( ↘ 장민주'S NEXT DOOR.


 Jang minju's PROFILE

NAME : jang, minju  [ 장민주 ]
jangmi [ 장미 ] ; it is a combination of her beginning of her name (mi) and her surname  (jang), meaning 'rose'. her father thought up this nickname shortly after she was born. only her family calls her by this. 
minjjang [ 민짱 ] ; another combination with the beginning of her name (min) and her last name (jang). with 'jjang' meaning the best, her best friend mia started calling her this in an attempt to lift her spirits up when she was feeling down, unconfident, or nervous about something. 
BIRTHDATE 25021992
AGE : 21  
BIRTHPLACE : busan, south korea
HOMETOWN :  seoul, south korea 
ETHNICITY : 100% korean
korean ; fluent as it is her first language. she has a slight satoori/busan accent due to living around and adapting to her many relatives and family members speaking it to her who reside in busan. 
A BRIEF DESCRIPTION : "the name's jang minju, how may i help you?"
meet jang minju, your mom away from home. as the resident peacekeeper and umma of the girls side, she will never not ask you if you need any assistance. although she's a bit quiet and hard to read from the first meeting, once you gain an interest in her she'll open herself up to and treat you like the child she's never had. as a wedding planner, she's practical, always strives for perfection, but doesn't tolerate conflict at all.. which is going to be a problem for her with the guys next door.

— lee hyeri of girl's day [
— back-up : lime of hello venus

HEIGHT : 163 cm
WEIGHT : 49 kg  

minju's hair is probably one of the biggest things she takes pride in. she loves to play around and experiment with her hair despite it being very short. she's not a big fan of having long locks just because she feels  it is often a joke in her family to expect a new hairstyle/colour on her head every day. she's had every colour of the rainbow as a hair colour and doesn't plan on stopping. her hair is currently a dark brown colors but wants to dye it a very light blonde so she can put different colours of hair chalk in it as she pleases. [ ] on days when she's running late, she usually braids her bangs and pins them off to the side. [  ] when it comes to makeup, minju's staple to at least have eyebrows, mascara, and eyeliner on. and maybe a tad bit of concealer if she's got some problem areas. it's not the end of the world if she leaves the house without any of those things on, but be prepared for her to shield herself from onlookers with your body. she doesn't really like to put a ton of foundation, countour, or highlight on - unless it's required for very special or formal events - just becasue she feels its a bit too much for everyday. she enjoys embracing the natural face look as she feels that her general complexion isn't that bad. as for lips, she likes to play up her look with a wide array of lip colours - her favourite being coral, orange, and dark red colours.

although minju doesn't have any tattoos, she's always wanted a small rose on her right hip (but to be honest, it'll probably never happen due to her fear of the pain). she's quite short but enjoys to combat that with heels; but not all the time because the pain is not worth how they look for her. seriously, how can supermodels walk in them all the time? minju will never know. 

fashion fades, but style is eternal. in a nutshell, minju's style is mainly centered on vintage, grunge, and basic items. she can be often seen sporting plaid skirts, oversized tshirts, denim jackets, and her favourite black straw hat. it is often hard to tell whether minju is dressing formally or casually, but close friends know that she will only wear very, very high heels when dressing formally. minju loves to mix and match basic and staple items in every wardrobe such as crop tops, high waisted pants or shorts, striped shirts, tank tops, raglan tshirts, cardigans, etc. on those hot summer days, she will wear anything but pants. dresses, shorts, skirts are much loved by her as she feels it gives her more freedom (plus yay, less sweating!!). she's not a big fan of pastel colours or overwhelming amount of colours in her wardrobe. she likes to limit her colour palette to black, white, greys, denim blues, and other generally dark colours. when meeting her for the first time, you wouldn't assume she's the 'umma' or even 'caring' type at all because of the way that she dresses (which her mother describes as "intimidating").                                                                                                          ( casual / formal / nightwear / style twin! )



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positive ; supportive, reliable, imaginative, hard-working, practical, polite, follows the rules, organized, good listener, extremely caring, optimistic, honest, loyal, patient
— neutral ; enthusiatic, clean, friendly, humble
 negative ; quiet, takes things too personally, private about her feelings, uncomfortable with change, overcautious, too hard on herself sometimes, has a hard time saying no/rejecting others 

your mom away from home in one word? minju! minju is a very enthusiastic soul who values tradition and order. she's very warm and kind-hearted, and wants to believe in the best in people, even if she's heard rumours about the person that aren't so particularly good. she tries to look past the bad and negativity in people even though she knows it exists in everyone. believing that people are actually not good is kind of a hard thing for her and will often forgive others who have done her wrong too quickly. she has been repeatedly called the "universal helper" around her family because of her obliging behavior to contribute her skills to everyone. anyone who knows minju knows that "how may i help you?" is one of the first things she says to someone. she'll feel almost empty without asking someone this, as she sees it as her duty to everyone. she can often be seen sharing her knowledge, experience, time, and energy with anyone who is in need of it, whether is be cleaning, clarifying things people don't understand, helping others with homework, giving advice.. pretty much anything she can do to help the best way that she can. minju will usually often choose empathy over judgement whenever possible. understanding how others feel is something very necessary for her. it is important that she keeps a good relationship with others rather than judging them. she finds it quite odd that people would actually judge another person anyways - what do they get out it anyways? minju will never understand. because of this, she values harmony and co-operation within a community and especially takes pride in bringing people together; as well as their ability to to bring out the best in people. she feels most happiest when everyone is working well together as a team. of course, she knows that the world can't be rainbows and happy, fluffy unicorns all time but she sure does like pretending that it is to forget about the reality of it. she usually gets lost in her thoughts thinking about this perfect world, and often disconnects herself from reality. she's loved for her encouraging and cares deeply for everyone, friend or enemy. minju will try her best to spread her wise ahjumma words of encouragement around to everyone as her best friend has done for her. she'll be your number one fan in anything you do. she's a strong believer in "treating your neighbour as you would treat yourself" and does not like to use violence to fight her battles. she's the type to fight with her words rather than her fists, often getting laughed at for it. but hey, she'd rather take the high road and be safe than sorry. minju's always had this little thought in the back of her head saying that she has to fulfill her duty of taking care of the needs of others; that she must protect those close to her for as long as she can before they're gone. her close friends often about her motherly nature, but minju doesn't mind. minju is also very precise whenever she has plans. she is very practical and organized as well as rarely late for anything. 9:00 am is a whole lot different for her than 8:59 or 9:01 - she needs to constantly be on time. 

