

Mo-sama | Queen Mo | Mowang ⋮ All 3 nicknames came from her fans from the Japanese, Western and recently Korean. The name is self-explanatory, because of her diva-like and Queenie attitude towards everyone. She gained love from it and thus came the nickname

Baby-Faced Tyrant ⋮ This a nickname that will 100% guaranteed to annoy her to death. She doesn't like her baby-face and being reminded that she has a unlikeable personality. Usually used by the members as a soft mockery (?)

→ Megitsune ⋮ Nickname turned stage name, Megitsune meant female fox. Her best friend called her that because she's just a sly fox hiding in her innocent mask

→ Silver Kiddo ⋮ It was meant to be like BTS' Jungkook nickname 'Golden Maknae' when it was mentioned by a host from the show because she's a triple threat. But she said that she preferred silver and she's not the maknae. And then Silver Kiddo was born

⟪ BIRTHDAY ⟫ 18th November 1995
⟪ BIRTHPLACE ⟫ Jakarta, Indonesia
⟪ HOMETOWN ⟫ Fukuoka, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan → Inagi, Tokyo Prefecture, Japan

⟪ ETHNICITY ⟫ Japanese-Indonesian
⟪ NATIONALITY ⟫ Japanese


Japanese ⋮ Raised with this language, mother tongue

Indonesian ⋮ Semi-fluent, her mother taught her Indonesian all the time

→ English & Korean ⋮ Struggling, she only knows the very basic of those 2 language and the accent will be mixed with her Japanese ones


→ 1998 ⋮ Move to Korea

→ 2004 ⋮ Joined EXILE

→ 2008 ⋮ Became a part of EGD (EXILE's Girl Dancers) & EXPG (EXILE Professional Gym)

→ 2011 ⋮ Cameo dancer for E-Girl's Follow Me & 24Karat's Stay Gold KIDS & GIRLS Version

→ 2012 ⋮ Left EXILE and train under AVEX for idol debut

→ 2014 ⋮ Debuted in QUXXN

→ 201? ⋮ Solo debut in Korea & Japan


⟪ FACE-CLAIM ⟫ Morning Musume Reina Tanaka ouo
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Riho Sayashi
⟪ WEIGHT, HEIGHT ⟫ 162 cm, 48 

⟪ FASHION STYLE ⟫ Although she has a musical preferences on hip-hop, her fashion is sticking more to the current fashion of Japanese. She's more leaning to gyaru, specifically onee gyaru and rokku gyaru. Granted, she might be a little bit young to wear something a bit revealing but that never stopped her before. She also like to wear a mini kimono dress with pastel or dark colors. She frequently wears her headphone and playfully wears her kitsune mask. She likes to wear ankle boots and mary jane shoes. When she's lazy to put on clothes, she usually just sports ripped jeans, sweaters and sneakers. She probably has more sweater than her gyaru outfits, because she loves it. She doesn't like fancy looking pajamas as her sleepwear, she simply wear a t-shirt and pajama pants

In overall, she's a true example of a Japanese gyaru with a baby-face and a dying love to hip-hop. Weird combination? Obviously...

0 0 0 x x x s s l l

⟪ APPEARANCE ⟫ Overall, she has the same appearance as Suzuka. The only difference is that she has a longer hair length, long legs and a more busty body to add to her age (Because puberty works wonders)



Quality → Confident, Cute, Talkative 

Flaws → Mischievious, Stubborn, Diva

Confident → Confidence is her main quality, she has the bravery to do anything and won't be afraid to fail. She's used to be at the stage and in front of the audience. Even though there are times where she will be nervous of what's coming, her confidence usually wins over it. She has a very good optimism and believes in her own instincts. If her confidence says yes, then she will do it. She has no fear for abstract threat (except God of course), if she think she can do it then she can do it

