3 Years with EXO

Hi there! It's been a year again, hasn't it? Time flies so fast that sometimes, I get scared of how short my time would be in this fandom. I surely don't want to leave yet. I mean, who can leave such a talented and amazing fandom?

Okay, I may or may not have been over-exaggerating. But honestly, it's how I feel. 

It's been 3 years. After 3 years with the boys (though I only became a fan on the second half of the year when they debuted), it's funny how I still manage to get thrilled with anything concerning them. If my eyes are sparkling and my smile is larger than the Pacific Ocean and I see hearts everywhere, then I'm probably under influence and I've possibly downed too much EXO. And, well, it just happens
To the boys, as I already said last year, no words can express how proud and thankful I am. I've never seen anyone as dedicated in showing how much they love and appreciate their fans, and are thankful for their support, as much as you do. Continue to be my inspiration, and I promise to entrust my loyalty back. We, for once, are proud to be able to fight for this fandom. Why? Because we have something worth fighting for.  It doesn't matter how long my heart would take to fully heal. Even if they were broken to bits and shattered to pieces: they would still be with all of you. Time doesn't always heal the pain. Sometimes, we just have to take the initiative to move on. Well, this is me, moving on. Thank you, I'm sorry, and I love you. We've made it this far; I believe we can make it further. Never stop believing in yourselves - cause we never stopped believing in you. We will be right here, regardless of how bad the situation is. I will not side with what I believe is wrong, but I know that you will do us proud. Maybe even prouder than we are now. And rest assured, our memories with all of you - and the fandom - will never be long forgotten. 3 years of my life have not been considerably well-spent; but it was the most memorable. So thank you, EXO. 


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