minju values her relationships with everyone and strives for long-lasting friendships. she wants to feel stable in any relationship and feels very secure around people she knows she can rely on for a long time. she wants others to know that she can be reliable and trusted to do what is expected of her. many people come to her for advice and guidance as she is usually the one to lead the way on difficult paths, althought one would not expect this from her because of her quiet nature. she likes to keep herself on the down low and rather let others be the in the spotlight. although a bit shy, this does not stop her from being social. don't let her appearance get you wrong, this girl definitely loves her kkab dancing and general weirdness just as much as the next one. in social events such as parties, she can be seen talking to a few people rather than hanging around a bunch of people. when you first meet her, it can take a while to gain her trust and get her to open up but it will slowly and surely happen! the more a person initiate the conversation and taken an interest in her, she'll gradually become more confident in their company and start to initiate more conversations themselves. she rarely ever she always makes sure to work hard, get along with otheres, and do what is expected of her. minju is very firm in her beliefs and will stand by them until the end, even if she's all alone. her personality can be basically described as conscientous. she is very careful with everything that she does; making sure that she has a plan and a back up plan for everything. she doesn't do the whole "unpredictable planning" thing very well just because she it doesn't make her feel fully aware of what is going to be happening, but she does admire those who can pull it off. she is very meticulous and careful when planning things, always opting to take the steady, tried and true approach rather than the new, never been done plan. she always ensures that things are done to the highest possible standard and sometimes goes more than is often required. minju's mind is always scattered around as she is very imaginative. she often times uses her imaginative and playful side to relate to others and see things from their perspective. 

on the flip side, minju's quiet demeanor can also be her biggest obstacle at times. just because she's quiet, people automatically assume that it means that a) she doesn't want any friends, and/or b) she doesn't want friends. this is completely untrue though, she doesn't consider herself super duper reserved and anti-social, but rather one not to be in the spotlight most of the time. some days she'll feel like sitting in a room by herself, other days she'll be out and about with other girls in the house. minju also has a problem with taking things too personally.
she often needs the positive feedback from others or will get discouraged if faced with criticism, and often has trouble with separating personal and impersonal situations. although she is very in tune with her internal feelings, she is aware of others as well. she tends to repress her feelings and keep her emotions on the inside. she feels that if it's her duty to protect others and their feelings, she should be able to protect her own as well. with her obligation to be the leader and her perfectionist side, these two things can often create a situation where she can overload/work herself (or be overworked by others) too hard. she has a hard time saying no and rejecting others because she always feels a deep feeling of guilt afterwards. sharing her difficulties and problems with others tends to be a continuing problem for her as well as she hates conflict. she always puts others needs first rather than her own, which can be considered a desired attribute but can affect her more than you think. when putting others needs first gets too extreme, she will often forget about her own and therefore suffer the consequences. she can struggle sometimes to meet others expectations when she still has her own to keep up with. since minju also values her traditions, values, and doing things the "tried, true, and tested" way, change is a bit hard for her to get used to. although it may be considered as a positive thing to others, people can definitely use minju's alturistic-ness to their advantage and leave minju in the dust. minju knows this but still tries to believe in that everyone can be trusted. friends usually shy away from telling her that a certain person cannot be trusted, but minju will often disagree. she's usually willing to let things slide because of this, and hope that all things will get better as time moves forward. minju will often go into panic mode when things don't go as she plans and begins to think of the worst possible situation. because of this, people will often have to tell minju to calm down and relax. 

once upon a time, there was a king and a queen... well, not exactly and king and queen but does 'caterer' and 'wedding planner' sound close to that? anyways, on a particularly snowy day in busan, jang minju was conceived at none other than her aunt's wedding on february twenty-second, nineteen-ninety two - right when the the bouquet was thrown. well, not exactly at that time but her mother's water had broke. luckily, there was a hospital close enough for minju to be delivered at safely. her mother, a wedding planner, didn't know that she was pregnant and surprisingly didn't feel the side effects of the baby she was carrying around her at her job. so technically, minju's been to a couple dozens of weddings before she was born. her father, a caterer who usually provides the food and beverage services for the weddings, was extremely shakened at having a new child in the family. they had no idea of any names as they didn't know minju would be expected, so her father looked around for things he could name her after. his sister had caught the bouquet of roses and was present during the birth. then it finally hit him - jangmi. her mother insisted he used "ju" in her name in memory of her grandmother; hence minju. fast forward into the wee little baby years of minju's life. she was exactly as she is now; a friendly, helpful, and caring person. whenever her and her brothers and sisters played "house" together, minju would always be nominated to be the mother. she didn't mind of course, except for the fact they just made her stay in the kitchen all the time and make them random snacks. now that she thinks of it, what if they just made her the mother so they could let her do all of their chores.. hm. anyways, her motherly figure started at a very young age, which many people have said that it's because of her admiration for her mother. minju had a pretty average life in elementary school and an abundance of friends. she was always a bit timid to speak up though, but everyone didn't seem to mind because she thinks everyone seemed to generally like her. because she has a hard time saying no to others, she would often be stuck staying after school reorganizing the bookshelves, toys, and cleaning the whiteboard. again, she didn't really mind at all. in fact, she'd often volunteer herself to do the classroom duties.

as elementary school ended and middle school started, it officially marked the time for puberty and awkward love confessions. minju hadn't really changed much since her younger years, except she noticed she gained a couple of pounds and a few inches in her height.
as for academics, minju excelled in her english (as in literature) classes rather than science and art. she never thought she had a thing for shakespeare, edgar allan poe, salinger - excelling at english was just something she didn't expect. minju also joined the junior events team at her school, which was in charge of planning all events that the school was going to hold. from talent shows to bake sales to even special movie nights, minju played a large part in all of these kind of events. she rarely liked to show off her achievements as a pre-teen because she believed that others were more deserving of the spotlight. middle school was also where she met one of her closest friends: mia. they had initially bonded over the newly debuted big bang and wonder girls back then and have been inseparable ever since. minju didn't have much friends despite her caring nature but one was definitely just enough for her. as minju moved from busan to seoul, she noticed that most of her classmate's weekend plans were to go to each others houses and play barbies, or go to the theatre, but minju's mainly consisted of helping her mother and father with the weddings. when she was born, her mother was apart of a group of excelled wedding planners but had opened up her own business when minju was in middle school called, "jjang wedding services" (aka "the best" wedding servives); clearly a pun on their last name. thirteen year old minju was extremely excited to say the least. she at first handled small stuff like making sure she had tissues for the bride need there be a moment when she teared up, helping her father put the small figurine toppers on the wedding cake, and putting cutlery and napkins on the tables before guests arrived.

and so the high school years had begun. everyone felt the pressure of getting good grades and looking appealing to potential universities, and some students only cared about looking appealing to boys/girls. minju actually tried to balance a social life and her studies but it sort of failed; so ultimately she chose her studies over social life. she didn't really go to parties all that much but definitely heard a lot about them in class. thanfully, mia stuck by her side and was her relief from endless ap calculus homework and english essays she spent doing until the late hours of the morning. they both spent a lot of their free time together imagining their dream wedding, where they were going to live when they were older, and how many kids they would eventually want. they promised each other to even be each others maid of honour at each others wedding. her passion for helping others eventually continued on in his school (she didn't lose her spark!) and gained lots of volunteer experience as it was required to graduate. her effort and time spent as a the junior staff of the events club in middle school was noticed and was immediately put on the senior events staff of her high school. she was thrilled with this, even though no one really wanted to be apart of the events club. people had always complained how the events they'd put on for the school were "lame" and "cheesy" and overall a waste of time. in her freshman year, she noticed how down the school felt due to lack of original events going on. minju was determined to change this, though. by her senior year, she had started a tradition of the candy grams and the annual valentine's day dance - she put a ton of sweat and (maybe) tears over organizing the dance every year, but it always turned out as a success. it's probably one of minju's greatest legacies (at least she believes) she's left behind in her high school.
as cheesy as this sounds, minju's been to more weddings than she can count in her life and she's been secretly longing for that special someone in her life. she also secretly wished that her university held a special valentines day dance because of a certain someone she's actually been interested in. 