Cute → Moa has a weird kind of cuteness that she doesn't want to acknowledge (Because cute is not equal to swag!). Take an example of SNSD's Sunny, she has the kind of natural cuteness that doesn't really show when she's on-stage. Moa's natural cuteness only come out when she's off-stage, she doesn't exactly try to be cute. She doesn't even want to be cute, she looks up to the members who are ambitious and have charisma even outside the stage. Not the kind of charisma that she only has at the stage. Even the way she says that she's not cute and stomps her foot angrily is kinda cute. People find her cute by the way she behave, a diva. She has a nasally concentrated voice and always accidently make an aegyo voice. She always says that she wants a more deeper voice, because deeper voice are y. This kind of quality-but-flaw-for-her always make her sigh

Talkative → Moa is a great talker...in Japanese. She is the voice representative for QUXXN in Japan since she has a great speech ability and has good promoting skills for QUXXN, not only promoting towards their singing, dancing and looks but also their variety skills, sports skills, etc. She's a good conversation starter, if she already feels that the atmosphere is awkward then she would break it by asking a random question. Just hoping that other people will respond to her. She also a loud voice, sometimes a combination of nasally voice and loud volume is a bit annoying. So she took that not-so-advantage to annoy people

Mischievous → "YOU SLY FOX!" was the first sentece that describes Moa's flaw. Trouble always follow you if you became the subject of Moa's playful pranks. She's not evil to the point that people around her hates her, it's just really annoying. She could put something on your food, not harmful just makes it more more more distasteful. She won't put anyone in danger, just in a bad temper. A really bad temper. Moa just have to know how to get out of the situation

Stubborn → She is the girl with a stone head, she will listen to nobody. If someone told her to do something and she's not in the mood, then she won't do it. She'll bark at you if you keep telling her to do things that she doesn't want to, it annoys her. Even with her members that are older than her, she'll stay on her ground. If she thinks it's not urgent or it's none of her business then she won't do anything to help them. She stands on her own statement; if she thinks something is right then she is right, if she think something is wrong then it's wrong. Nothing will shake her statement until a real legit proof is given to her. Even so, she will be flustered then changes the topic. She could be to the point where she throws an angry fit and a tantrum to them. She's a pain in the arse for the older girls and the younger one will be crying because she will be the main target of Moa's shoulder to angry on

Diva → She is SUCH a diva. She's kind of sassy and fierce, bossy and imperious. All of those personality traits are a part of a diva-like. Moa is a great example for a diva. She's talented, she's confident and a great talker yet she's annoying, stubborn and fierce. But her diva attitude is what make her loved by her fans, despised by her haters and a burden for her co-workers. It is a difficult choice on whether she should change or not, because she was loved by the fans but annoying her co-workers


Moa lived a normal life, even how her parent, Yamato Sasazuka and Indira Kartanegra, met was normal. They met at a Medical convention in Indonesia and since both of them are doctors, they meet there. They started a conversation and continue talking, exchanged number and then keep on meeting. Long distance relationship was hard but eventually they work it out. Yamato moved to Indonesia to marry Indira, had the first daughter Miu Sasazuka (Advia Kartanegra). When Moa was born 5 years after Miu was born, they moved back to Japan when Moa was 4 years old. They live at Fukuoka and it is near to his father's hospital. Moa started her interest in dancing when she sees her best friend dancing hip hop. Moa was influenced by her best friend, Nagamoto Sayaka, who was a member of a dance course managed by a company called EXILE. Sayaka encouraged Moa to come and dance with her because it's fun, so with the permission of her parent, Moa joined EXILE at 2004. After training for 4 years, she graduated and joined EGD's crew also EXPG to harness both of her dance and vocal skills. She doesn't know how she wanted to do vocals at first, she just suddenly got interested in it. On the way, Moa's bigger sister was heavily interested in the western culture. Miu introduced her to several American artist like Maroon 5, Christina Aguilera, Boyz II Men, etc. But instead, Moa turned to the American hip-hop culture. She started listening to Ludacris, 50 Cent, Missy Elliot, Eminem, etc. And then she started liking Japanese rappers, listening more and more to hip hop. She slowly start to rap everysingle thing verse by verse & lyrics by lyrics. When EXILE was having an audition for EGD's dancers to debut with E-Girls, it sparks her interest since she had been training for a long time and she craves more (and because Sayaka encourages her to audition anyway). Sadly, she failed to pass the audition for her to be part of E-Girls. Disappointed with the results, she got out of EXILE to enter the AVEX company for training to be an idol. Because of her already training in EXILE, it has been proven well that she is a triple threat. She trained only for 2 years before debuting with QUXXN. Because of her talent, confidence, stage charisma, diva personality and her likeable personality; most of the fans looks up to her as the first to debut. Although she only promises when she's 20 she will try to debut. When it was announced by AVEX that they're going to debut in Korea, Moa went "...Wait what?". She knows some of Korea's artists, like Big Bang and 2NE1 that she had come to like because of them being hip hop oriented. Somehow Moa is not confident with this one because she had never been to Korea, she doesn't know Korean, there will be a new member also leader and they will be separated from Karina. She's nervous...and worried about the future of QUXXN


