MYSTEEQUE - Eumgil; Main Vocalist + Dancer

USERNAME. Obeliaaa
BIRTH NAME. Chon Eum Gil
— Miho Hanami (Japanese)
— Nawang Lhamu Karma (Tibetan)

- Karma; Lover + She revealed to her lover what her name would be in Tibetan that is given by her grandmother. In the Tibetan language, Karma means star. This is the nickname that her Lover uses to call her but not frequently. It's just a playful nickname

- Nawang; Grandmother + Since her grandmother is half-Tibetan, she usually calls Eumgil by her Tibetan name Nawang

- Nyomnyom; Hyuna + Hyuna really love to call her Nyomnyom or Mommy Nyom. Since her name sound like Eom or Nom, Hyuna makes it more cute and calls her Nyomnyom. Whilst Eumgil calls her Kyunkyun or Baby Kyun (Kim Hyun Ah -> Kim Hyun -> Kim Hyun -> Kyun)

- Voice Chameleon; YG ent members & Fans + Although she has a really deep & bass-concentrated voice, she has the talent to imitate anyone's voice with a practice of 2 minutes

BIRTHDATE. October 11th 1994
BIRTHPLACE. Kyoto, Japan
HOMETOWN. Seoul, South Korea

- Korean ; Native + Mother-Language

- Japanese; Fluent + 2nd Mother Language

- Mongolian & Sino-Tibetan ; Basic-Conversational + Her grandmother speaks both fluently and often teaches and talks to her with that language 

- English; Struggling + Yeah...she only knows an itsy bitsy of it

this is me.
GALLER(IES). gallery
APPEARANCE. When talking about the beauty of her visual, she has the kind of face that is a mixture of sweet and kind. Round face, single eyelids eyes yet a bit round, small pink lips, longs legs and arms with long fingertips. Eumgil however, has a more curvy and more bust to her body in which she always hides behind her cute oversized t-shirt or sweater. She has a fair skin that is not too white and not too tan. She has a wavy medium-length hair that reaches until her shoulder with the colour of jet black (Preferably change to dark brown). She doesn't really like to make herself too stand-out, despite the fact that she's 170 cm and has a model-like body. She tries to make herself look normal for a woman and normal for a university student. But I guess it's not going to work now since she has a new profession. Her only downside is her wide forehead (Is that a downside?) and her left ear is bigger than the right one
STYLE. She not the kind of girl that is a total fashionista or completely edgy and stylish, but she can manage to look good with simple clothes that she's comfortable with. She likes to wear a t-shirt with a cute print or pastel colours, a warm & cream coloured sweater or jumper & skinny jeans or knee-length skirts. But she has a quite obsession on ankle boots and plaid shirt that she usually wears for outerwear. If she feels daring, she wears shorts with a beanie or a cap. The one time that she was most daring was when she wears a short skirt and leather jacket when she attented a concert with her friends
i am who i am
TRAITSAdmirable, Caring, Clear-Headed, Intelligent, Warm, Self-Pity, Arbitary, Snob, Bland, Cautious, Panicky

Kind; Not exactly shy and not exactly the type who will be all silence and no talk, but the type that gives a good vibe to the people. She's always smiling and polite to strangers, helping to those who are in need. Softspoken and uses formal language to everyone except those who she's really close to. She showed patience and kindness to all, the 'perfect' kind of Japanese girl

Friendly; What kind of person she is that is not kind and friendly? She always keep up a good social towards people by of course being nice. She needs to socialise obviously, but she's also introverted. Doesn't really mean she closes every single detail about her but she only shares what is safe to share in her opinion. She tends to forget that there are other people that helped her with life and because she's not allowing them to do so. She's the weird-mother like type of friend you view as 'perfect'

Perfectionist; May seem and sounds nothing at first as a bad trait, but it will show when she sees even one book out of order or pencils not aligned in a tidy manner. She could let it go when it is messy by accident, but you could see her twitching when someone left something messy. She has a very good patience, she often told them that they should keep it cleanand neat then showed them how she tidy it. But if they don't care and make the second mistake, you could get a scold from her. She could be really upset when something is out of order or messy, her hands are itching to tidy them up and maybe slap you across the face for making the same mistake