finally, the time came for real life to actually begin. minju had a clear idea of what she wanted to do: becoming a wedding planner like her mother. she is currently in her second year of university (again, she was placed in a grade above) and is working on a business major. although things can get extremely stressful very fast, minju finds a way to keep her head up throught it all as well as encourages others to do the same. so, how did minju hear about this oh so special manor of sooyeon's? well, her mother and her were the wedding planners for one of sooyeon's cousins, which sooyeon was at. the wedding was very lavish and grand; by looking at the table cloths and the $400 bouquets, you could tell that these people weren't playing around when it came to their special day. as minju was looking over the guests at reception time, she noticed a girl furiously drawing in a book. this girl was none other that park sooyeon. sooyeon had a fashion project due the next day in which she had to design a line of wedding dress which she hadn't started yet. so naturally, sooyeon was going at it with her sketchbook, creating many elaborate plans of wedding dresses. minju tried to "sneakily" pass by her to get a good look at her sketches, but ended up tripping, which initiated a whole new conversation of its own. once everything was okay, minju praised her lovely artwork and said that her mother would love to see them as she's always looking for new bridal gown designs to show to potential newlyweds. as they kept on talking, sooyeon revealed about her manor which was close to the university. minju was very interested in the offer as she often has to drive herself all around the city on a daily basis. her parent's house and university were nowhere near each other; and to top it all off each of the wedding destinations she had to go to were usually in a whole new different area. with her living closer to the university, it definitely shortens her commute. sooyeon also never let minju forget that she would have to pay monthly rent which minju assured her that she would always be on time with; after all she did organize the wedding that sooyeon was attending. minju was extremely excited to move in - a new start, new friends, a clean slate. she had very high hopes for it and knew everything was going to be nothing but great, but was quite surprised when she met the guys next doors. 

the colour lavender ; minju thinks it's a very relaxing colour. she can be often seen carrying around her lavender day planner around. she also hopes that her future wedding colour scheme includes lavender.
 nails/nail art ; boy, does minju like her nail art. she finds it essential to have her nails done as it can complete her whole entire outfit and cannot be seen without wearing any on her nails. she enjoys going to go get her nails done often like she's going for groceries. the designs she chooses depend on her mood and range from very cute pastel designs with pictures of hello kitty to black, dark red, or purple colours with awesome rhinestone studs. lately, her go-to look includes lots and lots of glitter. 
 helping others ; again, this is something minju takes pride in. she loves the feeling she gets when she knows she's made a difference in someones life and continually tries to aim for this. you can find minju helping pretty much anyone, she doesn't mind if it takes a lot of her time or energy.
 cuddling ; minju is very touchy-feely with those she's comfortable around. one of her favourite things to do is cuddle! she'll often do it out of habit because of her motherly instincts, especially when she senses that somethings not right. cuddling is how she shows her love and care for you. 
family ; minju values her relationship with her family a lot. she doesn't know what she'd even be doing if it weren't for the support of her loved ones. she has a bulletin board filled with notes, letters, and photos of her and her family on outings, eating together, as well as cute selcas. she also has many photo albums filled with photos she's taken with her close ones just in case she wants to switch up her bulletin board around. 
 taking photos ; minju's love for her family also created a new love and appreciation for photography. she often carries around a camera around to capture those special moments. although she's not the best photographer out there, she is constantly looking for ways to improve her skills. 
 gardening ; she's only gotten into gardening recently but really enjoys it. sure the bugs and worms moving around in the dirt aren't very ideal, but seeing a beautiful flower bloom from simply sun and water is one of minju's favourite feelings. she also arranges the flowers she grows into bouquets to be used in weddings or gives them to friends as a sign of her valuing their friendship. 
 cooking/baking ; this also ties in with minju's love for gardening; she will sometimes grow vegetables and herbs and use them in her cooking. there's just something about using fresh ingredients that makes minju feel satisfied. minju's also quite the baker and will probably beg you to whip up a batch of cookies together. she's also learned a bit about cake decorating thanks to her father. 
 psychedilc/progressive/classic/indie rock & rap music ; when it comes to music, minju's genre of choice would have to be rock and rap. she tends to like more of the past music more than the present. people never believe her because of her caring persona and apparently benig polite and caring + rock & rap aren't supposed to mix together. her favourite bands include pink floyd, queen, radiohead, red hot chili peppers, the neighbourhood, nicki minaj, childish gambino, and kanye west. she's got tons of vinyl records as well as a record player to go along with it so she can dance (or "turn up" as the children say nowdays) around in her room to these as well as many other bands. 
 netflix ; because who doesn't love netflix? on her days off, minju will often stay in her room binge watching tv shows. she doesn't really enjoy very angsty or supernatural tv shows except for a select few but would rather choose comedy based ones. her favourite tv shows include parks and recreation (she bawled so hard when it ended), the office (same with this one too), friends, bob's burgers, brooklyn nine nine, community, and orange is the new black. 

 conflict, fighting, violence ; minju is very much a pacifist and tries to settle arguments, even if it has nothing to do with her. she cannot physically stand it when people bicker over stupid, small, or insignificant things. she believes that there is no need to be aggresive or abusive because the best revenge is success. 
 looking foolish in the spotlight ; this has probably happened to minju on more than one occasion and she's most likely remembered each one. the idea of embarrassing herself in front of anyone absolutely terrifies her to the point where 
 making hasty decisions ; minju cannot absolute stand making an important decision without at thinking it out thoroughly. she'll often need to make a pros and cons list of the situation and spend a little time by herself to make sure it is truly what she wants. she's definitely not the type to just "go with the flow". 
 being late ; minju is very punctual and precise and despises breaking that. she'll often set an alarm for 6:00 am, but wake up by herself at 5:30 am (darn her weird body clock). she'll never be late for anything and hates it when people get ready last minute as they can slow her down. 
 soft drinks ; from coke, pepsi, sprite, 7up, root beer, etc, minju cannot stand it. that doesn't mean she won't drink it at all, but it wouldn't be her first choice. in desperate times when she doesn't have her water bottle and has no other choice but to drink a soft drink, she'll make a very unattractive face like she's just eaten a lemon. 
 forgetting something ; if she does this, she'll literally think about it for the whole day and go into panic mode. it doesn't always occur to objects, but people as well. if she forget someone's name or can't match the name to a face, she'll never stop apologizing. 
 criticism ; one of minju's biggest flaws. she has a hard time handling criticism, even if it's constructive. she'll always take it too personally no mater what. she also dislikes it when people criticize other, even if the other person is not phased by it. she just always feels the need to protect others from being judged. 
 video game addicts
 ; now, minju definitely loves video games. but people who spend almost a full day playing video games and never leaving their seats seems quite the stretch for her. she watched a documentary about video games and addiction (one guy even died because of video games) and tries to warn everyone about the dangers like a true umma. 
 camping ; the forest is full of bears and death and just absolute horribleness according to minju. although she likes being outdoors, she doesn't like sleeping outside in it for long periods of time. this goes back to when she went camping with her family and everything that she thought could go wrong happened such as: she got stung by a bee in her ankle (but didn't want to tell her mother because she had actually warned her not to mess with the bees, thus limping the whole time), the top of her tent ripped and it started raining, and there was a grizzly bear warning just to name a few.
 messiness ; minju feels that a messy living environment equates to a messy life. she'll often being obsessively cleaning the floors, windows, and even other people's bedrooms because she absolutely cannot stand it. 