  • Has an instragram & twitter account; @kitchune_qxxn & @megimo
  • Her stage name is Megitsune
  • Her Indonesian name is Drona Kartanegra
  • She has little twin sisters that are now 5 years old; their names are Rino (pink) and Risa (red) but their Indonesian names are Pelangi & Mentari which means rainbow & sun
  • She's currently listening to Missy Elliot, Iggy Azalea, Nicki Minaj & Busta Rhymes
  • Phone | Laptop
  • She likes all colours that associated with pastel & dark, she's not a fan of neon colours
  • Fans says that she's the most closest to the description of 'Kawaii swag'
  • She also likes rock and RnB music. She actually likes all kind of music as long as it sounds good to her ears
  • She really loves crab and salmon, she could make anything related to those two. She also like fish taiyaki ice cream with red bean
  • She HATES canned crabs & long beans
  • She likes carrots, red beans & edamame. She has no problem eating vegetables...Just not long beans
  • Moa's English word of the year; Catastrophe
  • At EXILE; she learned krumping, street dance, popping, wave & tutting. Then she continued to dance krumping, popping & tutting when training under AVEX
  • She learned Balinese dance a little bit
  • The only Korean artists that she really hear is Big Bang, 2NE1, MFBTY & CNBlue
  • When it comes to photography, she likes to take a photo with her polaroid. She likes vintage looking photos
  • She's quite good at web design since she likes to decorate
  • When bored, she likes to make png out of anime characters and artist or looking at food
  • She has a tumblr, but she kept it personal and never told her fans about it; iconic-fox.tumblr.com (a/n; it's not a real blog anyway)
  • She likes to play Pokemon and Cooking Mama
  • She likes dark & adventure manga such as One Piece, Tokyo Ghoul, Death Parade, Bleach, etc. But it's also shown that she also likes Sailor Moon, Mahou Shoujo & Pretty Cure
  • She's quite scared of Korean fans because she thinks they're more extreme than Japanese fans
  • She confessed that sometimes she just want to punch the reflection on the mirror but she felt bad to her parents because they gave her that face
  • She memorises the lyrics for Chris Brown's Look At Me Now and could rap to it
  • She's really struggling with Korean


Father, Sasazuka Yamato ⋮ 47 ⋮ Neurology Doctor ⋮ Strict, Temperamental & Bad at expressing ⋮ Moa has a bad relationship with her father

Mother, Sasazuka Indira (Kartanegra) ⋮ 43 ⋮ Oncology Doctor ⋮ Reserved, Polite & Caring ⋮ She's actually a very good mother figure for Moa, but it's just that she's always busy. Indira is trying to be involved in Moa's life and help her with everything. She's doing a better job rather than her husband

Bigger Sister, Sasazuka Miu (Advia Kartanegra) ⋮ 24 ⋮ Painter ⋮ Fun, Easy-Going & Down to earth ⋮ Moa adores her bigger sister and she used to follow her everywhere. Miu always take her everywhere and took care of her when she's still a kid if their parents are not around. Even now Miu is still taking care of Moa and baby her

