( ↘ 유경자'S NEXT DOOR.


NAME : yoo, gyeongja
 gyeongpooh ; despite her already being 22, she doesn't act like her age.  she's a lot more childish and immature than you expect.  the nickname is a combination of the first part of her name and winnie the pooh's pooh.  in addition, she's also a huge fan of winnie the pooh.

 satan's spawn / devil ; gyeongja comes off looking like a complete angel.  but in fact, she'sreally a devil.  she loves trolling on people and she loves pranking people.
BIRTHDATE :  13101991
AGE : 22
BIRTHPLACE : seoul, south korea
HOMETOWN :  seoul, south korea
ETHNICITY : korean
 korean ; native language.  korean's her mother tongue since she was born in a korean household and has been speaking it since young.

 english ; advanced ; she has somewhat of an accent but she's able to carry out conversations.  since english is an international language, it's a language taught everywhere.
A BRIEF DESCRIPTION : "are you from seoul? because i think we're seoul mates."  her name's yoo gyeongja.  otherwise known as the spawn of satan. never get fooled by her angelic face because the moment you fall asleep is the moment where your face would be drawn with a red marker or your clothes would be turned inside out.  even though she's one of the oldest of her baes, she's a huge child at heart and she doesn't seem to get the idea when someone tells her to stop being immature.  gyeongja is the type to slow motion land swim jump on you from across the room and shower you with some of gyeongja lovin'.


yoona of snsd
mina of aoa
HEIGHT : 162 cm
WEIGHT : 50 kg   

being one of the oldest, gyeongja is also one of the shortest.  however that doesn't stop her from constantly drinking milk on a daily basis and showing off her athletic side.  gyeongja has seemingly flawless, smooth and milky skin that feels like silk under a person's touch. she's not the type of person to easily get tanned regardless of how long she stands under the sun.  she may get sunburnt but tanning is not something that happens to her.  although she's a bit short and she's not as skinny as the other girls due to her curves and body muscles, her face matches with the korean standards.  not only does she have milky skin but she has the double eye lids, slim face with a visible jawline and in proportion facial features that many girls dream of having.  when it comes to gyeongja's hair, she likes to keep it simple.  she tends to always leave it down, letting it flow a little past her chest.  her hair is the typical dark brown and straight with bangs covering her forehead.  the only time where you would see her tying up her hair in a messy bun or ponytail is when she's excersising.  gyeongja is a morning person so she's always one of the first to be awake.  while everyone's still sleeping and taking advantage of the fact that the sun is not blazing, she tends to go out and run/bike around her neighborhood for about an hour and sometimes a little more than an hour.  when it comes to makeup, gyeongja tends to go with the more fresh and natural look.  she doesn't like going all out on makeup and she isn't the type of person to use perfume either.  she likes the fresh scent of laundry detergent rather than coconuts or hibiscus flowers.  first off, she likes to make sure that her eyebrow game is on point and filled in.  and of course, you can't forget the bb cream and a layer of soft pink lip gloss on her lips.  gyeongja doesn't have any sort of tattoo and the only piercings she has are the typical earlobe piercings where you'd see a different pair of earrings like every other day.   

gyeongja is a huge fashionista and likes to collect clothes from all sorts of stores.  she's technically a part time shopaholic and she either spends all her money on clothes or all her money on food. she typically goes for all types of clothing especially clothing that are more basic and fresh/light colored.  a lot of her clothing are white in color and she tends to go for clothing that are not too bright or too flashy.  however, she does have exceptions where a few articles of clothing may be a bit more flowery than the others.  but you would never see her wearing neon green pants with a rainbow colored t-shirt with an addition of one blue sock and one pink sock.  gyeongja has a habit of picking out her clothes the night before to wear it the next day because she knows for sure that she likes taking time in picking out an article of clothing.  and she's well aware that it may take her longer than 15 minutes.  gyeongja's favorite season is the summer and she will never hesitate to put on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt to show off her milky skin and legs.  in between hot and cold, she likes her jean jackets and leggings.  when the weather gets cold, you will always see her with sweapants, sweaters, hoodies, beanies, and of course her favorite - scarves. gyeongja is not the type of person to really put on accessories with the exception of scarves and earrings.  as for shoes, she would wear anything besides heels.  heels are a big no no to her and she literally has an abusive relationship with them.  they hurt her feet terribly.  however, whatever she wears that day really depends on her mood.  if she's feeling tired or droopy, she would probably wear something more loose and cloud nine comfortable.  if she's feeling hyped up and feeling beautiful, she would probably put on something more stylish.  a few brands she likes investing in are adidas, dahong, cherrykoko, galbanara, urban outfitters, and more cute korean brands.   as for her hair, she tends to leave it down.  because her hair is naturally straight, she doesn't need a straightener. the only time where you'd see her with her hair up in a messy ponytail or bun is when she's excersising.  a few words to describe gyeongja's style are simple yet model status but cloud nine comfortable.


