do jisoo

yukilover13 • jojo • 9


You're so Beautiful.

name » Do Jisoo

nickname(s) » SatanSoo No. 2(She is cold and is related to the original SatanSoo)

Birthday + AGe » 06-17-94 + 20 1/2

birthplace » Seoul, South Korea

hometown » Goyang, South Korea

ethnicity » Korean

language » Korean[Fluent/Native]

face claim » Gam Dain

backup face claim » Baek Sumin/Yuko


appearance » Jisoo used to really not care about how she looked when she was in high school. Now that she is a twenty year old, she is a bit insecure about her looks. She doesn't load her whole face with makeup, only just some foundation, eyeliner, and lip gloss. She tends to wear her hair according to her mood. If she's tired or stressed, her hair will be braided or in a ponytail. If she's actually in a semi-good mood, she'll have her curled or even just straightened. Jisoo currently stands at 160 cm and 49 kg.

style » Jisoo, just like her makeup, is insecure and dresses fairly nice for any occasion. She likes to look mature in front of people. Her casual wear consist of mostly black items, believe it or not. Black jeans, skirts, shorts, hoodies, leggings, and shirts. Her sleepwear and formal wear however, have lots of color. Her nightgowns, shorts, shirts, even her sleeping pants are colorful. For her formal wear, Jisoo wears pastels and flowery dresses, heels, and black professional pants or skirts. 

" So sorry, I have resting face. How can I help? "


She's My lAdy.

plotline » Shop Employee

Description » Jisoo was recommended by her older brother, Kyungsoo, for the open shop employee position that Manager Kim had open. Kyungsoo promised that Jisoo was a hard worker and showed Manager Kim her resume. Jisoo got the job and Kyungsoo was right, she is a hard worker. She even manages to drive the Luhan fangirls away. That's just what to expect from SatanSoo No. 2.
Traits » 

( + kind, mature, capable )

( - aloof, insecure, shy )

personality » "Sorry, how can I help you?" - Much like her brother, Kyungsoo, Jisoo is capable in her job. Sure, Jisoo is a little scary at times, but that's just the way she is. Jisoo is a hardworker and doesn't take crap. She's a serious girl and is very mature and thinks a lot about her job. Like stated before, Jisoo is definitely a bit scary when she's emotionless or even angry, but she really is kind if you get to know her. Sure at times she is cold and will distance herself from others, but if you give her some time, Jisoo will slowly open up and be more friendly and sociable with you. 

"If you don't leave the hotel now, I will call security!" - Jisoo's mostly known trait is her aloof and angry personality. Jisoo is usually aloof on a regular basis. She tends to be shy and distances herself from others. Jisoo helps out at the hotel mostly by helping make sales in the shop and by driving away Luhan's obessed fangirls. Jisoo really dislikes his fans, they're noisy, obnoxious, and just generally really annoying. Jisoo tends to scare them out of the shop by just being really rude. Her other tatic is calling security on them, causing them to fidget. Jisoo is usually really shy around guys, more notably, Luhan. Jisoo developed a crush on him and has been really aloof and shy around him since. Sometimes, Jisoo even ignores him.

trivias »

 — Stuffed panda bears; She's had a stuffed panda bear named Jackie since she was very little
— Classical music; Jisoo really likes listening to instrumental music rather than songs with voices, there's just something soothing about the tunes
— Mint chocolate ice cream; One way to break into Jisoo's heart is with mint chocolate ice cream, it's literally one of her favorite things in the world
— Novels; Jisoo's spends a lot of her free time reading books and novels of all kinds. Her goal is to read one million books one day




 — Luhan's fangirls; She really can't stand those girls at all, she wishes she had a power hose so she can spray them away the pests they are
— Cats; Jisoo really dislikes cats, she believe they are evil and gross to be honest, it may be because she's allergic to them
— Being scolded; She can't stand being yelled at or scolded at it not only ticks Jisoo off, it can turn her whole day into a bad one
— Rude people; Jisoo finds it really hard to bite her tongue when rude people are in her presence, Luhan usually deals with the rude people while Jisoo glares from the back


 — She has a bad temper at times so she finds it hard not to be salty with some people
— When embarrassed around Luhan, she'll ignore him or just be a little salty
— When frustrated with someone or a situation, Jisoo will be really salty and sarcastic
— When she's depressed or feels discouraged, Jisoo will talk to her panda bear, Jackie




 — Reading; Jisoo really likes reading stories and inserting her imagination into the story
— Listening to music; She really enjoys music, especially instrumental or classical music
— Playing guitar; Jisoo has been teaching herself to play guitar for a while, she doesn't know if she likes it or not though
— Singing; When playing the guitar, Jisoo often with sing along to the tune or song she is playing



Random facts

 — Her blood type is A
— She's allergic to cats and hates them
— Kyungsoo was the one who got Jackie the panda bear for Jisoo
— Jisoo's late grandfather is to blame for her addicition to chocolate mint ice cream



The History that i make.

background » Jisoo was born in Seoul, South Korea to Do Kihyeon and Do Sora. Jisoo grew up with her older brother Kyungsoo in the city of Goyang. Growing up Jisoo was actually really sociable and had lots of friends. After entering high school, Jisoo's only friend was Miyoung. Everyone in high school became obessed with their looks and their futures, often making others feel bad in the process of them feeling better about themselves. Jisoo experienced bullying that was mild, not really severe. She was called names like "ugly", "stupid", "creepy", "the grudge". Jisoo really was hurt by the name calling and alienation that Miyoung often had to defend and protect her. High school was truly a nightmare for Jisoo but she made it out with good grades and an amazing best friend. After high school, Jisoo didn't know what to do and often just laid around at home, just thinking. Kyungsoo then got her a job at El Dorado. Jisoo was a bit hesitant, but accepted because she didn't have anything better to do anyways. Jisoo likes yet dislikes her job. It pays well and her co-workers are all very nice, but Luhan's fangirls are another story.