Little Sister, Sasazuka Rino (Pelangi 'Angie' Kartanegra) ⋮ 5 ⋮ Pre-School Students⋮ Talkative, Stubbron & Loud ⋮ When you see Rino, you see Moa inside of her. Rino resembles Moa a lot and very active for her age. Moa likes to play with her and take her to the park with Risa. Although they often argue because their personalities clashes

→ Little Sister, Sasazuka Risa (Mentari 'Tari' Kartanegra) ⋮ 5 ⋮ Pre-School Students⋮ Shy, Quiet & Cute ⋮ The smart part of the twins, she's really shy and reserved. Since she likes to stick around with Rino, she and Moa also likes to play together. Moa often encourages her to be more confident and brave, but sometimes Moa must end up consoling her from crying. Moa is very protective of Risa rather than to Rino


Best Friends, Nagamoto Sayaka ⋮ 19 ⋮ Performer of Happiness & E-Girls ⋮ Happy, Bright & Hyperactive ⋮ The best dancer out of all the performers of E-Girls and Moa's best friend since she was a little kid. They went to kindergarten together and spent the rest of their lives together. They are wayy too close, even starting to call Moa's mother 'Indira Okaa-san' and Moa calls Sayaka's mother the same. Sayaka was proud when she debuted at QUXXN and somehow turned into a crazy fangirl (it's only a joke). Sayaka goes to every QUXXN concert and they always hang out at the backstage. When she heard that she's moving to Korea, Sayaka cried because they're going to separate. They are really close and they cried even more at the airport. They promise to call and meet to each other often

Best Friends, Hanami Miho / Nawang Lhamu Karma ⋮ 20 ⋮ University Student ⋮ Kind, Friendly & Perfectionist ⋮ Miho was also Moa's best friend along with Sayaka. This Japanese-Tibetan girl is the mother personality out of those 3. However when she's going to middle school, Miho must move to Korea with her mother when her parent divorced. Now Moa and Miho will meet again

→ Friends, Suzuki Yurino ⋮ 19 ⋮ Performer of Happiness & E-Girls ⋮ Smart, Fun & Easy-Going ⋮ The second best Yurino has a personality like Moa's bigger sister, only Yurino has the same age as Moa. They got close because she's Sayaka's friend and they're always together. Moa, Sayaka and Yurino likes to go out together and goes to dinner whenever they have the time


Love Rival, Daniel Mashiro ⋮ 20 ⋮ Trainee & Song Writer at YG ⋮  Flirty, Playful & Romantic ⋮ Daniel had always fancy cute girls with sassy attitude, this Japanese-American playboy saw Moa as the perfect one. Moa caught his eyes when he saw her practicing at the YG building, and my oh my were Daniel fall head over heels to make her his. However Moa is rather annoyed with his presence, since he's a bit narcissistic and likes to play with girl's heart. Heartbreakers and bad boys are no no to Moa. Unfortunately, Daniel doesn't want to give up and bothers her even more. Since he's one of the person that could translate everything to Japanese for her


⟪ CHOSEN PLOTLINE ⟫ Plotline Five | Triple Threat


I'm good senpai!! Love meh hur hur~


Kang Seung Yoon

⟪ OCCUPATION ⟫ Singer ⟪ AGE ⟫ 20
⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Shin Dong Eun (Peniel) ⟪ BACK UP ⟫ Jung Ho Seok (J-Hope)



Being the second youngest and leader of Winner, he is both charismatic and way too childish. He is a funny person towards everyone and always try to please everyone with everything he got. Although sometimes he's a bit awkward and seems a bit of a dork, he could be the most adorable person ever. Around girls, he became shy and nervous since he's not really good around girls. He became super awkward and seems to knock over things while embarrassing himself in the process. However he could also be a gentleman and a dependable person to lean to. He's also a simple romantic guy when you get to know him. If he ends up loving you, then he will never love anyone else

Quality: Charismatic, Funny, Dependable, Gentleman & Loyal

Flaws: Awkward, A big dork, Shy, Nervous-wreck & Childish

⟪ ANY LAST COMMENT ⟫ Hur hur hullo this is Ophelia speaking~~ Anywho thank you for reviewing and hope you like and consider her. I'm still a bit rusty in this game so I hope you'll forgive my mistakes and my stupidity XD hope you like her and consider her, love you muach muach~ Good luck~


The YG artists finds it cute when she struggled with her Korean but then she pouted in upset, saying "Atashi wa kawaii kunai!" (I'm not cute!)

