Ch. 44

BBH is such a weirdo  'ㅅ'




Sehun was a beautiful baby but Baekhyun had only eyes for his fiancee. He couldn’t describe the warm feeling that spread through his body as he looked at Chanyeol lovingly cradling his best friends newborn baby. The little bundle looked even smaller in the man’s hold and Baekhyun couldn't wait for the day he finally could see Chanyeol holding their own baby in his arms.


Gazing away from Chanyeol and Sehun, Baekhyun looked down his side when Kyungsoo patted his thigh. “Hm? What’s wrong, honey?”


Kyungsoo pursed his lips and stretched a little, waiting until his Papa leaned down to him so he could whisper into his ear.


Baekhyun listened to his son’s words and broke into a soft chuckle. “I’m sure Junmyeon and Yifan won’t mind,” he smiled. “You just have to ask.”


Junmyeon turned his head to them. “Ask what?” He wanted to know.


Kyungsoo shyly gazed away and tugged at Baekhyun’s sleeve, causing his father to laugh again. “Come on, you have to ask yourself.”


“What do you want, Kyungsoo?” Yifan asked, slowly circling around the hospital bed. He crouched down and smiled the the boy. “Hm?”


Biting down his lip, Soo squinted at Yixing’s father. “I-”


“Kyungsoo wanted to ask if he’s allowed to hold the baby, too.,” Baekhyun said, his son over the head.


“Of course you can,” Yifan smiled.


Kyungsoo’s eyes lit up and he wiggled a little in joy when Chanyeol stepped towards him with Sehun in his arms. “Sit down,” he was told and immediately hopped onto the chair next to Baekhyun. Chanyeol carefully knelt down and handed the baby over to his son. “Just sit still, nothing can happen.”

Kyungsoo nodded and proudly grinned.


“I want too,” Minseok pouted as he watched his brother holding onto baby Sehun.


The parents broke into chuckles. “One at a time,” Yifan laughed. “Okay?”




The ParkByun family stayed at the hospital until the late afternoon and especially the kids were rather sad to leave for home. “Do we have to go?” Jongdae asked.    


Chanyeol chuckled. “Yes, we have to.”




“Honey, giving birth is a very exhausting progress. Junmyeon is tired and needs some rest. And on top of that we should give Yixing and Yifan time to get to know Sehun in peace. He’s not our baby after all.”


Minseok hummed. “Can we stay as long as we want when Luhannie is born?”


Baekhyun nodded. “Sure, until you get tired, fall asleep and Daddy has to carry all three of you to the car.”


Chanyeol huffed a little. “I’ll try to not let it come that far.”


“How long do you have to stay at the hospital?” Kyungsoo wanted to know.


Baek hummed. “It depends but I actually don’t want to go to the hospital.”


“Oh?” Chanyeol raised his brows. “That’s news to me.”


The expecting laughed out. “Yeah, I just thought of not wanting to give birth at a hospital.”


“Ah, I see. Uh, let’s talk about this at home,” Yeol said, giving a smile. “Are you guys hungry? Shall go and get something to eat?”


Instantly all three kids nodded their heads and the family soon found a table at a small restaurant that offered child friendly dishes. The boys were sharing a big bowl of spaghetti with meat balls while their parents each ordered themselves some lasagna.


“Can I try some of yours?”


“Of course,” Chanyeol nodded, picking up some of his, with gorgonzola, baked dish. “Careful, it’s hot.”


Baekhyun leaned over, humming when the tasted the food. “Oh, it’s good.”


“Yours not?”


“It is but your cheese is much better than mine.”


Chanyeol chuckled a little when Baek pursed his lips into pout. “Do you want to have some of mine?”


“Oh no, it’s fine.”


“Nah, come on. I give you half of mine and I’ll take half of yours.”


Baekhyun’s lips curled into a smile. “Thanks, you’re the best.”


“I know, that‘s why you gonna marry me.”


The sassy comment had the expecting snorting. “Sure, that’s it.”


As the upcoming wedding was mentioned Jongdae put down his fork. “When do you marry?” He asked, curiously blinking at his parents.


“We haven’t decided yet,” Chanyeol answered.


“How about next week?”


Baekhyun snorted at Kyungsoo’s suggestion and almost choked on his food. Grabbing his glass, he took a big sip of water to wash down his food. “No,” he then snickered, gazing at Chanyeol who also amusently laughed.


“Aw, why not?”


“Honey, a wedding needs a little bit of planning. Even if we decide to not have a big wedding or a big party, it still has to be organized.”


