Ch. 8


He couldn't understand why Chanyeol hesitated at first, couldn't understand why Chanyeol first rejected his offer but now he wished that he would've. Since Chanyeol and the kids kind of moved in, the house was loud and messy.

Baekhyun groaned loudly and dropped the papers in his hands on the desk. It was a sunny and warm day and the boy's were playing outside in the garden. Their happy loud voices and the sound of their laughs were heard everywhere. Baek already had closed the windows but he still could hear the squeals and squeaks of the boys. He slammed his hands to the desk and stood up. He rushed out of his office and dashed down stairs, outside into the garden. "Could you please shut up!", he roared.

The kids flinched at the harsh words and Chanyeol dropped his pen in shock. "Excuse me, what?!", he asked and shot up from his chair.

"What?!", Baek growled. "I need to work but I just can't focus because its too loud!"

Chanyeol made a clicking sound with his tongue and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Are you serious?", he asked.

"I am.", Baek huffed. "I have some very important things to do."

Chanyeol let out a laugh. "They're kids, let them play."

"But they're too loud!", Baek said and threw a look over to the boy's.

Chanyeol shook his head. "Come on boys.", he said and waved at the kids. "Pack some things together, we go to the park."

"What the hell do you want at the park, the garden is huge."

"Yeah, the garden is huge!", Yeol hissed. "Let the boys play then!"

"They can play! They just need to be quiet!"

A laugh left Chanyeol. He shook his head and packed up his things. He tucked a stack of papers under his arm and held out his hands. "Let's go, boys!"

The kids quickly stood up form the blanket they're playing on and followed the teacher into the house. Baek was left behind. The young man stood there with a dropped jaw not believing what just had happened.
He stood there for a while, frozen in spot,  only coming back to his senses when he heard the front door falling shut with a loud thud.

A deep sigh left him and he ran a hand through his hair. He looked around. Chanyeol must've been working on some school things, bacuse there still lay a few books on the table. His eyes gazed over to the boy's blanket then. A bunch of papers and pens lay around. A lot of the snow white paper's were decorated with colorful drawings and paintings. Baek sat down and reached out for the pictures. He smiled softly at the smiling suns, purple flowers and at a stick figure that oddly looked like Chanyeol.

He had to chuckle but his smile quickly faded away when he spotted some scrawly letter in the corner of the paper next to one of the flowers. "From Kyungsoo.", he read out loud and frowned at the heart that Soo had drawn next to his name.

A heart, for real?! Baek let out a huff. This was too much. He gripped the picture, stood up and stomped back inside the house. He definitely had to have a talk with Chanyeol.



Baek had to wait the whole day. Chanyeol and the boy's were gone for a long time; by time it was already past six. The father sat in the kitchen and nibbled on an apple. "Aren't you going to cook something?", he asked Mrs. Lee as she opened a bottle of water for herself.

She shook her head. "No.", she said. "Chanyeol-shii called me and told me that he and the boys would eat out tonight."

"Aha.", Baek voiced out grumpily.

"Actually...", the nanny started. "There's something I wanted to ask you."

Baekhyun looked up to her. "Huh?"

"Minah and I wanted to ask if we could take a some time off ?"


"Well, you're too busy to notice it but since Chanyeol-shii and the twins "moved in" we don't have nothing much to do.", the woman said.

"What does that mean?"

The nanny smiled. "He gets up early in morning, wakes up the kids, prepares their lunch boxes, takes them to school and when they come home, he cooks lunch and dinner and helps them with their homeworks. And in the afternoon Kyungsoo plays with the twins."

"Yeah, that means he has taken over your parts.", Baek said. "But not over Minah's."

"He has.", Mrs. Lee began. "So experienced and fast he makes the household, you can't even look.", she added. "Minah has as much to do as I do; nothing."

Dumbfounded Baekhyun looked at his nanny. Did she really said the truth? How could this even be? Yeah, he had been out of the house a lot in the past two weeks but he would've noticed the changes in his house, wouldn't he?!

"I...uh...I'll think about it.", he only said.

