Ch. 21


Baekhyun had to take a deep breath when he felt his heart speeding up at the sight of Chanyeol standing there at the bar, all dashing in a tailored tuxedo, with his hair perfectly styled, showing off his handsome features. Chanyeol looked absolutely stunning.

"Wow, who's that?", an old school friend asked with an open mouth. "He's freaking handsome."

Another friend shook her head. "He's hot."

"He's mine."

Both of them looked at Baekhyun. "Ahh, really?", they whined in unison. "Damn, you're so lucky."

Baek flashed them a cheeky smile. "You've always gotten the hot guys.", his friend sighed.

"Yeah, that's really not fair."

"Well, I'm off the market.", the pregnant chuckled. "Go and get all other hot men."

"But I want this one.", the female friend wailed, pointing over to Chanyeol, who was talking to a man.

Playfully Baek shoved her in the shoulder. "Hands off my man, honey.", he warned with a laugh. "I know how to play dirty."

"Oh yeah, we know this.", his friend snickered. "You can be a ."

"Got that from my mom.", Baek joked, again gazing over to Chanyeol.

The taller stood next to his father, smiling softly, nodding along to whatever the others around told him. Yeah, Baek could be a and so his mother. He turned his eyes away from Chanyeol, looking out for his mother. She stood at one of the bar tables, showing off her dress to someone. He scanned her face for a while, thinking about what Chanyeol had said. Perhaps it was true. Maybe he had said the truth and his mother was playing a dirty game. But would she really do that? She said she wanted to start over with him, so would she really risk all this by playing a dirty game? He just couldn't believe it. He shook the thought off and turned back to his friends, smiling at them. "So, uhm, what have you done in the past years?"

"Oh, you'll never guess.", his friend laughed. She linked arms with him and pulled him along, over to a table.







Chanyeol wanted to run. He really wanted to run away. Four hours had already passed and he still stood at the bar, still listening to a boring story of a sailing tour. He stretched himself a bit, looking through the crowd of people, trying to find Baekhyun's father. Mr. Byun had just left him alone and now he had the urge to strangle the man. How could he dare to leave him here? And where the hell was Baekhyun? Right now, Chanyeol really was in need of some support but Baek was nowhere in sight.

"Do you have fun, Chanyeol-sii?"

At his name, Chanyeol flinched and spun around. Mrs. Byun smiled at him and he already knew that this kind of smile wasn't good.  Nevertheless he returned her smile and nodded. "Yes, it's very interesting."

"So, this is your son-in-law?", one of the men asked. "He's nice. We like him.", he smiled and patted Yeol's shoulder.

Mrs. Byun laughed. "Well, he isn't married to Baekhyun."

"Oh, not?", another voiced out. "But aren't you expecting a child?"

Chanyeol nodded. "Yes, our son will be born in April."

"When is the wedding?"

"We won't get married.", Chanyeol uttered, clearing his throat. "Well, not yet I mean...maybe some day.."

All men in the round frowned. "That means your son will be born as an illegitimate child?"

"Unfortunately yes.", Mrs. Byun threw in with a deep sigh. "But let's not be so hard on him. As a teacher at a public school the salary is not high and you know how expensive a wedding is."

With wide open eyes Chanyeol looked at the women. "How do you even know?", he asked shocked.

"The question is not how I know, the question is what I know. And what I know is not very pleasing.", she said and even before Chanyeol could've asked, she turned away from him. "He didn't studied at an elite university. He's teacher at a public school and even the children go to this school."

"Kyungsoo visit a public school?", one of the men asked with an over dramatic gasp.

Mrs. Byun nodded. "Yes, it's so sad. Baekhyun sent him to this school because Chanyeol can't afford the fee for a private school for his twins."

"What?!", Chanyeol voiced out shocked. "That's not true. Baekhyun had sent Kyungsoo to this school even before we knew each other."

"Oh, don't be ashamed of your low wage.", Mrs. Byun said. Chanyeol huffed at her smug smile and wanted nothing more than to punch it off her face. "Not everyone can be successful."

