( ↘ 김수현'S NEXT DOOR.



NAME : Kim Suhyun
 수현아 (Suhyun-ah); This is what her parents and closests friends call her - specifically used when her mom scolds the hell out of her.
 언니/누나 (Unnie/Noona); She will insist that you call her unnie/noona. It's honestly all to satisfy her ego. Kinda like how guys like being called oppa (or senpai in Japan TuT).
악동생 (Akdongsaeng); It's a combination of akdong (meaning brat) and dongsaeng (meaning younger sibling). Only her brother calls her this and this is what he uses when he talks behind her back. But she knows that he's talking about her... Oh how she knows. She hears everything!
BIRTHDATE :  05111992 (Scorpio)
AGE : 21 (in 2013)
BIRTHPLACE : Busan, South Korea
HOMETOWN :  Busan, South Korea
 Korean; Native language - she also speaks the Busan satoori (dialect).

 English; Semi-fluent - she was an excahnge student in New York during her Junior year in High School.
A BRIEF DESCRIPTION "I may be short, but you are still beneath me!"  
Suhyun may look like your typical girl next door, but I swear it's a trap! Do not fall for it! True to her astrology sign the Scorpio, she will sting you if you give her a reason to, and it's going to HURT like a motherf-..  It's going to hurt a lot ok? She's incredibly witty and will without a doubt shoot you down (literally or not, you'll have to figure that out for yourself. You have been warned!) in a debate/heated argument. But honestly, she only has an über tough shell on the outside to protect her super soft and fluffy self on the inside. Deep, deep, deep down, underneath all the layers of sarcasm and hate, she actually cares a lot more than you think. 

— Lim Kim (of Togeworl) + links X O X O
— Seulgi (of Red Velvet) + links X O X O
HEIGHT : 158cm
WEIGHT : 50kg   

When Suhyun moved to Seoul to pursue her studies, she dyed her hair platinum blonde to mark the beginning of her new life as an independant adult in the busy city of Seoul.
- "Oh wow, Suhyun! I love what you've done to your hair! Where'd you get it done?"
- "Prison."
- "-__-"

She has a nice and warm browness to her eyes, despite her piercing gaze. She has a lean and fit figure as she enjoys staying active and working out. Effectively letting all her frustrations and aggressions out through a session of thai boxing. At least she can't go to jail by physically injuring someone during boxing, yeah? She loves pampering herself too, often taking long bubble baths and using face masks to keep her complextion and skin radiant and healthy as . Thanks to Nature Republic and Etude House of course.Her daily make-up routine is simple. She just likes to freshen up with a little bit of blush (to make her seem more warm and approachable) and a little mascara and liquid eyeliner (to make her look less dead). 

Her daily style is also rather simple with a twist of modern chic.This makes her seem mature and responsible despite the devious  (bordering murderous) thoughts running through her mind. She's doesn't really wear anything with vibrant colors or pattern and would much rather wear mellow tones and hues.

"Secretly plotting your death. JK!"

She is the typical white-tee and jeans gal.

And sometimes she'll spice things up by wearing denim too. X

Or a button shirt. X

Honestly anything Lim Kim wears ;D

And her fashion icon would have to be Alexa Chung.  X O X O
Who knows? Hopefully her style will blossom into that when she grows older. 

     "I like games that turn people against each other - like Monopoly."                        "I also like doing nothing with no one."
— positive; focused, playful, intuitive, passionate, loyal
— neutral; intense, competitive, curious, cunning, witty
— negative; (can be) reserved, revengeful, childish, vicious, overly defensive


"Oh yay! We should celebrate by getting drunk you guys!"

— focused; When she sets a goal in mind, she will do everything she can to accomplish it. She'll tune everything out and plan the most effective (and easiest) way to get there. As long as she doesn't loose her motivation or drive along the way, she'll prove succesfull 99.9% of the time.

— playful; Although her naturally reserved nature may make her seem cold and aloof, she's definitely a child at heart. She'll be up for any adventure and/or prank if you're brave enough to ask and include her. Sometimes she'll go a little extreme on the pranks and may even suggest illegal ones, but at least she's up for it and ready to support you no matter what. Also she enjoys playfully teasing her dearest friends (for fun though, nothing too serious), just to see the look of despair on their faces. Her sense of humor is extremely deadpan (think April Ludagte if you've ever watched Parks and Recreation - she's the source of most of the quotes on here! TuT), so do not take whatever she says seriously. She's really only kidding. I hope.