 making mixtapes ; minju has a very broad music taste and loves to share it with everyone by making them a specified mixtape with their favourite kind of songs. this started when she was in high school and many people have enjoyed her very personalized gifts. 
 restaurant searching (?) ; minju doesn't know the exact word for this (if there even is one), but she loves to try out new restaurants and write her own little reviews about them. she will frequently bring friends to a new restaurant she's heard about on the internet as her go-to outing idea. who doesn't love eating food anyways? 
 watching documentaries ; minju is a huuuge documentary buff. from the invention of cupcakes, to where the origin of words came from, and even documentaries about ancient greeks and romans, minju loves all kinds of documentaries. she finds that it's a much more fun way to learn about a subject that wouldn't typically interest her. she'll sometimes drag people into watching a documentary with her, promising that "it'll be loads of fun, trust me!" but most people end up falling asleep halfway through them. 
 tarot cards & palmistry ; at first, minju was a bit skeptical of these. it wasn't until when she was at a wedding where the bride and groom had a special tarot card and palm reader. she tried it and was pleasantly shocked at the results from the tarot cards and a little bit creeped out at how accurate the palm reading was. ever since then, she's been trying to learn the ways of tarot cards and palm reading. 
 henna tattoos ; minju isn't the best artist out there but she isn't artistically challenged either. she enjoys going to the arts store and stocking up on henna ink to experiment on herself and her friends. 

 uses hand motions while she's speaking ; she does this unconsciously and doesn't even realize the extent it can go to sometimes. she feels like it helps her talk better just like how people tilt the video game controllers so they can "win". 
 worries too much ; minju feels like she doesn't, but anyone who knows her totally knows that she does. she can often be seen pacing around her room, her hands running through her hair and quietly mumbling to herself. this is especially prevalent during when she's working at weddings; she always feels like she worries more than the brides. her friends try their best to calm her down. her mother also warns her it's not good to worry or else she'll get wrinkles. 
 writes everything in her dayplanner ; her day planner is her life, basically. she writes any events and personal plans in it as well as the times so she can stay on track. it she lost it, i'm pretty sure her whole world would collapse. 
 walking/jogging/hula-hooping while watching tv ; minju's not the biggest fan of working out because she feels that walking around all these weddings are enough of a workout. she had only just realized that she was slowly becoming a couch potato, so to combat that she often will walk, jog, or hula hoop in place as she watches tv - i don't think anyone could get any umma-er than this. 

 being robbed ; this is probably a fear not only unique to minju, but she takes it to the extremes. she's extremely paranoid of break and enters and keeps a broomstick in her room. she probably'll be too scared to do anything with the broomstick to the perpetrator, but hopefully it'll make them think twice of breaking into her environment. 
 elevators ; ah yes, a very common mode of transportation for getting up to the twentieth floor of the building when you're stuck on the second floor. minju will not avoid using an elevator but be extremely nervous and paranoid because she's seen "final destination" before and does not want to go through that at all. she knows that the chances of something bad happening is slim but she'd like to keep her life, thank you very much.


— minju has an instagram and snapchat: @minjjang 
— minju has a pinterest account which she often pins wedding ideas for clients. 

— minju always a carries camera around in her bag. 
— the easiest way to make minju cry is to make her watch the fault in our stars (okay? okay). 
— ...or play some ballads or really sad songs, like
— minju has a soft spot for children, especially those aged 5-8. 
— minju enjoys drinking her coffee black. 
— minju will often plan her outfits a week in advance to prevent a huge dilemma in the morning. 
— minju will smile/laugh at any moment because of a connection she's made separate from everyone; it's hard to explain to other but will make total sense sense for minju.
— when texting or sending emails, minju will read it over and over and over again to make sure she didn't leave anything out and constantly change the words to make it as perfect as possible. 
— minju will often stay up late at night thinking about the rude things people have said to her during the day. 
— she'll think of good comebacks waaay after the argument is settled. 
— if someone gives minju a compliment, she'll replay it over and over again in her mind. 
— the same thing goes for if she's done something embarrassing or stupid. 
— minju will plan birthday gifts at least six months in advance. 
— minju's a pretty good drinker; she has a very high alcohol tolerance. 
— minju's always wanted a tattoo, but is super scared of the pain. 
— minju has a 3ds xl in mint white and plays animal crossing religiously. 
— her favourite movie is edward scissorhands. 
— she's an avid watcher of dramas; especially sappy ones. 
— minju will always say sorry, even if the situation doesn't require it. 
— minju doesn't mind sleeping with other people (as in the same room), but she would rather sleep alone. 
— minju is the head of the events team at her uni. 
— minju loves to splurge her money on makeup; she'll often raid the shelves at sephora. 
— and speaking of sephora, it's her favourite store. 
— minju has a
record player which she treasures with her whole life. 
— minju always has to bring her dayplanner and makeup bag in her purse or all hell breaks loose for her.
— her favourite dessert is cheescake. 
— minju likes to pretend to be a youtuber and vlog her outings and weddings she plans, which she uses to make a big, year end celebration video. 
— minju lets some of her close friends attend weddings with her because hey, 1) it's a good time and 2) free food!

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                       ᴊᴏᴇᴜɴ  &  ɴᴀᴍɪʟ                                        ᴍɪʀᴀᴇ                                                               ᴍɪᴀ
 shin joeun | mother | 47 | wedding planner | confident, intuitive, clever, creative, and patient | minju and her mother are very, very close. she's always seen her mother as someone she could confide in and admires her for her extremely patient nature. many people think that she's very similar to her mother - which some people may think is a bad thing - but minju embraces this. if anything, she wishes she could just duplicate her personality and have it as hers. but her joeun is very good at reassuring her that she's fine just the way she is. minju and her mother love to spend time together. one of their favourite things to do together when they're not working on weddings is to look through old photo albums and family home videos. they both have a thing for reminiscing on the past and reliving good memories, so doing these brings back such nostalgia for the both of them. since moving out of her parent's home, she's been experiencing a little bit of home sickness but skype definitely fixes that problem. they both often talk to each other regularly, but minju always feels like she needs to hide in her room to call her (like in america's next top model, ya feel?). she doesn't tell her mom this though, just to prevent any future mishaps. on the same note, the two have never really had any huge or serious fights, and if they do it's usually has to do with decisions concerning the weddings that they plan. she's very thankful that she had a mother who supported her of her dreams and aspirations of following in her footsteps (even though she warned her that all her hair might fall out due to how stressful it can be). 

