Orpheus's (Papa Bear): (Go Hyun Suk)

" from the sea of thy soul i cometh... i am Orpheus..."

Go Hyun Suk

The Mature One

username - cherryfruit101

activeness - 8

nickname - cherry

"The first card, numbered 0, is The Fool. It represents the beginning and suggests infinite possibilities."

character name: Go Hyun Suk

other names: Korean-Go Hyun Suk

                     English- Albert Go

                     Russian-Альберт (Albert) *This probably isn't relevant lol*

nicknames: -Russian (Given by the members as he tends to blurt out russian curses whenever he is frustrated)

                  - Papa Bear (Given by fans as he tries to lead Orpheus well,like a father to his children)

                  -Firecracker (Given by fans and MAD entertainment staff for his calm side when he feels indifferent and scary side when he is furious)

age: 22

birthday: 27 October 1993

blood type: B

birthplace: Daejeon,South Korea

hometown: Daejeon,South Korea (1-6,16-ongoing)

                 Novosibirsk,Russia (6-16)

languages: Russian-semi-fluent (He had a russian stepmother who taught him the language but had gone a little rusty over the years)

                 Chinese-fluent (Learned chinese since he was a kid)

stage name: Hyun

persona: Papa Bear

fanclub name: Cubs 

fanclub colour#99ffff

position: Main Rapper (Lead Rapper)

singing twin: Kris Wu (EXO) 

dancing twin: Park Jimin (BTS)

rapping twin: Song Min Ho (WINNER)

"Go on and shine,I will watch your back for you."

personality: Hyun Suk is a guy we would like to call as a 'Multifaceted Diamond'.This guy can either come off as a very stoic and calm person or a bright,charismatic one.It is hard to define him by just a single stereotype for this man shows a different side of him whenever he chooses to.A guy full of drive,Hyun Suk truly gives in his all to whatever he does and never believes in half-hearted work.No one can take his energy away from him by distracting him in any way.He does this because he knows what he wants.He knows that putting in his all to his work can help him achieve the desired results.

He is also a selfless yet competitive person.Yes,he could sacrifice his spotlight for the others and let them shine but he can also be the one vying for it.Hyun Suk never sacrifices something for people who don't deserve it so when his positions are threatened by people he doesn't see as worthy,he could be the rival you would never want.He would try all the tricks in the books just to get that person out of the game.On the other hand,when he does give up his spotlight,he would be the quiet supporter watching your back,ever ready to help you up if you fall.As a good listener,many feel comfortable with entrusting their secrets to him.They trust him and he acknowledges and cherishes the trust they have in him,keeping his mouth tightly zipped with not a hint of their secrets ever slipping out from his lips.Whenever someone tried to interrogate him,all he would do is stare blankly at the person and walk away.Hence,they never knew what this man keeps in his bank of secrets.

The peacemaker of the group,he would always be the first to step up and break up the fight.Chaos irks him to the core and he certainly hates seeing one brew up before him.Hyun Suk rarely gets in arguements,but when he does,no one would ever want to argue with him.When he gets into arguements,it usually means he is furious.The sight of him when he is angry is not a pretty sight or something they want to hear.He would lash out in the harshest insults and yell in his fiercest voice.If looks could kill,most people would have already been dead and six foot underground.The mature one of the group,he doesn't usually take part in silly things other people do.He prefers to just watch and let them do their thing rather than joining them.However when he actually does (Which is once in a blue moon),He's almost always one of the wackiest dancer and singer.It's most certainly not that he does not like having fun,it's just simply because he believes in having fun at the appropriate time and being proper.This sometimes result in him looking very awkward like a wallflower.

He is easily jealous and protective of things he claim as his very own.Be it items or people.The thing is,he just do not want others to eventually take his precious things away from him,damage and hurt people he is close to.His jealousy probably burns stronger than any other fire in the world when it is triggered.He can't stand it but has to keep suppressing it and won't allow his emotions to slip and act by itself.Some find this intimidating and smothering but others may feel loved and cared for.It all depends on the person.Hyun Suk is a gullible and easy-going person too,usually the victim of good natured jokes.It can take him as much as five times before he stops falling for the same joke.

Even with loved ones,he would be the father of the group.Strict towards his loved ones and other people,he means well.They may find him a total control freak but that's just how he shows his love.By showering them with concern and making sure that no harm reaches them.Hyun Suk is also a relaible person you can turn to for help when you are stuck with the most complex situations in life.Often the bank of advice,he dishes out his opinions and would try his hardest to help them.He doesn't necessarily act like a father all the time.When he wants to have fun,he can be the loudest person you would ever know of.Think a man on drugs but still somewhat 'sober'.His sense of humor is also one of a kind.He would sometimes pass out saracastic yet harmless comments on things he sees or when a member says something. That is exactly why Hyun Suk is known affectionately as a 'Multifaceted Diamond'.