Self-Pity; Notice how I keep adding 'perfect' in the good traits? It is because how people view her; 'perfect' and able to do it all. But in all honesty, she couldn't. That personality of hers make people have more expectation towards her to act for them and uses her kindness to the point that she pity herself for being herself. To the point that she feel that she couldn't be better for any other people or herself. Or often she blames other people for her self-pity. She doesn't say it out loud but she could be in the point of stress on where people depend on her but she has no one to depend on. It is to the point where she herself wants to be the 'perfect' role model for others, because others look up to her. Sadly, it only make her even more miserable and pitiful 


There's nothing really interesting revolving around her life; excluding her multi-billingual family and she's born from a musically genius family. She was born in Japan with a Korean nationality, because most of her family is Korean. Although the only Korean oriented is his father while her mother is born with Chinese and Japanese characteristics, thanks to her grandmother. Eumgil only spent her life at Japan for 5 years, and all of those years are spent homeschooled. Basically she is nurtured to be a musical genius like the rest of the family, not that she has any protest against it. She's not prisoned in her own house and it's already a given natural talent to her. So for the rest of her 5 years she spent studying music and without noticing, her Japanese characteristic until her father decided for them to move to Korea. Although Japanese music market is considerably larger, but Youngshin has bigger chances in there. After moving there, her mother enrolled Eumgil to a musical school to assess her vocal and piano skills. While her mother teaches her manners, cooking skills and erhu at house. Eumgil joined her Church's choir and then became a sole gospel singer. At the age of 13 she started to join local and national singing competitions, in which she brings home many trophies and gifts. The more she grows, the more talented she is. Her father and mother decided to enroll her to Seoul School of Performing Arts when reaching middle school. 

At the age of 15, she started to get interested in the idol world. Not really what her parents expecting since they want her to be a soloist instead of being in a group, but it is good enough for her to be motivated in a musical world. She auditioned in Cube entertainment where her father currently works as a music producer. She managed to pass the audition, she has to thank her parents for her intensive training given by her parents. First entering the company, it felt a bit weird and of course, much more intensive. She got surprised by how much work and seriousness it has to put and how flaring the rivalry between all of the trainees. She barely got any friends, however the friend that she got was indeed unique. She met Kim Hyun Ah, the current big artist of Cube Ent. Some may think that she is a sassy and mean girl to be befriended with, but really, Hyuna is like a big bundle of joyful fluff. She is a really lovely individual and hyper in such. When she befriended Eumgil, Hyuna couldn't stop clinging to her or screams her name and runs to hug her when Hyuna meets her. Eumgil grows really close to Hyuna until they became best friends, they share everything together; and even though Hyuna is a year older than Eumgil, she always calls her mommy or eomma. At the age of 18, the company decided that she's more suitable in YG Ent. When she asked why, they say that YG Ent. has more skills to asses someone with great vocals like her. Eumgil disagree at first, only because of the reason that she doesn't want to get separated with Hyuna. Hyuna also gives out her protest to the CEO, but Youngshin talked a little sense to the both of them. After talking, they both agree that she will move but will not lose contact with Hyuna. And then she started to train at YG Ent. where they asses her skilss in vocals and composing skills more. She felt a little lonely but not after she goes to university. She met Drona and later she met Minhyun, Mark and Jackson, she manages to befriended Jaehwan aka Ken and became close friends with him (AND HE'S THE MOTHER BETWEEN THEM OAO). In a way, she then meet the girls of Mysteeque when it was announced that she'll be debuting with them

Her journey has just begun

You decide her story


- Colours: Pastel green, baby blue, baby pink & cream colours

- Number: 8, in Chinese number 8 represents prosperity& success

- Food: Ddeokbokki, Sushi, Nanbanzuke, Oden, Korokke & Nimono

- Snacks: Takoyaki, Taiyaki ice cream, Crepes, Yan Yan, Ramune Candy, Choco Baby, Monaka, Yukimi Daifuku & other Japanese wagashi

- Drinks: Green tea latte, hot ocha, cold mugicha, soy milk, hwachae & milkis

- Japanese convenience & grocery stores

- Tarot reading

- Songs with a deep meaning and hidden messages

- Sounds of nature

- Her erhu

- Learning new musical instruments

- Dodge ball and volley

- Light make up

- Sports & thriller anime or anime with interesting plots

- Crime & thriller K-Drama


- Spiders are a big nah uh

- When people don't believe that she is a good singer when she has a very deep voice