— positive; sociable, loyal, exuberant, quick witted, humerous.
— negative; stubborn, naive/curious, over confident, unorganized, impulsive.

when it comes to gyeongja's personality, your mind would probably end up flying out the window. because when  first met her, his mind definitely did. in all honesty, gyeongja looks like an angel with that baby face of hers. definitely d.o not be mislead, don't be fooled by her face. she's the type of person that will not hesitate to prank you. if you wake up with stuff written on your face, it's definitely gyeongja's doings. if you wake up with your clothes turned inside out, we all know who it is. you can also call her naive and curiosity gets to her. at first she would go ahead and do something like she's about to slay everyone and have all peasants bow down to her, but - the next thing you know, she'd probably end up causing a huge mess. she'd see a button and once the curiosity gets to her, she'll press it with no warning.  she doesn't think before she does something and it takes her a long time to figure out the logic of things.  if lucky, nothing will really happen. if not, oops. despite her age, she's pretty much a child and devil at heart.  even though she self claims to be a boss and a pro - in reality, it doesn't really work that way. she even takes the time to compliment herself every so often.  gyeongja is one with really fast movements. she could be standing at the corner of the apartment in one second but she could be in front of you the next. she's fast at reacting and because of this - she's quite sneaky and mischevious. she does things but she'd never be caught. there was this one time where there was food cooked for her brother lying in the middle of the kitchen table and she would casually go up to it and sneak a few pieces into . 

gyeongja is also extremely unorganized and messy. walk into her room or anywhere she's been, you can tell that the place either belongs to her or she's been there before you have. because the moment you see papers, snack wrappers, and pencils everywhere - it's all gyeongja's doing. she's extremely unorganized and she has things everywhere and things in places where they don't belong. sometimes you may even see clothes on her floor that has yet to be washed. while some girls are spending their mornings doing their makeup, gyeongja's in her room looking for her bookbag and the other shoe to her pair of shoes. she probably has clothes in the corner of the room that she has yet to wash. we can all say that she's a pretty sociable person, a social butterfly. even though her friends list gets longer and longer. there are those who she's extremely close to and those whom she really cares about. if you step foot into gyeongja's life circle, you're definitely in it and you can't really back out of it. whenever you're feeling upset, she'll use her weird and unique sense of humor to make you feel better. despite her not being the brightest crayon in the box, when it's time for some serious talk - she has some pretty deep sayings and it shocks people every time. whenever someone hurts you, she'll defend you. but when you make the wrong/harmful decisions, she'll be the first to come up and tell you. you can definitely trust her with your secrets. she's definitely not the type of person to let things spill.

gyeongja is an extremely joyful person and it seems as if nothing really bothers her.  she lives life to the fullest but obviously, there are those moments where someone crosses the line.  and obviously, everyone has their limitations.  that's when all hell breaks loose.  getting her mad is probably not one of the wisest choice to make especially if you're a male.  not only does she get sassy and sass you off with her iron tongue, leaving you speechless as she beats you to pulp with her words.  but if you're a male, she has no problem in showing off her violent side.  she will literally kick you where the sun don't shine and show no sign of regret.  one more thing about gyeongja is that she's extremely naive.  she's one that lives under a rock with a bubble around it with an addition of a super force barrier protecting it.  there's a lot she doesn't know about the world and people, in general.  if you ask her about the recent news, she'd probably not know about it either.  or she'd pretend to know and nod along as you talk to her about it.  if you say a erted joke, she won't know either until you actually tell her.  