— intuitive; She might not say much, but she knows everything- and you don't necessarily have to be the one to tell her. Chances are, she'll probably know even before you do. Her intuition is so strong it's like she can read minds. It's honestly thanks to her observation and deduction skills. So don't lie to her. She will be able to tell. 

— passionate; Again, her exterior may fool you because she actually cares a whole lot more than you think. And when she's passionate about something, she'll be ready to do anything and everything. That's why she sort of fears falling in love again. She's not too keen on the idea of losing control of herself like that. Who knows what she might do once it happens? Couple shirts? Cheesy romantic dinner dates? Long walks in the park? Hell no! That's gross. Only nerds do lame stuff like that.
P.S. She's a major tsundere.

— loyal; Once she falls in love though, she'll be devoted to her significant other and only love and look at him. All the other guys won't matter! This goes out to all her other friendships too. If you win her over, she'll protect, defend, care and love you until the end. She also has a tendency to repay you doublefold- but she'll want to be secretive about it! So if you buy her a cookie, she will bake a dozen for you the next day, nicely put them in a basket and then drop them off at your front door anonymously. You'll know it's from her though, even if she doens't sign her name anywhere. She'll always include a little "thank you, you are awesome"-card somewhere.

                "Yeah hi, heard you were talking about me again."

— intense; This can go both ways because it's great when she really really loves something (like you ^^) or it can go horribly wrong if she really really hates something (like you '^').

— competetive; This too. It's great if you and Suhyun are on the same team then YAAY! But if not. I'll pray and light a candle for you because if she wants to win - she will win and completely crush you in the process.

— curious; Ever since she was a little girl, her mind has constantly wondered how things were connected;
"why is that thing like that? what is that and what does it do? how does it do that? is it possible to light it on fire, yes or no? what do you mean it hasn't been lit on fire before? want me to try it out?"
She has since then carried this attitude with her until now, getting a bit more personal though. She wants to know everything little thing about you. "what makes you, you? what are your opinions on this matter? why is that? what do you mean?"
It may seem a little overbearing at first, but honestly, take it as a compliment! It just means that she's interested in you and would really like to get to know you better.

— cunning; She's good when she needs to get the job done. But she will take whatever measure necessary to get to where she needs to be. Sorry.

— witty; She can be funny and quick with comebacks to jokes and she can keep going and going. But the flipside to the coin is that she is just as quick and witty when it comes to insulting comebacks and comments. If she wants to see you cry, it will happen.

                  "Hi. My name is Suhyun, I'm 21 years old and I like people, places.... and things.
                                  I also like Ritalin and I have a low self-esteem. Kthnxbai.
                 - Suhyun on introducing herself to the judges when she ran for a beauty pageant
                                              (she did it for the money of course -_-).

— reserved; Although she seems sociable and easy to get along with (when she wants to be), she'll not really talk about herself unless you ask - and she'll only reply what you ask her about. She'll also keep to herself unless you take the inviative to talk to her. It's not because she's shy or lacks sef-esteem as she lied about on the above quote, she's honestly more of an introvert and doesn't really have the need to always talk and communicate with other people. This can get a little problamatic since she'll know a ton of things about you, but you won't know anything about her. So keep in mind when talking to her, to personally ask about her too. Although she'll seem unphazed, she'll secretly be really flattered that you care enough to ask. 
- "So Suhyun, why the hell do you enjoy setting things on fire so much?"
- "Do you want me to tell you or do you want me to show you?"
. "GDI -__-"

— revengeful; DO. NOT. CROSS. HER. This is for your own good or you might as well get ready for your own funeral.

— childish; Yes. And she might not even realize how silly the entire situation and how unreasonable she's starting to sound. If you are wrong in her eyes, then you are wrong and YOU have to apoligize first! Because she's too immature to be the bigger guy. She's still young and full of pride. -_-'

— vicious; As mentioned earlier, with witty insulting comebacks, some of them can and WILL GET VICIOUS. She will get down and play dirty tricks just to see you fall.

— overly defensive; Because she's the onlly one who knows how soft and vulnerable she really is on the inside, she has managed to build strong walls on the outside to keep enemies from stabbing her at her weakest point. Don't take it too personal, it's not that she hates you. That's just the way she is. Maybe you can show her that humanity isn't all that bad and actually sometimes worth trusting.