  • Mother/Ahn Min Hyo/30 at the age of death/(Deceased)/ Nurse
  • Father/Go Sang Won/52/Alive/Business Operations Manager
  • Stepmother/Olesya Komissarov/48/Alive/Sales and marketing executive 
  • Stepsister/Vera Komissarov (Go)/21/Alive/Student


Hyun Suk was born to a upper-middle class family in Daejeon,South Korea on 27th October 1993.When he was only two,his mother died of pneumonia,leaving him under the care of his usually busy father.His father was the business operations manager of one of the leading companies in the business industry at the time and hence had to break free from his usual hectic schedule in order to give Hyun Suk the attention he truly needs.They would go on occasional trips to the park for casual,meaningful walks together and the mall to get ice cream together.His father enrolled him into clarinet lessons at the young age of 4 so as to give him a hobby to enjoy.The days grew more exciting for him when his father would bring this caucasian lady over to their place.The lady was beautiful and kind,giving him lollipops and toys regularly.She even gave him a Russian/English name-Albert.The best part was that she had a daughter,Vera,who was a year younger than he was.They became the best of playmates and then became stepsiblings to each other for their parents soon got married.The happy family later moved to Russia when his father got tranferred there to work in the Russia branch.

Even though he still held a strong interest in playing the clarinet,Hyun Suk discovered things that interested him just as greatly.His sister and him would stroll around town with their parents,marvelling at things on display from the shops.He then got into squash when Vera introduced it to him as a way to past time.But not all of his interest was solely acclaimed from Vera.In his neighbourhood,there would be a lady who did fortune-telling.He would always pay 3 euros just to hear her tell futures and learn from looking.Until he was out of euros to give.


The main problem wasn't that though,as he grew up,his bond with Vera grew stronger and stronger.He felt things that were foreign to him,the emotions and feelings.He began to pay the lady for telling his future love life.He began to show signs of interest in Vera.The way she would tie her hair into a neat bun,the way her eyes twinkle and most of all he liked her sweet prissy lips.He was beginning to fall for his stepsister. This revelation disgusted him a lot and he tried to banish it by hanging out with his friends and girls in school.It wasn't right.It wasn't supposed to be like that.He had hated himself for it.Vera loved red and would apply red lipstick everyday.Seeing her lips made him hate the colour red.Red was a colour of passion and right then,he hated passion to the core.Hyun Suk then made the desicion to pour his worries to his father who insisted that he move to South Korea to study abroad.It was a secret he never and won't ever reveal to anyone.


Vera was Hyun Suk's stepsister since he was 4.Naturally,they got very close to each other and are often complimented by the nieghbours and relatives about how well they get along with each other.She was one girl Hyun Suk could communicate with well and he had always considered her as his girl best friend.That is until he was about 14.The bubbly girl who would tease and joke with him suddenly seemed so much more attractive in his eyes.Her awkward laugh beginning to sound like the sweetest laugh he has ever heard.In a way,he and his teenage hormones were getting a little off at that time.He had developed feelings for her.It was supposed to feel good and exciting but this is Vera he liked here.Vera,the stepsister he had.Of course,Hyun Suk had to try his best to ignore her but it was difficult.Vera lived with him,under the same roof.She was a talkative girl too so it didn't help.One thing about Vera was that she loved the colour red.Everything had to be red for her.Most of her clothing in her closet was red.Why,you may ask? It made her look good.She looked stunning in red and it suited her alot.Call it human nature but even this mature,stoic,proper guy has his hormones raging.And it definitely wasn't a good thing to be feeling that way.When he was 16,two years after this emotions stiired up,he just couldn't bear it anymore and decided to tell his father everything.


At the age of 16-going-on-17,Hyun Suk came back to Korea to study..Life was supposedly better than that in Russian without Vera around.He made new friends and had done well in his studies.He lived with his aunt and was treated nicely with delicious homecooked food everyday.Everyday,he would try to forget about the misdeed he had done and eventually stumbled upon the idea of making a scrapbook.Hyun Suk made his own scrapbook and would paste in his favourite items he saw from magazines and newspaper articles,like a snapback or maybe a yummy looking dish of kimbap.He also took to rapping as a way to fit in with his friends who loved rap (hip hop was the trend at that time) and also to adopt a new pastime .It started off as a harmless activity,nothing taken too seriously.However,he began to like rap as much as his friends were crazy about it and would spend hours rapping to songs.Rapping became a huge hobby and he would do it regularly.Of course,not neglecting his other hobbies.