 jang namil | father | 50 | caterer, cook, baker | funny, motivated, wise, direct, and honest | although minju is not as close to her father as her mother, the two still maintain a good relationship. as a child, she was very pressured by her father to do the best that she can do. her father valued education and high grades which minju tried her best to achieved, but sometimes it was just too much. to top it off, namil wanted her to become a pharmicist but science (especially chemistry) wasn't her strong suit. he gradually had to accept her dream of pursuing a career in the wedding planning business with tons of persuading from her mother and older sister. other than that, she looks up to her father because of his darn good cooking and baking skills. she always looked forward to what her breakfast, lunches, and dinners would be like. she's never hated any of his meals that he's come up with, but some we're a little bit... questionable. she took a liking for cooking and baking and learned from the best. she keeps a small little notebook in which she has her favourite recipes her father has come up with. 

jang mirae | older sister | 24 | dj, musical artist | outgoing, social, energetic, risk taker, and seductive | because the two aren't really similar in their personalities, people often think that mirae and minju totally despise each other. this is not true; although minju may not agree with some of her decisions she makes in a blink of an eye, she truly loves her unnie and is very supporting of whatever she does. mirae didn't plan on attending college or university which definitely gave her parents a mini heart attack. just like minju, she went against her fathers wishes for her and started to invest her time in making music. minju was pretty proud of her for sticking to her dreams which ultimately gave her the confidence to stand up for herself as well. as children and teenagers, the fought about the usual things all siblings fight about: clothes (minju can distinctly remember a time where mirae stole her dress she was going to wear to the valentine's day dance - minju ended up showing up in one of her mom's old dresses from the 90s), shoes (minju never understood why her sister took her shoes though, her shoe size is at least a good 2 sizes bigger than hers), and food (they're completely on opposite pages when it comes to food; minju is a big fan of italian food and mirae leans to the more american side when comes to dish so they usually don't go out to eat together because they know there'll be some sort of dispute). minju also helped her sister create a youtube and facebook page for herself, promoting her music. she also recommends her to brides for their weddings as she can really get the crowd going. minju also regularly attends her gigs she does at the school's hangout place to cheer her on. due to her flirty and seductive nature (which minju tends to cringe a little bit at), she's been known to be called "the female kim jongin". jang mirae jokes around with this all the time and says that kim jongin should be called the "male jang mirae".

 mia park (korean name: park sanghee) | best friends | 23 | aspiring psychologist | considerate, approachable, versatile, confident and trustworthy | it all started in middle school when a half-korean and italian girl who had just freshly moved to korea from italy befriended jang minju. the two basically became friends when minju started telling mia all about korea and what was appropriate and what was not as mia was totally unaware of how different everything was. mia, in return, told her all the great things in italy. from the amazing architechture to great food. she was a little bit discouraged to hear about those nasty pickpockets though; how can someone be so mean? anyways, the two were completely immersed in each others perspectives of cultures and soon became very close friends. minju helped mia brush up on her korean and even learned a little bit of italian on the way. the two, although separated by a sea as she moved back to italy for university, still keep in touch via the internet (minju would probably enter a state of depression if it weren't for the internet keeping her relationships together). she pretty much tells mia everything and knows her deepest most darkest secrets.  mia's always been giving minju words of encouragement, and even thought up of the name 'minjjang' for her. since moving back to itality, minju has been missing her more than ever. there is a light at the end of the tunnel as mia has promised minju that she would return to korea to visit her as soon as she's finished her courses for the year. 

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LOVE INTEREST'S NAME : byun baekhyun
D.O.B : 06051992 [ 23 ] 
byunbutt ; mia initally made up this name for him because of his inability to see that minju had a slight crush on him, his surname is byun and he's for not noticing minju. who could blame him though, there's probably a billion things going on in his mind...
— bacon ; probably one of the most popular nicknames for baekhyun. many people joke around 

— positive ; bold, original, spontaneous, highly social, clever, witty, likes to be the center of attention, fun to be around, good at improvising, loves to entertain, fashion forward
— neutral ; extremely friendly, open, likes to try new things, warmhearted, compassionate
— negative ; easily bored, unfocused, has the tendency to be a bit immature, can be a bit over-dramatic at times, not a very good future planner, oblivious


#yolo, am i right? no? according to byun baekhyun, life is a never-ending party and you should live in the moment - or at least make the best of it. looking for new excitement in his life is always one of his daily goals. he's definitely a person who lives in the moment, making sure to not regret anything. he is very accepting of everyone - he's not the type to reject because of his naturally upbeat and enthusiastic character. he generally treats everyone like a close friend everyone typically loves to bask in baekhyun's presence as it's quite uplifting but many people will need a break after a while because he's just that energetic; almost like a puppy. baekhyun is pretty much "takes life as it comes" kind of person and does not like to worrying about how his present decisions could affect her future outcomes.. although he really should. while he knows how to have fun, he constantly needed to watch out for the pitfalls of enjoying yourself too much. when you're hanging out with him, he'll love to put on a show for you. he's always been a charming and vivacous entertainer of the group. he's always been a natural born entertainer since a child - his interest in music began right when he started talking and singing, and continued on when he joined the musical theatre club in middle school. he can often be seen playing around and using is great sense of humour to make sure people have a good time. his warm and talkative character is pretty contagious and will be sure to spread to you as well. he loves to be in center of attention and feels most happiest when he is; whether it be on stage, in the practice room, sharing stories, or even walking out in the streets. this part of his personality may cause people to think that he is only attention seeking and overly egocentric, but he is definitely not. he has always embraced his very friendly, honest, and (as anyone would describe him) loud nature and is very proud of he's ability to offer some cheering up to his friends when they're feeling down. he tends to keep himself busy as being bored is a feeling he absolutely dreads. he's pretty spontaneous with his plans, which gives him a rush not know what he'll be doing next. he can sometimes become a bit overextended when there's just so many exciting things to do! and probably the next thing baekhyun hates to being bored is missing out on the fun with friends. baekhyun is never afraid to approach someone new - by the end of the conversation, they'll probably already have exchanged numbers and trust him with their life. did i mention he's pretty good at charming the ladies? well, he is - not as infamous or good as kim jongin, but it's still enough for girls to fawn over him like a puppy. 

he is also extremely empathetic and feels everyone's joy, hardships, sadness, etc. people are usually drawn to him because of his spontaneous-ness and open mindedness, no matter who he's talking to... speaking of talking, he never seems to stop as long as his company is just as in to the conversation as he is. he'll talk to you with loads of energy or like he's known you all heis life, even if the subject of conversation is boring to him. he will often get off track from the main reason of initiating a conversation with someone. you could even probably hear him talking from ten miles away, to be honest. oh, you've been talking to her about different flavours of pocky for the last half and hour? don't worry, baekhyun probably hasn't noticed it. although he loves to converse about many different things, he's often very reluctant to be serious or talk about anything negative. baekhyun is also very in tune with his senses and often dresses in very sensuous fabrics or bright colors. he's often up to date on what's hip and loves to excite others with this. many people tire of being socially active for a while, but baekhyun actually feels more energized and refreshed the more he socializes. 
although he is very practical, structure and routines are not his thing. he's very random and trusts in his ability to improvise in any situation presented to himself. baekhyun also takes pride in being great team player; he's not the type to create any problems or fuss, but rather create the most fun environment possible for getting the task done.

