FOREVER 7/ELEVEN ᐧ ミホ 花見 | 미호 하나미

Miho Hanami

Obeliaaa / Ophelia / Dark Side of The Moon

character name

Miho Hanami ミホ  花見 | 미호 하나미

Nawang Lhamu Karma 나왕 라무 카루마


Karma - In the Tibetan language, Karma means star. This is the nickname that Mark uses to call her but not frequently. It's just a playful nickname

birthdate & age

October 11th 1993 & twenty one

birthplace & hometown

Kyoto, Japan -> Seoul, South Korea & Kyoto, Japan


Japanese - Tibetan


Japanese - Native Tongue

English - On the process of learning

Mongolian & Sino-Tibetan - Basic-Conversational (Her mother speaks both fluently and often teaches and talks to her with that language 

the outside.

face claim & backup

Alan Dawa Dolma ; Michishige Sayumi


She not the kind of girl that is a total fashionista or completely edgy and stylish, but she can manage to look good with simple clothes that she's comfortable with. She likes to wear a t-shirt with a cute print or pastel colours, a warm & cream coloured sweater or jumper & skinny jeans or knee-length skirts. But she has a quite obsession on ankle boots and plaid shirt that she usually wears for outerwear. If she feels daring, she wears shorts with a beanie or a cap. The one time that she was most daring was when she wears a short skirt and leather jacket when she attented a concert with her friends

the inside.


Kind; Not exactly shy and not exactly the type who will be all silence and no talk, but the type that gives a good vibe to the people. She's always smiling and polite to strangers, helping to those who are in need. Softspoken and uses formal language to everyone except those who she's really close to. She showed patience and kindness to all, the 'perfect' kind of Japanese girl

Friendly; What kind of person she is that is not kind and friendly? She always keep up a good social towards people by of course being nice. She needs to socialise obviously, but she's also introverted. Doesn't really mean she closes every single detail about her but she only shares what is safe to share in her opinion. She tends to forget that there are other people that helped her with life and because she's not allowing them to do so. She's the weird-mother like type of friend you view as 'perfect'

Perfectionist; May seem and sounds nothing at first as a bad trait, but it will show when she sees even one book out of order or pencils not aligned in a tidy manner. She could let it go when it is messy by accident, but you could see her twitching when someone left something messy. She has a very good patience, she often told them that they should keep it cleanand neat then showed them how she tidy it. But if they don't care and make the second mistake, you could get a scold from her. She could be really upset when something is out of order or messy, her hands are itching to tidy them up and maybe slap you across the face for making the same mistake

Self-Pity; Notice how I keep adding 'perfect' in the good traits? It is because how people view her; 'perfect' and able to do it all. But in all honesty, she couldn't. That personality of hers make people have more expectation towards her to act for them and uses her kindness to the point that she pity herself for being herself. To the point that she feel that she couldn't be better for any other people or herself. Or often she blames other people for her self-pity. She doesn't say it out loud but she could be in the point of stress on where people depend on her but she has no one to depend on. It is to the point where she herself wants to be the 'perfect' role model for others, because others look up to her. Sadly, it only make her even more miserable and pitiful  


Miho is now currently in Seoul Younggang University, majoring in culture-communication. She's learning the Korean culture and wants to have a Japan-Korea country relation in communication major. She currently lives in a apartment that costs her 1 month salary of one of her job and voluntarily playing erhu for cafes and restaurants. She has friends in her university which she usually hangs around when she's not busy & she likes to play her erhu on a flower garden near her apartment. But if she's feeling lazy, she usually just stays at home or goes to her boyfriend's house and cuddle 


When everything is tidy and neat, her erhu, relaxing music & sounds of nature, flower gardens, fresh air, warm and cozy indoor date with boyfriend, saturday night's movies, Sam Smith, hot chocolates, Sohyang, Morning Musume, One Piece, otome games (sometimes she plays it), when she hear people interacting in a good manner, M.I.A, M.I.B, Lena Park, Namie Amuro 


Not being able to sleep after work, MESSY THINGS, music that is too loud (she's fine with rock and metal but not the ones that immediately ruin and blasting your earballs), when someone cancels meetings, expectations, to be put under extreme pressure, bad romantice movies, gore horror films, when she sees 9 or 10 year olds 'dating' and kissing each other, careless people, people that doesn't say 'thank you', racial jokes


She used to have a fear of heights, but now she only has a slight fear towards it | Spiders are no good, but she tries not to kill them...if not left with another option | Has anemia and has to take her medication at least once per 2 days | Secretly likes to play otome games and doesn't want anyone to know about it | She's currently learning muay thai for any danger in the future of the shop | She sometimes could be caught singing loudly and make the store her personal stage when no one is looking | She has a precious dolphin doll Iruka | She likes to wear cute slippers inside her house | Probably has more than a dozen collection of her ankle boots | She wants to be the Ambassador of Japan for Seoul but doesn't really know where to start | For her, everyone has a chance to be nice. So she gives everyone a second chance | She still drinks milk before sleep | She is considered the 'normal' or 'calm' part of the shop's crew | Really vulnerable towards caffeine, she won't get sick she just couldn't sleep | She prefer a simple and good guy, her ideal type is someone who is a romance and a gentleman | She is 164 cm | She currently has a dark brown hair with faint golden highlights | Has a dark brown eyes | She's close to all of the shop's crew | Although she has a Tibetan blood in her, she's mostly influenced with the Japanese culture since she's born and raised there. She only knows how to speak Sino-Tibetan & some cultural celebration or festival


the JOB.