                  "Yeah sure she may look cute as hell, but Hell is coincidentally where she comes from. So it make sense."
                                                                        - Kim Jonghyun (her older brother)


Honestly, no one understands how the hell Suhyun ended up the way she is today. Even her parents often wondered if there was something they did wrong. And if there was, what? Truth be told according to Suhyun, her parents were the absolute best and she couldn't have wished for better parents. Growing up in Busan with an older brother (Jonghyun) who cared a lot for her, protected her and guided her just like an older brother should, was all she really needed. She only has fond memories of her childhood, even though she was a total menace and already pulling pranks on poor Jonghyun. Her parents and Jonghyun eventually accepted her mischvious nature; besides... They all knew that deep down, she was a genuinely wonderful and caring humanbeing with a heart of gold - she just didn't show that side of her very often.
During her sophomore year in high school, she met a boy that changed everything for her. His name was Lee Changhyuk and he had the cutest smile, and his hair was always so perfect and his eyes had that special sparkle and  ...
Long story short, they were classmates and they started dating.
It was the typical puppy-kind-of-love, they would hang out right after school, do homework together, grab a milkshake, walk by Haeundae, have long phone calls during the night and even play the "no, you hang up first- game. It was lame yes. But Suhyun was happy and everyone could see it. She was glowing, she was smiling more and people were no longer afraid to approach her.

When she reached junior year, she decided to go study abroad in New York City (Jonghyun had moved there two years prior to study law, so it's not like she would be completely alone in the Big Apple). Although she was happy in Busan with Changhyuk and all their high school friends, she still wanted to gain som experience and some independance. So with everyone's support, including Changhyuk's, she flew off to New York with high hopes and expectations. She was also looking forward to seeing Jonghyun again - she had missed him dearly. Although she didn't show it, Jonghyun knew.
He could easily tell.
- "Awww Suhyun, is this for me?"
- "What? Ew. No! As if I would get you a present."

- /reads the card attached and smiles warmly/ "Thanks Akdongsaeng, I love you too."

In New York, she lived with a host family who had a daughter her age, Ashley, and they hit it off right away and became best buddies almost immediately, despite the language barrier. Ashley was a gorgeous half-Japanese girl and she helped Suhyun a lot during the first few months.  She showed her around the school (thank god they went to the same school), toured her around the city, helped with the language as well; basically Ashley was an absolute angel to have around and to that Suhyun will forever be grateful for. Although Jonghyun was nearby too, he still had his own studies to focus on so having Ashley around was a major help. Spending a year in New York was definitely what Suhyun needed. The experience made her wiser and stronger, and through the experiences, she's met a lot of people. She was also rather surprised because finally, people appreaciated her deadpan humor and dry sarcasm. No one was getting offended or feeling insulted by her comments, but rather laughed with her and even joked along which was ing great! 
Even though she enjoyed her time in New York, she could feel that it really wasn't the place for her - like it was for Jonghyun.You could tell that this was where he belonged, and she didn't blame him. The city was definitely his calling. She was happy to see him happy. So after she finished her semester, she traveled back to Korea. She brought Ashley along with her this time, since Ashley really wanted to study in Busan for a year because WHY NOT? (Swap-program FTW!) So Ashley came and lived with them during her final year of high school. Suhyun also introduced Changhyuk to Ashley - which turned out later to be a HUGE- MISTAKE, but she didn't think too much about it then. She was just glad that her boyfriend of nearly two years now was getting along with her bestfriend. During finals however, Suhyun caught Changhyuk cheating on her with Ashley. It was unfortunate yes. But then again, they shouldn't have invited her over for a study session if they didn't want to get caught. Yes it was awkward when Ashely got home (she still lived with Suhyun and her family), but Suhyun kept it cool and pretended like nothing happened. She smiled and treated Ashley as if she didn't just see her heavily make-out with her boyfriend.
Ashley and Changhyuk were of course super suspicious, knowing Suhyun's revengeful and devious nature. So one day  they asked her straight up if she was plotting their deaths. She replied calmly with a smile: "No. I'm planning your funeral." 
She was kidding of course. Truth is, she didn't have a plan for them. All she wanted to do was graduate and get the hell out of Busan. She didn't want to be reminded about it anymore. It hurt too much. 
Sure she could've planned out a revenge plan, but honestly... She didn't want to hurt them the way they hurt her.
Nobody deserves to ever feel that kind of pain. She's not that cruel.
Also, she was glad that she caugh them in the act. Who knew how long they were going to keep on lying to her face. She was glad that she was now aware and ready to cut them off from her life forever. 
Nobody has time for that kind of negativity in their lives. Life is too ing short for that kind of drama.