“What has to be organized?” Minseok wanted to know.


“Well, first of all we have to make an appointment at the registry office. And sometimes it takes a while to get an appointment there,” Chanyeol answered. “And even if we’d like to get married next week, there’s just simply too much going on right now.”


The kids hummed and Jongdae puffed his cheeks. He clearly wasn’t happy with that answer and it caused Baek to chuckle. Reaching over, he the boy over the head. “You’ll see, the wedding will come sooner than you expect. And in the meantime there’s so much to do.”


“What to do?”


“Like learning,” the expecting said. “You just became elementary schoolers. You have to learn how to properly read and write and let’s not forget about Luhan. He’ll be there soon and he’ll need a lot of attention.”


“Oh, right, right.”


Minseok nodded along. “We need to teach Luhannie a lot!”


“Yes,” Kyungsoo agreed. “Like walking!”


“Well, Chanyeol chuckled in whisper, glancing at Baekhyun. “I hope until then we’re already married.”


Baekhyun returned the smile he was gifted and nodded his head slightly. “For sure.”



Getting up early in the morning, spending a good amount of hours at the zoo and then visiting baby Sehun was a lot of input for the three boys and as soon as they had arrived at home after their dinner at the restaurant, Minseok rubbed his eyes and Kyungsoo and Jongdae yawned.

Baekhyun took the kids upstairs to get ready for bed while Chanyeol took the dog for a walk to grant Cookie the quality time he needed. The boys were dead tired and already while putting them to bed they drifted off to sleep.


With all three kids in bed, Baekhyun settled down in the living room and looked through the pictures they had taken at the zoo. Most of the photographs were showing the kids posing in front of the different animal enclosures and attractions and Baekhyun gasped when he found a picture Chanyeol had secretly taken of him.


It wasn’t flattering at all with him looking rather exhausted, leaning against a fence with one hand supporting his back. He puffed his cheeks, wondering why Chanyeol would snap such a picture of him.


He grabbed the camera and looked for the photo as soon as his fiancee was back home and joined him on the couch. “What’s this?!”


“A picture of you?” Chanyeol raised a brow. “Why?”


“Why would you take such a picture of me. I look like a mess here!”


Chanyeol’s lips curled into a smile. “You don’t.”


“I don’t?! Just look at that. The way I stand there and-”


“That’s exactly why I took it.”


Baekhyun frowned. He didn’t understand. “What?”


Taking the camera from the expecting, Chanyeol gazed at the screen. “You do look exhausted, that’s true,” he said. “And you look uncomfortable and yet your smiling. It’s been the third time we’ve been to look at the tigers and everyone would’ve understood if you’d have wanted to leave or sit down, take rest but you didn’t. You didn’t even complain when the kids wanted to go all the way back to the elephant enclosure. You just took it and followed suit. You shouldn’t have to.”


“So, and that’s why you took this picture?”


Chanyeol nodded. “Yeah, because I can see that you’re happy to see the kids having a good time, even though you’re in discomfort.”


Baek hummed, gazing at the man. “Sometimes I don’t get your complicated way of thinking.”


“But I’m right, am I?”


“Yes,” Baekhyun smiled. “I was exhausted but seeing the kids having so much fun made me happy.”


Chanyeol smiled and turned his head to press a gentle kiss to the older’s temple. “You may not like the picture but I do.”


“Okay, then keep it. But don’t show anybody.”


Chuckling in amusement. CHanyeol put the camera away and then leaned back into the soft cushions of the couch. He brought Baekhyun’s feet into his lap when the pregnant also shifted to lean back and gently started to knead his sore feet.


“So, will you enlighten me about your plan of not giving birth in a hospital? What made you change your mind?”


Baekhyun sighed softly. He rested his hands on top of his belly, feeling the baby under his hart moving. “It’s just-” He started. “Have you seen how many nurses there were? We were there for around three hours and in that time almost every twenty minutes another nurse walked in to check up on Junmyeon and Sehun. That was so annoying, I don’t want that.”


“Ture, that really was annoying.”


“I really just don’t want that. The thought alone of having someone coming to my room that often annoys me.”


Chanyeol nodded his head in understanding. “Alright, and what have you thought of where to give birth instead? Here or in a birthing center.”


“A home birth sounds appealing but I’m not entirely comfortable with that. I think a birthing center will do.”


“Well, should I get my laptop and we start looking at some centers? I mean, we don’t have much time left.”