- People who are too loud and doesn't know when to shut up

- Arrogant people

- Braggers

- Dirty laundry

- Lacking sleep


- Coca-Cola (Too much soda for her, she prefer fanta)

- Weird tasting energizer drinks

- Putting under pressure

- When someone doesn't listen to her instruction

- People that tries to get to her bad side

- Soccer & swimming

- Sour candies

- Bitter beans or green beans seeds

- Spinach leaf


- Playing her erhu

- Making lyrics and composing her own songs


- Watching anime under the comfortable layer of blankets

- Learning new recipes (Limited to Japanese recipes)

- Chatting on the balcony with the girls


- When she's annoyed at someone, she instantly says 'Dude!' or 'Bruh...'

- Come to think of it, she always says 'Dude...'

- Brings blanket everywhere when it's too cold in the dorm

- Bows down 180 degrees when meets a sunbae

- Calls the squad when she has free time (Because the party buddies always hang with each other~~)

- Makes the '...what?' face when someone attempts aegyo on her

- Says 'Oooh kill em!' when her friends burn someone or if someone has a very swag performance

- Dance modestly when her favourite song came out

- When she needs to calm down, she looks herself in her private room (anywhere is fine, up to you) and listen to the sounds of nature from her phone

- Her eyes instantly turns dark when someone upsets her or disobeys her


- She used to have a fear of heights, but now she only has a slight fear towards it

- Spiders are no good, but she tries not to kill them...if not left with another option

- Has anemia and has to take her medication at least once per 2 days 

- Secretly likes to play otome games and doesn't want anyone to know about it 

- Immune to aegyo (Bish please)

- She sometimes could be caught singing loudly and make her room her personal stage when no one is looking

- She has a precious dolphin doll Iruka

- She likes to wear cute slippers inside the dorm

- Probably has more than a dozen collection of her ankle boots

- For her, everyone has a chance to be nice. So she gives everyone a second chance

- She still drinks milk before sleep

- She is considered the 'normal' or 'calm' part of the group

- She's close to all of the members

- When calling the members she usually says Dudes; 'Dudes! it's time to wake up' 'Dudes, do you guys want ice cream?' 'Dudes, do you guys see my phone?'

- She doesn't like wearing heavy make up. So when going out she might just wear eyeliner and lip balm

- Really vulnerable towards caffeine, she won't get sick she just couldn't sleep

- She's a Sone, Pink Panda & Rain-Nous. Her biases are Jessica, Hyoyeon, Woori, Jisook, Bomi & Chorong (OMG CHORONG MAI WAIFU OUO). She doesn't want to tell who's her favourite boygroup (It's BTS and Beast lol, she doesn't want to say because she was in Cube before and then Hyuna will play matchmaker again)

- The group that she will definitely buy their albums is MFBTY

- She's a really REALLY big fan of Lee Kwang Soo and Lee Soo Hyuk

- Although she has a little Tibetan blood in her, she's mostly influenced with the Japanese culture since she's born there. She only knows how to speak Sino-Tibetan & some cultural celebration or festival

- She is professional soprano singer, she got her talent mostly from her mother

- She can play erhu and is a really talented one. She also plays piano but not as good as she plays her erhu

- She's the composer and lyric maker of the group

- She's open to anyone that wants to teach her new instruments

- She's majoring in Communication Studies, 5th year

- Her normal voice is really different from her singing voice. Even the CEO didn't expect that

- She's able to imitate Busan accent

- When doing aegyo, her voice automatically turn high and nasally

- She sometimes talks like an old lady and accidently says something in a Busan accent

- She has a perfect English pronouncuation, but she couldn't speak English

- Members explain that she is a very good Christian, she always makes time to go to Church

- She has a very big family legacy. Her grandfather is Korean-Japanese, her grandmother is Tibetan, her mother is Korean-Japanese and her father is Korean living in Japan. Thus Eumgil is Korean living in Japan then raised in Korea

- Her mother taught her to cook Japanese dishes. So she could only make Japanese dishes (She's welcoming to anyone that wants to teach her how to cook Korean dishes)