When she finally graduated from high school and got accepted into XOXO University in Seoul, she packed her bags, dyed her hair and got the hell out of there.
She was going to start over and leave it all behind, finally moving forward and moving on. 
Suhyun moved into a nice little apartment with a young university student as well. Her name was Yoona and her apartment was SWEET! It was in Idae and the location was perfect. Yoona however was not so nice. 
Suhyun found Yoona's apartment ad online (she was looking for a roommate), so Suhyun had immediately responded to that seeing how perfectly located the apartment was. The rent was a little too much, but Suhyun didn't mind. She would be getting a summer job anyways in Starbucks so she would make the money and eventually catch up with rent. 
When summer was over though, Suhyun stayed at Starbucks. She didn't entirely hate her job there. Plus, she got a kick out of purposely writing people's name wrong. Especially when they got pissed. She loved it.
A few weeks later, Suhyun noticed how Yoona's wardrobe was starting to look rather... Fancy (aka hella expensive).

"That's a nice leather jacket, Yoona." Suhyun said, looking from her Murakami book.
"Thanks!" Yoona smiled and continued to admire herself on the mirror. "It's from the Dior S/S Collection."
"Dior?" Suhyun cocked her eyebrow. Yoona worked at Lotteria. How the hell could she afford Dior?
"Yep. Bought it with the extra rent money from you." 
"Extra rent money? Suhyun put her book down. "What extra rent money?" 
"Oh you know..." Yoona continued and started to groom her hair. "The extra rent money. From what I'm charging you for."
Yonna then turned to look at Suhyun and smirked. "You didn't think it was that expensive to live here, right?"
"What are you-.. So what you're saying is that you stole from me?" Suhyun asked, crossing her arms.
"Well... It doesn't sound so good when you put it that way but..." Yoona just sighed as if she was the victim here, "Anyways... I'm moving out soon."
"What the hell?! WHEN? And.. Where?!?" At this point, Suhyun was ready to murder her roommate.
She didn't move all the way from Busan for this .
"Possibly tomorrow if the interview goes well. It's somewhere in Lucky Avenue. I've got a friend who's got a friend who knows someone who's the cousin of the person renting out this place. It should be really nice." Yoona naively continued.

Suhyun kept asking about the place and how to get in - even asking for the specific adress and on what time Yoona's interview was supposed to start.

Then the next day, Suhyun switched Yoona's phone off so her alarm wouldn't wake her up in time for the interview. 
She then made arrangements to sell all of Yoona's furniture so she could get her money back. She made more than enough but no way was she sharing any of it with Yoona. Besides, if the place was as fancy as Yoona said it was going to be, she knew she would be needing the money more than Yoona and her expensive taste for clothes. 
After selling off the couch, Suhyun marched off to Lucky Avenue to meet up with Sooyeon. 
"Hopefully they don't list names or I'm screwed." She told herself. If anything she didn't want to lie to owner.

The interview went better than Suhyun expected. First off, Suhyun immediately fell in love with Sooyeon's posh and snobbish exterior, and second she really respected Sooyeon and admired her for her accomplisments in the fashion industry. Suhyun was all about female empowerment and Sooyeon could definitely tell. Sooyeon at first was intimidated by Suhyun's cold appearance and was ready to reject this snob. But then she started talking and Sooyeon could tell that behind that icy exterior was an intelligent and cunning indivual - she could definitely use someone like Suhyun in the industry. Sooyeon liked the fact that Suhyun was very open about the fact that she was actually not supposed to be here and that the interview was originally scheduled for someone else, but she didn't think that her former roommate deserved the spot either (she did sound like an even bigger ). Shortly after the interview, Sooyeon accepted Suhyun as a resident. So Suhyun's honesty and courage definitely paid off. 

                                    "Yes, it's very important that I am cute and powerful."

"Are people becoming more annoying or am I becoming more angry?"

LIKES :( 6 min — 10 max )
• the rain; it's her favorite weather. She'll even go out and start singing and dancing if she's in the mood.
• horror movies; she gets scared yes, but she loves the thrill and hearing other people scream with her.
• social media; she's actually a social media freak despite not saying much. She loves taking photos though and uploading them on Instagram or Snapchat. She's not so much on Facebook anymore - she's too hipster for that.
• pizza; her favorite food. If you buy her pizza, she will love you forever.
• cats; she loves them because they're quiet, independant and super cute. Kinda like her.
• reading psychology-related books; anything that'll blow your mind - she's into it.

