Ch. 39


When Baekhyun and Kyungsoo were back home, the little Byun's ring finger as well as pinky were wrapped into a cast. He was still not fully awake when he stumbled into the hall and let himself fall into Chanyeol's arms.

"Are you hungry?" When the boy nodded, Chanyeol pulled him back and helped him taking off his shoes and coat. "Joonmyeon made some spaghetti."

"Oh yummy," Soo voiced out and toddled off towards the kitchen.

"Are you hungry, too?"

"A little," Baek answered as he hung his coat away. "I'll go and change first."

Slightly frowning, Chanyeol looked after the pregnant. Something was off, he could sense it. Putting away Kyungsoo's coat, he walked after Baekhyun to their bedroom. As he pushed the door open, the smaller just peeled off his jeans. "Is something wrong?"

Shaking his head, Baek reached for a pair of sweatpants. "No."

"Baekhyun, don't lie to me. I can tell that there's something," Yeol said. "So what is it?"

Sighing softly, Baekhyun looked at his fiancee. "I'm just a little, well, let's say upset with you."

"Upset with me? What did I do?"

"Nothing and that's it," Baek said. "I didn't know what I expected but you were so calm back at the school. You just took the fact that she treated Kyungsoo wrong."

When the truth was out, Chanyeol broke into a soft smile.

Baek scowled at the smile. "Why are you smiling? That's not funny."

"It's not," Yeol nodded. "And it's not why I'm smiling. But back to what happened at school. I am angry, no scratch that, I'm furious and I had great trouble holding myself back."



"But why didn't you say something? I mean, like not even a bit?"

"I'll talk to her and believe me, I'll put her into place but I can't do that when there's everybody around. Colleagues, parents and kids."

"Well yeah, I guess that's true," Baek mumbled. He looked up, pursing his lips into a pout. "I'm sorry for being upset with you."

Smiling, Chanyeol stepped to the pregnant. "It's okay," he said and pulled Baekhyun into a hug. "It's also the reason you didn't want me to come to the hospital, right?"

Saying nothing, Baek nodded into the man's chest.

"I know you're not the type to openly talk about your feelings but if you're mad or upset with me, just tell me, okay?"

Leaning back, Baek looked at the tall man. "I'll try."

"Good," Yeol smiled and leaned down to steal a kiss from Baek's rosy lips. "And now let's go and get you something to eat."



Leaning against the wall, Chanyeol waited until all students had left the classroom. Once the last kid had ran past him, he pushed himself off the wall and entered the room. He knocked onto the doorframe to get Mrs. Kim's attention.

"Oh," she voiced out, sounding surprised. "C-chanyeol. What are you doing here?"

"Isn't that obvious?"

"I already apologized," she whined. "Isn't that enough?"

"You know that I could report you, right?"

Her eyes widened. "B-but you won't do that, right? Please, you can't!"

"Honestly, I don't have a reason why I shouldn't," Yeol said. "Like really, first you call my kids liars, then you sneak your ing underwear into my baggage, you insult my fiancee and now this."

"I d-didn't mean to."

"You didn't mean to?" Chanyeol laughed out. "You didn't mean what? You clearly meant all of it."

"I didn't mean to ignore Kyungsoo's injury, really. He cried and then I had this two kids fighting, I was stressed."

"That doesn't sound stressed to me. You're obviously overwhelmed and don't know how to handle situations like this."

"God, it happened one time!"

"I don't believe you and I'm sure if we ask the kids, they'll confirm it."

A frustrated whine left the young woman. "Will you really report me?"

"I'm thinking of it, yes. Let's put aside that you caused trouble in private life, I'm worried about the kids. A teacher who's overwhelmed like this shouldn't be a preschool teacher."

"You know if you report me, I'll never find a job as a teacher anymore."

Chanyeol shrugged. "Well, then I guess you have to look for another job."

A frown formed on the woman's forehead. "You don't dare to do that!"

"Or what? Jieun face it, you ed up. On so many levels.  Hell, I defended you more than once but enough is enough."

"Chanyeol please," Mrs. Kim cried out. "You can't do that."

"Like I said, I'll think about it. I'm not sure yet but I'm close to do it."

"I swear, if you do that-" "Do what you want," Chanyeol growled at her. "I don't give a . But you should. One more word of you and I'll go and call the school board."

She was biting her lip and Chanyeol could clearly see that she was holding herself back from snapping back at him. "I thought so," he said in a calm voice. Turning away from her he walked over to the door. "Ah, one more thing. Tomorrow will be the last day my kids visit your class. From Monday on they'll go to another class."


