Ch. 47





Chanyeol raised his eyebrows and hummed in wonder when Baekhyun giggled into the kiss they shared. “Hm?”


“I feel like kissing a stranger,” Baekhyun laughed when they pulled away from one another. He shook his head in amazement, gazing up to Chanyeol’s newly bleached hair. “You look like a completely different man.”


“It takes some getting used to, right?”


“It does,” Baek nodded. “But I stick to my word, you look nice.”


“I’m glad you like it.”


They met for another kiss but just as Chanyeol tilted Baekhyun’s head to gain some access to his mouth, Yifan walked into the kitchen. The man faked a gag and shielded his eyes. “Ew!”


Rolling his eyes, Chanyeol pulled back. “How dare you to us like that?”


“My apologies,” the Chinese chuckled. “But I need to prepare Sehun’s bottle.”


As the baby’s name was mentioned, Baekhyun hummed. “I haven’t heard him at all during the night.”


“Yeah, surprisingly he only woke up once,” the father said as he reached for the kettle. “But I’m sure he’ll wake up any time soon, starving. Why are you already up, by the way?”


“Baby on full bladder,” Baek shortly answered, patting his round baby bump. 


Yifan nodded and gazed at his best friend. “And you?” 


“Well, I had the one with the baby on full bladder kicking me in the back when he tried to gracefully roll out of bed.”


The Chinese snorted. “What?”


Baekhyun puffed his cheeks. “I didn’t mean to! It was an accident!”


Reaching out, Chanyeol his fiance over the cheek, chuckling. “Calm down, babe. I know you didn't do it on purpose.”


Baek grumbled a little but leaned into the touch. “Is Junmyeon still asleep?” He asked when Chanyeol removed his hand from his cheek.


“He is and I’m sure he won’t wake up before ten,” Yifan said. “You’ve seen him yesterday, right? He’s emptied almost two bottles of wine by himself. He’s gotta sleep that off first.”


Chanyeol laughed out. “Right, he’s got a little crazy on the wine.”


“Well, it’s been a while since he last had alcohol in that amount.”


“It’s fine,” Baek smiled. “Then let’s make sure we’ve got a good breakfast for him when he wakes up.”


It was almost eleven when Junmyeon eventually woke up, making his way to the kitchen. A little embarrassed and a little hungover he thanked Baek for the cup of coffee he handed him and took a large sip. “Gosh, I’m so sorry.”


“Nah, don’t be. Here, have a croissant. Shall I warm you some of the scrambled eggs?”


“No, I’m good. I don’t feel like eating,” Junmyeon said. “Where are our men and the kids?”


“All out taking Cookie for a walk. The boys have asked if they could go to the playground, so Chanyeol suggested taking Cookie to the park and stop by the playground there.”


“Oh, I see.” The man sighed softly and leaned back into the chair. “Gosh, my head hurts.”


“You want some painkillers?”


“No, I’m sure it’ll get better soon.”


“Are you sure you don’t want to have something to eat?”


Junmyeon hummed. “Well, yeah. Maybe a little.”


Getting up, Baekhyun warmed up the scrambled eggs Chanyeol had made earlier the morning and gave them to his friend with a smile. “Enjoy.”


“Oh, I’m sure I will. Thank you.” Grabbing a fork, Junmyeon titled his head when Baek grimaced while sitting back down. “You good?”


“Ah, I’ve got some back pains. It’s not bad, just very uncomfortable.”


“Those pains are going on for some while already, huh?”


Baek nodded. “Yeah.”


“Could be pre-labor.”


“But I’ve only got pain in the back and it’s not really severe.”


“Well, everyone is experiencing it differently and maybe your pain tolerance is quite high and you therefore do not think it’s severe.”


“Wow, don’t say it that way. I start to feel uneasy,” Baek laughed out, leaning back into the chair. He rubbed his round belly and hummed. “Well, I guess we’ll see.”


“But today would be a good day, wouldn't it?”


“Sure,” Baekhyun nodded. “I’d prefer him coming on a weekend, too. It would make things much easier.”


“Well, don’t hesitate to ring us in case he decides to come in the middle of the night,” Junmyeon said.


Baekhyun smiled. “Yes, thank you.”


Baekhyun wasn’t fully convinced that his dull back pain was actually labor pains but when he later the day was sitting in the bathtub and the pain from his back was slowly spreading to his front, he was starting to think differently. 