DISLIKES :( 6 min — 10 max )
• liars and lies; just don't do it.
• when it's too dark and too silent; it's her own fault she knows, for watching too many horror movies. She has a wild imagination and she'll freak herself out even if there is nothing to be freaked out about.
• ignorance; please read up on your facts before arguing with her. She'll know when you know nothing and will use it against you. Especially if you're absolutely wrong and won't even listen to her.
• traffic; she has no patience for it. That's why subway is her choice of transportation.
• snoopers; don't snoop around her things without her permission. She values privacy too much. Just ask her first dammit!
• octopus, snakes, worms and snail; they creep the hell out of her.

HOBBIES :( 3 min — 5 max )
• reading; she's an avid reader so you'll often find her with a book in her hand.
• snapchatting; don't judge. You do it too. Admit it.
• working out; this is anger management and her way to let off some steam. So don't try to pick a fight with her, she does Thai-boxing and will not hesitate to give you a black eye.
• baking; she actually enjoys it and she's pretty good. Her choco-chip cookies are the BEST!

HABITS : ( 2 min — 4 max ) 
• sleep talking; she'll often mumble something incoherent and other times she'll actually tell you something important about life while asleep.
• eye-rolling; especially when she knows that you're lying and that you're full of bs.

FEARS : ( 2 min — 5 max )
• octopus; growing up in Busan near the fish market, she knows how terrifying these can look - and she would honestly rather swim with a shark than an octopus.
• snakes, snails and worms; SHE WILL SCREAM IF YOU THROW THEM AT HER!

only include those relevant to the story ( 10 min. )  
— her instagram is: @su_hyun92

— blood type: O+  
— has a liscense but no car so...
— will drink if alcohol is available. she's not addicted, she just really likes to get drunk. especially when surrounded by idiots.
— her favorite movie is Mulan
— she's just a huge fan of Disney in general
— she still keeps her stuffed toy (cat) Artemis and often sleeps with it
her wish is to travel the world one day. her dreams destinations include (but are not limited to): Hawaii, Cambodia, Dubai, Greenland, Brazil and Egypt.
— her favorite drink is green tea. she drinks it every morning.
— her favorite book is Revenge by Yoko Ogawa

     tumblr_mvc0s3HXcz1swwjrho6_250.gif       tumblr_mvc0s3HXcz1swwjrho2_250.gif       tumblr_mvc0s3HXcz1swwjrho4_250.gif     
— Kim Jinho (FC: n/a) | Father | 44 (2013) | Cargo Manager for Korean Air | optimistic, kind, soft-spoken | Suhyun has always respected and admired her father. Although he's not the one she opens up to and shares all her feelings with, she can still count on him for protection, life guidance and awesome gardening tips. It's thanks to her father that their backyard looks like a freakin' magical garden! She loves her father dearly.

— Park Yerin (FC: n/a) | Mother | 43 (2013) | Kindergarten Teacher | patient, social, friendly | Although they have their differences at times and sometimes bicker and nag at each other, they share some precious moments together too. There is no one Suhyun trusts more on this entire planet than her own mother. Her mom means everything to her!

"She told me once that the first step to murder was to have fun 
              and be yourself. She was 8 years old."

— Kim Jonghyun (FC: Kim Jonghyun of SHINee) | Older brother | 23 (2013) | at the moment doing voluntary work in Thailand | energetic, humorous, impulsive | Suhyun would've turned out way worse than she is now had Jonghyun not been around to guide her. He was always there for her when she needed him, even if she didn't actually need him he was still there to save her . It's thanks to him that her criminal record is still clean and she hasn't been thrown in to prison yet. But even if she had been, he would be there immediately to bail her out.


(Hopefully she'll develop friendships with some of the girls in the house TuT)

OTHER : ( optional )

— Lee Changhyuk (FC: Keisuke Asano) | Ex-boyfriend | 21 (2013) | University Student | charismatic, determined, easy-going | Changhyuk taught Suhyun how to love and how to kiss like you mean it! He was the first to tell her that she had really pretty eyes and the first to show her that falling in love wasn't all that bad. It was unfortunate how things ended between them, but Suhyun still thanks him for the memories. 

— Ashley Ishii (FC: Yuka Mizuhara) | Former best friend| 21 (2013) | University Student | charming, artistic, thoughtful | Suhyun was drawn to Ashley's kind nature. She was extremely friendly and sweet to Suhyun already within the first day Suhyun came to her house. She liked that Ashley wasn't scared or intimidated bu her and that she wasn't quick to judge either. Besides her mother, Ashley was the one Suhyun poured all her feelings, hopes and dreams to. And now she hasn't spoken to Ashley since she moved to Seoul. 