"Thank you.", Mrs. Lee said with a smile and left Baek alone then. And only a few minutes after the nanny had left the kitchen, the front door opened and Chanyeol and the kids came back home.

Baek stayed in the kitchen and listened to the sounds in the hallway. He leaned a bit back, trying to catch a glimpse of what was happening in the hall. He could see Jongdae slipping out of  his shoes. He had a balloon tied to his wrist and held a small colorful paper bag in his right hand.

"Do think Appa is home?", he then heard Kyungsoo asking. "I want to show him the prize I've won."

Baek flinched and shot up from his chair. For whatever reason, he didn't know, but he quickly hid behind the door, hoping that no one would come into the kitchen. He pressed his body against the wall and held his breath.

"Maybe he's in his office.", Chanyeol's voice said. "Go and show him your prize."

"Okay.", Kyungsoo said. Baek heard his son running up the stairs. He didn't moved in inch.

"Daddy, I can I take a bath?", one of the twins asked.

"Sure.", Chanyeol said. "Do you want to bath to, Dae?"


"Okay, let's go then."

Baek peeked around the corner and watched Chanyeol and the twins walked up the stairs. He breathed out and slowly crept out of the kitchen. He waited in the hall for a while, making sure that Chanyeol was out of sight, before he made his way up the stairs, too. He rushed to his bed room and locked himself inside. He leaned against the door and listened to the sounds he could hear, since Chanyeol had let open the door to his bedroom. He listened to the sound of the splashing water and the happy voices of Yeol's kids, until the sound of his owns sons voice joined the round.

He unlocked the door and crept over to the guest room. Through the open door he could see his son sitting in the middle of Chanyeol's bed with a giant teddy bear in his arms. He ahead already changed into his pj's and patiently waited for his friend's to come out of the bathroom.

"Did you showed Appa the teddy?"

Kyungsoo shook his head. "I couldn't find him."

"Maybe he's still at work."

"Probably.", Soo said in a sad voice and let his head hung forward. Baek bit his lip and swallowed hard.

"Hey Soo. Look here.", Yeol said. Kyungsoo immediately looked up and right in the second his eyes met the teacher's ones, Chanyeol reached out for the boy and lifted him up the bed. Soo let out squeak when Yeol thew him up in the air. The tall man let himself fall down on the bed and effortlessly held the boy up in the air.

"When you pout like this all the day, you'll get bad wrinkles."

"Yeah and then you'll look like Mr. Kwang.", Jongdae added with a laugh and hopped onto the bed.

Minseok snickered as he climbed up the bed and lay down next to his father. "Mr. Kwang looks scary."

"I'll never look like Mr. Kwang.", Kyungsoo said and pouted again.

"Ah, there again.", Yeol laughed. He dug his fingers into Soo's side, tickling him. The boy laughed out loudly and began to wiggle in Chanyeol's hold. "Laughing is much better."

"Soo's lips look like a heart when he laughs.", Minseok giggled.

"Yeah and his eyes curve the same way as Baekhyun's.", Chanyeol added with a laugh.

"Pretty.", Jongdae smiled. "Right?"

"Very pretty.", Chanyeol nodded.

Kyungsoo blushed cutely, hiding his face behind his tiny hands. A few meters away, Baek also blushed at the sudden, random compliment. His heart sped up and his breath hitched shortly, but he quickly shook the unwanted tingle in his belly away.

"Daddy can we sleep here tonight?"

"Here?", Yeol asked. "But you two need too much space.", he joked.

"Not true!", the twins pouted. "Please."

Chanyeol acted as he would think about his son's request but eventually nodded. "Okay."

The boy's happily clapped their hands and rolled over the bed. "Soo, do you want to stay, too?!"

Kyungsoo tensed at Minseok's suggestion. His already big, round eyes widened even more and he nervously began to chew on his lower lip. Baek sighed; he could see that Kyungsoo wanted nothing more than to stay.

"Okay, Soo, listen.", Chanyeol smiled and leaned forward. "We get something to snack on, watch a movie and then we accidentally fall asleep."

Kyungsoo giggled cutely and nodded. "Okay."