» Do Kyungsoo | Brother | 22 | Quiet, Critical, and Loving | Jisoo is very close to Kyungsoo, he has always been her rock when she was growing up. Kyungsoo has always tooken care of and protected Jisoo. He's a great brother.



» Kim Joonmyeon | Friends | 23 | Kind, Leaderlike, Critical | Jisoo became friends with Joonmyeon shortly after starting her job at El Dorado. They aren't close friends, but Jisoo considers Joonmyeon as family.
» Han Miyoung | Best Friends | 20 | Kind, Funny, Protective | Jisoo and Miyoung have been friends since middle school, Miyoung has been protecting Jisoo since high school. Jisoo's nickname for Miyoung is Mama Bear.


RIVALS No one in peticular, besides the Luhan fangirls.


OtherS None


Call Me Baby.

love interest » Lu Han

backup love interest » Zhang Yixing


Interaction » Jisoo and Luhan don't really talk very much as of right now. Jisoo has a major crush on Luhan. She's very shy so it's hard for her to express her feelings for Luhan. If she's flustered or embarrassed around him, she tends to ignore him or even avoid him. Though, Jisoo isn't actually mean or anything to Luhan, she actually is very helpful to him at work. She helps him make sales and also helps him by keeping his fangirls. After the two become a couple, Jisoo and Luhan are literally the cutest things ever. Luhan literally knows how to make Jisoo feel amazing and happy. He compliments her a lot, often causing her to blush uncontrollable. As a couple, Jisoo talks to him more and actually voices her opinions and thoughts to him more as well. Jisoo also really likes holding hands with Luhan, she likes to show that this guy is hers. In the relationship, Jisoo actually has become more open like she used to be.


love story » Jisoo first met Luhan at her first day of work. Manager Kim watched Jisoo's face as she was first introduced to her colleage. Jisoo wasn't really phased by Luhan's beautiful face and figured it would bother her at all. WRONG. The more times Luhan was nice and talked to her a close friendly manner, the more Jisoo felt herself falling for the beautiful deer. At first there wasn't much of a relationship between the two, but Jisoo certainly had a huge crush on Luhan. Luhan found out that Jisoo possibly liked him through Xiumin. Curious, he questioned Jisoo about and her whole face turned red and she ignored and avoided him for the rest of the day. The next day came and when Luhan came in for work, Jisoo walked up kissed his cheek, bluntly said "I like you." and ran off to do work. Luhan was definitely flustered and went to the bathroom for just a few minutes to straighten his mind out. Jisoo, out of embarrassment, continued to ignore Luhan for another two days. After two days, Luhan was fed up and cornered her in the back storeroom. "Do you like me?" He asked her bluntly. Jisoo face was literally as red as a tomato and she slowly nodded her head yes. Luhan kissed her forehead and apologized for cornering. Before leaving the storeroom, Luhan turned back and said, "Wait for me after work, I'm taking you on a date." Jisoo literally felt like her heart was going to explode then. Their first date was to the movies which Jisoo was fine with. The two hit it off on the first date and decided to become a couple after their third date together. Jisoo and Luhan will continue dating for a while before getting caught by Manager Kim and her own brother, Kyungsoo. Which in the end, Manager Kim and Kyungsoo are cool with it as long as the two are happy and not let their relationship distract themselves from their job. After that everyone found out and teased Luhan and Jisoo for being the Satan Deer couple.





INTERACTION » She doesn't have a love rival.



» "Well it really wasn't my choice per say, but Kyungsoo got me the job and I trust his judgement. So I just, like, accepted the job offer.."

What can you contribute after getting accepted? 
» "Um, I'm a hardworker so I can help make sales? I don't know, uh.. Drive those annoying girls away?"


Who do you think will you work well with? and not work well with?
» "I think I work well with Manager Kim, Haneul, and Luhan.. I really don't like being around Baekhyun very much though.."

» "Uh, I.. *sighes and whispers* Luhan.."

» "Jongdae, because he's honest? He also self-proclaimed himself as perfection so.. him?"



Run, don't let go of this hand.

comments/suggestions » Di d I have to include her parents in her family? I mean the reason I didn't was because I didn't think they'd be really relevant. Oh, and her quote is what she says when she gets pissy with rude customers. ^^

scene requests » Xiumin gives Luhan a hint that Jisoo likes him, Jisoo losing her temper with a rude customer and gets in trouble with Manager Kim, Jisoo confessing her feelings for Luhan by abruptly kissing his cheek and running away blushing, Going on a cute date to an orchestra with Luhan.

Desired CLients » I don't really anyone that would be good, so some foriengers making everyone freak out XD lol

password » Love Me Like You Do~


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