The men in the group began to whisper. "Not married." "Illegitimate child." "Public school." Chanyeol could only hear fragments but it was enough for him. He threw one last angry look into the round before he walked off. This was too much. He pushed himself past the happily chatting people and walked over to the other side of the room. He sat down at an empty table and ran a hand through his hair. "!", he cursed, banging his hand on the surface.

"Are you okay, sir?", suddenly a voice asked him. He looked up and met the worried face of a waiter. Quickly he nodded his head. "I'm okay."

"Shall I get you something to drink?"

Chanyeol gazed over to the bar. His eyes scanned the wall behind the counter. He looked at the countless bottles of liquor and wine and sighed deeply. Oh yes, he wanted to. All he wanted right now was to drown himself in the various sorts of Whiskey and Rum, getting drunk so badly that Baekhyun would've to drag him home. But with a smile on his face he shook his head and sent the waiter away.

He couldn't drink. Baekhyun offered to drive, said it would be fine and that he could drink something but all Chanyeol had drank the whole night was water and orange juice. Baekhyun was pregnant and Chanyeol knew all too well that Baek's condition could swing just like his mood. It was better not to drink, even though it would've made the situation more bearable.

Baekhyun was all smiley and happy when Chanyeol approached him. He sat at a table, chewing on a straw as he listened to his friend talking. "Hey."

"Oh my god.", one of Baek's friends spoke out loudly. "Up close he is even more attractive."

"Thank you.", Chanyeol smiled at her, amused by the way she slurred the words out. He bent down to Baekhyun, pressing his lips to the smaller's ear. "Can we leave?", he whispered.

"Only ten more minutes, okay?"

Chanyeol nodded. "I'll wait at the bar, okay?", he said and left Baek and his friends alone again. He went back to the bar, sitting down on one of the middle stools, so he was directly in Baekhyun's field of vision. He leaned back and hoped for the ten minutes to go by quickly.
An hour later Chanyeol still sat at the bar. Baekhyun seemed to have no intention in leaving the party and pissed Chanyeol off.

"Baekhyun, I want to leave. Now."

Baekhyun looked up to him. "Ten more minutes."

"That's what you said an hour ago."

There was a rumble in Yeol's voice and it told Baekhyun that the taller really wanted to leave. "Are you angry?", he asked when he and Chanyeol got into the car.

"No, I'm freaking pissed."

"I'm sorry, okay.", Baek said. He started the engine and drove off. "I forgot about the time." Chanyeol only huffed. "Oh what? As if you've never forgot the time."

"That's not the point."

"Not? Than what is it? Talk to me, Chanyeol.", Baekhyun hissed. "I can't read your ing mind."

"Where have you been the whole night?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Chanyeol let out a growl. "It means that you haven't been with me the entire evening!"

Baekhyun laughed out. "What are you, three?", he mocked. "I've seen you and you seemed to have a lot of fun."

"If that's your view of fun, I feel sorry for you."

"The you even saying?!", Baek huffed. "How much did you drink?"

"Turn over.", Chanyeol suddenly said.


"You've heard right. Turn over."

"No! Why?!"

"I want to get out."

Baekhyun chuckled out but stopped the car. "Do you have to throw up?" He chuckled when Chanyeol jumped out off the car. He really expected Chanyeol to throw up but instead of running to the next bush or something the tall man suddenly walked off. "Chanyeol!", he gasped and quickly got out off the car. "Hey! Where the hell you're going?!"

"Home!", he got as an answer.

"Are you crazy? It's five miles to home."

"So what?"

"Chanyeol.", Baekhyun roared. "It's late and ing cold. Get in the car."


"What the hell is wrong with you? You act like a child."

Chanyeol stopped in his tracks and spun around to him. "I act like child?!", he shouted. "Do you know who acts like a child? Your mother!"

"Oh yeah, of course, my mother. Who else?! Why is it always my mother?!"

"You know what?", Chanyeol growled. "I really regret coming here."

"Really?", Baek asked with a laugh. "Wasn't it you who told me to give my parents a chance?"