one of his negative traits is that the idea of change also interests him a lot so she usually cannot make a clear decision on something that'll be permanent because of this. this can also mean that settling down may be a little hard for him, but he does have his sights set on one particular person. long-term commitments aren't really his thing either, unless he's thought about it very thoroughly. even though he's generally nice to everyone, if you cross his line he is very likely to make a strong and stubborn judgement againt you. his talkative disposition may not thrill everyone; especially fellow classmates and friends who can't seem to crack a smile, nevermind a laugh every once in a while. every once in a while, he'll think about if people are laughing with him or actually laughing at him. another negative trait is that he's a bit sensitive when it comes to critism but tries to not let it get to him. baekhyun also loves to enjoy the fine things in life, which can cause him to over spend a liiittle bit above his budget ($100 for a personal chocolate fountain? #baekhyunapproves). again, people may get the idea that he is way too self-centered because of his loud personality and disorganized appearance at times which leads to them to believing that he's an immature little child. he has yet to prove to the others that he really is not, he just simply likes to play around. baekhyun also has a habit of being quite the gossiper - he knows it's not a good thing to be but he can honestly not help it. when baekhyun is under a lot of stress, he can often get overwhelmed with negative thoughts and possibilities. as a normally optimistic person, these negative thoughts do not sit well with them at all. he tries to combat these thoughts with possible theories to explain the problem. these explanations may or may not provide a long term solution for his problems, but it does help him get over it. 


their first meeting wasn't as glamorous as most people's first meetings. minju was in her second year of university and she had just moved into the manor but never got the chance to get fully settled as she had to attend a wedding. minju was contacted by a certain byun baekbeom and his fiancée. they wanted to plan the wedding of their dreams together but weren't sure how to. from the start, minju should've seen how risky the wedding was - the bride wanted a beach wedding in may (one of the rainiest months ever), saw a fabulous looking wedding dress but it was on the internet from one of those sketchy chinese wholesale websites, planned on having a huge bridal party which half of them were children (everyone knows that crying children are inevitable though), and on top of that they had incredibly high standards that didn't match their budget well. the two trusted minju with it all and were very sure that it was what they wanted. although minju felt very uneasy about it, she indeed tried her best. fast forward to the day of the wedding - the bride is a mess due to getting splashed on by the water, the dj they rented didn't show up, and a bunch of unexpected guests arrived (where they came from or heard of the wedding is still a mystery to minju; she tried to keep it as low key as she could). it was about ten o'clock and most of the party guests really wanted to party (but the dj was nowhere to be found), or crying (i'm looking at you, children). cue a very startled byun baekhyun who knew the party was going downhill. he did the only thing he knew could possibly work - he spontaneously got up on the stage and began to sing. thankfully, he chose a pretty well known wedding song for these type of occasions and people started to gather around on the dance floor gradually, slow dancing with their loved ones. minju's sister finally showed up after hearing the news about the other minju was trying to comfort the bride at this time behind a bush, but couldn't help but stop and take some time to listen to his voice. it sounded very familiar - could it be that masked musician always singing at the school's hangout? nah, it couldn't possibly be.. she also couldn't quite clearly see the face who owned such a talented voice. however, minju was pleasantly shocked at the gesture and the bride felt more relaxed after this, ready to face the wedding party again. when the two returned, she was greeted with warm smiles and a round of a applause. baekbeom engulfed his arms around his new wife and shared a loving kiss - minju, feeling quite satisfied, headed to the buffet area to take a while to rest. 

( flashback time! ) 

minju takes an unattended chair from one of the tables and sits down near the sushi, her gaze fixed on a tower of california rolls. she notices a figure from the corner of her eye pulling up a chair next to her. is that byun baekhyun? i haven't seen him since high school, good lord-" the two didn't become friends in high school but they knew each others names and who their friends were; they just never ever talked to each other.
"if it isn't jang minju! hey, you know you can take one if you want," baekhyun chuckles as he plops down on his chair. "although if sushi isn't your thing, i'd really recommend the mini calzones over there, they're like mini pizza pops! but my brother probably ate most of them.. that baekbeom, i swear. eats like a pig. bless dahee's soul for marrying him." 
"wait.. baekhyun is the bride's brother-in-law?" overloaded by all this information that's been thrown at her and her thoughts, minju just nods. plus he still remembers her - what are the chances? she's still reeling from what just happened. hopefully it didn't come off as rude or anything because that would be one of minju's worst nightmares. after a few seconds of awkward silence, minju begins to speak. 
"i don't think i should eat those calzones, your brother might just come after me with his starwars light saber and cape." minju distinctly remembers dahee telling her that baekbeom was a huge star wars geek, which made her giggle a bit. 
baekhyun bursts out in a fit of laughter and does that weird knee slapping thing. minju begins to laugh along with him, but he abruptly stops, flashing her a very strange look. "how did you know that he's a star wars nerd?" he lets out an over exaggerated gasp. "are you a stalker?!" 
minju shakes her head profusely at this accusation. "as a wedding planner, you learn more than you want to know about your clients.." 
"you planned this whole thing? oh gosh, when they were telling me about you i kind of expected you to be like an ahjumma." 
"an ahjumma? i'm not quite sure if that's a compliment or not.." minju knits her brows together. "do i look that old to you?" she begins to cross her arms, letting out a exaggerated gasp as he did before while shaking her head in a playful manner. 
"no, no! not at all, i mean like.. the just described you as really mature and insightful i just thought you be.." 
minju hears a buzzing noise coming from inside of her purse. she assumes its work related and begins to stand up. "that's very kind of them, but my work wasn't as best as it could've been today unfortunately. if it weren't for that mysterious singer, i probably wouldn't have been able to pull this off. anyways, i need to take this -" 
baekhyun's mouth forms a perfect "o" shape at the compliment. he almost wants to tell her it was him, but.. nah. "but the parties' just started and you're about to go! c'mon, please stay for a bit." 
minju, unable to form a decision in a split second, feels her wrist being pulled to the dance floor immediately. her sister saw this and immediately played a slow dance song (#miraeforwingwoman2k15). 

after tons of dancing and stuffing their face with as much food as they could, baekhyun offered minju a ride home. when minju mentioned that she just moved into a manor on lucky street, baekhyun may or may not have almost crashed into a tree. 

