story updates and future projects^^

ok, so none of my readers read my blog, so I should really be posting this on my stories seperately... but really, I'm lazy as hell!

so I'm BACK!! not that I left any where... but still, I haven't been updating in such a long time someone must have thought I died or something... either way, at this very moment I'm writing, writing lots and lots of chapters... for a story I haven't even uploaded yet... it's a secret project so I can't really unveil to much about it, but here's a clue^^

yeah, pretty obvious as to who's gonna be in it, but the plot it still pretty secret ;)

You can blame SJ-M for my distraction, they came out with that and I became obsessed with Eunhyuk's gorgeous Jaw line... again.... God I'm weird, do other people find strong jawlines y? ah~, anyways, I'll get to work on ALL of my stories, especially "Rain on Your wedding Day", it's been really neglected-.-

"House of Lee" chapter 23 is almost done, along with "U-HUG" chapter 04.... and for some reason I feel like I'm missing something... I'm pretty sure I only have three active stories right now but I'll have to... or wait, "Pretty boy"... that'll probably be deleted along with "opposites" (which should have gotten deleted along time ago, I'm so lazy...)

but yeah, I'll be updating and bringing you my new story soon (still haven't really thought of a title...) hope you look forward to it^^


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Good luck on updating all of your stories fighting! Ahh sorry for rambling but U-Hug is a fic related to U-Kiss so~ Gahh Xander and Kibum actually leaved the group =-= I am felling so down 'cause of that at the moment~
I read your blog~!!!! ..well when you post it on the U-HUG fanfic kekeke
lol ... I READ YOUR BLOG !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tehe !<br />
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and yes I think Joon Jawline is really y ... O.o Chu iz not alone !