✧ Luminous Music Entertainment ✧ Zoe



      Zoe   quirky cat lady

 NAME : Rebeca Indira

 BIRTHDAY : 17.08.1996

 AGE : 19


 LANGUAGES : English, Korean, Mandarin, Japanese, Indonesian



birth   of    a    star  because everyone is a star waiting to shine

 FANCLUB NAME : zoelot(s).


 VOCAL RANGE : c3 - c5

 DESIRED POSITION : Main vocal / Lead Vocal 


Super Junior - Mamacita
IU- Secret


shine  bright  like  a  diamond   inner beauty makes a person glow

ϟ cats
ϟ cafe latte
ϟ writing stuffs
ϟ musical theater
ϟ french fries (it's my life)

ϟ insects
ϟ complicated math
ϟ conflict
ϟ poor body hygene
ϟ romcom

ϟ has the ability to dissapear in a crowd of people
ϟ good at drinking alcohol
ϟ has 5 cats (currently)
ϟ can't live without qtips and ear-picker
​ϟ has a mild shoe/lipstick/wig obsession


this  is  just  the  beginning   time to rise to stardom

 FAVORITE GROUP : SU.PER.JU.NI.OR ; IU ; f(x) ; BTS ; Ukiss 

 SONG SUGGESTIONS : Super junior songs (it's you, please ; . ;), f(x)'s paper heart, Sunny Hill songs

 FINAL MESSAGE : let's work hard together woo (y)

 PASSWORD : The whole bunch of Infinite (Myungsoo?) and I remember seeing IU somewhere...






layout credit ¦ miss_lollipop - babyspring & miss_lollipop - simplicity 単純


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Hy becca! hihihi your name, i like it! rebecca :).
okay, now i will review you.
your prounce sound good, right and precise in my ears. your mamacita cover so well done. Youre good with your harmonizing. your voice sweet. its like mid-high kind of voice. even tho you can rap.. this mamacita didnt sound any mistake for me.. if you didnt said anything i wouldnt know you didnt do the rap! GIRLL ITS SOO WELL DONE! Your voice is so good and steady!
Thankyou for joining us! see you in our collab!

Hi Zoe!!! I was actually planning to do either a Mamacita/It's You collab, but since you already did Mamacita, I'll probably go with It's You instead :D You really fit Super Junior's type of song (does this make you happy, elf? :p) OMG the rap part! HAHAHAHAH! Daebak! <3 Beside that, your voice can be sweet and powerful at the same time. And I feel you fit a lot of genres as well, like the fast upbeat songs, the bubblegum pop cutesy song, but also ballad. Your harmonization is very good and I don't hear anything's that off. So great job with that..

Now that you know how to control your voice for the comfortable range, sing all the notes correctly, and even harmonize... If you wanna take it to the next level.. Maybe you could try different genres you have't tried? Perhaps something like I'm Different - Hi Suhyun? Or try out different vocal techniques that could amplify your great singing. :)

Anyway, I love how you sing Indonesian and English cover of songs. It's a great talent. I usually get the chills from Indonesian songs, but hearing IU's Secret in Indo doesn't sound bad at all actually. Hahaha. Thank you for joining us! <3 Hope to do more covers with you~ #GoTeamB hahahah

- Melody
Hi Zoe.

In Mamacita, to my ear (lol) it shows in your weight in tone. and as it grow it becomes girlish with but it doesnt becomes nasally. It really nice/pleasant to hear. :D And the part for rap Mamacita. Damn, LMFAO. I had to strained myself from not LOL-ing because I'm in office. Overall in this song, really nice to hear. On timing, very good pronunciation. And rahsia/secret (I've never heard the song before. Hehe) The flow of the song is quite nice until it reach chorus, a little bit struggling there? And the lyric you write on your own? Cool~ So summing up your voice suits well for both boys/girls' group with ballad/upbeat song.

Anyway, welcome to the family *flash light*

ps:can u teach me how to dissappear among crowd? XD
Also, I really like your cover of MAMACITA.<3 x3
ϟ has the ability to disappear in a crowd of people