Breathing through a wave of pain Baekhyun was sure was a contraction, he got out of the tub and wrapped himself into his bathrobe. Sitting down the bed, he threw a look at the small alarm clock that was sitting on Chanyeol’s bedside table. 


It was a few minutes past five and he actually was taking a bath to get ready for dinner as Chanyeol wanted to take him and kids out to have some pasta. But instead of putting on a jeans and a nice shirt, he grabbed himself a pair of his fiance’s sweatpants and a worn out t-shirt.


Chanyeol turned to him when he stepped into the kitchen, raising his brows. “Oh? Didn’t you want to take a bath?”


“I did-”


“I see,” the man hummed. “Then I assume you don’t want to go out for dinner?”


Smiling Baek stepped to the taller. “I’d love to go-” He paused and reached for Chanyeol’s hands. “But I guess we have to go another day,” he finished while brining the big hands to his baby bump. 


Chanyeol gazed down for mere second and smiled. “Oh, I see.” He leaned down and pressed a loving kiss to Baekhyun’s forehead. “I’ll go and call Mrs. Cho then, huh?”


“Yes, please.”


Baekhyun had to do absolutely nothing but sitting down and relax. Chanyeol called the birthing center, packed a bag with clothed for him and Luhan and informed the kids that they soon would head to the center. 


“Does it hurt badly?” Jongdae asked, while cuddling close to his Appa.


Baekhyun was comfortably sitting on the couch with a cup of tea Chanyeol had made him with all three kids curiously looking at him. “It’s not bad, yet.”


 Minseok placed his little hands on the bump and rubbed it. “So, Luhannie will finally come today?”


“Oh, I hope he will,” Baek smiled. 


He was more than ready to finally meet his baby boy and when the pains got stronger and stronger with time passing, he was certain he’d be able to soon hold Luhan in his arms.


“When will we go to the place we can meet Luhannie?” Kyungsoo asked, tilting his head a little while he waited for an answer.


“When Daddy comes back from his walk with Cookie,” Baek answered. “Would you like to pack a backpack and bring some toys with you? Or a maybe a book?”


“Aren't’ there any books?” Soo asked.


“I honestly can’t tell you,” Baek said, trying to remember if he had seen any books at the birthing center the day he and Chanyeol had visited it. “I really don’t know, but maybe it’s better if you take some with you.”


“Will it take so long?” Jongdae wanted to know.


Baek chuckled. “It could take hours, honey. I can’t tell you how long it’ll take.”


All three boys grimaced. “Really?”


“I’m sorry but yes.”


“Do we have to sleep there, then?”


“Maybe, that’s up to you. If you don’t want to stay then Yifan will pick you up. But I know that they have very comfortable beds there.”


“Okie! We stay!”


“We go and pack toys then!”


The kids had been rushed to their room to pack some toys and books for a few minutes when Chanyeol came back home with the family dog. As soon as Chanyeol had let him off his leash, the Samoyed came dashed into the livingroom and rested his snout on Baekhyun’s thigh. 


“Ready to go?” Chanyeol asked as he walked into the room.


“Almost,” Baek answered. “The boys are upstairs packing a bag. I suggested them to take some toys and books with them.” He held out his hand to his fiance and sighed deeply when Chanyeol grasped his hand and helped him standing up form the couch. 


“Have the contractions gotten stronger?”




Chanyeol embraced the smaller and rubbed his back. “Do you need anything?”


Burying his face into Yeol’s chest, Baek laughed out. “Believe it or not but I feel like having some sour gummy worms.”


Chuckling, Chanyeol pressed a kiss to the heavily expecting head. “I’ll get you some on the way to the center.” 


Once the three boys had collected and packed some toys, the family eventually made their way to birthing center, leaving Cookie behind with a large bone to chew on.


Baekhyun’s contractions were getting stronger and stronger and by the time they arrived at the birthing center he had sweat standing on his forehead. “Oh boy,” Mrs. Cho welcomed him with a sympathetic smile, holding out her hand for him. “Full in, are you?”


“I guess,” Baek huffed as she led him into the house. “I need to pee though, as well.”


“Bathroom is right over there. Ring the bell in case you need help.”




As Baekhyun waddled off with a hand on his belly, the midwife turned back to the front door. She smiled as the boys and Chanyeol walked into the entrance hall. “Hello,” she greeted. “Oh, Daddy’s got a new hairstyle,” she voiced out. “Dashing.”