RELATIONSHIP TITLE : very, very close friends/those awkward frineds  awkward stage where they don't know if they're a thing or not (but everyone obviously does). 
in high school, minju and baekhyun barely talked. they may have exchanged a few glances in the hallways, heard stories about one another, but they were never in the same class and their friend groups were on completely opposite from each other for their paths to have cross. minju sort of had feelings for him, but ultimately knew it wouldn't work out. besides, she always assumed baekhyun was chasing after someone else anyways. this got her hopes down, but she knew that there would be greater things later on in life.

in minju's first year of university, she felt pretty alone without mia around. she already had an all access pass to the events club, but the mostly comprised of people who had mediocre ideas in her opinion. most of the senior students in the club also belittled minju, not listening to her suggestions. as a result, she didn't enjoy hanging around there much, so she discovered a place on campus called "the hideout". she found the whole place quite interesting; there were tons of people with similar interests to her. she felt like she belonged even though she was alone - anyways, moving on. one friday night, mirae invited minju watch one of her gigs. she said it be fun since beer and pizza were promised. minju didn't have any wedding plans and agreed to come. little did minju know, baekhyun sang at the schools hang out but kept his face hidden for some reason. after her sister had performed, she may or may not have gotten a bit tipsy and accidentally ended up backstage where most of the people were performing were staying. now, minju doesn't usually like how she feels drunk but she felt exceptionally great this time. and before you get any ideas, no, nothing extremely romantic happened but minju did engulf herself with a very deep and philosophical conversation with the mysterious masked singer. she doesn't remember much from this night and still doesn't know why people call her "minri potter" and "philosopher's stone". hm. 

fast forward to second year of university during minju's move into the manor and their first proper meeting, also known as "the wedding incident" in minju's head. minju felt less lonely now that she's learned the ropes of the school, and moved in with the girls and exo. 
when minju first moved into the manor, the two kept their friendly relationship with one another but definitely grew closer as minju planned more weddings. baekhyun took an interest in her job and asked all sorts of questions about it, ranging from when did she start doing it, all the bridezillas, and how he could take part in it. minju thought it'd be a wonderful idea for baekhyun to sing at some weddings during the first dance or play the piano during the ceremonies as the bride walked in. he quickly agreed to this as he loved sharing his talents and wanted to experience a different setting other than "the hideout". when joeun is present at weddings with minju and baekhyun, she often jokes around at how the pair would make a great couple. secretly, when baekhyun was singing all of those wedding songs, minju would pretend that the song was directed at her.. but she felt the need to shake these thoughts out of her head. as much as she tried that, there was still no deny that the two of them both had some kind of feelings for one another at this time. neither one said anything and just simply gave each other a small smile when it came up in conversation. you could definitely say there was some tension between the two, but not the angry "omg i wanna kill you but i love you/love and hate" kind of tension. it was more of a... /very/ awkward tension. if anything, one of them would probably send the other those cheesy "will you go out with me? check yes or no." kind of notes to confess their love. everyone thought it was silly how childish the two were being about it, but the two didn't listen. minju tried to keep her feelings at bay due to how good he was with girls. she also tried to distance herself from him, but he always asked to hang out in front of everyone so minju couldn't possibly reject him. it honestly felt like high school all over again, except now minju and baekhyun actually talked. she knew that it probably was just his nature to be all friendly with the girls, but being the minju that she is, took this to heart and affected her personally.

this awkward tension continued on for quite some time; approximately six and a half months. in those six and a half months, minju did feel a lot more closer to baekhyun. the pair exhibited many acts to drive people under the assumption that they were an item. the two found themselves learning a lot about each other that they wouldn't usually tell others; like how baekhyun does this extremely adorable puppy noise before he falls asleep and how minju will instantly cry if you play that one specific song. other times they drove each other absolutely insane. this was also the time when baekhyun revealed to her that he was the masked singer at the hide out. she was pleasantly shocked and praised his wonderful voice. thankfully, the two had similar interests so picking an activity to do wasn't much of a problem. minju introduced him to many things, for example - her restaurant hunting hobby. baekhyun was never really into the restaurant scene at the time, he was usually a "let's go get fast food and go" type of guy. since hanging out with minju, he feels as though he's just discovered a whole new world. they often go to a new restaurant at least once a week (sometimes even more, if they're feeling daring - but minju usually stops him because he's probably already spent eighty dollars on chocolate). they do fight, but only about one thing: some days, minju will just want to stay home and reorganize everything if she deems it messy, and baekhyun will want to go out. it's either minju will give up and go out or baekhyun will give up and stay with her (which minju prefers, they put on some good music and dance around together). since minju also sort of acts as a peacekeeper and the more mature one in these little disagreements, she'll usually be the first one to concede and let him have his way. minju never felt any rivalry or hatred towards byun baekhyun, but she did feel maybe a slight jealously for his personality. he was social, well-liked, and basked in the glory of being in the center of attention, unlike minju. 
although the two are a bit opposite from each other, the two often counteract each others negative traits. again with minju, spontaneity is not her thing. baekhyun, on the other hand, lives for it. the idea of not knowing what's coming next entices baekhyun baekhyun's always up for a challenge and excitement. minju, on the other hand, often needs time to think about what she wants to do before actually doing it, so excitement can take a long time to achieve for her. minju was attracted to his spur-of-the-moment actions because she knows she would never to be like that herself. before meeting baekhyun, minju would have never been able to experience as many things as baekhyun has dragged her into. the two are often never at home; from karaoke, lotte world, unexpected road trips with no itinerary... minju finally feels like she's making the most of her life. it's taken a lot to convince minju to come on these expeditions with baekhyun; he often says to her, "rules are made to be broken sometimes - just live a little!" baekhyun probably doesn't know how much him saying that means to minju. he's that little boost of confidence she needed in her life, she thinks.

their relationship at this point could be basically described as a mutual unspoken love. as cliche as it sounds it was true - everyone knew they had a thing except for the two of them. again, they did all of those things that couples usually do but both refused to accept it. "we're just really really close friends!" both of them would exclaim to their friends. everyone could see it - even mia, all the way in italy. it all turned into very obvious signs of attraction for one another. when the two were hanging out and baekhyun saw someone he knew, he would automatically introduce minju as his girlfriend. minju, knowing that he's rarely ever serious and loves to play around, shook it off. for a while she even played with him, as she automaticallly assumed it was just a joke. while all of this was going on, she tried to ignore how stupidly good he was at charming other girls. she did what she does best - she kept her feelings bottled up inside of her and carried on. minju tried to be direct with how she felt but often wondered if it was just some sick joke that he was playing on her. as a result, pretty frustrated over it and began to give up. now, baekhyun may be oblivious to many things but he wasn't oblivious to this. whenever he would ask minju to hang, she'd make up an excuse like "sorry baek, i've got to clean the house!" or "maybe some other time, mia's going to skype me soon!" baekhyun being the observant person he is, noticed this. it was fishy to him this was since minju usually kept the house flawless, cleaning any mess almost immediately. also minju would usually skype mia late at night as they were seven hours apart when baekhyun would ask her to hang out during the day. he always seems to know what's going on in that head of minju's, even though her true emotions are hidden. so one day while baekhyun was driving home from a wedding with minju.

in a true second grader style he asked, "so... do you like anyone?"
to which minju replied, "maybe. i think it's kinda one sided, though." minju's face was completely stoic; this was definitely a side of minju that he's never seen before. "oh," was all baekhyun could say. he didn't really expect anything after that, but minju asked him the same question. he said yes a bit too quickly, piquing minju's interests.
"she likes a lot of things you do, actually," baekhyun explained. "i think i'm going to ask her to go like... steady."
minju's heart sank a little but she tried to keep her calm character. "oh really? if you need any help, i'm here. god knows how many proposals i've seen in my life."
"i'd like to hear any suggestions you have," baekhyun nodded. "like i don't know if i should just say it or make a whole plan or something. thoughts?" 
"well personally, i'd rather someone just cut to the chase and tell me straight up."
"ah. interesting. well then, i like you. " 
"you what?"
"i like you, minju. like, like like you."
"i believe the word you're looking for is 'love', byun baekhyun."
the two arrive at the manor. baekhyun turns to minju which stops her from getting out of her seat. "what?" minju asks.
"do you... like me back then?" he tips his head to t
he side, awaiting her answer. 
minju decides to play with him for a bit. "as a friend, sure. you're very likeable, baek." 
"i meant like like - or love. you know what i mean!"
minju leans forward to him, planting a small peck on his cheek. "hopefully that's answered your question." 