"It's my fiancee's wish and I'm fine with it. More than fine."



"So, he'll report her?"

"He'll talk to her first," Baek answered the question and leaned back into the chair. He and Joonmyeon were at the hospital, waiting for a nurse to call Baek in for his AFT test. "But he'll go to the principal to talk to her as well."

"Yeah, it's better if they keep an eye on her," Myeon nodded, placing a hand on his belly when the little boy inside him kicked out. "It was something good though."


"Yes," he smiled. "From Monday on our kids will go to the same class. Yixing is already excited."

"Oh, he knows already?"

"Of course," Myeon snickered. "It's the first thing your kids told him."

Baek snickered. "Yeah, they're excited, too."

"How's Soo doing by the way?"

"He's doing okay. He's a bit whiny since he can't use his hand as he's used to and it's a little exhausting. He gets frustrated so easily, it's really tiring. In the morning he wanted to tie his shoes by himself but it didn't work. And when Yeol wanted to help him, hell broke loose."

Shaking his head, Joonmyeon chuckled. "It doesn't sound like Kyungsoo at all."

"I know, it's so weird," Baek sighed. "Hopefully he'll get used to it quickly."

"For how long does he have to wear the cast?"

"For at least a month. It's no complicated fracture but it got crushed quite badly."

Nodding, Yifan's husband hummed. "Yeah, I gue-oh," he paused when he noticed a nurse peeking into the waiting area.

She gazed to the folder in his hands. "Byun Baekhyun?" She asked, looking back up.

"That's me," Baek answered her, rising up from his chair. Together with Joonmyeon he followed the woman to the doctor's office, where the medic was already waiting for him. "Good morning," he greeted with a slight bow.

"Good morning," the doctor greeted back with a smile. He stood up from where he said behind his desk and mentioned the two pregnant to sit down. "So, you're here for the AFT test, right?"

"Yes," Baek nodded.

Flipping open a folder that lay in front of him on the desk, the doctor hummed. "As I can see you've been involved into a car accident that caused a liver damage and temporary coma. I guess that's the reason why you're here, right?"


Nodding the man reached out for a couple of papers and gave them to the expecting. "These are some informations."

Leaning forwards, Joonmyeon peaked at the paper. "Resting for 24 hours?"

"Yes," the medic said. "We suggest to rest for a whole day."

"How long will it take to get the results?" Baekhyun wanted to know.

"24 to 48 hours. It depends. If you want to have the child tested on everything we're able to test, it takes 48 hours to get the results."

Baek nodded at the information. "And how long will the testing procedure take?"

"Around half an hour. We'll check up on the child first, then you'll get a local anesthesia and then we'll perform the test."

"Uh, do I have to leave for that?" Joonmyeon asked.

"If you have a weak stomach I suggest you to leave, yes."

Gazing at Baek, Myeon chuckled. "I'll just turn away and face the wall."

The medic laughed along. "Alright, do we want to start then?"

"Yes," Baek nodded. He was ready; ready to find out if his beloved unborn baby really got a permanent damage from the accident.

The whole procedure took a little longer than expected because Joonmyeon almost fainted as he saw the needle the doctor had to work with but besides that everything went fine and the two friends were able to leave the hospital a few minutes to eleven.

"Are you okay?" Baek laughed as Joonmyeon in a breath.

Rubbing his pale face, the older nodded. "I didn't know what I expected but the needle was huge. How's that a needle? That was a sword. An epee!"

"Thanks for staying though you felt uncomfortable."

"Honestly? I was close to throwing up. Did he have to talk the whole time? But, you're welcome."

"I didn't know you have such a weak stomach when it comes to needles."

Myeon sighed. "I don't know, I didn't have a problem with them before. I guess it all started when Yifan had this inflammation in his knee."

"In his knee?" Baek asked curiously. He went over to the other side of the car and opened the door. "How's that possible?"

"I don't know," Joonmyeon shrugged as he fastened his seatbelt. "All I know is that his knee was swollen as and they had to puncture it to up some weird body liquid. That needle wasn't as long as the one they used on you but it was disgustingly thick."

Scrunching up his nose, Baek made a sound. "Uh, that must've hurt."

"By the way Yifan has bawled, for sure. I've seen my husband crying three times so far and that was one of them."

"Oh yeah, what were the others?"

"Yixing's birth and our wedding," the older said as he drove off the hospital parking lot.

"Aww, he cried at your wedding?"

Myeon smiled at the memory. "He did. Was a little disgusting though. He was suffering from a cold that day and you can imagine how runny his nose was. Yeol constantly gave new tissues to him and took back the used ones."

