Mini rant about requests :3

Hello~ So even if it doesn't look like that, I'm still alive and more or less well. I alive, at least :D To be honest the past month or so has been pretty crowded for me even if I keep doing nothing lol. Wednesday I had a day out with friends after class and yesterday I went on a 20-km walking tour. Needless to say my legs hurt (it was in a beautiful forest tho so..) I've also been taking my sweet time to make posters, and for a reason. I do have one in progress finally (but it's for a contest, not a request LOL). 

At first, I kinda lost my creativity and it took me a looong time to get it back. But as usual it did :D however, just when I was back in business and happy as ever, it happened again.

IT in my case stands for being disrespected by a requester. Not gonna say which shop or who it was (but it has been happening repeatedly in various shops, so yeah) because I'm not that mean, but I do have to admit it that it's kinda bad. So, what happened is that I finally got to a request (I admit, I procastrinated on it but I have a life, too so...yea) and finished it quite quick, too. Could be better but it looks pretty good.

So I sent it to the owner of the shop as usual, only to be told that the requester doesn't own the story anymore. Now, what I don't get is why didn't she cancel the request then? (the fact that she didn't even say a thank you makes me even more bothered, but yeah, that's the least of my worries here) Especially when you have been waiting for quite a while, is it really that hard to comment on the shop / tell the designer?

Now, I wouldn't be so pissed if this hadn't been happening again and again,and not only to me, but others as well. Honestly, what makes me concerned is that some people seem to think that just because getting a poster - at most places - is free, it means that the people who make them are workers who should read their minds without a word. Again and again, I get requests where I don't even get half of what the person who made it wants, and as far as I know, I am decent in English (and so are the other designers I have discussed these things with. Oddly enough we have no problems communicating with each other.). What I don't get is why can't people be straightforward? Asking for redos is totally fine as long as you give a normal reason. But nowadays, it seems like manners have disappeared.

Of course, there are still requesters who are nice and seem really happy to get their requests, which always makes us happy :D But I think people should consider thinking about how designers are human, too. We breathe, eat, have things to do, etc. Sure it's bad to wait for a long time but really, if it was that hard, the other 10301473 requesters wouldn't have been able to wait patiently. Before anything: I wasn't born with the ability to make posters, nor were the other designers. I'm preettty sure that all of us had had to wait for a long time for a poster at one point, and I'm quite sure that not many made a fuss. But it isn't only about time. If you don't like it: say it, but don't bash / be mean. If you messed up your form - aka you couldn't decide what genre your poster should be (ANGST or ROMCOM suuuuch a hard decision at times) then say so politely, and ask for a redo. Even if we whine a bit I'm sure that we'll be happy to redo your poster. Just think of others before throwing a fuss or for example, forgetting to cancel a request :D 

I'm not even gonna talk about one story having 10 posters at the same time or not crediting anyone cause those two are worth another rant.

On the other hand tho, I still love being a designer, I love making posters and I would never quit it... I as a graphic designer make mistakes too, and I am not ashamed to admit it. But that doesn't mean that I - or others - should be treated this way.

I initially wanted to make a little guide on how to request with pictures and such but this whole thing was the last straw so...Now I'll go back to my requests. I feel better haha

(and no, I don't hate anyone if they piss me off :P it's not like I was perfect at requesting the first time I did it. But... I do hope that people will consider others' feelings from now on :D

And to make this less depressing and whiny: here's how I'm working on my curent edit:




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It happened again unnie :'(
I'm so pissed right now!
-__- lol. I completely understand how you feel.

Don't even get me started with those requesters who NEVER actually COME BACK to the shop to pick it up! It's like, they request, you make the poster, but they never come back. I understand that sometimes you don't bother to check since their are other requests that are in progress and get posted up which isn't theirs but at least come back to pick it up when we have to purposely visit your profile page and post saying that your request is done! I mean, even if you don't end up using it, at least credit and drop to say a 'thank you'! It's NOT that hard. (Lol, sorry for ranting.)
Ooh I'm waiting for my request from you;)
Okay. That pisses me off. People need to be grateful for the fact that there are people willing to take time to make a poster on Photoshop. omfg, that application first of all is NOT cheap, I think the full version is like $500 ish? Secondly, I had to learn photoshop for school, and I was gouging my eyes out because that less painful than using Photoshop (figuratively) . I admire ANYONE who has the patience to actually deal with Photoshop, or anyone who is a graphic designer. Like seriously you guys deserve WAY more credit than you deserve. Arghhhhh. I just wish people were more respectful in general. I've gotten that too, like some author for a fanfic I was reading said "feedback is welcome" or something along those lines, so I did give feedback and I was not harsh at ALL but literally I got a reply back from the author saying how I was being mean and stuff and I was like, "WTF?" . But yeah long story short I also wish people wouldn't be so, uh, I don't know the word... like, say they want something but blame it on you even though they're the one they wanted it lol.

Anyways, I hope in the future you can get requests from people who are kind hearted who will thank you, give you credit, and if you do something wrong or they don't like it, they can be kind about it. Because like you said, you're doing it like on your free time.