— baekhyun's instagram: baekhyunee_exo
— baekhyun is double majoring in music and education (he wants to be a piano teacher). 
— baekhyun's speciality is playing piano. 
— baekhyun takes pride in annoying the other members way too much, whether it be through aegyo or teasing. 

— he loves kids, which is quite ironic because he pretty much acts like one. 
— has an older brother, byun baekbeom.
— he's very fashion forward and will often take a lot of time getting ready. 
— has an older brother, byun baekbeom. 
— makes a pretty weird/adorable (depends who you ask) noise before he sleeps - it resembles a dog yelping. 
— enjoys watching science fiction and action movies. 
— has a super bad addiciton to lemon tea and coffee - he needs to have either one of these a day to survive. 
— enjoys imitating people (even though he's not that good at it). 
— anything with strawberries in/on it = absolute perfection to him. 
— really likes the smell of vanilla and jasmine.
— baekhyun gets sick pretty easily. 
— tends to sleep at very late hours. 
— can often be seen wearing hats like beanies or snapbacks; just like minju and her nails, his outfit isn't complete without it! 
— he's a decent drinker; although very strong, he'll usually not drink more than two glasses. 
— baekhyun really, really, really likes animals (especially dogs). 
— cucumbers are the devil (after kyungsoo). 
— his favourite food is pizza. baekhyun with pizza is a happy baekhyun. 
— secretly likes ariana grande's music (don't tell yena, though). 
— really enjoys snapchatting; he usually has a new 'snapstory' everyday. 
— also enjoys posting on instagram a lot, they're usually just selfies though.


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— "well, i like to think that i'm the peacekeeper around here (along with joonmyun, we seem to agree on many things). i'm often the one doing the chores and cooking, which people seem to love. i know it sort of seems like i'm the maid around here but i genuinely feel that their friendship overcomes that. i usually stay quiet within group conversation but contribute when i can. being in the spotlight is something i'm not really good at, so i'd rather just let it be on someone else. i also really don't like being an inconvenience to anyone, so i try to stay out of everyone's way." minju shifts her gaze to the ground, shrugging her shoulders."that's probably the last thing i want to do. everyone always jokes how 'sorry' is my most commonly used word in the house. i don't blame them though, it's most likely true. other than that i'm in my room most of the time if anyone needs me; which someone usually does. it's no big deal though, i'm always here to help!" 

— "i work at my mother's wedding services company, jjang wedding services, as a wedding planner. we specialize in planning weddings so there's less stress on newlyweds who should be enjoying their time planning a wedding rather than freaking out over it." minju brings her hand up to cover as chuckles, nodding as well. "it truly is a dream come true do find something that i love and know will turn out to be a great career choice for myself! hopefully i'll be able to run the business once my mother retires. if you've got a wedding coming up or are newly engaged, please contact me~" minju begins pulls out a business card with her contact information on it. she doesn't directly give it to you, but simply just shows it to you, unsure if you'll accept it or not. there's a very adorable silhouette of two rings together with a heart at the top. "where can you find me? i'm usually either at my parents house spending some time with them, at a new restaurant, or watching my older sis rock out at one of her gigs. on a work day, practically everywhere. it really depends on where the bride decides to have her wedding, really.. anyways, i'm pretty busy for most of my days but if you absolutely need to reach me, i'll give you my mobile phone number, home phone number, personal email address, work email address, my address, facebook, twitter - gah, am i forgetting something?" 

— "ah, no. i don't really take part in that but i don't stand there and watch either. i usually let them do whatever they but want but also try to keep balance in the house when it comes to horseplay, pranks, and all that but it just never seems to work. i have to admit some of the pranks are pretty ingenious and i would never ever be able to pull them off, so i do give credit to whoevers doing the pranking. i will occasionally help with the pranking if there's a good reason to do so behind it. other pranks are kind of unnecessary, i feel. like, who benefits out of putting plastic wrap on the toilet? ahem, no one. i don't really know if i'm a target for these pranks because i don't really have anything against anyone or plan on it, but who knows. maybe i'm next. oh gosh, i'm feeling a bit paranoid now." she looks behind her to make sure no ones there, releasing a nervous chuckle. 

— "i actually saw sooyeon at a wedding of one of her cousins. she was working on this wedding dress project, i believe. you should've seen her drawings, they were absolutely amazing - and she was doing it quite fast, actually. i think one sketch of a very intricate and gorgeous looking dress took her about ten minutes to do. which is crazy compared to how long i take to draw a stick figure." she presses her lips together to form a tight lipped smile on her face. "anyways, i tried to approach her in a sneaky way but i sort of.. tripped. anyways, this caught her attention and we started talking. she soon told me about how she had some openings for roommates at her manor. i was pretty interested in it as living closer to school would save me tons of time, gas, and money! she really nailed down the fact that i would pay every month, which was understandable. i'm not the type to be a freeloader. we exchanged numbers and sorted out all the details after that. a few weeks later, i was all moved in."

— they're definitely guys, let me tell you that. i think i can smell some of their unwashed laundry from my room - i should probably go over there and clean it for them, huh? i think that would be very beneficial to everyone around here. maybe i should go do that right now." she begins to stand up but immediately shakes her head and sits back down. "no no, i'm probably bothering them right now. they genuinely seem like very nice kids if you look past.. well, everything. their unique personalities make up for it though. i've never seen so many distinct personalities living under one roof together. i find it crazy how they even co-operate over there, nevermind us girls. and speaking about girls, are you sure they're all guys that live there? because i swear one of them isn't. hm. they're quite a bunch so this umma tries her best to control it!" 



thanks for applying for 'EXO NEXT DOOR!'

NAME : gail 
USERNAME : byeols-
ACTIVENESS ( 1 - 10 ) : 10

QUERIES/COMMENTS? : i hope this was up to your standards and that i didn't contradict myself, gah. ; ; i also read both of your guys' apps and tried to incorporate some things that you guys mentioned as well.
SCENE SUGGESTIONS? : maybe a scene/chapter where the girls and exo all attend one of minju's weddings and hilarity ensues because some have never been to a wedding, jongdae pulls pranks, xiumin accidentally eats everything, everything goes wrong, etc. also!! a scene where either the girls or guys decide to camp out in the backyard and they're absolutely terrified of bears/monsters (even though they're in the city.. lmao), then the girls or guys try to scare the other.
THE PASSWORD : paris, france! (+ i have no idea why i think of the beach when i read the plot of this fanfic, but i thought this song fits the whole story overall since they're all finding themselves and living to the fullest and all. gah, hopefully that made sense haha) 



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