Chanyeol chuckled, bringing a hand up to his hair. “Thank you.”


The woman’s gaze dropped from the father to the children, in particular to Kyungsoo. “Oh Kyungsoo, look at you. You’ve grown so much.”


The boy tilted his head in confusion. “You know me?”


“I was there when you were born,” Mrs. Cho smiled. “You were such a tiny baby. Hasn’t Appa told you?”




“Oh, I see. Well, I’m sure Appa can tell you a little about it when he’s back from the toilet.”


Chanyeol frowned. “He’s on toilet again? He’s gone to the toilet right before we left.”


“He did?” Mrs. Cho almost immediately turned away from Chanyeol and the children and went to the bathroom. “Baekhyun?” She knocked into the door. “Dear, are you okay?”


“I guess,” came from the inside. “I uh-”


“Did your water break?” The midwife asked.




“Can I come in?”


“Of course.”


Mrs. Cho nodded to herself. “Alright, I’ll be right there. I’ll just get you something to wear.”


“Oh, Chanyeol’s got a bag with clothes for me-”


“Okay, I’ll get it then.”


Getting the bag with Baekhyun’s clothes from Chanyeol, the midwife sent the family to the room that was reserved for them and left to help the expecting.


The boys were curiously inspecting the room and Chanyeol smiled to himself as he watched the kids shuffling around the spacious room, looking at everything. 


“Daddy, what is this?” Jongdae asked, pointing at a machine standing next to a bed.


“This is a CTG device,” the father answered. “This monitors contractions and the baby’s heartbeat. I’m sure Mrs. Cho will use this on Appa soon, then you’ll be able to hear Luhan’s heartbeat.”


Jongdae beamed. “Really?!”


Chanyeol nodded. “Yes.”


In the time Baekhyun and the midwife were in the bathroom, Chanyeol answered all of his children's questions. All the different medical tools they had never seen before brought up many asks but they were quickly dropped when Baekhyun finally entered the room, straight going for laying down the bed.


“Will you use this now?” Kyungsoo excitedly asked the midwife, pointing at the CTG device.


“I will,” Mrs. Cho smiled. “Do you know what this is?”


“Yes, Daddy told us! We can hear Luhannie’s heartbeat!”


“That’s right,” the woman smiled. “Then let me set it up and we can listen to how the little one is doing.”


The triplets attentively watched as the midwife fastened the two elastic straps with the round scanning heads and let out sounds of wonders when she switched on the machine and a thumping noise sounded up. 


“Is that Luhannie?” Minseok asked, brightly smiling when the midwife gave him a nod.  


The kids sat and listened to the sounds for over an hour before they eventually moved to the corner of the room and started to unpack their toys. 


With the kids busy playing, Chanyeol moved to sit on the bed next to his fiance. Baekhyun was pale around the nose and a little sweaty, harshly breathing through a contraction. “You good?”


“I have the feeling they don’t get stronger,” Baek sighed. He turned his head and rested his forehead against Chanyeol’s arm. “It’s tiring.”


Baekhyun over the head, wiping his sweaty nape, Chanyeol smiled softly. “Do you need anything?”


“You’ve got the gummy worms? I feel like having some.”


“Of course.”


As he went to get the pack of gummy worms he had fetched from a gas station on their way to the birthing center, Chanyeol ordered the kids a cheese pizza. As it was almost close to dinner time, he was sure they’d be hungry by the time the food would be delivered.


Baekhyun peacefully snacked on a couple piece of the sour candy, every now and then grimacing when another contraction came up. Mrs. Cho provided them some juice and coffee and at some point sat down with the children, keeping them some company.


“Mrs. Cho, may I walk around a little?”


“Of course, dear,” the midwife smiled. “Do you need help with the belts?”


“No, it’s fine,” Baekhyun said, sitting up to take of the CTG belts.  He swung his legs out of the bed and waddled off. 


He made his down the hall, glancing into the other rooms. In one of the delivery rooms he found a mother sitting in an armchair, feeding her newborn. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he apologized when she looked at him. 


“No worries,” the young woman smiled. “Come in.”


Approaching mother and child, Baekhyun broke into a smile. “Aw, so tiny.”


“Yes, he’s a bit on the smaller side,” the baby’s mother chuckled. 