oh hyeryung and yoo jinho were childhood lovers.  from a young age, they've sworn to marry each other when they grow older and that they would marry no one else.  even if they did get separated from college, they were willing to wait for each other no matter how long it took.  hyeryung and jinho were both born in the same place, gangnam.  both of their parents were partners and affiliates when it came to business.  construction businesses, that is.  both families go a long way back and they went through many obstacles together, going from small companies to huge companies.  hyeryung and jaesuk eventually got married during the end of 1990.  the two went on a honeymoon and on their first day of their honeymoon, they got it on.  it was obviously that they craved for each other's touch since they've been together since they were children.  fast worward to about one month later.  hyeryung was working in her office as she read through upcoming construction propsals, figuring out solutions to help out her father.  the moment she got up to grab a cup of water, she felt light headed and everything out.  upon waking up, a smell of rubbing alcohol surrounded her and she realized that she was sent to the hospital.  in that moment, the doctor said "congratulations, you're one month pregnant."  hyeryung and jinho swore that that moment was literally the best thing that has ever happened in their lives.  time passed by quite fast for jinho but for hyeryung, it was a difficult process. she craved for everything she would never eat before.  she felt uncomfortable in this position and that position.  it was difficult to do things without having to worry about her huge belly.  but at last, these months went by and hyeryung's water broke in the middle of mall when she was looking for baby clothes.  because it was impossible to push the baby out, the doctors had to do a c-section.  and not long later, the young couple's baby was born and they named her yoo gyeongja.

because gyeongja was born in a typically wealthy family since her parents were both heirs of minyurk construction and manbo construction, she had most of what she wanted.  since she was their only child, she was also loved by everyone and taught many things throughout her childhood.  as a baby, she was one of those energetic babies that jumped of walls every two seconds.  she was also a very curious child and she liked to touch things and learn about things. gyeongja was pretty hard to take care of.  she hated taking showers, hated sleeping early and she was extremely clingy towards her mother.  everytime her mom had to leave or go somewhere, she would turn the whole house upsidedown.  everytime her mom was home, she would cling to her like a koala.  the issue with gyeongja throughout her whole childhood was that everyone was extremely overprotective of her.  even when it came to schooling, she never went to a public school.  she was home schooled.  people might say that she's lucky that she doesn't have to worry about getting up early and taking hours to get to school.  but to her, it wasn't much of blessing.  she had a lot of opportunities lost and she was unable to experience the things a normal child or teen should experience.  while other kids had the experience of what it felt like climbing up a tree or scraping her knee from running too fast or falling off her bike.  she didn't have that chance.

as gyeongja grew older, she began to realize that she lacked freedom throughout her life.  even if it was something like choosing her own major or her own university, she had to ask consent.  if she was walking down a block with a male, she would be interrogated.  she was basically living under two communist rulers, oh hyeryung and yoo jinho.  but this only made gyeongja more rebellious and more distant towards her parents.  her one and only dream was to become a baker and open her own cafe.  however, her parents were against this.  they wanted her to stop whatever dream she had and whatever she wanted to do.  they wanted her to become the next heir to their construction company and manage it for them the moment they decide to retire.  for years and years, she obeyed her parents' rules and wants.  there was never a single time where she disobeyed them.  but her limit has been reached.  how was that limit reached?  the first issue was when gyeongja's parents found out that she was dating someone.  without gyeongja's decision or opinion, they found a way a made him break up with her.  the second problem was when she told her parents about her dream.  from this, she decided to move out and live her own life.  she was extremely tired of her lifestyle and even though she was given things ranging from brand shoes, brand clothes, new things - these were all materialistic things.  she wanted to live her life the way she wanted to.  and she no longer wanted to depend on her parents.  before starting her life in uni, she applied for a job at a cafe nearby.  in that cafe, she met chae jinri.  it didn't take them long to grow a connection and click.  while chae jinri was cooking and trying not to give people food poisoning, gyeongja was in charge of making the drinks and baking pastries.  during that period of time, they became good friends and even realized that they were going to the same university together.  