"Yeah, it was me.", Yeol nodded. "But if I would have known that your mother is such a psycho I'd never have suggested to come here."

"How dare you to call my mother a psycho?! What has she done?"

"She has exposed me. In front of all this rich snobs.", Chanyeol snarled, stomping his feet. "Oh Chanyeol, don't be ashamed of your low wage. Not everyone can be successful.", he mimicked her. "What your not married!? Your child will be illegitimate!? You work at a public school?!" "Have you any idea how I felt?"

"Don't take it so seriously.", Baekhyun said, waving it off. "That's how they are. They're stuck in another century."

Chanyeol laughed out. "You just don't get..."

"What Chanyeol?! What the should I've done?!"

", Baek, I needed you!", Chanyeol roared, voice so low that it scared Baekhyun. But what scared him even more were the tears that rolled down Chanyeol's cheeks. "I needed you...", he said again, voice softer but thick. He rubbed his face with his hands and laughed out suddenly. "She's really good at that. I'm amazed.

She really knows how to put on a show. I guess I should've listened to you."

"Chanyeol.", Baek was waved off when he made a step forward.

"Go home, Baek. It's cold, not that you'll catch a cold."

"Come with me."

Chanyeol shook his head, smiling softly. "I need to get my head free."

"It's too far. What if you slip and fall. You'll freeze to death."

"Do I look drunk to you?", Chanyeol asked with a smile. "I haven't touched a drop of alcohol. Just give me some space. Please."

Reluctantly Baekhyun left. He didn't know when he had started to cry but when his nose started to run, he finally noticed. Never before he had seen Chanyeol like this and it hurt him.

At home Baek decided to skip a shower. He only took off the tuxedo and slipped into his sleeping clothes. The maid that had taken care of the boys had left a note, saying that the boys went to bed on time and that everything worked well. After checking up on them, Baek left the sliding door to their room open a gap. Somehow, it made him feeling closer to them, and he really needed that feeling right now.

An hour later Chanyeol was still not there and slowly but steady Baek began to panic. He shouldn't have left him alone. What if something had happened to him? Worried Baekhyun rushed downstairs; he had to find Chanyeol. He just was about to slip on his shoes when the front door opened and Chanyeol stumbled in. He didn't seemed to notice Baek standing in the corner and so the pregnant kept quiet, only watching as Chanyeol kicked off his shoes and ed his coat. A burning cigarette stuck between his lips; Baek could see the glowing tip in the dark.

"You smoke?" "Only when I'm stressed."

Baekhyun clearly remembered the words and swallowed hard. Chanyeol never smoked without a reason; there really must've happened something. He could hear Chanyeol sighing as he puffed out the smoky air from his lungs. Baekhyun waited in the hall until Chanyeol had left and until he heard the faint sound of a door closing. Quickly he rushed back to his room, hoping that Chanyeol really hadn't noticed him.

He lay down the bed, rolling to his side, looking over to the boys room. After a few minutes the door to the room opened and a tall figure quietly stepped inside. The small night light in the kids room made it able for Baekhyun to see how Chanyeol walked through the room, giving each boy a kiss on the forehead. The twins didn't responded to the kiss, but  Kyungsoo woke up from the sudden, gentle touch.

"Daddy..", like a baby he held up his arms, wanting Chanyeol to pick him up. Chanyeol didn't hesitated and lifted the boy out of his bed. He brought him into his arms, tightly hugging him. For a second Chanyeol stayed in front of the bed and to Baekhyun it looked as if he wanted to lay the boy back down but then he only picked up Kyungsoo's plushy and left the room.

A  sad smile formed on Baek's lips. He had hoped for Chanyeol to come to him. Baekhyun felt cold and lonely. He missed Chanyeol's warmth, missed the tall man's arms around him. He missed his kisses, his scent, his everything. Baekhyun was used to Chanyeol always being there and right now, so all alone, he felt like crying. His lower lip began to tremble when he tried to fight his tears. He rubbed his eyes as the first tears fell, wiping them away but when Luhan gave him a kick, he lost it. He cried out, loudly enough the wake the twins up from their sleep. He didn't noticed them coming into his room, only looked up to them when he felt the mattress dip.