“When is he born?”


“He came exactly five hours ago,” she answered. “And you’re in for delivery as well?”


Baek nodded. “Yes, I hope he comes today.”


“Oh, boy as well?”




“You’re first one?”


“No, I actually g-” Appa?” Just as Baekhyun wanted to tell her about the children, all three boys popped their head through the opened door. “Our dinner just came. You want some too?”


“No, I’m not hungry. But I’ll be there in a minute. Go ahead.”




“Oh wow,” the woman laughed. “You’ve got a full house, huh?”


Baekhyun smiled. “I guess I have what you call a picture-book-family; kids, a dog and a wonderful partner.”


Just as he had mentioned him, Chanyeol’s deep voice called out for him. “Babe?”


“I’m coming,” Baekhyun as quietly as possible called back. He gazed back at the dozing baby again and then back up to its mother. “Congratulations,” he smiled at her. “I wish you and the little man all the best.”


“Dito,” the woman replied, returning the smile. “I hope it’ll go fast for you. I was in labor for almost thirty hours.”


Baekhyun grimaced and made a sound. “Gosh, yeah. I hope it’s going fast. I’m not sure if I can endure 30 hours of this.”


Gifting her one last smile, Baekhyun eventually left the room and went back to his family. He met Chanyeol halfway down the quiet hallway as the man stepped out of the kitchen with a roll of paper towels in is hand. “Aren’t you hungry?”


Baek shook his head. “No, I’m good.” 


Using the time the children were busy eating their pizza, Mrs. Cho brought the expecting to another room for a quick examination. She hummed every now and then and gifted Baek a smiled as she moved her pleasantly warm hands over his belly. “I’d say in one to two hours we can prepare your bath. “


“One to two hours,” he didn’t mean to whine but the words slipped past his lips in a wail. “Really?”


“I bet you wish his one to come just as fast as Kyungsoo but I’ve got to disappoint you,” the midwife laughed. “He has fully turned but he has not fully sunken yet.”


“Is there anything I could do to perhaps speed things up a little?”


“I’ll bring you an exercise ball when we’re done here. Sitting on it and doing rotating motions with your hips could indeed help.” 


Baekhyun had hoped for it but the bright yellow exercise ball and the rather weird looking hip rotation exercise did not help at all. Two hours later the clock struck half past nine and the children were slowly but steady getting sleepy. 


Kyungsoo was already curled up under a checked blanket Mrs. Cho had given them and Jongdae rubbed his eyes, whining softly when Chanyeol told him to lay down. “But Daddy, we want to be there when Luhannie comes.”


“I know,” Chanyeol smiled. “We will wake you up.”


“Really,” Minseok asked while hugged a small pillow to his chest. 


“Yes. When it’s time we wake you.”




Pressing a kiss to each boy’s forehead, Chanyeol covered them up with a larger blanket. “Sleep tight. Goodnight.”


“Goodnight Daddy,” they said. “Goodnight Appa.”


“Goodnight,” Baek called out from where he lay in the bed and smiled when Chanyeol came over to him, sitting down by his side. “Are you really going to wake them?” He asked the man, whispering.


Smiling, Chanyeol shook his head. “That’s entirely up to you. If you want me to wake them, then I’ll do so, if not, then I’ll let them sleep.”


Chanyeol exactly knew that he still had his concerns of the boy’s actually being there when he would give birth to their baby brother and Baekhyun was glad that his fiance was such an understanding man. 


Leaning against the taller, Baek hummed. “I’ll see how I feel.”


“Sure,” Chanyeol responded, pressing a kiss to the brunettes lips. “How are you feeling right now?”


“Stuck,” Baekhyun deeply sighed. “I feel like the contractions are not becoming any stronger and their intervals are still irregular.”


Overhearing the whisper of her patient, Mrs. Cho stepped to the bed. “Would you like to take a bath? The warm water can help with the contractions.”


Nodding his head, Baekhyun moved to sit up a little. “Sure, if that’s possible.”


Leaving the kids peacefully sleeping behind in the room, the three adults moved to the converted bathroom. A big, easily accessible, bathtub stood centered in the pleasantly warm room. 


As Baekhyun changed into a thin robe he could wear while bathing, Mrs. Cho filled the tub with warm water and Chanyeol took seat on a stool that stood nearby. “If you need me, ring this bell over there.”