— Choi Yoona (FC: Moon Ga Young) | Former roommate | 22 (2013) | University Student | confident, proud, naive | Suhyun never liked Yoona. She just lived with Yoona because of her apartment.
  tumblr_nlpeq9yzYF1sqy4rjo2_540.gif       tumblr_nlpeq9yzYF1sqy4rjo3_540.gif

D.O.B : 06051002 + 21 (2013)
NICKNAME : only 2 max, it's optional to have none.
— Kyun (큔); this will be explained later on, but long story short this nickname is derived from the time Suhyun misspelled his name on purpose when he ordered at Starbucks.

— That thing/This thing (이것/그것); they really don't get along well at first and so she'll even refuse to call him by his name.

PERSONALITY TRAITS 3 min. for positive and negative each. not counting neutral.  
— positive; reliable, generous, loyal, approachable

— neutral; cheeky, talkative, persistent, sassy
— negative; stubborn, resentful, intemperate, tends to hold grudges

— reliable; although he jokes around often and says a lot of bull, you can definitely count on him to get the job done. If he says he'll do it, you may as well consider it done already. He's dependable and does all he can to keep his promises. He's always on time for whatever arrangement and/or appoinment and will never let you down. He hates breaking promises. If he fails to meet up with you, he will call you at least a week in advance and reschedule.
— generous; becuase of his friendly nature, he's always ready to give, give and give. It's a wonderful trait to have of course, but extremely unfortunate if people take advantage of him. 
— loyal; he's extremeluy quick to trust, so once you have him on your side you'll be in for a fun ride! If you lose him though, you'll lose him forever. He values trust and honesty a whole lot, so don't screw it up.
— approachable; honestly you don't have to approach him. He'll approach you and soon enough you'll be telling him things you've never told anyone before. But that's okay, because your secret will be safe with him. And you KNOW he'll take it with him to the grave if he says so.

— cheeky; even if his comment was meant to be super insulting, he'll deliver it in a highly amusing way you won't actually notice it was an insult - instead you'll just laugh and then maybe punch him in the face later once you realize it's still an insult.
— talkative; he's great when the atmosphere is awkward and totally silent. He's the perfect person to break the ice and the tension because he always has something to say, however it if all you want is peace and silence and he's in the room. It's better for you to take a walk outside than to try to shut him up.
— persistent; because he's so good at getting things done, he'll be great to have around when you need to get something done too. He'll be the perfect cheerleader and constantly remind you to get your done. Of course it'll get annoying in the long run if he keeps on nagging down your neck, but in the end you'll realize that it was all for your own good.
— sassy; this goes a little deeper than cheeky, since sassy is an attitude. It's great when it's all fun and games, but if he's pissed at you, you better watch out and brace yourself.

— stubborn; even if he's wrong he'll insist that he's right until he's fully convinced that he's actually wrong. And it takes A WHOLE LOT of patience (and courage) to change his mind or his view on something. Good luck!
— resentful; if he's in a bad mood and feels like he's been treated unfairly (or he's just having a bad day), his sass level will rise and he'll be extremely bitter and irritated the enti
re day. Just give him some space to breathe, ironically talking to him won't solve anything - if anything that'll just annoy him even more. So just let him be. He'll talk again when he's ready.
— intemperate; when he's mad, he's REALLY ING MAD and will drag everyone down with him. He'll lash out, yell at you if he has to and rant so much your ears start to bleed. So do not test him, son. 
 — tends to bear grudges; you know that saying "forgive and forget"? Yeah well that doesn't apply to him. So before you betray and cross him, think twice before doing so or you might as well be dead to him. He'll give you the silent treatment and refuse to ever talk to you again.

They first meet at the Starbucks, the one Suhyun works at, a week or so before she moves into Lucky Avenue.
And it went a little something like this:

"And what's your order for today, sir?" Suhyun asked, smiling at the young man who was obviously busy talking on the phone so he probably didn't hear her. Yay. It was another one of those obnoxiously loud people.
"Excuse me..." Suhyun tried to get through to him again. He was holding the line up and there were customers behind him that were waiting too.
"Yeah, hang on a second." He told her signaling for her to shush. This was an important phone call after all, someone from the company and he couldn't just hang up now.
"At least step aside so-.." Suhyun really tried to get the line moving. 
"Venti Machiatto!" He cut her off, then resumed talking on the phone.
She just glared at him and pressed in his order.
He was being really rude and she didn't like rude.
"And your name, sir?" She asked, getting ready to misspell it - whatever it was.
"Baekhyun." He quickly said, not even looking at her.
"I'm sorry what?" She asked again, faking a smile.
"Baekhyun." He repeated.
"I'm sorry,"
"Baek... Hyun..."
"Can you repeat it again please?"
"... Baek. Hyun." He looked at her annoyed this time, still on the phone, listening intently.
"Bae-.." She tried again
"..khyun." He finished.
"So Bae-Kyun?" She asked, ammused at how annoyed he was starting to look.
"Baekhyun, damn it." He said raising his voice, but then quickly apologized to the person on the other line of the phone.
"Ah... Okay." Suhyun nodded and smiled again, writing his name down.
"배큔" (Bae-kyun)