paying for her rent in a shabby apartment, books, and tuition was a difficult thing to do.  it was definitely a struggle since she refused to ask her parents' for help.  she remembered the last thing they said to her when she left the house with her bags was "okay leave.  once you realize how tough it is out there, you'll eventually come back to us."  gyeongja refused to fulfill their wishes and she wanted to give her fullest.  light was brought into her life the moment she met chae jinri but the light grew brighter when jinri told her about sooyeon and the manor.  this really brought tears to gyeongja's eyes because she can finally support herself better and decrease the amount of stress and struggles she had to deal with each day.  the interview was an extremely fun yet foreign process.  she has never done such thing before but because of her personality, she was able to connect with sooyeon.  in addition, she was recommended by chae jinri and that added a little more favor into her application.   

• sweets; gyeongja has a major sweet tooth.  she basically can't live without her sweets especially ice cream and frozen yogurt.  on top of that, she loves baking different types of cake, cookies, cupcakes, etc.  in her room, she has a whole pile of baking recipes that she likes to use to experiment.  her ultimate dream is to become a professional baker and open her own cafe.
• nature+traveling; to gyeongja, nature is extremely beautiful.  the fact that summer's her favorite season already explains a lot.  she's an extremely outgoing person and she likes to go to different places like beaches.  the sound of the waves and the feeling of the water touching her feet - it's breathtaking.  the sight of the sun slowly setting and the sight of leaves falling off a tree with an addition of the sound a waterfall makes - extremely breathtaking.
• music; gyeongja loves all sorts of music with the exception of rock and all that dark and intense music.  her favorite styles are classical and of course, pop.  when it comes to classical, she's a huge fan of the sounds a piano makes.  her favorite piano player is definitely the one and only yiruma.  you can't resist his kiss the rain.  when it comes to pop, who doesn't love kpop?  in fact, she's a huge fangirl and she's not afraid to spazz in front of everyone.  she also has a liking for some western type of pop like the songs demi lovato and arianna grande makes.  when she goes out on her daily morning runs, she won't leave without her mp3.
• dramas; gyeongja's not the variety show or movie type of person.  she tends to follow dramas with a good plot.  it doesn't matter what the genre is.  it just has to have a good and intense plot that would keep her on the edge of her seat.  one drama she's been recently catching up on is the walking dead.
• puzzles; if you see a girl in toys r us buying elsa and anna puzzles, that's gyeongja you're seeing.  she loves buying those 1000 piece sets and putting the picture together.  she has accomplished putting many puzzles together and she managed to frame some of them up.  there's one puzzle framed up right next to her bed.  it's a picture of winnie the pooh and piglet.  also known as her two favorite characters in winnie the pooh.
• water; with the exception of milk and soup, the other thing gyeongja drinks the most is water.  in fact she drinks at least 4 bottles per day.  even though she hates running to the bathroom every 2 hours, she likes to keep herself hydrated and she hates the feeling of dried lips.  the fact the she runs around the neighborhood in the morning already gives her a reason to drink two bottles already.  gyeongja also enjoys the feeling of water touching her skin.  she loves water parks and she loves going in the pool.  

• smoke; gyeongja has always wondering why people smoke.  didn't they learn about the side effects of disgusting cigarettes? on top of that, gyeongja hates the smell of it.  she's not necessarily allergic to it but she can't stand it.  whenever she sees someone smoking, she has a habit of holding her breath and fast walk past that person in order to prevent herself from choking and coughing.
• slow internet; slow internet is a huge issue when it comes to gyeongja.  she hates it with all of her because her is bigger than her heart. i mean - but anywho.  usually she has a pretty good amount of patience but when it comes to slow internet, she just refuses to deal with it in an appropriate manner.  
• cheese; gyeongja thinks cheese is gross.  she hates the smell of it, the sight of it, and the taste of it.  to her, it literally smells like cat poop.  cheese on pizza is not too bad but the most she can it is one slice.  one slice of pizza and she's done.  while everyone's drooling over cheese, she's the one in the corner thinking about her ice cream.
• unhygenic people; yeah.  this is pretty self-explanatory because who likes to deal with dirty people?  
• when food is too oily/greasy;  when food is doused with oil, don't expect her to touch it.  obviously, she's well aware that you need oil to cook food and every thing has oil in it.  but when a whole puddle of oil is seen at the bottom of a bowl of lo mein, she won't be amused.
• bugs;  what girl likes bugs?  bugs are gross.  bugs are disgusting.  bugs are annoying. bugs are ugly.  how to kill a bug 101 by gyeongja : tape it down so it doesn't move and fold the tape under it so it doesn't go anywhere.  if the bug is too fast, spray it down with perfume then tape it.  after that, flush it down the toilet like a boss.