Chanyeol smiled. “Okay.”


A deep sigh escaped Baek when he climbed into the tub, sitting down in the water. The warmth was hugging his body and he had the feeling his body was instantly reacting to it. Not long after he had sat down he breathed through a rather painful contraction. 


Chanyeol him over the head, pushing back his sweaty bangs.


“God, I want this to be over.”


Baekhyun was aware that there was nothing much Chanyeol could do for him,  but all the man did was support enough for him. The hand on his nape was gently massaging his skin and the sweet words Chanyeol breathed against the shell of his ear, extremely relaxed him.


Unlike everything else he tried during the past hours, the warm bath did what it was supposed to do. It rapidly helped with his labor pains, shortening their intervals and making them stronger. 


Painfully through a strong contraction, Baekhyun in a deep breath when the pain subsided but left behind a sick feeling. “I n-need to throw up-”


Fastly reacting, Chanyeol fetched the small blue bin that stood nearby and held it when Baekhyun pushed himself up, leaning over the edge of the tub, vomiting. All the brunette spit out was pieces of the gummy worms he had eaten earlier and gall. 


The sour smell had Chanyeol scrunching his nose. He rubbed his loves back and lowered the bin when Baekhyun sat back. “Good?”




Pushing the trash can away with his foot, Chanyeol stood. “Alright, come here.” Helping the expecting up and out of the tub, he wrapped him into a towel the midwife had left for Baekhyun. 


Baek sighed when the taller rubbed the soft fabric over his arms and back to dry him. “Can you help me taking this off?”


“Of course.”


Freed from the soaked robe and dired, Baekhyun didn’t bother to dress up again. He slipped into a fluffy white bathrobe that hang on a hook and comfortably tied it in the front. Chanyeol had a supportive arm wrapped around him when they left the bathroom and Baek clawed at his arm when another wave of pain approached.


“Oh-oh,” Mrs. Cho voiced out when she stepped out of one of the rooms. “Ready to give it all?”


Baekhyun cracked an exhausted smile. “I’m ready for all this to be over soon.”


As they made their way to the room Baekhyun was supposed to deliver, he suddenly remembered that he actually had agreed on having a water birth. He let out a loud breath and bit down his lips. “Uh-”


“Is something wrong, sweetheart?” The midwife asked, turning to him. 


“I’m n-not so sure about the water birth anymore,” he said. “I’m sorry.”


“Oh, don’t be silly, that’s fine,” Mrs. Cho smiled. She mentioned Chanyeol to walk over to bed and help him into it. “We can do whatever you like.”


“Thanks,” Baek sighed. “Somehow the thought of sitting in water again makes me sick.”


The woman nodded her head. “Yeah, everyone is reacting differently to warm water when they're in this sort of pain. Then, shall we do it the same way as back then with Kyungsoo? This worked well for you, didn’t it?”


Baekhyun nodded his head. “Yeah-”


Mrs. Cho chuckled. “And this time you even have someone to swear at.”


Chanyeol raised his brows in surprise. “What?”


The brunette flushed a little. “W-well, I may have cursed a little-”


The teacher snorted. “Oh well, then let’s see how you do today.”


Baekhyun made a face but closed his eyes and hummed a little when Chanyeol pecked his lips. “One more, please.”


Smiling, the taller leaned back in. He captured his spouses lips, only pulling back when Baek painfully whined into kiss. “You good?”


“I t-think it’s time-”


As told by the midwife, Chanyeol took seat on a small stool, legs parted wide enough for Baekhyun to squat between them. He supported the brunette’s weigh on his thighs and rubbed his back.        


Baekhyun felt like dying. He couldn’t remember having Kyungsoo being so painful. He cried out, pressing his forehead against Chanyeol’s leg.


“Sweetheart, don’t hold your breath. You’ve got to breathe.” Mrs. Cho reached under the robe, pushing his legs further apart. “Deep breaths in, deep breaths out. Come on, I want to hear you breathing.”


Giving what asked for, Baekhyun harshly breathed in and out. His lower half was cramping, causing him to moan. “I d-don’t want this anymore-”


“Of course you want,” the midwife said, chuckling softly. “You’ve had to wait nine months for this moment, don’t tell me your not thrilled to meet whom you took care of for so long.”