"Are you crying?"

He nodded. He couldn't deny it anyway.

"Are you hurt?"

Again he nodded.

"Because you have fought?"

He answered the question by crying out again. He hiccuped, trying to catch his breath but he couldn't. He just couldn't stop crying. The twins wrapped their arms around him, hugging him. Baekhyun let himself fall. He let his tears run free, crying his eyes out until he had no more tears left. And all this time the twins quietly sat with him, embracing him, comforting him. Just like their father always did. No words were needed, the twins mere presence made him feel better.

Baekhyun didn't know when he fell asleep but he knew that it was well before sunrise when he awoke. A gentle touch on his shoulder woke him up from his sleep. He blinked in confusion and turned his head to the one, who was touching him. "Soo?"

His son looked at him, eyes wide open and glassy. "Daddy's gone."

Baekhyun shook his head and sat up. "What do you mean, he's gone?"

"He is gone. I can't find him. I looked everywhere."

To calm Kyungsoo down, Baekhyun smiled at him. "He's not gone.", he said and helped the boy into the bed. "I'll go and get him, okay."

Kyungsoo nodded when he lay down the bed next to Jongdae. "I'll wait."

Baekhyun gave him a quick kiss before he went to Chanyeol's bedroom. "Yeol?", he asked as he stepped into the room. He walked over to bed and touched the mattress. One side was warm, the other cold. "No..", he whispered, heart speeding up. He switched the bedside lamp on and looked through the room. "No...", his breath hitched when he spotted a note lying on one of the pillows. "I'm sorry. I love you."



Chanyeol really had left.  How could it ever get so far? Baekhyun didn't know.

"Chanyeol, please, please call me. Where are you? I saw the car...are you walking? Please tell me that you've called a cap. Please...just call me..."

A deep sight left Baek after he had left Chanyeol another voicemail. Chanyeol didn't respond his calls and it drove Baekhyun crazy. Chanyeol didn't have to talk to him, he just could send a quick message; all Baekhyun wanted to know was, whether he was okay. It was bitterly cold and snowing heavily and when Chanyeol really was walking all the way to the next subway station, he for sure would catch a cold.

Restlessly, Baekhyun walked up and down the room. He ran a hand through his hair as he thought about how he would explain Chanyeol's sudden absence to his parents and the kids. "Ah, Kyungsoo.", quickly he rushed back to his bedroom. A sighed when he entered the room; fortunately, Kyungsoo had fallen asleep again.

Carefully not to wake the kids up, Baek sat down on the edge of the bed. He took a few deep breaths as he looked down at the note. "I'm sorry. I love you."

"I'm sorry too.", he whispered with a small, sad smile. Chanyeol's reaction and his curses-like disappearance perhaps was a bit immature but for Baekhyun, it was the start to finally take a closer look at his mother. Did she really played a double game? And if so, why?


At Minseok's throaty, sleepy voice he turned around. "Why are you awake?"

"Daddy's gone, right?", the twin boy asked instead of answering the question.

"How do you know?"

Minseok sat up, gently nudging Kyungsoo's shoulder to wake him up. "Soo's told us."

Kyungsoo squirmed at Minseok's poking and rolled to his back, before he finally opened his eyes. He pushed himself off the mattress and looked around for a second. "Daddy's not here."

Baekhyun nodded. "Daddy's gone home.", he said. Lies would not help; the boys weren't stupid, they've noticed the tension between Chanyeol and him.

Jongdae, also already awake crawled up to him. "Daddy is sad.", he pouted and leaned his head against his shoulder.

"Halmoeni was mean to Daddy."

Baekhyun frowned at his son's words. "She was mean to him?",he asked. "What do you mean?"

Kyungsoo huffed and crossed his arms in front of his chest. "She said that he's not my Daddy and she shouted at him."

"Why haven't you  told me?"

"Daddy's says that he's okay with her not liking him. And that he's happy as long as I like him."

Baekhyun smiled; that sounded pretty much like Chanyeol.