- Her family agrees that her nationality might be Korean, but her orientation is leaning more to Japanese

- She was homeschooled when she was in Japan

- She has 3 dogs, a female harlequin great dane named Patchi and 2 siberian husky puppies named Sato and Amai (their names literally translates to Sugar and Sweet). All 3 of them are dogs that the vets rescued. Patchi was saved from a house on fire when she was a little puppy. Her father took Patchi in and 2 years later Sato & Amai was found on the street being thrown away by their owner. If the agency allows her, she wants to take Sato & Amai for Pastelz to take care of them

- She was part of the her Church's choir and gospel singer. She still sings at her church when she still has time

- She says that before being an idol, she prefers to be a rock singer with her own band

- She chooses Communication Studies because she likes to debate and speech. She's really good with her words

- If her profession was not an idol, she'll become a coach in debate or coach studies

Father : Chon Young Shin : 50 : Music Producer at Cube Ent. : Strong, Strict & Quiet
Mother : Chon Seok Joo | Mariko Hanami | Dolma Nyima Dohna : 47 : Opera Singer : Kind, Caring & Polite
Grandmother : Chon Hye Ran | Dolma Dawa Choden : 77 : Former Traditional Tibetan singer : A bit naggy, Kind & Caring in a tough way
Couldn't Live Without Her (Party Buddies Squad) : Kim Hyun Ah : 22 : Idol (4Minute) : Party girl, cute, lovely, clingy to friends, cute, just cute, much cute
University Buddy (Party Buddies Squad) : Drona Kartanegra : 21 : University Student : Guitarist : Rowdy, Loud, Cool, Full of interesting stories
Brother from another mother (Party Buddies Squad) : Jackson Wang : 21 : Idol (GOT7) : Fun, Full of jokes, Knows how to live up the mood, simply a very good friend you should keep
2nd brother from another mother (Party Buddies Squad) : Mark Tuan : 21 : Idol (GOT7) : Introverted, Quiet, Actually quite fun and goofy when you know him
Shoulder To Cry aka 2nd Mother : Lee Jae Hwan : 23 : Idol (VIXX) : Knows how to make people laugh, naggy, caring, motherly, kinda wise
Sister-In-Law : Heo Young Ji : 20 : Idol (KARA) : Charming, cutie patootie, sometimes shy, sociable, friendly
now see me standing on the stage
STAGE PERSONA. Voice of Heaven | Mysteeque's Chill Mommy
POSITION. Main Vocalist + Dancer
BACKUP POSITION. Main Dancer + Vocalist
SINGING TWIN. Sohyang 1 2 3 4
DANCING TWIN. 4Minute Sohyun
TALKING TWIN. A Pink Hayoung
because we're fated to be together.
BACKUP LOVE INTEREST. Seo Kang Joon (5urprise)
PERSONALITY. All could tell that Minhyun is a shy and introverted kind of person when you first meet him. He rarely talks and only responds with soft words when needed, smiling lightly when someone says something that amuses him and saving his laugh when he find a joke funny. People who are close to him (Friends, family, etc) knows that he has this playful and easy-going side of him. He is the type that's quiet around strangers but letting it all out when he's around with the people that he's familliar with. He could be the biggest dork and gives off a caring big brother feeling when you know her. Minhyun is quiet around girls but has shown respect and an act of chivalry, a true gentleman to be exact. He's like a simple city guy who plays skateboard and best friends with Drona who is the complete oppsite of him...disastrous to be exact. When he's around that special someone (REALLY special someone) he became the pathetically shy and hopeless romantic guy that blushes when they hold hands or when the special someone compliments him. But he's going to ease off once they got to know more
MEETING. University got them together, they're attending the same university although they have different majors. Minhyun is one of Drona's friends alongside with Mark & Jackson. Whenever they're together, they always hang out at the school's cafeteria or school's park. Hanging out outside campus will be them and Hyuna, and thus creating the Party Buddies Squad since 3 of them are very rowdy people while Minhyun, Mark and Eumgil are the calm ones. Even before their feelings blossomed, they're always paired together because it seems like they're the parents and the rest are the kids. Jackson is the one who provocates it but at first both of them just brushes it. However, time by time their feelings came and at first it became very awkward. Hyuna noticed and confronted Eumgil first with her response being not sure. But Hyuna forces her to spit out the truth and Eumgil says that she has admiration towards Minhyun  That is enough for Hyuna to asks Jackson to make Minhyun spit out the truth too. Minhyun feels the same for her but still needs some time for them both. The other ones, feeling unsatisfied, tries to make them be together already. As stated before, they already know of each others feelings but need some respective time

