

Over an hour the young teacher sat on the floor in the office, with Baekhyun in his arms. Eventually, the smaller had no more tears left and fell asleep. Chanyeol was glad of it. Carefully not to wake Baekhyun up, Chanyeol adjusted him in his arms and stood up.

"You weigh too little.", he whisperes softly as he carried Baek to his bed. He lay him down and covered him up with his blanket. Baekhyun leaned into the touch when Yeol him over the head and let out a soft sigh. Chanyeol looked at him for a while.

How could this even happen? Yes, he was drunk but he wasn't that drunk. He remembered everything, from the touches to the kisses, from Baek's hands on his skin to the he brought out of the drawer.

One drunken night and now he's going to be a father. A small amused laughter left him. Just like in one of these cheesy tv dramas.
Baekhyun's lashes glistened form the tears that slowly dried on them and his cheeks were rosy from all the crying. It must've been a shock for him, Chanyeol assumed. He could understand it.

Leaving the sleeping Baekhyun behind, Chayeol made his way back to the office. The room was a mess, papers, photos and shards everywhere. Quietly Yeol began to clean up the room. The stack of papers he collected, he put on the table and the photos he picked up form the floor, he put back into the box with the other pictures.

With a smile on his face he looked at one of the photographs. It showed Baekhyun, brightly smiling, with an also happy looking baby in his arms. Kyungsoo had his tiny arms reached out for the one who took the photo and his big eyes wide open. It was a stunning picture.

Next his eyes fell on a picture with Kyungsoo in the arms of a stranger. He picked it up and took a closer look at it. Chanyeol furrowed his brows as he looked at the man. The way his hair was cut, the shape of his eye brows and the form of his lips; it all reminded Yeol of himself. Of course it wasn't him in the picture but if he wouldn't know better he would say that he and the man in the photo could be relatives. The resemblance was amazing.

Perhaps this was the reason why Kyungsoo was so fixated on him; because he looked like his father. A sad sigh left Chanyeol. Yeah, maybe this was the reason.
When had fully cleaned up the office, Chanyeol walked back to Baekhyun. Kyungsoo's father had turned to his side and was rolled up in a ball, now. His breath was calm and it seemed like he had calmed down. Slowly and carefully Chanyeol closed the door behind him. He brought his phone out of his pocket.

"Hello, here are the Park's.", he heard the announcement of the answering machine. "We're currently saving the world, so please call again later or leave us a message-beep."

"Mrs. Lee, here's Chanyeol...", he began. "Baekhyun has calmed down by now but I don't want to leave him alone the night.", he then said. "The boy's know how to go to school by bus. Take some money from the blue cookie jar on top of the refrigerator for the tickets. I'll call you tomorrow..thank you and good night."

Chanyeol nodded to himself when he hung up. It was better if Baekhyun wouldn't be alone tonight. Actually, he didn't exactly know what to do but something told him that he should stay the night.

With a glass of juice in his hands he made himself comfortable on the couch and zapped through the channels. Somehow he ended up watching the latest episode of Pororo and wondered why the hell a TV channel would stream a children series so late in the evening. The clock was ticking and eventually fatigue took over the teacher and his eyes fell shut.








It was quiet; so quiet. A bit too quiet. And why the hell did he lay in his bed? Baekhyun flinched, shot his eyes open and jumped up form his lying position.
He looked around his bedroom with a fast beating heart.  Chanyeol must've brought him here. He breathed out and ran a hand through his hair. It was out; now Chanyeol knew.

Baek's throat went dry and his hands began to sweat. What would happen now? He had to talk to Chanyeol; again.
The got out of the bed; he needed some water. When he walked out of his room his eyes fell on Kyungsoo's door. Slowly he walked over to his son's room and knocked against the door. It was silly to knock. It was already late and Soo for sure would sleep already. He opened the door and was greeted by darkness. Not to wake his sleeping son up, Baek slowly and carefully the light. But Kyungsoo's bed was empty. The blanket was hanging down from the bed, one of his drawers was slightly open and his owl plushie was missing.

"Chanyeol..", Baekhyun whispered sadly.

Sorrowful he made his way downstairs. How could this even get out of hand? This is not what he wanted. But what did he even wanted? All he knew right now was that he didn't wanted to be alone. But he was alone. All alone.