Baek nodded. “Yeah, let’s do it.” He also got up from the couch when Chanyeol stood up. “Would you like to have some tea, too?”


“Sure,” Yeol smiled. “Thanks.”


There were not many birthing centers around but the ones that were available and not too far off the bat looked quite nice. Each of the centers had their own charme and just as Baekhyun was about to make a decision he spotted a familiar face on one of the websites.




“Oh? Oh, what?”


“This woman here,” Baek said, pointing at one of the midwife profiles. “That’s the midwife that was with me when I had Kyungsoo.”


“Oh, really?” Chanyeol asked, clicking onto her picture to open her profile.


“Yes, that’s her,” Baek smiled.


Chanyeol read through her bio, whistling softly. “Why I’m not surprised you gave birth to Kyungsoo in a private clinic?!”


Baek made a face. “It’s the best hospital around.”


“Yeah, and the most expensive.”


“Well, y-yeah. But you know, monet is not the problem for me.”


“I know,” Yeol snickered. “So, she was a good one?”


Baekhyun instantly nodded. “She was. She was super nice and patient with me. I mean, I told you, Kyungsoo was a precipitate delivery and I was more than afraid something could go wrong. She was super calm, telling me not to worry and it was just what I needed. I felt really save with her.”


“Then we should give this one a call, huh?”




Calling the birthing center the following morning, Chanyeol and Baekhyun were able to visit the center the upcoming monday when the kids were in school. The facility was located in a quiet neighborhood in a single family house and already the welcome through the head midwife told Baekhyun that he had made the right choice with not giving birth at the hospital.


“Hello, welcome.”


“Hello,” CHanyeol smiled at her. “Thank you for the quick appointment.”


“You’re welcome,” the woman said. “Though, I’ve got to ask you something right away. Are you having twins or are you a little late with looking for a birthing center.”


“A little late, I guess,” Baekhyun admitted. “I spontaneously decided to not give birth at a hospital.”


“Oh, tell me about that.” The lady led them into a lounge area and poured them a cup of the tea. “Why did you choose to not go to a hospital?”


“A close friend of us just gave birth two days ago and when we visited him I noticed the foot traffic in his room. There was someone checking up on him and the baby almost every twenty minutes.”


“Did he have complications during the birth? Or is the baby having some troubles.”


“No, not at all. The baby is as healthy as it can be and the birth went smooth according to him and his husband. They also don’t know why they get checked up on so often.”


The woman nodded her head. “It’s actually a common thing in hospitals these days. Nurses and midwives get send to the patients rooms to give the impression of being well cared for. They sometimes don’t realize it’s too much.”


Baekhyun nodded. “Yeah, I was super annoyed and I don’t want this to happen to me.”


“I fully understand that,” she smiled. “Then tell me, why our house?”


“Oh, yeah. One of your midwives actually was with me when I had my first baby.”


“Oh, really?”


“Yeah. Uh, Mrs. Cho? She worked for a private hospital before.”


“Ah yes, she did. So you know her?”




“Oh, then let me get her. She’s here at the moment.”


Baekhyun was excited to meet the midwife again and much to his surprise she immediately recognized him. “O-oh,” she voiced out, pointing at the young man. “Byun Baekhyun, right? Precipitate delivery, six years ago.”


“R-right,” Baek said. “You remember?”


“Of course I do,” she smiled, giving him a hug. “You were so nervous and afraid but you did a great job. How’s your little one doing? K-kyungsoo was it, right?”


“Yes,” Baekhyun smiled, nodding his head. “He’s doing great. He’s in school now and can’t wait to become a big brother.”


“Ah, you by any chance have a picture of him?”


“Oh yeah, sure.” Baekhyun fumbled his phone out of his pocket and opened his gallery to look for a picture of his son. “Ah, here.”


The midwife took the phone, adjusting her glasses a little as she gazed onto the screen. “Oh,” she voiced out. “He already was such a beautiful baby, I’m not surprised to see that he’s become that handsome.”


Baekhyun smiled at the compliment. “Thank you.”


“And this one here?” Mrs. Cho asked, reaching for Baekhyun’s round bump after she handed him back his phone. “Boy or girl?”


“A boy.”


“The first for you?” She wanted to know and looked up to Chanyeol.


“No,” Chanyeol answered. “He would be the third, I have twins.”


“Oh, so you grow into a family of six with this one.”




Mrs. Cho smiled. “That’s nice,” she said. “You’re already quite far along,” she then added. “What’s the calculated due date?”