It is WAYY too obvious that both of them likes each other that it frustrates other people. They always stands next to each other, sits next to each other and takes care of each other. There are times where they are aware of how close they are since she's now an idol. At least people are aware that she and Minhyun are very good friends. But put them together on a reality show then you can actually see. They often chat with each other, laughing at their own inside joke and there are times where they don't mind skinship. Sometimes Minhyun is the one that couldn't help but brush her hair or caresses her cheek, in which resulted in both of them blushing. They seem shy towards each other as time goes by, not going to the extent that they ignore or avoid each other and such. Especially if they got into an eye contact...

Both of them are not the type to say something like 'I love you' so fast and the concept of falling in love without any strong confirmation of the other latter. Both of them are the types to take it slow, the feelings of admiration and taking their time until both of them are sure of their feelings. Both of them knows that they have admiration with each other, it could be seen how he's a bit shy around her and she's even more shy around him, how she always blushes around him. It is already positive that both of them like each other, yet again both of them silently agrees that they want to take it slow, to get to know each other more. Even though their friends encourages them to just go for the run, but they agree to take their respective times until both of them are sure of their feelings

Come on don't tell me if you have 2 friends that likes each other but are not together you are not annoyed by it? THE SQUAD IS ANNOYED AND FRUSTRATED

tell me your wish.

SENPAI I DID IT OAO I'll be honest, I'm not in a good condition and this is not my best character ;A; Especially on the personality part. If you want me to elaborate more on the personality then please contact me okai ouo I think this is the 3rd applyfic that I apply to? Yeah, so please mind my rustiness and all the minors in this. I'm really not good at this but this is going to be an interesting journey don't you think? Also, PARTY BUDDIES SQUAD FOR LYFE MAN Let's make Party Buddies a trend in the Mysteeque's World lol jk nvm

Anylays, thank you for reviewing and I hope you consider her. Good luck with your story and PARTY BUDDIES FOR LAIFU OAO OAO


(A lil' warning; I'm a bit obssesed with Party Buddies Squad)

- At first the fans are curious that Jackson and her are dating, but then they came out as the Party Buddies Squad!

- (I want this so much) The few members of Party Buddies Squad (Preferably Hyuna, Jackson & Eumgil) gathered in a variety show (or an interview show and such) and Jackson was asked what collaboration that he wants. At first he says that he only wants MarkSon but then changes his mind. He said 'I want the Party Buddies Squad to be a collaboration. Imagine 3 company joining to create the craziest collaboration ever! And I want that our name is still Party Buddies Squad' he said with energy of being serious. By now Eumgil and Hyuna already laughs at him and Eumgil says 'What the hell Jackson??' then he says again 'Me and Mark could be the rappers, Hyuna sunbae-nim could be the dancer, Eumgil and Minhyun could be our vocalist and Drona could be our mascot!!' (It would be really cool if Party Buddies Squad became collaboration...)

- A few of Mysteeque's members visits their respective friends at Roommate and Eumgil met Youngji. Youngji introduces herself but then Eumgil says 'I know who you are; you're my sister-in-law' Jackson goes to Eumgil and pulls her arm harshly but playfully 'Sister what did you say?' he said with a surprised face

- Party Buddies hangs with Mysteeque members and the members updates their social media with the caption 'The squad and the colourful ladies'

- When asked doing aegyo at a variety show, she does it really weirdly and then screams in embarrassment. Before saying 'Why are you doing this to me?? I can't be cute okkayy??'

- Eumgil asking the members 'Dudes, do you guys want puppies for us to take care?' then she introduces them to Sato and Amai. She also introduces them to Patchi

- Minhyun and her goes out on a date after a few months of being shy with each other (I also want the rest of Party Buddies to stalk them ouo)

- The girls having a serious talk over something serious...well anything serious; dating problems, scandal, etc

- Eumgil nagging at the members when they don't keep their place neat

PASSWORD. Allures or Mysteries


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