• baking; pretty self explanatory since she wants to be a baker and open her own cafe. 
• exercising; gyeongja is a very athletic person.  the fact that she loves sweets and her metabolism doesn't work in favor for her, she's often seen exercising and doing something that keeps her body moving.  one thing she does every morning is waking up early and going out to run around the neighborhood for about an hour.
• taking selfies; wow okay.  the photo album in her phone literally consists of about 900 selfies.  it's just a habit of hers.  whether she's bored or not, she takes selfies.  she has bathroom selfies, sleepy selfies, pouting selfies, duck lips selfies, etc.
• folding things; aka origami.  she loves buying different types of stationery paper and folding things with them.  one thing she especially enjoys folding are paper stars.

• sleeping in a weird position; she tends to sleep on her left side in a fetus position.  and everytime she wakes up, the blankets are always over her head.  
• laughing like a man; when it comes to laughing, it doesn't look very woman like.  while other girls are about covering their mouths and silently giggling to themselves, she's the type of person to laugh with wide opened like an alligator.
• i whip my hair back and forth; this one is not as weird as the others because a lot of girls do this.  she likes to flip her hair a lot especially in people's faces.

• spiders; we all know how digusting bugs are.  we all know that whenever gyeongja sees a bug in her territory, she has no problem in killing it.  but when it comes to spiders, it's a different story.  she will literally scream and hyperventilate on the spot, gasping for air as her eyes start filling with tears.
• birds; she freaks out when she sees them.  ever since she got pooped on by a bird, she has always been afraid of birds.  if you see her jumping around in the middle of the street and screaming, she probably encountered a pigeon swooping down at her.
— her eyesight isn't that great.  she wears contacts all the time.
— literally spends all of her money on food and sweets.
— wants to visit paris and new york, one day.
— hasn't spoken to her parents in a long time.  however, her parents hired a person to follow her around every so often.
— favorite color is white.
— favorite fruit are grapes.
— she's a b+ blood type.
— she doesn't have an ideal type.  when she likes someone, she likes someone.  
— doesn't have any sort of experience with love at all.  in fact, she use to think that kissing made babies.
— wants to get married and have at least two children.
— hates having dried hands and chapped lips.  she's always carrying a tiny bottle of lotion and chapstick.
— she is usuallyone of the first people to wake up in the morning.  she enjoys cooking delicious breakfast for the girls before leaving the house for her morning run.
— she has an instagram with the username being pooh.jpg.  she refuses to use twitter because she doesn't get the point of it.  she also has a line account with her username being gyeongjadapooh.
— she's a huge vixx and 2ne1 fangirl.  she's not much of a sment follower. ( well - that will change when she meets exo. )
— in school, she's not the brightest crayon in the box and she's extremely bad at math.  
— she has a pet fish named dung aka poop.  
— she has an iphone 6.  she would totally go for one of those y phones due to her financial status.  but she needs the quality of the camera to be on fleek and she can't afford to buy a phone with bad camera quality.
— although, she comes off to be a really healthy person.  she actually prefers meat over veggies.
— enjoys singing in the shower even though she sounds like a broken record.
— believe it or not, she has a high alcohol tolerance.  when she's upset, she tends to drink a lot of soju.
— she's extremely violent towards males and she has  no problem in kicking them where the sun don't shine.