As always, there was a small light in the kitchen but something was off. There was also a light in the living room. He crept over to the living room and peeked into it. His heart skipped a beat when he spotted Chanyeol's sleeping figure on the couch. He couldn't believe that the taller was still here. He walked over to him and looked at him for a while.

His lips formed into a soft smile. Just like him. He looked just like him. Chanyeol's legs were a bit longer and his shoulder were a little broader but all in all he looked just like him. Even the way he lay on the couch was similar; right arm behind his head, left hand on his stomach.

Chanyeol's lips were slightly parted and his chest softly rose and fell from his breathing. Baekhyun looked at him; looked at his calm features until a strong desire bubbled up in his stomach, all of the sudden. He gulped down and shook his head. "No...", he whispered to himself, trying to fight the urge. He wanted to lie down; wanted to lie down next to Chanyeol. Suddenly he had the urge to cuddle up to the tall man; he wanted to feel the warmth of his body.

Baek bit his lip; the hormones. Ever so slowly Baekhyun climbed onto the couch. Chanyeol didn't moved when he lay down next to him; a sigh left the pregnant. He snuggled close to the tall body, pressed his forehead against the side of his chest and put an arm over his stomach. "I'm so sorry..."









A light weight on his body and a soft whisper woke Chanyeol up from his slumber. He breathed in and opened his eyes slowly. He blinked a few times, confused by the pressure against his side and a constant warm breeze against his chest.

He turned his head to the side. His eyes winded at the sight of Baekhyun snuggled close to his right side.
The smaller had his eyes closed but he wasn't asleep. He mumbled "I'm sorry's" under his breath and his lashed fluttered from time to time.

Chanyeol had to smile; just like Kyungsoo.

Slowly he took his arm from behind his head and let it fall behin Baek's back. He pressed his palm against the small of his back and pulled him close to his chest. Baekhyun's whole body tensed at the sudden action and he gasped in shock. Chanyeol chuckled low. "Shhh."
Baekhyun gazed up. Chanyeol looked down on him, lids heavy but eyes soft. "It's okay.", he said. Baek felt the arm behind him pulling him even closer. "It'll be our secret."

A soft  smile crossed his lips. He breathed out and nuzzled his face into Yeol's side. Yeah, this was their secret; no one must ever know.






In the morning Baekhyun woke up where he had fallen asleep, but he woke up without the one he had fallen asleep. He found the spot to his right side empty and cold. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and slowly sat up. A short wave of nausea hit him and he had to breathe in but as fast as the feeling came it flew away.

A faint rustling sound and the smell of something sweet that hung up in the air told him that Chanyeol wasn't gone. His lips formed into a soft smile. He unwrapped himself out of the blanket and followed the the rustling sounds until he ended up in front of his kitchen. Chanyeol stood stood at the stove, turning something that looked like pancakes. His black hair was a mess, tousled like he hadn't ever combed it. He looked even more handsome to Baekhyun. Wait, what?! Handsome?

Baekhyun flinched and quickly shook the thought away.

"Uhm..", he cleared his throat to get Yeol's attention. "Shouldn't you be in school?"

Chanyeol softly smiled at him. "I skip today."

"Skipping school is not good, no matter if student or teacher."

"You're no fun.", Yeol chuckled. "As if you've never skipped school.", "Oh my god, what are you?", he laughed out loudly when Baek remained silent at the statement.

"You know, it won't kill the kids. They'll be able to go home earlier today and can have some fun."

"Nevertheless, it is not good to skip.."

Yeol rolled his eyes playfully. He put two pancakes on a plate and gave it to Baekhyun. "Here, eat."

Baekhyun took the plate and went over to the table. He sat down and eyed the food in front of him. "You know...I'm not really a fan of pancakes."

Chanyeol turned his head. "Eat! You don't eat for yourself only."

A slight blush crept across his cheeks at Chanyeol's words. He peered at his breakfast and smiled softly. It wasn't planned but it could've been worse. With Chanyeol as father, the baby was lucky; Baekhyun knew.

They ate in silent; in a comfortable silent. Chanyeol had made a pot of tea and it had been a long time ago that Baekhyun had felt so comfortable.