A few minutes later when she handed him his order, his expression changed again. 
"Look, I'm really sorry but can I call you back?" He said into the phone, calm and yet... 
"Is this a joke?" He asked her after he put his phone away. "I mean really? After I repeated my name numerous times to you , you still..."
"Well I'm sorry, that's what I heard you say." She replied him, her tone nonchalant.
"Are you deaf then?" He asked, glaring at her.
She looked at him, her glare just as icy cold as his. How dare he?
"Maybe if you took your head out of your own I would be able to hear you more clearly next time!" She fired back.
"That's it!" He yelled at her, "Where the hell is your manager?! I need to speak to him so he can get your fired!"
"Yeah, well I need to speak to your mother and tell her what a huge disappointment you are!" She yelled back at him.

And let's just stop it here before it gets too obscene.
What happened in the end was that the manager came out and had to break them apart. Suhyun luckily didn't lose her job that day since Baekhyun was equally mean to her, but she did get a warning.
A warning that Baekhyun is attempting to turn into an official pink slip so she can get fired.

Honestly these two will constantly be bickering and at each others throats at all times It's best not to be in the same room as them. They always test each other's limits and see who can get the last word this time. Because they drive each other nuts, they can't seem to think about anything or anyone else - and so they're constantly in each others minds.
But surely after a while of constantly arguing, their faces will eventually get closer and closer while they argue and all that that they've been trying to ignore and surpress will finally shut them up - and they'll end up looking at each other's lips instead. 

Also, they're not afraid to share how much they hate each other to everyone else.

Baekhyun: Do you ever just want to gently place your hands on someone's cheeks...
Chen: Are you talking about Suhyun again? I know you're in love with her dude, geez!
Baekhyun: /ignores Chen/.. and hold their head in your hands and look them into their eyes...
Chen: /rolls his eyes/
Baekhyun: ... then violently jerk their head on a right angle and snap their neck.
Chen: /widens eyes/ Well.. That took an unexpected turn.
Baekhyun: /nods/ Yes... So will her neck.

These are just episodes that illustate their interactions further: 

When Suhyun has one of the late shifts in Starbucks, Baekhyun will be that one costumer who walks in 5 minutes before it closes and take a hella long time to figure out what to order. It's okay, Suhyun will still spell his name wrong and even greet him as "Kyun!" with a smile plastered on her face.

One day they meet at a book store and Baekhyun catches Suhyun trying to reach a book that's at the top shelf. He grabs it for her then laughs at her taste and calls her a nerd. So she shoves him into a table of non-fiction best sellers and that is how Suhyun and Baekhyun got banned from the quirky neighborhood bookstore.

One night Suhyun goes out to jog. Baekhyun sees her and decides to quietly sneak up from behind to scare her. She gets scared all right and reacts quickly by punching him right in the face. 
Baekhyun wakes up the next day with a black eye.

Baekhyun gets into the university's elevator and sees Suhyun approaching. He quickly pushes the "door close" button repeatedly but Suhyun makes it in. Since she knew what he was trying to do, she furiously pushes all the buttons before his floor to make him late for his class. The elevator can't keep up and evenually gets stuck. 
"YOU STARTED IT!" is all they have to say to each other.

As they're stuck in the elevator, they start to engage in actual normal conversation - still with a hint of hatred and loathing, but at least they start to joke with each other.

The following are excerpts are from their conversations in the elevator:
"If ever I were to murder you," Suhyun says after a while, "I'd choose to murder you in the winter so I can stab you with an icicle."
Baekhyun chuckles, "Why an icicle? That's lame... Why not a dagger instead or something cooler?"
"Because the icicle will melt by the time they find your body and there will be no murder weapon."
Baekhyun nods in approval.

"You know," He continues, "I heard that if you kill someone in international waters on an unregistered boat then throw the body overboard, they won't be able to trace it into one legal system, so you can't be prosecuted for their murder."
Suhyun smiles amused, "Is that how you plan on murdering me?"
"Maybe..." He smiles cheekily.

