
Anyone who isn't going to be butthurt about this, should watch it . I thought it was the funniest ever xD


they tried . 




This was very amusing to watch since I'm American and Asian . Although , they should stop hating on that Asian girl who couldn't pronounce Asian names right . Like tbh, I know SOOOOO many Americanized Asians they can't speak Asian languages . 

One of my professors, two of my best friends, almost half the people at my College , so there's nothing wrong with being Asian and misspronouncing Asian names, it just means your Amercianized lol .


Even my mom , who is 75% Chinese, 25% Japanese, she CANNOT pronounce Asian names xD 

it's kind of funny lol . 


~ Jamie~ <3 


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stephanie1994 #1
I watched it when it came out and i was super amused. There disappointment in Psy's real name was hilarious >.< I must really be into K-pop because the names were so common lol. They felt so familiar.

That's basically what any new kpop fan looks like. Sitting there and trying to get the name right or at least pronounce it decently.