Hyun Suk and his friends jumped at the opportunity immediately after Zowie Entertainment announced the news to began having casting calls.They would train during the weekends or after school to help each other out and be prepared for the auditions.The day before the auditions finally rolled by and their audition would soon begin.It was naturally nerve-wrecking to be in the building as he waited for his turn.Tons of people were in there practising and boy were they good.From his point of view anyways.He had actually considered backing out but he stayed on because he didn't want to let his practises go to waste and there is just this glimmer of hope.Being called in after what seemed like a lifetime,Hyun Suk failed to let it go.Let himself free.He felt that he didn't do his best.But little did he know,Hyun Suk would be selected to train with Zowie Entertainment.


  • Pirog (A Russian large pie with sweet or savoury filling)---Especially when his stepmother makes them
  • Lindsey Stirling---He absolutely adores the way she plays the violin
  • The colour white---A classical colour that goes well with anything
  • Water Parks---As serious as he may be sometimes,the child in him shows when he goes to water parks
  • Squash---He leanred and enjoyed squash when he was in Russia as a way to overcome boredom
  • The Olympics---He's a huge fan of Korea's soccer team
  • Running man---It would be simply delightful if he could go on the show just once
  • Tumblr---A place where he can find inspiration for songs
  • Greece---He hasn't been able to forget the wonderful memories the last time he went to Greece on vacation
  • Literature---His favourite subject in school and major in college
  • Animals---He really wants to try being a zookeeper even if it's for a day just to experience what it's like
  • Weird/bizarre food---He wants to try all weird foods possible before he dies
  • Scrapbooks---He has one for himself to keep his favourite magazine and newspaper cutouts
  • The art of fortune-telling---It was something that started right from his childhood
  • Cluedo---His favourite boardgame of all times (P.S he never fails to choose Mustard as his character)


  • Pistachios---He hates them to the core
  • Girls who throw themselves at men---They need to know what being modest means
  • Winter---He can't take the cold
  • The colour red---He hates it so much for a reason (See background)
  • Nosy people---Secrets are not meant for people to know but with these people around....it's another story completely
  • Sandalwood---He hates the scent of sandalwood
  • Chemistry---His least favourite subject in school


  • Playing squash in a quiet environment
  • Watching 'Running Man'
  • Looking for and cutting out newspaper and magazine articles for his scrapbook
  • Listening to music
  • Surfing the web
  • Playing the clarinet


  • Cursing in Russian when he is frustrated
  • Tends to stare blankly into space when in shock
  • Always claims to sleep for only five minutes more but he sticks true to his word
  • Logging into his tumblr after every meal for new notifications
  • Would repeat 'I trust you to overcome this,Hyun.' to himself whenever he meets with a crisis


  • Has a Siberian Cat named 'Lia'
  • Once screamed at a member for feeding Lia cookies
  • Would like to have Yoo Jae Suk's autograph
  • Rarely does aegyo but when he does,he goes full force
  • The keeper of secrets for the members of Orpheus
  • Is the idea bank of the group
  • Has never had a birthday party,only birthday celebration
  • Would always curl to his right side when he sleeps but this position usually never lasts the night
  • Wants to try sky-diving but is afraid at the same time
  • When eating steamed fish,he would go for the fish eyes as he finds them tasty
  • Has a small 'Scorpio' tattoo on his right wrist to represent his zodiac sign
  • Is particularly close with 'The Quiet One' of the group
  • To him.the most handsome member of Orpheus would be 'The Nice One'
  • Once fell out of bed while sleeping and got angry at himself for it
  • Has a geniune record player he got from his parents when they did not need it anymore that he didn't really want but when people wanted to buy it from him,he insisted that he liked it alot
  • Would rather date Russian girls than Korean girls but he generally has no strong preference
  • His major in university is Literature
  • Actually owns a real taser gun but doesn't use it (What for?)
  • Takes the shortest time to shower,usually about 5-8 minutes
  • Claims that he would probably be the first to die in a zombie apocalypse and that 'The Flirty One' would probably charm the zombies into not eating him
  • If he wasn't in the entertainment industry,he would have most likely been a journalist
  • Even though he doesn't like doing it,his scheming skills are world class
  • His favourite swimming style is freestyle
  • The first thing he notices in a girl would be
  • He likes taking pyschology quizzes
  • Can play the clarinet
  • Currently stands at the height of 184cm
  • Accidentally cracked his new phone's screen when he tried to show that it was durable 
  • Would date a fan
  • Can do a backflip 
  • Would rather volunteer than donate money to charities (He doesn't trust people with money especially since they could easily embezzle company funds)
  • One of his wishes would be to visit an all-you-can-eat ice cream buffet
  • Has seasickness.airsickness and carsickness
  • Favourite movie of all time:The Outsiders (1983)
  • This trivia is unknown to people and only known to his immediate family so not even his aunt knows.Back in Russia,the secret he doesn't let any know is the fact that he harboured a romantic liking for his stepsister.They may not be blood-related but on some point,they are still siblings.In his point of view,it seemed to be something that should be hidden from the public and is considered a disgrace.Another thing about this is the fact that Vera has no idea he likes her romantically.It really just pains him to see his stepsister cry over the fact that he is leaving and pretend it's nothing.It also makes his upset to know that he has to let go of his feelings for her.Vera loved the colour red and used to put on red lipstick a lot as well as buy him gifts in red.The colour red strongly reminds him of her and hence he never wants to be too associated with that colour.
  • His ideal type would be someone who is caring and motherly,possibly more parent-like than he is.A girl who cares deeply for people and will never leave her friends in the lurch is definitely one that truly attracts Hyun Suk.Majority of girls these days do not know how to cook and clean so one that knows how to do so is like finding a rare gem.He would also like a girl who is humorous and has the ability to tickle his funny bone since he isn't one that laughs easily.