“April 22.”


“That’s in eight days, sweethearts. You’re running late.”


“I know,” Baek hummed. “I just recently decided to not give birth at the hospital and when we’re looking for birthing centers I happened to see that you’re now working for this one. I felt so comfortable with you when having Kyungsoo that we thought we give it a chance and ask if you still would take us in for the birth.”


“We’re actually fully booked,” said the head midwife. “We have to be prepared for four births around that time.”


Mrs. Cho nodded. “Yeah, that’s true. But you know what, I’ll take you in. I’ll gladly help you this time, too.”


Baekhyun’s eyes widened. “Really?”


“Yes,” the elderly woman smiled. “I’ve been there for your the first time, I’ll be there for you this time.”


“Oh, thank you!”


“Yes, thank you,” Chanyeol said, bowing a little. “Thank you very much.”


“You’re welcome,” the midwife smiled. She circled around the small coffee table and sat down the couch. “Well, then let’s talk about some details.”




“Have you already thought of how you’d like to deliver?”


Baekhyun hummed. “Uhm, no?”


Mrs. Cho chuckled. “Well sweetheart, I’m pretty sure this one won’t come as fast as Kyungsoo back then. You should spend a thought on that.”


“Is there anything you can recommend?” Chanyeol asked. “I heard water births are quite popular.”


“They are,” the midwife nodded. “The warmth of the water helps relaxing the muscles, soothes but also stimulates labor. I think in general people like it because it’s a natural way of easing the pain.”


Chanyeol turned his head to his fiancee. “What do you think of it?”


“Uh, I’ve got to be honest I’ve never really heard of water births,” Baek said, blushing a little. “How does it work? I mean, is it like sitting in a bathtub?”


“Kind of,” Mrs. Cho nodded. “There are special tubs but we don’t have them here. We use an inflatable birth tub, kinda like a pool. This way you can comfortably lean back during the beginning of labor.”


Baekhyun hummed. “So, giving birth like this is common?”


“In our house, yes. Of the eight deliveries we had last months, six babies were born in the tub.”


“It does sound quite appealing,” Baekhyun said.


“There are some requirements, though.”


“Oh. And what is that?”


“Do you have any infections or gestational diabetes?”




“Good,” the woman smiled. “Then you can have a water birth if you like.”


“Yeah, I think I really would like to have one,” Baekhyun said, smiling softly. He gazed to his bump when Luhan kicked out.


Chanyeol reached over and gave a bump a rub.


“I assume you’ll be there when the little one comes?”


“Yes,” the teacher answered without any hesitation, giving a nod.


“You know, you also can bring the children,” Mrs. Cho said.


“T-the kids? Here when I give birth?” Baekhyun asked, blinking his eyes.


The midwife nodded. “I know children are not allowed to be in the delivery room in hospitals but here, they can be with their parent. We often have the entire family here when a baby is born.”


“I d-don’t know,” Baek mumbled. He gazed at Chanyeol. “What do you think about this?”


“It’s totally up to you whether you would like to have the kids here or not but I personally thinks it’s a nice idea. Giving birth is the most natural thing in the world and I think it would not only be a great educational experience but also a great emotional experience for the boys. They may not understand every word we say when we explain childbirth to them and how exhausting it is but they understand body language and expressions. And I think it would teach them a lot. Not biologically seen as they won’t understand the exact process of childbirth but humanely. Their whole point of view towards you will change as they will experience what you do to bring their brother to life.”


“I couldn’t have said it any better,” the midwife smiled. “I know, it’s a frightening thought of having your children around while being in such a state but it nevertheless is a great experience. And children are the best comfort givers of all time.”


Baekhyun hummed softly. He never in a million years would have considered to share this moment with his children. In his mind birth was something children should not be seen but Chanyeol was right, it was a natural thing and why shouldn’t they learn and see how a baby was born? After all they were also quite curious about it already.


“Uhm, I’d like to think of it first and maybe we also should ask the boys if they really would like to be there.”


“I’m confident they’ll say yes,” Mrs. Cho smiled. “So far none of the children I had here, watching their sibling being born wanted to leave. And let me tell you something, I had father’s fainting and ten years old cutting cords.”


Chanyeol laughed out. “Well, I love my children but I won’t give away my chance of cutting my son’s cord.”


The comment had Baekhyun smiling. “I will let you know if we’ll bring them along or not.”


“Sure, take your time with that decision.”


