnasorn sajakul/idol (clc)
backup love interest   goo mi ran (oc)/camera girl
relationship   friends
first meeting   sorn and hae chan first met at an outing among mutual friends.hae chan didn't really pay much attention to sorn and spent most of his time just trailing behind the group and talking to people he knew more.sorn on the other hand,was the more outgoing one who chatted and joked around with the others.she had tried to make small talk with him  but all she got at first was short curt replies like,'yeah' and 'ok'.hae chan had found her very talkative at first but then decided to just go with the flow.it was only when they were having lunch did they start to have a proper conversation.
interaction   their interaction is kind of more one sided,where sorn is usually the initiator of conversations.usually when they interact,it's kind of interesting to see one so bright and dramatic while the other dark and nonchalant.sometimes when they talk about topics which interest them both,it could be an entirely different story all together.they could almost go audition for a place at a gag concert because their actions are just so funny when imitating certain things.
eventual relationship   could you decide for me? I really don't know ><
suggestions   songs
                            -hip hop style songs...i guess?
                             -weekly idol
                             -running man
                             -trepass's own show 
scene requests   -they have a horror night where producers test their bravery
                                    -sorn tries to make hae chan jealous by hanging out with other guys
username & alias cherryfruit101 & cherry


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