face claim: Kris Wu Yifan

back-up face claimKim Jaejoong 

style: His style would be best described as laid back and casual.Despite his classy demeanor and 'no-nonsense' personality,he is the kind of guy that doesn't put much emphasis on clothing and style.Usually ready in five minutes,he would never take more than ten minutes to pick out his outift of the day.His style would most likely be categorised under classical.Chic but not too over the top.



"the most important for me, is to be by your side."


name: Choi Raok/Ok

age: 21

group: Quiescence

personality: This beautiful girl shouldn't be called heartless,just extremely late at expressing her feelings.Fiercely independant,Raok does not feel the need to rely and refuses to reply on others.She has a tough hard shell she builds up around her,thus having the impression of being cold to the people around her but that is really just who she is.Approaching this girl would be very difficult for jokes do not work on her.One has to crack a really good joke just to get a smile out of her.People tend to forget about her even when she's in the room because she's just too quiet and rarely ever opens to speak!

how did you meet: The two had met in the building of Zowie entertainment.Their meeting wasn't anything special,much less memorable.They were both in the same lunch line at the canteen and Hyun Suk was in the line right before her.Having taken the last M&M cookie that she had wanted,he overheard her asking for it from the lunch lady and being told there were none left.Deciding to scarifice his cookie for her,as expected Raok immediately refused but thanked him for his offer and then walked hastily away,leaving Hyun Suk stunned and puzzled.

how you interact: When they bump into each other in the hallways,it would be Hyun Suk who smiles and nods at ther first before she does the same.Sometimes maybe a simple 'hello'.

relationship: Acquaintances

"There is both joy and wonder in coming to understand another..."

name: Ok Taec-yeon

age: 26

group: 2pm

personality: Taec-yeon is the kind of guy you would see at a park,casually sipping iced tea from a straw out of a plastic cup while observing people coming and going.The kind of guy that takes everything easily.This man rarely loses his temper and has a high patience level,resulting in the many friends he has from all walks of life.He gets along well with most people and is friendly towards anyone.However,there is a mischievous streak lurking underneath the sweet,friendly outer.The side of him that loves to just fool around and make people annoyed yet happy.You know,the person who manages to annoy you but make you laugh at the same time.

how did you meet: They met through mutual friends and were both invited to a friend's party.There,they interacted with each other over a karaoke session.Turns out the 2pm member was the high school friend of that friend.The duo then began to be friends and would call each other at times for a cup of coffee and a casual chat.

how you interact: Their interaction is generally very simple.When they happen to see each other,they would wave and give each other friendly fist bumps.Small talks often commences but sometimes their talks can go on for about 2 hours or so if either of them aren't rushing for time.

relationship: Friends

"The final card is The World, which represents the individual's full awareness of his place in the world."

comments: Hi~This is Cherry here and introducing Mr Mautre (a.k.a Go Hyun Suk)! P.S in case you are wondering,I don't have a obsession over russian things and I'm not russian :P

scene requests

  • Running man appearance! XD
  • Having their very own show
  • Hyun Suk actually making Raok laugh out loud
  • Orpheus has a 'fright night' where producers make them go through horrors for a night

password: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7

Thanks for applying!
XOXO, Nyx and Asteria

Go forth and never look back!


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