"I'll pick up the boy's from school later.", after a while Chanyeol said. "I think you should have word with your son."

"He cried...", Baek whispered. "I've yelled at him."

Chanyeol hummed in response.

"I don't know how this could happen.", Baek sobbed. "Suddenly I.." "You don't have to justify yourself.", Chanyeol cut in. "Just talk to him. I know he misses you."

Helplessly Baek sat in his chair and cried. How could Chanyeol be so calm? He probably would've yelled at him; would've been angry but Chanyeol wasn't. As always, he was understanding.

"I want to come with you...", Chanyeol nodded at his statement. He chewed on his lower lip and gazed at the teacher.


"How should I tell him?", Baek asked. "How will you tell the twins."

Chanyeol let out a laugh. "Well, I don't know yet. It's not as if I knew it all along."

"This is so complicated.", Baek whined.

"Quite funny."

"It's not."

Chanyeol snickered. "It is."

Baek glared at Chanyeol. But eventually Yeol's dumb grin made him laugh too. Chanyeol wiggled his eyebrows at him. "God, I can't believe that I had with you."

"You liked it tho."

Baek stuck out his tongue. "Because of you I'm in these ing circumstances. Because of your and your ing expired ."

"Expired?!", Chanyeol gasped. "What?!"

"Yeah, what do think how else it happen?", Baek said.

Chanyeol shrugged. "Well, sorry. How should I've know that the condoms were expired?!"

"It's still your fault.", Baek nagged.

"It's not.", Yeol threw back. "You were the one without undies."

"You've bought me alcohol."

The taller laughed out. "Haha, what? I didn't forced you to drink any of it."

Baek put his face in his hands and whined. "We're so dumb."

"No one could have guessed that this would happen."

"What do you think?", Baek suddenly asked.

"Of what?"

"Of the baby....I mean..."

"I'm happy I guess.", Yeol said honestly. "I've thought about it the whole's weird but I'm happy.", he added with a smile. "And my boy's will be happy too.

They always wanted to have another sibling. And I bet Soo will be happy too."









Kyungsoo had a bright, happy smile on his face when he spotted Chanyeol outside the schoolyard. But his smile abruptly faded away when his eyes fell on his father. He let his head hung forward and slowed down his pace.

Baek's heart broke into pieces but Chanyeol gently rubbed his shoulder in comfort.

"Daddy!", the twins chirped in joy. "Mrs. Lee made us lunch boxes."

"Wow.", Yeol voiced out. As if he didn't know, Mrs. Lee and he had a call earlier after all. "Were they delicious?"

"Yes!",Minseok nodded. "So yummy!"

"Can you make us something like this too?", Jongdae asked.

"Sure.", the teacher smiled. He turned to Kyungsoo then. He knelt down and him over the head, gently. "Hey Soo.", he said. "How are you?"


"Appa wants to talk to you.", Yeol smiled and Kyungsoo looked over to Baek for a second.

"But I don't want to.", he mumbled.

"I think you should.", the tall man said softly. "I bet everything will be alright afterwards."

Again Kyungsoo looked over to his father. He looked at him for a while before he nodded eventually. "Okay. But not at home."

"No problem.", Yeol smiled. "You come home with us and while Min, Dae and I cook something for lunch, you and Appa can talk."


Baekhyun breathed out. Well at least Kyungsoo gave him a chance.

Soon all of them sat in the car and were on their way to the Park's house. "Will Mrs. Lee be at home?", Jongdae wanted to know.

Chanyeol shook his head. "No.",he then said. "She went home after you've left for school."

"Mrs. Lee is nice.", Minseok smiled. "She's read us a bedtime story."

"That's nice of her."

Baekhyun was nervous. He rubbed his sweaty hands together and tired to calm down his breath. He was afraid of how Kyungsoo might could react. He couldn't sit still, he moved around in seat so much that even the kids noticed.

"Do you have to pee?", Baekhyun flinched at Jongdae's sudden question. He turned around to the kids at the back seat and smiled weirdly. "Yes.", he lied. "I've drank to much tea."

"You should hurry up then, Daddy.", Jongdae said to his father. Chanyeol only chuckled in response and kept driving at the prescribed speed limit.