"Appa, what's forni...forni.." "Cation.", Jongdae finished his Minseok's sentence.

"ion?", Baekhyun asked surprised. "Where did you hear that?"

"Ahjumma said that.", Minseok told him. "She didn't want you to sleep in the same room and when Daddy asked why, she said that word. What does that mean?"

The pregnant gulped. "Oh, let me say it in her words: This is a decent house and I will not tolerate ion.", god, how could he not believe him?! He pushed his guilty away for the second and put on a smile for the boys. "'s hard to explain. My mother said that because she didn't wanted Daddy and me to sleep in the same room, because we're not married.", the kids looked at Baekhyun like he crazy or something. He had to laugh. "You don't have to understand."

"I don't want to understand.", Jongdae said, making a face. "Your Umma is weird."

"And really mean.", Kyungsoo added with a firm nod.

Baekhyun let out a loud sigh. But he nodded. "Yes, Umma can be really mean."

"She has hurt Daddy and you have fought because of her. You have to talk to her!"

"I know. I'll talk to her."


With a smile on his lips he nodded. "Promise."

It was early in the morning, not even six o'clock but neither Baekhyun nor the children couldn't sleep anymore. They spent the morning with drinking warm milk with honey and cuddling. "Can we eat cookies?"

Baekhyun laughed out. "It's only 9AM."

"Please, Appa.", Minseok pouted. "We don't want to eat breakfast."

"Yes, we want cookies.", Kyungsoo nodded.

"Okay.", eventually Baekhyun gave in.

With a squeal the boys hopped out of the bed and out of the room to get some of their beloved cookies. Baekhyun paused the movie they were just watching and patiently waited for the boys to come back. But somehow the kids didn't come back. Puzzled, he sat in the bed, really wondering why the boys didn't come back.

"Can't they find the cookies?", he mumbled to himself as he made his way downstairs.

Already in the hallway he could hear the voice of his mother. Slowly Baekhyun crept over to the kitchen, hiding behind the wall. When peeking inside the room he found his mother standing in front of the kids with a bag of cookies in her hand.

"Give them back.", Minseok had a frown on his face and his arms crossed over his chest.

"Appa allowed us to eat cookies!"

Baekhyun's mother glared at Jongdae. "Baekhyun is not your Appa. Don't call him that!"

"We're allowed to call him Appa.", Jongdae spat at her. "You can't give me orders!"

"You're a pretty naughty boy!"

"And you are a meanie!"

Baekhyun could hear his mother huffing. "Watch your mouth, young man! I won't be spoken to like that!"

"Then don't be such a meanie.", Jongdae said. "You're a bad person. You are mean to Daddy and Soo!"

"I've never been mean to Kyungsoo."

"Yes, you were! No wonder, Kyungsoo doesn't like you!"


Baekhyun let out a loud, shocked gasp when his mother's palm collided with Jongdae's cheek. He boy flinched and cried out at the slap. Baekhyun needed a moment to catch his breath. He couldn't believe it; she just gave him a slap. That was too much! He was about to step into the kitchen but his father was faster.

Out of nowhere he came run into the room. "Are you crazy?", he snarled, pushing his wife away from the boys, before he knelt down in front of Jongdae. He put a hand on the boy's cheek. "Are you okay?", he asked the little Park. "Does it hurt?", Jongdae nodded and let a tear escaping his eye. He wiped the tear away and smiled at Dae. "Go to the living room, okay. I'll be right there."

The boys nodded and quickly rushed out of the kitchen. Baekhyun's father looked after them, waiting until they were out of sight, fully. "Are you out of your mind?!", he hissed. "You just can't slap him!"

"Oh, please.", Mrs. Byun shrugged. "A little slap doesn't hurt anybody."

Baekhyun took a deep breath to hold himself back. He balled his hands into fists and bit his lip. He was more than angry. His father laughed out, humorless. "I can't believe it. What the hell is wrong with you?"

"He provoked me."

"He provoked you? He's a kid, he just said what's on his mind."

"Oh yeah? Did you hear what he said? You would've also felt provoked."