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— oh hyeryung | mom 44 | heir of manbo construction | hardworking, passionate, persistent, ambitious, manipulative 
— yoo jinho | dad | 45 | heir of minyurk construction | sociable, energetic, workaholic, stubborn, intellectual 
the relationship between gyeongja and her parents started off well and happy.  but as gyeongja grew up, she realized how much she's been missing out on life.  everything was basically under her parents' rule and she wasn't fond of it.  ever since she left home, she hasn't been back to visit her parents' once.

— chae jinri | friends and past coworkers | 20 | student | charismatic, friendly, easygoing, adorable, joyful | both jinri and gyeongja share a very warm and friendly relationship.  now, they are not bffs.  they are just regular friends that go to the same place to work in order to suppor themselves.  but they really enjoy each other's company and they manage to make each other smile no matter what the issue is.  the fact that they use to work together, go to the same university and share the same problem is already enough to make them grow closer.  gyeongja feels that jinri is a very reliable friend that has a place in her heart.


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BACK-UP LOVE INTEREST : zhang yixing
D.O.B : 22051991 // 22
— old man / loser / idiot ; called by gyeongja since they have a love hate relationship and they love making fun of each other.

— positive; warm, loving, exuberant, playful
— neutral; talkative
— negative; overprotective, naggy, emotional 

suhoe, suho3, sufarmingtool, sugar daddy.  just like gyeongja being one of the oldest in the 12, suho's one of the oldest in exo and he was given the title, leader.  his job is to take care of his boys like there's no tomorrow and do whatever he can for the better of his boys.  this is why they all call him the umma guardian.  even though he's a male, he technically acts like an ahjumma with his personality.  now to be  more in depth - suho comes off to be a very jolly and exuberant person. he's always seen with a smile on his face, as an extremely happy person.  in front of others, nothing seems to ever bother him and he seems to live life full of no regrets and happiness.  however, deep inside - he's the only person that can feel the burden and big weight on his shoulders.  and when he's alone, he lets out his feelings of stress and despair.  he obviously enjoys his life but sometimes, things can be extremely tiring and he just wants to lay down for a day without any worries and problems.  the fact that he's one of the weaker ones in exo makes it even worse for him.  not only is he physically weaker, being terrible at sports and physical activity.  as well as being afraid of cracking his back.  he's also emotionally weaker than the others.  even though he comes off to be strong, when he's alone - he can't help but let out several tears of stress.  after all, real men cry.

being extremely warm and loving, he tends to shower people with suho love.  once you see him, you'll first notice how handsome he is and how charming his smile is.  then you'll begin to realize the feeling of warmth he's sending towards your way.  he has no problem in showing people love and warmth. one cheerful and playful guy with a unique sense of humor that'll knock your brains out. he's always throwing jokes at people and he never fails to make people laugh. with him, there's no such thing as a silent or awkward moment. his mouth is always running and he never runs out of things to say. everyday, he has a different story or different joke to tell people.  let's just say, he's extremely talkative and the moment you meet him, not only will you feel warmth - you will also feel that you've known him since birth.  he has no problem in opening up to people and even his exo boys call him annoying.  with talkative, comes with the trait naggy and over protective.  he's like a mother of a group of ducklings.  leading them from point a to point b.  the moment he sees something that has potential in harming you, he will say something.  he's the first to jump in front of you and shield you from anything coming your way.  however, his type of protection sometimes goes overboard and it tends to get overwhelming.  sometimes the littlest things will trigger the umma guardian side of suho and it gets a little too much.   

the first time suho and gyeongja met was when exo moved in and became the girls' neighbors.  gyeongja woke up typically later that morning and it took her longer than usual to get ready.  it was a saturday morning and she couldn't figure out where her mp3 disappeared off to.  after finding her mp3 and earphones, she finally headed out with a water bottle in her other hand. unfortunately, because she left later than usual - the sun was already blazing.  but that didn't stop her from going out for her morning exercise.  and because of that, she also bumped into suho along with sehun and lay.  they were on their way to the supermarket to buy themselves some banana milk and snacks.  their conversation started off with a sorry due to the fact that they bumped into each other.  then they started to introduce themselves and about them being neighbors.  that basically summed up their entire first meeting and the fact that the boys and girls weren't that crazy yet,  there weren't any interactions after that moment. 