Job position

night cashier 



Hm...There aren't many reason as to why you shouldn't hire me as a night cashier. I have no problem staying out late since my classes are always at noon so I'm okay with sleeping at the early morning. I know basic economic and money management, I'm a quite neat person so I could help with arranging the store. I'm a bit vulnerable to caffeine so I could stay up all night if you give me a strong espresso. I'm fluent to Korean and Japanese, I'm learning English and know basic-conversational Mongolian & Sino-Tibetan. I need this job to fund my finance for my college and apartment since I started to live independently last year. I am an extra worker at Moonshine Cafe just a few blocks from here so it's easy for me to finish my afternoon shift at Moonshine and directly come here to help. I lost my job at the bar next door that recently closed last week so I need this job. I will appreciate it if you'll hire me

usual Customers

▪Drona Kartanegra | 이 두로 나  | Kinda best-friends | Chips & Energizer Drinks

▪Miho and Drona got along because they knew each other in college although they rarely meet because they took different majors. Drona always amuses her with her stories about her bandmates, her guitar practice & her long-going crush Jackson Wang. What makes them close is they both are immigrants with Drona being a full Indonesian came to study music in Korea. Drona always came to the store from her band practice that always ends at night time

the one and only.

love interest

Mark Tuan Yi En

backup love interest

Jung Dae Hyun


All could tell that Mark is a shy and introverted kind of person when you first meet him. He rarely talks and only responds with soft words when needed, smiling lightly when someone says something that amuses him and saving his laugh when he find a joke funny. People who are close to him (Friends, family, etc) knows that he has this playful and easy-going side of him. He is the type that's quiet around strangers but letting it all out when he's around with the people that he's familliar with. He could be the biggest dork and gives off a caring big brother feeling when you know her. Mark is quiet around girls but has shown respect and an act of chivalry, a true gentleman to be exact. He's like a simple city guy who plays skateboard and best friends with Jackson Wang who is the complete oppsite of him...disastrous to be exact. When he's around that special someone (REALLY special someone) he became the pathetically shy and hopeless romantic guy that blushes when they hold hands or when the special someone compliments him. But he's going to ease off once they got to know more


Miho and Mark met from their college friends and became good friends. They may not share the same interest; Miho likes to play her erhu while Mark likes to play skateboard, Mark is more interested in art as his major while Miho took cultural-communication as her major. However their differences actually pulls them together and they got along very well. Its not once where Mark introduce her to hip hop music or teaches her to play skateboard, not once where Miho took him to the calm garden or teaches him basic Mongolian. They became utterly close and attached until both of them grew feelings for each other. They didn't deny it, they embraced it. They had been dating for 4 months and going on stable. As both are good couple to each other, Miho often visits him on his morning shift on his part-time job while Mark visits her at night to give her dinner or sometimes give up his sleep to accompany her

Miho and Mark is going to a platonic mutual adoration and not to the extend of saying they love each other. Both of them are the types that searches for true love and the types that goes slow. But of course, every couple fights now and then resulting in big arguments over something stupid and almost breaking up. A happy ending is what I want to suit both of this good people with a rocky journey to the ending

last messages.


Ayyo wassup this Ophelia speaking and I am crazy a f. First of all I apologize for all of the mistakes, I'm a bit rusty here. Thank you for reviewing, i hope you like her and please consider the awesomely cutie Miho right here~ (I tend to call her Karma or Nawang instead of Miho hahah XD) Anyway, best of luck sugar mommy /hearteu/

scene request

- She heard some chips and boxes falling on the basement and decided to check it before she realised that there's a ghost. She got upset with the ghost and shouted at it to not knock over things and keep it tidy

- When Mark & Jackson came to visit (With Woohee being there). Mark and her were talking quite intimately then Jackson called to Woohee "Woohee look! Mommy and daddy are going to kiss!" "Woohee! asks mommy and daddy where babies came from!" "Mommy, can I have this for free? I won't bother you with daddy anymore?"

- Jackson made a Wang Puppy face and then challenges Mark to do it in front of Miho

- Robbery happening and she puts her practice of muay thai to a use (which she fails or wins is up to you, but if she were to win; she wins with bruises)

- Miho took some time off to visit back Japan with Mark & Drona


Whatever you do, never trust Jackson Wang with anything he says

Unless he does that to you then okay you can trust him a little bit (Wang Puppy is the best okay?)



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