Baek laughed out. "Ah, I wish I could've seen this."

"We have plenty of photos of that. I can show you. They fill an entire album. Oh, and there's a video, too. Actually, Yeol said the 'I do' and not Yifan."


"Yifan's crying not only caused a runny nose, no, it also caused hoarseness and after his vow his voice was completely gone."

"So, does that mean you're indirectly married to my man?" Baek teased with a chuckle.

Joonmyeon laughed out. "Who knows? Maybe a little bit."



Baekhyun got away with the lie of not feeling well and could rest for a whole day without Chanyeol getting suspicious after he went to get the AFT test done. The kids behaved good as well and were not disturbing you, only showed up to bring him tea and food. And even on the following day when Chanyeol and the kids came home from school they gave him space to rest.

It was a little boring but due to the space he was given Baekhyun had enough time to keep an eye on the phone in case the doctor would call to give him the results of the test. Unfortunately a call never came and Baekhyun assumed that he then would receive it once the weekend was over.

"Are you feeling good today?" He was asked by Chanyeol as he joined the man on the couch, snuggling up to him. "I am," he answered, humming a little when Yeol wrapped an arm around him. "I was just a little tried in the past two days. But I feel much better."

"Good to hear that you could rest well," Yeol said. "You were very restless in the nights."

"Oh, I was?"

"Yes, you twisted and turned a lot."

"I'm sorry," Baek pouted. "I hope I didn't keep you from sleeping."

"Ah, it's okay," Chanyeol smiled and pecked the pouty lips.

Baek hummed when he was kissed again. "It's so quiet," he said when Chanyeol pulled back again. "Where are the boys?"

"Upstairs, drawing pictures," the taller answered. "Soo got a little upset so I suggested to try drawing with the left hand and the twins were excited to try it as well."

"Oh really? Ah, I have to see that."

Chanyeol pulled his arm away when Baek got up and gave him a playful pat on the . "Come back quickly, I want to cuddle."

"I'll fly," Baek joked, blowing his fiancee a kiss before he skipped out of the room.

The boys were having a lot of fun drawing pictures with their non dominant hands and their whole room was scattered with colourful, unidentifiable scribblings. Cookie was with them, peacefully napping in a mountain of plush toys, blending into them.

After inspecting his kids drawings and trying to draw a sketch himself, Baek left the kids alone again and went back to the living room. As he walked into the room Chanyeol was sitting at the edge of the couch, slightly leaned over with his hands folded together.

"Uh," Baek voiced out. "Is something wrong?"

Chanyeol looked at him. "No," he said, shaking his head. "It's all good, I guess. I mean, the test came out negative in all tested points."

Baekhyun's whole body tensed and his heart stopped beating for a second. "Yeol," he breathed out. "I.."

"You what? Couldn't tell me that you wanted to get a AFT test done?!"

"I'm sorry," the pregnant whispered, tears slowly filling his eyes. "I didn't know how to tell you."

" Baek," Yeol loudly sighed. Standing up, he ran a hand through his hair. "I'm your partner, we're engaged, you can talk to me. What did you think? That I'd be mad at you for getting this test done?"

Baek cried out. "Y-yeah."


"I d-don't know," he sobbed. "You were so easily coping with the fact that Luhan could be disabled, I thought y-"

"Oh god," Chanyeol breathed out. "Baek, that's ridiculous. I'd never get mad at you for such a thing."

"B-but you're mad right now, right?"

"Yeah, somehow," Yeol nodded. "Mad and upset, mostly upset to be honest. Upset that you didn't talk to me again when I asked you to come to me if something's bothering you, only a few days ago. Baek, it's about you, about our baby, it's something very important, something that could've changed our lives from one second to the other and you tried to keep it from me."

Baekhyun was desperately crying. His shoulders were shaking and his eyes were already red and puffy. "I'm s-sorry."

"Honestly, what would you've done if the test would've come out positive in any way?"

"I d-don't know."

Wiping his runny nose with the sleeve of his shirt, Baek watched as Chanyeol started walking around the coffee table.

"Baek, you ing have to talk to me. Communication is one of the most important things in a relationship," Yeol said. "I can't always read you, I can't always sense if something's off or bothering you. You have to tell me."

As he didn't get any respond from the pregnant, Chanyeol let out a frustrated growl.

"W-where are you going?" Baek hiccuped as Yeol walked past him.


"B-but w-" " Baek, just leave me alone for now, okay? I really need to get my head free."

Sinking to the floor, Baekhyun cried out when Chanyeol grabbed his jacket and walked out of the house, slamming the door shut. "I'm sorry."

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!