"Alright then.", the teacher said. "I'll get us some snacks and you can pick out a movie, okay?!"

"Yes!", the boy's cheered.

Baek jumped in shock and quickly rushed back into his room. He quietly closed the door behind him and straightly went to bed. He lay down and reached out for the picture Kyungsoo had drawn. He picked it up form his bedside table and rolled it out. He was close to tears when he looked at the picture. Chanyeol seemed much closer to Kyungsoo as he was himself. His heart ached and he cried out when he remembered the way Soo smiled at the teacher. It hurt him so much. Was he so different from Chanyeol?




Baek woke up in the morning with a throbbing head and a sick feeling in the stomach. He groaned and rolled out of the bed. He breathed in and out deeply as he walked to into his bath room. After a quick shower, Baek made his way to the kitchen where the boy's already sat at the kitchen table, enjoying some breakfast. The smell of freshly brewed coffee hung in the air and put a soft smile on Baek's lips.

"Morning.", the boy's greeted in unison.

"Morning.", Baek said and looked around as he noticed someone missing. "Where're Minseok and Chanyeol?"

"Daddy and Min are at the hospital.", Jongdae said with a smile. "It's only a check up."

"Ahh and when did they leave?"

"A few minutes ago.", the twin said. "Daddy made us breakfast."

"And Mrs. Lee is in the living room.", Kyungsoo added.

Baek only nodded. He actually had planned to have a talk with Chanyeol right now, but he also could do that later. He poured himself some coffee and took one of the french toasts. It was good to eat something but as soon as he took a sip from the coffee his stomach rebelled. He spit the liquid back into the mug and rushed to the bathroom. The feeling to vomit had him hanging over the toilet bowl.

"Mr. Byun?", Baek heard the nanny asking from outside of the bath. "Are you okay?"

"I'm alright.", Baek answered. He stood up and rinsed his mouth. The boy's looked at him with worried eyes when he came back to the kitchen.

"Are you alright, Appa?", Soo asked.

Baek nodded. "I am. I only have bellyache."

Jongdae jumped up from his chair and hopped over to the kitchen counter. He tip-toed and reached out for a package of tea. He held it out for Baek and smiled up to him. "When we have bellyache,  Daddy cooks tea for us.", said.

Baek took the tea from the boy and nodded. "Yeah, you're probably right. Thank you."

Baekhyun cooked himself a cup of tea and it really helped him to calm down his irritated stomach. He still felt queasy but much better. He excused himself and left Mrs. Lee and the boy's behind. With the cup in his hand he walked out in the garden to get some fresh air. He sat down on a bench under a tree and took some deep breaths. He leaned back and closed his eyes for a while. Only when he felt a hand on his knee he opened up his eyes again. "Huh?", he asked.

Chanyeol knelt in front of him and smiled softly. "You fell asleep."

"Really?", Baek asked as he rubbed his sleepy eyes.

Yeol nodded. "Soo and Dae told me that you don't feel well. Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. I feel a bit queasy but's okay."

The taller nodded and stood up. "Okay."

Chanyeol was about to go but Baek stopped him right away. "Uhm..Chanyeol...can you wait a second?"

Chanyeol turned back. "Sure. What's wrong?"

"I want you to stay away from my son."


"You've heard right.", Baek said sternly.

"Okay.", Chanyeol said. "What've done wrong now?"

"You take him everywhere. I don't see him anymore. When I come home after work, he's not there because he's somewhere with you and the twins."

"Are you serious? We're not out that much.", the taller said in disbelief. "You're gone the whole day. When we come home form school you're the one who's not here."

"That's not ture."

Chanyeol laughed out. "Excuse me? You've been gone the whole week. You sleep when he leave the house and come back home when we're asleep. It's not my fault that Kyungsoo's sees me more than he sees you."

Baek growled. "Oh, sorry that I'm the head of a company."

"That's not the problem, Baekhyun.", Chanyeol sighed. "I'm also working. I have to work on the weekends too, nevertheless I take time for my sons."

"You're an .", Baek yelled. "A ing ."