after their first time speaking, they met again.  this time it was at the university.  never in gyeongja's life has she thought that she would be in the same school as exo.  not only do they live right next to each other - but now they go to the same university?  because of gyeongja's height, it's hard to spot her when there's a huge ocean of people flowing from one end of the hall to the other end.  but somehow, suho was able to spot her and they were actually put in the same class.  the moment they walked in, they were put in assigned seats by the new teacher.  they were put a row away from each other with a female in the between the two, being the third wheel. i mean - but anywho.  even though they both had completely different majors, they had to take simple core classes like philosophy and all that jazz.  so therefore, throughout the entire semester, they were able to speak to each other and see each other.  gyeongja had a pretty well impression of suho but when the boys started to act up, she began to have second thoughts.

RELATIONSHIP TITLE : friends with a love/hate relationship
ever since the boys started to act up and causing a ruckus, gyeongja started to feel a little irritated.  therefore, she tried her best to not talk to suho.  she didn't want to talk to them and she didn't want to end up arguing with someone that's close to being a stranger to her.  not only did she have philosophy with him but she also had basic art with him.  they were basic core classes that all majors needed in order to graduate so therefore, it was something they had to get through with.  gyeongja avoided suho at all costs and she gave him the most sarcastic smiles ever whenever he smiled at her.  however, heaven decided to mess with gyeongja and shoot her in the 29323 times.  she was paired up with suho to do an art project as their final for the semester.  during this period of time, they began to interact more.  at first, it was suho who did all the talking and idea giving.  but it didn't take long for gyeongja to start moving as well.  even though the project only lasted 2 weeks, they were able to know each other better.  
after their art class and philosophy class, they eventually went their own ways when it came to core classes.  for the first few weeks of their new semester, they didn't get the chance to see each other.  gyeongja would sometimes "unwillingly" think of suho's whereabouts even though she would shake it off at the end.  after the first few weeks, a wild suho has appeared again. they began seeing each other again and although gyeongja was still not too fond (she's totally in denial) of him, she sometimes had the tendency to speak to him.  eventually she grew use to his presence and unintentionally, her stank face grew into a face of friendliness and "we're now friends" face.  in addition to that, suho and a few of the boys started to visit the cafe gyeongja worked in.  they would come by often and order their favorite drinks and sweets.  sometimes, they would stay in there for hours.  but there were also times where they would order to takeout.  one day on a rainy day, gyeongja was the last to leave the cafe.  unfortunately, she didn't bring an umbrella.  but it was literally raining cats and dogs out.  literally standing under the roof of the cafe for a long period of time, suho suddenly appeared with a choco cat umbrella.  walking home together and being under the same roof, it was kind of awkward at first.  however, suho didn't hesitate to run his trap and they began they started an extremely cute conversation.  

they started to grow closer and eventually, they became good friends.  they were extremely happy towards each other and they put joy in each others' lives as well as supporting each other.  they also fought like a married couple over small things like who ate the last cookie in the cookie jar.  the two also had mean names for each other as if their relationship couldn't get any cuter.  the love in their relationship started to grow without their knowledge.  it was especially obvious when suho grew jealous when gyeongja went to the valentine's day dance with another male.  that male was simply a classmate of gyeongja's since the two didn't have a partner.  nothing was going on in between the two and the moment gyeongja told suho about the random male being her dance partner, they got into a serious argument.  that triggered the overprotective side and jealous side of suho's body and they fought.  after parting their ways that day, gyeongja arrived home feeling extremely upset.  talking to the other girls, she found out as to why he was acting the way he did.  even though she didn't really feel it at first, she began to feel the gist of it and eventually, the two started to talk again and as well as going back to their old ways.  all in all, they're friends that have a love/hate relationship.  they show each other love but they also play fight over small things.  sometimes, their fights get a little too heated when jealousy comes into play but that's because the two have fallen for each other. boomshakalaka.