"It's funny because people think I'm quiet." She says, resting her head against the wall, "But really I'm just listening to people's conversations and figuring out their weaknesses. Then I can use their weaknesses against them to get further in life."
"You really must hate everyone." Baekhyun replies.
She nods slowly, "And I hate you the most."
"I'm flattered." He grins.
"You should be." She chuckles along.

"Actually, I think snowflakes are the perfect metaphor for people." He says, gazing into nothing.
"Yeah?" Suhyun says, closing her eyes ready to take a nap.
"Each one IS unique, but we all have the same structure and are pretty similar in spite of our diferences." He continues, "And really, with as many around as there is, ain't no one gonna notice our differences unless they care enough to look closely."
Suhyun opens her eys to look at him, "Wow Baek.. That was really beatiful." 
"Also people are similar to snowflakes in that it is difficult to drive when there are too many of them piled up on the road." He adds.
She shakes her head at him and closes her eyes again. "And then you ruined it."

— They actually enjoy bickering and arguing. It's exciting and entertaining for them. They like the challenge and the rush of pride when they win an argument!
— Baekhyun is also often on snapchat and so he and Suhyun will have snapchat wars (meaning they take ugly pictures of each other and share them on their story).
— The only thing they actually agree on is how ing awesome pizza is.
— Baekhyun prefers dogs because they're playful and full energy. Kinda like him.
    ("Only crazy cat ladies have cats." He often tells Suhyun.)
— He'll sing loudly and obnoxiously in the morning, making sure to wake Suhyun up, knowing that she's only had three hours of sleep because of her studies.
— He's also on instagram: @baekhyunee_exo
— His zodiac sign is the Taurus which should be the complimentary sign for Scorpio (Suhyun's sign). No one gets it at first, but when they start to develop feelings for each other it'll be clearer.
— He hates cucumbers. He says it stinks.
— Likes his coffee black. No sugar or milk. Just black and bitter.
— Studies music in XOXO University
— Actually has a pretty decent voice when he isn't purposely sing in an annoying way at 6 am in the morning.
— Has an older brother (Baekbeom) of 4 years.

— more to be added later

                         answer all the questions in first person to how your character acts )
5 questions in total, please make sure to answer them all in 1st P.O.V and include actions if it
is so needed. this is so we can get the feel of your own character's personality as well — P.S


— "Well for starters... " /thinks for a while/ "I keep my side of the room clean and will do whatever chore is assigned to me. Whether it's vaccuming or doing the dsihes. I'll even cook if they want me to.. It's not recommended, but I will do it if there is a need. I bake better than I cook to be honest, so I would be that. I could be the resident pastry chef/baker. I just do NOT WANT TO DO LAUNDRY." 
/a look of distress crosses her face/" Anything but that please." 

— "I work part-time at Starbucks." /nods/ "If I'm not tthere, then I'm in my room plotting for World Domination. Oh, I mean.. Studying." /winks/ " Sometimes I jog outside to get some fresh air and prep myself for the Zombie Apocalypse. No way are those brain eating monsters going to catch me." /determined look/

— "HELL YEAH!" /smiles proudly/ "I actually really like coming up with ideas to make their lives miserable. Especially that Byun guy I mean who does he think he is?!"

— "Well to be honest..." /chuckles lightly/ "My ex-roomie had an interview with Sooyeon but really... My ex-roomie and stole from me and she was just UGH. She doesn't deserve to be here. Oh wait..." /thinks for a while/ "Actually.. If I had known those obnoxious s lived next door I wouldn't have come in for the interview. Then my ex-roomie definitely deserved to be here. Damn." /looks around/ "How to get out of here? Is it too late to back out?"

— "I prefer not to think of them." /fake smile/ "They're not worth my time, but when I do think of them... It's in connection with a prank or possibly their deaths. But shhh... I'm still on the early stages of that."
Interviewer: "Of what? Pranks or their deaths?"
Suhyun: "That's for me to know and you to find out." /playful wink/

                                         "She's honestly the worst person I have ever met. I want to travel the world with her! "
- Suhyun, after her interview with Sooyeon.

thanks for applying for 'EXO NEXT DOOR!'

NAME : Liv (Olivia)
USERNAME : SpaceOutlaw
ACTIVENESS ( 1 - 10 ) : 10

QUERIES/COMMENTS? : Hope you enjoyed reading about my sarcastic litle character, and I hope you somehow manage to fit her in the story - whether as an official applicant or just an extra! Also best of wishes to you two on the story ~ looking forward to seeing it's development ;D
THE PASSWORD : Hawaii all the way yo ~
                                                       "Byeee!! Thank you and good luck!"





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