When they've finally reached the Park's house, Kyungsoo and the twins straightly disappeared into Dae's and Min's  room to take off their school uniform's. Baek on the other side was little haphazard and didn't know where to go. As ordered and not picked up he stood in the hall until Chanyeol dragged him into the living room.

"Wait here.", he smiled. "I'll get the boy's."

Baekhyun sat down on the couch and looked around. Chanyeol's house was incredible nice. Warm colored walls, cozy interior and pictures everywhere. From almost everywhere Chanyeol and the twins smiled at him; everything look just like home. A soft smile crept over Baek's lips, it was crazy how close they've became only because they've shared a night together.

"Appa?", at Kyungsoo's voice Baekhyun gazed over to where his son stood. Kyungsoo had changed into a cute blue shorts and a shirt that obviously belonged to Jongdae because it had the boys initials embroidered.

"Come here.", Baek said and reached out his hand for his son. Unsure the boy made a step. He didn't took Baek's hand, but sat down on the armchair next to him.

"Soo...I'm sorry."

"I know what've said and done wasn't right.", Baek sighed. "I was sad and frustrated...I...I'm sorry.."

"Why were you sad?", Kyungsoo asked.

Baekhyun looked at his son and smiled softly. "Something happened and because of this I thought about things back in the past and because of this I was sad."
Kyungsoo looked at his father, visibly confused. His eyes were wide open with one of his brows raised. Yes, he obviously didn't understood. Baekhyun laughed out. "Honey, you don't have to understand.", he said. "Only thing you have to know it that I'm more than sorry. Can you forgive me?"

The boy looked at his father, didn't said a thing for a while. But eventually nodded. "But you have to promise me that you won't yell at me again."


"And you have to play with me more."


"And...", Kyungsoo began. "You have to love me more."

"What?", Baekhyun gasped. "What are you saying, Soo?", he asked shocked. "I love you. I love you more than anything. What makes you think that I wouldn't love you?"

"You don't hug me.", Soo said honestly. "You don't go to the park with me and you d-" "Alright.", Baek cut in. "I got, honey.", he said. "I'm sorry." He opened his arms and smiled softly. "I promise you that I'll hug you more and that'll go to the park with you. And I promise you that'll be more home from now on."



Kyungsoo smiled brightly and went into his father's open arms. Baekhyun swallowed hard as he slung his arms around his son. He pulled the tiny body close, nuzzled his face into the small nape and cried out. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Appa."

Kyungsoo's arms around his neck and his warmth against his body felt so good that Baek snuggled even closer. He held Kyungsoo close until a low grumbling sound came from him. "Oh, are you hungry?", Baek chuckled.

Kyungsoo nodded. "Yes."

"Then let's go and look what the other's are cooking, huh?"

Again Kyungsoo nodded. He smiled brightly and kissed Baek's cheeks before he hopped out of the living room. Baekhyun followed his son to the kitchen, where Chanyeol and the twins hung above a giant pot on the stove. The kitchen smelled heavenly and Baek's heartbeat sped up at the when he suddenly realized that he liked the sight of Chanyeol and the kids at the stove, cooking. It was just like a family; a family he always wanted to have. He blushed madly and shook the his head.

"Something wrong?"

"What?", Baek squeaked in shock.

Chanyeol chuckled amused. "Is something wrong?"

" alright.", Baek smiled weirdly. "Really."

"Really?", Chanyeol said once again, but gazed down to Kyungsoo this time.

"Really!", Soo beamed.

"Good.", the teacher smiled and ruffled the boy's hair. "Hungry?"


"Alright then. ", Chanyeol said and nodded over to he stove. "Min, Dae and I made some kimchi stew."

"Smells good.", Baekhyun said.

"It's yummy!", the twins said in unison. "Come Soo, let's set the table."

Chanyeol and Baekhyun looked at the kids with soft smiles as the boy's like busy bees swirled around the kitchen, setting the table.
Chanyeol turned back to Baek and looked at him.  "Huh?", Baek hummed. Chanyeol threw a gaze at Kyungsoo and pointed to his stomach then. "No.", Baekhyun mouthed, shaking his head.

Right now Baekhyun was happy that Kyungsoo had forgiven him and right now he didn't wanted to think about the baby. He just wanted to enjoy the moment, just wanted to enjoy the newfound confidence and love.

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1380 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!