She did exactly what she had done over six years ago and Baekhyun felt like having a deja-vu. A faint chuckle slipped past his lips. Her frisky personality was what helped him through all this back then and he was glad to have found her again. She was making things much more bearable. 


“Alright now,” Mrs. Cho said. “The next contraction is coming, isn’t it?”




“You know what to do. Deep breath in and give it all.”


Chanyeol scrunched his nose a little when Baekhyun clawed at his leg and his nail dug deep into his flesh. He kept his eyes focused on Baekhyun’s lowered head, gifting him a smile when the brunette deeply exhaled and lifted his head. “Well done,” he mouthed. 


Baekhyun’s face was flushed, his bangs stuck to his sweaty forehead and tears glistened in the outer corner of his soft eyes. He returned the smile and loosened his grip. “It hurts so bad-”


Leaning over, Chanyeol aimed for the smaller’s nose and breathed a kiss to its tip. “Just a little more. You’re doing so well.”


Baekhyun felt like giving up. His whole body was in pain but with each and every contraction he gave all he had, trying his best to help his baby to make it to earth. His legs were shaking and he cried out when his midwife encouraged him to reached between his legs. 


It all happened in a blurr and Baekhyun almost wasn’t able to realize it. With the last contraction fading, all the pain he had been in vanished and all he felt spreading through his exhausted body was warmth and joy. 


Lifting his head he looked at his fiance. “I d-did it,” he breathed, lips curling into a smile as his slightly shaky hands held onto his newborn. 


“Yes,” Chanyeol confirmed, nodding his head while returning the smile. “You did!”


Mrs. Cho gently grasped Baekhyun by the shoulders and pulled him back, helping him to carefully sit down the, with a towel covered, floor. “Well done, sweetheart,” she said, him over the cheek. “Now look at this, an absolute beauty.”


Baekhyun looked at his baby as he, with the help of the midwife, brought him up to his chest. Stark , skin here and there covered with some blood, Luhan indeed was an absolute beautiful baby.


He cried out a little but quickly calmed down again once Baek had him pressed against his warm chest and covered him with his robe. “Hey there beautiful,” he whispered, pressed a kiss to the infant's head. “Welcome.” 


Wiping some tears away, Chanyeol moved to sit down next to Baekhyun. He kissed his temple. “Thank you, baby.”


Baekhyun turned his head, reaching up when he noticed a tear rolling down the man’s cheek. “Thank you too,” he smiled, closing his eyes when Chanyeol leaned in for a kiss. 


“So,” Mrs. Cho spoke up when the couple pulled apart again. “Does Daddy want to cut the cord.”


“I’d love to.”


Baekhyun comfortable leaned into a bean bag when Chanyeol got instructed on how to cut the cord of their baby and brightly smiled when Chanyeol picked their baby up and kissed his tiny nose before giving him back for the much needed body contact.


Mrs. Cho gave them good half an hour before she eventually took Luhan away to bathe, examine and measure him. Chanyeol happily trailed off with her while Baekhyun laid down the bed, leaning back. 


He rested his head in the soft pillows and took a couple of deep breaths. He was exhausted, body and mind ready to take a good rest but he fought it. There was no way he would sleep; not when he was now able to finally look at what had turned his life so positively upside down, nine months ago.


Chanyeol was back in no time, holding the little bundle in his arms. They had dressed Luhan in one of the rompers the triplets had picked out and he looked absolutely adorable in it. He had a few red blotches on his face and a faint shack of black hair decorating his head.


Chanyeol gave the baby to him and then sat down next to him in bed, embracing both of them. Luhan was sleeping, peacefully slumbering with his little hands balled into tiny fists. “48cm and 2798 grams,” Chanyeol smiled while reaching for the comforter to pull it a little higher up. 


“48cm?” Baek hummed. “Same as Kyungsoo.”




“Well, that’s something they obviously got from me.”


Chanyeol chuckled softly. “He’s also as healthy as you are.”


“That’s good to hear.” Baekhyun gazed back at his fiance smiling. “Nine months ago I hated you for giving me this child and today I couldn’t be more thankful.”


“Nine months ago is past,” Yeol said, gently resting his forehead against Baekhyun’s. “We should not think of that but focus on the here and now.”


Baekhyun watched as Chanyeol closed his eyes and softly smiled. He tilted his head and kissed the man’s lips. “I love you,” he said when he pulled back. “And you’ve got no idea how much.”    


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1380 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!