"Did Chanyeol provoke you, too?"

"What?! Why are you bringing him up?", Baekhyun's mother growled.

"Because I'd like to know what has happen at the party?"

Baekhyun's ears perked up and leaned closer to the door. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"You exactly know what I'm talking about.", Mr. Byun said. "You've exposed him."

"So what?!"

"So what? Are you crazy! Who cares if he's a teacher or not?! Illegitimate Child or not, who cares?!

"I do!", Mrs. Byun yelled. "I care about it!"

"Just to remind you, when Kyungsoo was born, Baekhyun wasn't married."

"But engaged!"

Mr. Byun laughed out. "As if there is a difference."

"There is!"

"You're talking nothing but nonsense.", he huffed. "Why are you doing this? You're risking the relationship of our son."

"I don't care."

"What the hell wrong you?!", Baekhyun flinched at the sudden roar of his father. "Baekhyun is happy. Probably happier than ever and you want to destroy that?!"

"Happier than ever...tsk."

"Yes, happier then ever.", Mr. Byun repeated. "He has never looked better."

"Oh please...."

The man shook his head and let out a deep sigh. He looked at  her for a while. "Why?", he then asked. "Why are you doing this? What is wrong with Chanyeol?"

"He has changed Baekhyun."

"You can't be serious?!"

"Of course I am!", Mrs. Byun yelled. "Have you seen him?", she growled, making a dramatic hand movement. "Have you seen what he was wearing? He has never worn such a thing! And have you seen the pictures?! Have you seen the picture on the wall?!"

"Of course I saw it."

"Luhan?", the woman huffed. "For real? That's not even a Korean name."

"Chinese name, Korean name, even if they would name him after something to eat, it's none of your business. And what does that have to do with Chanyeol? And who knows, perhaps Baekhyun has chosen the name!?"

"Haha, sure.", Baekhyun's mother said. "As if he would pick out such a name."

Mr. Byun stayed silent and looked at his wife for a while. "Do you really think that I believe that?"


"Just stop it.", he said. "I don't know you since yesterday, I can tell that there is something else."

"There's nothing. I just don't like how this man spoils our son."

"Okay, let's suppose that that's true. Is that reason enough to destroy our son's relationship?"

There was a short silence before the woman draw out a halting "Yes."

"Darling, we're married for years, I know when you're lying. So, why are you doing this?"

"I really don't know what you're talking about..."

"I don't get it.", Mr. Byun said. "What is wrong with you?"

"God, I just hate it!", Baekhyun's mother eventually broke her silence. "All my friends are busy with their families. They are always with their children and grandchildren. I'm always on the sidelines!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, you've done all this because you're jealous of your friends intact family life? Are you out of your mind?!"

"What was I supposed to do?"

"You could talk to Baekhyun!"

Mrs. Byun huffed. "After he has ditched us like that?"

"But he's here What do you want more?!"

"Oh, you just don't get it!"

"No, you don't get it! Our son is here to give us another chance. He's here, although he didn't have to."

"What do you mean by that?"

"I mean that Baekhyun is right!", Mr. Byun growled. "If someone hadn't told us that he's pregnant, we still wouldn't know and he won't be here right now. He's right with everything. And I can understand that he didn't want to come here. I can understand why he didn't want us to know anything."

Baekhyun had heard enough. He pushed himself off the wall and the other way to the living room. The boys sat on the couch and Kyungsoo immediately jumped up when Baekhyun stepped into the room. "Appa!"

"I know.", Baekhyun nodded and knelt down in front of the couch. He gripped Jongdae's chin and gently turned his head to take a look at his cheek. It was still bright red and a small bruise had formed on his cheekbone. His mother probably had him with her ring. Gently, Baekhyun ran his thumb over the purple bruise. "Does it hurt?"

"A bit.", Jongdae pouted.
Baekhyun smiled at him. He pulled Jongdae forwards and placed a kiss on his cheek. "We're going home.", he said and stood up. He held both hands out for the kids. "Let's go."









"I'm so sorry, boy."

