[OFFICIALLY CLOSED] No idea what to write for BTS 2nd Year fan letter but you want to join? Read this!! ^^


[OFFICIALLY CLOSED] Thank you all for joining!!


Hi guys! This is sudden, but I understand that some of you want to write something for BTS, but you don't know what to write, right? 

Don't worry! I have an extra solution~ 

In the comment box or PM me, tell me your real name, your country and your twitter name (if you have one)! I will write down all the names on the paper with the title "Sending Congrats to your 2nd year Anniversary!" or something like that, and send it to BTS too ^^ 

But if there are too less participants I will have to cancel this portion :(






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theflowerlady001 #1
omg unfortunately i saw this now! and i REALLY wanted to know if you ever gonna make this again? because i want to participate so bandly.. ! im from Greece and here we have so many ARMYS..! Please let me know.. thank u so much <3
shinee_2min #2
Hey ^-^ I wasn't sure where to put this but... it's been kind of making me think ever after the BTS 2nd anniversary... did you get any message info from the post office, if the package was delivered safely... :) I may be wrong but I would've thought they would have like made a tweet or a facebook update to thank all the armys for their love.. but I myself never found anything like that... :0 and in one of bangtans videos on their 2nd anniversary they said that they had moved, so I was worried about whatever theygot it or not it.. o.o sorry for this rambling :'( I just wanted to ask because I've kept worrying about it. :) Maybe I was worrying for no reason :) ^o^ Anyway have a good day ^-^ ♡
giacloooe #3
Thanks for this one :) ♥

Real Name: Gia Cloe Abong
Country: Philippines
Twitter Name: @giacloooe
I really want to say something to my dear BTS but I couldn't choose one member to send a letter because I love them all with my whole heart ♡
Happy anniversary, Love Gabri

Gabrielle Damhuis
The Netherlands
I don't know if I'll be able to finish the letter in time, so I'll send you this:

Real name: Chanti
Country: The Netherlands
Twitter: @chanti_xoxolove
Thank you for doing this <3
Real name: Tamia
Country: California(Fresno)
Twitter: @Army4Life13 (Tamia S)
So at first I really wanted to write a loooong long letter for them but finally, I've got an upcoming exam (next week) so I really have to study and don't have the time to do it... Thank you so much for adding this portion! ♥ I hope there will be enough participants !

Real name : Delphine
Country : France
Twitter : @AengPHL (Panda)
Thank you so much
Real name: Maishath
Country: Maldives
Twitter: @ Baekmailu (Maishath Mohamed)
Thank you so much for doing this TTVTT. I LOVE YOU <333333
Real name: Iba
Country: Maldives
Twitter: @ AlienParkJeon (Im_an_alien)
Real name: Amal
Country: Maldives
Twitter: @AmluuBluues (Amluu)
Thank you so much for doing this!! TvT
Real name: Hudhuna
Country: Maldives
No twitter :<
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Country: America (Hawaii)
If we live in America, do we have to specify which state we live in?????