"I'm an !?", Chanyeol repeated. He stared at Baek for a while. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed. "I see.", he said and turned away from the smaller.

"Where are you going?", Baek asked with a growl, causing Chanyeol to turn his head.

"What do you think where I'm going?", Chanyeol smiled. "You don't want me near your son, so its the best if I leave this house. Give an hour and my kids and I'll be gone."

Baek was pissed but when Chanyeol's words reached his ears his feelings suddenly changed. He now was sad and he didn't wanted Chanyeol to leave. "No." he shouted out and jumped up from the bench. But in the second he stood straight up the world in front of his eyes began to spin. With a groan he sunk to his knees and gripped his stomach.

"Hey.", Chanyeol gasped and rushed over to the smaller. "Are you okay?", he asked and gently gripped Baekhyun by the shoulders. "You're pale.", he said when Baek lifted his head. "Come."

"No.", Baek whispered and shook his head. He clenched his stomach and gasped for air. A choking sound left him before he throw up for the second time today. When his stomach seemed to be empty he cried out helplessly. He felt Chanyeol's hand on his shoulders and willingly let the taller help him up. He leaned against Chanyeol's body as they slowly walked back into the house.

Baek didn't know how he made it to his bed but he let out a deep sigh when he felt the soft mattress under him. "I'll get you some water."
Chanyeol's voice sounded blurry and he wasn't sure if he had heard right yet he nodded. But even before Chanyeol came back, he fell asleep.



"Will Appa be alright?"

Kyungsoo's voice was quiet and filled with worry. Chanyeol smiled at the little boy and gently him over the head. "Sure.", he said. "Give him a few days and he'll be okay again."

"Can we do something for him?", Minseok asked.

"How about you draw a picture for him, huh?", Chanyeol suggested. "I'm pretty sure that it will make him feel better."

"Yeah, let's draw a picture."

Baekhyun swallowed hardly. Tears build up in his eyes as he listened to the boy's and Chanyeol. He had hid behind the door, like he had done a lot since Chanyeol had moved in. He pressed his forehead  agaist the door and cried out quietly. What the hell was wrong with him?






Days had passed and Chanyeol and the kids still were there. Minseok's cast was gone, Mrs. Lee and Minah took some time off and visit their families and Baekhyun finally was ready to accept that Kyungsoo felt some kind of affection or Chanyeol.

A lot of things had changed in the past days but one thing was still there; the queasy feeling in Baek's stomach.
He didn't have to throw up again but the sick feeling inside him tired him out. The nights were sleepless and most of the time he walked around with a strong headache.

"Ah, ."

With a growl he threw away the empty pack of painkillers. He had already taken four pills today yet his head throbbed like hell. He put his head on his desk and closed his eyes. The boy's were playing outside in the pool. He could hear their happy voices and the water splashing. Chanyeol was with them and whenever his deep voice was heard a shiver ran down Baek's spine. Somehow he was addicted to the teacher's voice.

He opened his eyes and sat back up again. His eyes gazed over the picture the boy's had drawn for him. It was a masterpiece of different little sketches; hearts, flowers, stars, butterflies and a dog. "Get well soon.", Chanyeol had written in the middle and the boy's had signed it with their names.

He took the picture and smiled at it. It was really cute. Baek leaned back and looked around his office until his eyes landed on a photo frame. The picture showed him and Kyungsoo a few months after Soo's birth. Baek had to smile. It felt like it was yesterday. Kyungsoo was tiny and helpless and now he was a already five years old.

Baek stood up from his chair and walked over to the wall where the picture hang. Gently he touched the frame. Baek snickered when he remembered the time he first held his son in his arms. His whole boy shook and his heart raced like crazy. "Nine freaking months I had to wait for you and you haven't made it easy for me.", he laughed out and remembered the days full of headaches, giddiness and nausea.

Headaches, giddiness and nausea. Baek gasped in shock and gripped his shirt at stomach height. "No..."

He shook his head. "No...this can't be.", he whispered. He looked out of the window. Chanyeol swan laps in the pool. His back muscles flexed with every movement ; Baek's heart sped up and his breath hitched. "This can't be."

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
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Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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