— extremely smart and received a lot of good grades.
— he's one of the oldest in exo yet one of the shortest.
— loves going to the han river.
— his fashion style is dandy style.
— while gyeongja doesn't like rock, suho likes the punk rock.
— is the one the provides the boys/kids with food in order to keep them under control, temporarily.
— terrible when it comes to playing rock-paper-scissors.  
— can't deal with horror movies.
— can't cook anything to save his life with the exception of instant ramen.
— he's majoring in acting.
— he's athletic but he's terrible at it.  he tried shooting the basketball into the hoop 5 times and he missed.
— he likes to sleep early and he has small feet.
— his favorite food is sushi.
— he has a lot of pictures of him but none of them do him justice.
— he has a habit of checking in on the kids whenever possible.
— loves avengers, batman and superman.
— dreamed of becoming a singer ever since he was in elementary school.
— has a habit of clearing his throat by saying "ah!"
— has an older brother.



— i wasn't the first few to join in but i love it here.  my room isn't the biggest but i think it's enough to fit me, my roomie and my stuff as well as her stuff.  i'd like to say that i'm not that bad of a roomie.  my side of the room is pretty clean for the most part with the exception of a few snack wrappers here and there.  since i tend to nom when i work on my homework and projects.  but at the end of the day, i do throw them out like i'm supposed to.  -tucks a strand of hair behind my ear- i tend to sleep early and wake up early and i'm usually one of the first girls to be up.  i know how to bake as well as cooking.  so i like to make the girls some yummy breakfast before i leave the house.  also, whenever i have the time - i would also pick up a vacum cleaner and clean the house up.  like duh, no one wants bugs and mold forming.

— i work in the same cafe i met chae jinri in.  although she advanced and is now working as a fashion journalist, i'm still there. i know i say this a lot but i want to become a professional baker and open my own cafe that will be known worldwide.  so i don't plan on firing myself from this cafe anytime soon.  it's a way for me to gain myself some baking experience as well as money to provide for the rent and daily needs.  although, i'm a part-time worker - you can easily find me there during afterschool hours.  when i don't have too much homework, i'm there from afterschool till late at night.  - my lips at the thought of sweets before grinning like a child- if you don't see me the moment you walk into the cafe, i'm probably in the kitchen so literally, ask for me.  if you don't find me in the cafe, i'm mostly either at school or at home.
— um well - uh. about the pranking and troublesome; -curves a hand in the shape of a "c" as i put it next to my mouth, whispers- i do.  as we all know, i'm the mini version of satan.  i'm basically the one that does the pranks.  if you find your clothes turned inside out the next morning, it's me.  if you find your face covered in makeup the moment you wake up, that's me.  but i do it all because of love okay!  it can't be helped.
— well basically, i knew about this through chae jinri.  i met jinri when i first started working at the cafe.  at that time, jinri was still working their part-time to start off with paying off her expenses.  the moment the two met, they clicked and started a warm friendship.  and because jinri was one of the first few to know about the position and the house and jinri being such bae status, she told me about it.  i basically had to apply.  i had no way to support myself all on my own.  it was a struggle but i didn't want to contact my parents again.  so i did it for the better. 
— uh.  LOL. -lets out a soft chuckle- yes, i did say lol. internet is life okay.  internet is my religion and i worship it - okay, totally getting off topic.  but seriously, i have to admit that they're pretty good looking.  but they have "distinct" personalities and i'm totally questioning them.  i understand that i'm a troublemaker and i'm the mini spawn of satan.  but they are like the exact forms of satan.  they are worse than me and that's saying something.  but like jinri said, we need to change them for the better and not for the worse.  so it's basically us as the cops and them as the criminals.  we put cuffs on them and train them.    


thanks for applying for 'EXO NEXT DOOR!'

NAME : cyn
USERNAME : admiror
ACTIVENESS ( 1 - 10 ) : 9

QUERIES/COMMENTS? : cries i hope this is okay like omg. ;;
— exo orders a box of sweets from the cafe gyeongja works at.  instead of putting cream, she put toothpaste. 

— switching the woman and male signs of the bathrooms before exo was going to do their business





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hommage #1
btw why is it kim yena?
isn't supposes to be 유경자?