Baekhyun didn’t really have much time to actually think of it again as he accidentally mentioned the topic when the kids were around and the boys were instantly hooked that they would be able to be there when their beloved and long awaited baby brother would be born.


Palming his face, Baekhyun deeply sighed. He really hadn’t made up his mind yet but with the boys being so psyched about it, there was nothing much he could do.


“Okay, wait a second,” Chanyeol spoke up. “Lower your voices and sit down.”


Quietly the three kids hopped onto the couch and waited for their father to speak up again.


“Alright, listen. I know you’re excited now but it’s Appa’s decision if you can come with us to the birthing center or not. I want you to understand that.”


“B-but-” Jongdae pouted. “Why?”


“Giving birth to baby is tough and some people don’t want to have anyone there when they have their baby.”


“But you will be there.” Minseok said.


“Well, I don’t know,” Chanyeol said, shrugging. “I hope to be there, just like you, but if Appa says no, I have to respect that and stay home too.”


The boys hummed and Baekhyun had to bite back a smile. Of course Chanyeol was just saying this to calm their excitement and to keep them from having a major breakdown in case he would not want to have them there that day but it was adorable to see how they thought about their father’s words.


“Okay,” Kyungsoo said. “But just for you to know-” He paused, batting his lashes at Baekhyun. “We really, really, really would like to be there!”


The parents laughed out. “Okay honey, I’ll think about it. And I’ll let you know by tomorrow, okay?”


All three boys nodded! “Okay!”


“Alright,” Chanyeol said. “Then go and play. You’ve got one more hour until dinner is served.”


Baekhyun let out a breathy chuckle when the kids had left to play. He Cookie, who sat between his legs, over the head and sighed. “Oh god. I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”


“It’s fine,” Yeol smiled. “It’s your decision and if you want them to not tag along, they have to respect that. Don’t pressure yourself.”


“It’s not that I don’t want to have them there or that I totally despide having them with me but in my mind I just don’t see a child being there in the delivery room, seeing all this, experiencing all this. I just can’t picture it.”


Chanyeol let out a hum. “Maybe you can google it. I’m sure other parents have shared their thoughts and experiences on it.”


“Yeah, I think I’ll do that tonight,” Baek nodded. When Cookie leaned his head back to look at him, he gazed at the dog. “What?” He asked. “Why are you looking at me like this?”


The Samoyed wagged his tail and let out a squeaky noise.


“It’s past six. It’s time to feed him,” Chanyeol said after checking the time. “Alright boy, come one. I;ll give you some.”


The pup immediately headed for the kitchen, disappearing from the living room in the speed of light.


Chuckling, Baekhyun moved to stand up from the couch as well. “Why don’t stay here?” He was asked and he shook his head. “I know I won’t be a great help with preparing dinner but I, at least, can keep you some company, can’t I?”


“Of course you can,” Chanyeol smiled, wrapping an arm around his fiancee. He leaned down when Baekhyun tilted his head back and kissed his rosy lips. “I love you.”


“And I love you,” Baek replied, turning his head away from the man when the home phone began to ring. “I’ll get it,” he said, stepping towards the dresser the phone station stood on. “Hello?” He asked, answering the phone.


“Hello,” a raspy male voice said. “Am I talking to Park Chanyeol?”


“No, you’re talking to his fiancee. How can I help you?”


“Oh, I see. Well, is Mr. Park there. Can I talk to him?”


“Sure,” Baek answered, slowly starting to move to bring Chanyeol the phone. “May I know who you are?”


“Ah yes, I’m sorry,” the man apologized. “My name is Lim Ryojin. I’m calling because Mr. Park’s lawyer has contacted me.”


Baekhyun almost cried out. He hurried to Chanyeol and grabbed him by the arm. “Yeol! It’s Mr. Lim,” he said, hastily pressing the button to put the phone on speaker. “Mr. Lim, I have put you on speaker.”


“Oh, okay. Uh, hello Mr. Park.”


“Hello,” Chanyeol replied, staring down at the phone in Baekhyun’s hands. “I’m glad to hear from you, Mr. Lim.”


“I’ll be honest with you,” the man said. “I didn’t want to contact you after everything that has happened to me but my wife assured me to call you.”


“Then please tell your wife that I’m very thankful for that.”


A chuckle came from Mr. Lim. “I will do that,” he then said.


“Mr. Lim, I assume it’s very hard for you to get confronted with what has happened to you but I really need your help.”


“I know and I’m willing to help you. That woman has ruined my life, I don’t want her to ruin yours as well!”


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!