Baekhyun smiled at his father, giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "It's okay, Appa. You've done nothing wrong."

"I should've noticed something."

"It's really okay.", he said again. "I'd love it when you'd come visit us."

"I'd love to come.", his father smiled. "But enough blowing with tribulation.", he then said. "I'll help you with the luggage."

With a smile on his face Baekhyun watched how he boys waddled after his father, as he brought their bags to the car. "Baekhyun, where are you going?

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and turned to his mother. "We're leaving."

His mother looked at him with a shocked face. "What? Why?"

"How can you ask?", he growled at her.

Mrs. Byun made a step forwards. "Baekhyun honey, I really don't what are you talking about."

Baekhyun couldn't take it anymore. Without blinking twice he smashed his palm onto his mother's cheek, putting his full anger into the slap.

Startled his mother took a step back. "Baekhyun!", she hissed, rubbing her cheek.

Angry Baekhyun pointed at his mother. "I would have done this much earlier.", he hissed at her. "How dare you to play us off against each other? How dare you to expose Chanyeol like this? And how dare you to lay a hand on Jongdae?"

"It's not what it looks like."

"Don't even try it.", Baekhyun waved her off. "I've heard everything!"

"Baekhyun, please. Let me explain."


"Please!", Mrs. Byun begged. She reached out for Baekhyun and grabbed him by his arm. "Please Baekhyun, listen to me."

"Let go of me!", Baekhyun wiggled free from her hold and walked over to the door. "You tried to destroy my relationship. How sick are you?!"

"Baekhyun please, please.", Baek ignored his mother's begging, ignored her crying. He was angry and hurt and wanted to leave the house as quickly as possible. He rushed out of the house over to the car. The boys already sat in their seats, ready to finally go home.

"Say Chanyeol I'm sorry.", his father whispered as he took Baekhyun into an embrace. "And drive carefully."

Baekhyun nodded, smiling at his father. "Bye Appa."

"Bye Halaboji.", the three boys chirped in unison.

"Bye, bye.", Mr. Byun smiled and waved at the boys.

Baekhyun let out a sigh as he started the engine of his car. He was relieved and couldn't wait to finally go home. Because of the snowfall the ride home took longer than planned and the boys were tired and barely awake when they finally arrived at home. Baekhyun left their bags in the car and brought the boys to bed right away. With a soft smile Baekhyun closed the door behind him and went back downstairs.

The house was unusually quiet and it confused Baekhyun. Wasn't Chanyeol at home? "Chanyeol?", when he didn't got an answer, he made his way to the living room. A relieved smile darted over Baekhyun's face when he found Chanyeol, asleep on the couch. He was covered up to his belly with a blanket and had a book lying on his chest. Slowly Baekhyun reached out, took the book from Chanyeol's chest and put it on the table.


"Oh, I didn't mean to wake you."

Chanyeol shook his head and sat up, slowly. "It's okay.", he yawned. "Since when are you home? Where are the boys?"

"The boys are in bed, they had a short night."

"Soo has noticed that I've gone, huh?", Baekhyun nodded. "Baek, I'm sorry. I don't know...I just..wanted to get away. I know I've acted like a child and I should've talked to you...I'm really sorry."

 "I'm sorry, too."

"Should we talk about it?"

Quickly, Baekhyun shook his head. "Can we just delete the past two days?"

"Sure.", Chanyeol smiled.

Baekhyun gladly took the hand, Chanyeol held out for him. He let out a deep, loud sigh when Chanyeol pulled him onto the couch. He slung his arms around Chanyeol and buried his face into his neck. "I've missed you."

"I've been an , huh? All sulky like a kid."

Baekhyun leaned back to look at Chanyeol. "It's okay.", he said. "To be honest...without your cold shoulder, I wouldn't have noticed. This is so sick. She really wanted to break us apart."

"But she didn't make it.", Chanyeol smiled. "Something like that cannot break us apart.", he said, pulling Baek as close as possible. "Nothing will break us apart."

With a wide smile Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol. "God, I love you so much.", he said before he crashed their lips together. "I love you so, so much."

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1380 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!