When she was introduced to BTS, she immediately fell in love with the music and Rap Monster "Oh! Namjoon-sama wa suki desu!"

At her birthday, Seungyoon gives her a Kaneki Ken plushie and Sailor Moon phone strap. She immediately hugs him but then got flustered and pushes him away. Although she's secretly smiling and squealing with happiness inside

E-Girls came to Korea for a concert and Moa pretends to be one of the crazy fans and runs to hug Sayaka. Sayaka was hysterical but when she realises it's Moa, she hugs him back and laughs loudly

In a show where E-Girl's representative and QUXXN are present; Moa, Sayaka & Yurino does a dance together that they learned back when Moa was still part of EXPG

QUXXN took a vacation to Jeju Island

A conflict between the new leader and the original members

Seungyoon confesses to her that she likes her and gives her both dorayaki and taiyaki. He thought that she rejects him when she said "I don't want to eat it..." but then she said "I don't want to eat it alone, so let's eat it together" she blushes then takes both of the snack and his hand. Then they discussed whether they should go public or not together with Yang Hyun Suk





Have I ever told you that someone like Seungyoon is Moa's ideal type? No? Well now you know. She likes someone that doesn't know girls well but willing to know more slowly. However Moa will never admit that she likes him, her pride and ego is too big to do that. Seungyoon finds Moa a bit interesting; how she always blush whenever he talks to her, how she reacts so quickly to him, how she seem to always notice everything she does and how cute she is. Seungyoon is a bit oblivious to Moa liking him but it seems like Seungyoon likes her too. Moa always searches for him to translate Korean to Japanese and somehow became her tutor (Although Moa always run away from him because she became shy). He started to notice her more and treated her like a proper lady. And then roses starts to bloom around them (/insert high pitched squeal/)


They first met when QUXXN moved to YG and has a tour around the building. Seungyoon was late for an extra practice he has and is running like a fast bullet until he eventually bumped into someone...small. Seungyoon realises it but didn't get a glimpse of the person and just said sorry. That person was Moa, and she's sitting on the floor and hissing in pain while her members are seated next to her, helping her getting up. Moa sighed with upset as she mumbles how unpolite that person was

The next day they are introduced to each of the artists and Winner came the second last before iKON. Moa recognised Seungyoon and Seungyoon recognised her with a flustered face. He wanted to apologise on spot but she's not having it. She turns away from him and only talks to the other members. Seungyoon felt guilty and then asks the members of QUXXN what she likes to eat. They told him and then he immediately runs away to the store. Moa is confused with his behaviour but brushes it off. When afternoon comes, Seungyoon approaches QUXXN again and Moa was about to turn away from him. He quickly grabs her hand to make her stay, in results she's blushing madly and gave him a warning glare. He blushes in embarrassment and quickly let go. He apologizes for his rude manners yesterday and for not helping her, he gives her an taiyaki ice cream he just bought and asks for forgiveness. Moa is blushing wildly at his behaviour that makes her heart go dokidoki (lol sorry...), she snatches the taiyaki and then runs away from him. Seungyoon looks at the running figure and the members, confused. The members only laughed and told Seungyoon that Moa forgives him


1. When being asked who his ideal type is, he make a little detailed description of Moa. Moa, who is teased by the members, goes into an embarrassed tantrum and couldn't stop blushing whenever she sees him

2. When Moa didn't thank him in her album speech, he got a bit upset and confronts her

3. Seungyoon got a bit jealous when Moa searched for Daniel to translate her stuffs

4. She said to him that she really like 'Wild & Young' then he patted her head

5. Seungyoon thinks that she's a tsundere, he founds tsundere very achingly charming



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