Ch. 11


"Ahh.", Baekhyun voiced out in a sigh as he stood in front of the mirror with his shirt rolled up.  With the second week of October Baekhyun had reached the twelfth week of pregnancy and now one could clearly see a slight bulge on the belly. He could still hide it under shirts and sometimes it looked like he had just eaten a bit too much but Baekhyun knew that he soon wouldn't be able to hide the pregnancy anymore.

At the sound of Kyungsoo running down the hall he quickly rolled down his shirt and rushed out of the bath. "Appa!", Soo shouted. "Where are you?!"

"I'm here, honey.", Baek spoke out and walked out of his bedroom. "What's wrong?"

"Can I take my toys with me?"

Baek raised a brow. "Which one?"

"The plane and the firetruck.", Kyungsoo said with a cute smile on his lips and his eyes wide open.

How could Baek just say no to this puppy eyes. He nodded. "But only the plane and the truck.", he said. "The twins have more than enough toys you can play with."

Kyungsoo nodded and hopped away, over to his room. Baekhyun and his son would spend the weekend at the Park's house. Chanyeol promised the kids to go to the funfair and invited Baekhyun and Soo to stay at his house.

 Kyungsoo, of course, was more than excited and also Baekhyun felt a bit of excitement. Not because of the funfair but because of Chanyeol. Ever since the night he had spend with the tall man, closely snuggled together on the couch, with all worries far behind him, he had taken a fancy to the man. He would never admit it or saying it out loud but he enjoyed Chanyeol's company and felt like a teenager in love whenever Chanyeol's attention lay on him.

"Appa, can we go now?!"

A chuckle left Baekhyun. "Soo, it's only a few minutes past two. You just came home, don't you want to eat something?"

Kyungsoo shook his head. "I'm not hungry. I want to go now. I want to go to the funfair.", he whined and tugged at Baek's shirt. "Please."

"Alright.", Baekhyun gave hin. "Get your bag and we can go."

Kyungsoo was fast on his feet. He ran up the stairs as fast as his short legs could carry him and in less than a second he was back in the hall, the backpack with his toys in his hands, grinning from ear to ear. The penguin plushie that he'd gotten form Chanyeol stuck out form the backpack and his snapback was pefectly adjusted on his head.

"Soo, it's cold outside.", Baekhyun said. "A snapback won't cover your ears."

"But want to wear it.", Soo pouted. "I'll take it off when I feel cold."

Baekhyun threw his son a look but didn't said anything. He helped Kyungsoo to put on his parka so they finally could leave. Baekhyun left Mrs. Lee a note in the kitchen and made sure that he had safetly locked the door before he walked over to the car. Kyungsoo happily sang a song he had just learned in school and

Baekhyun playfully joined in, surprising his son with the knowledge about the song.

"You look pale today.", was the first Chanyeol said to him, when Baek and Soo arrived at the Park's.

"Well, hello to you too.", Baekhyun mocked and gave his bag to Chanyeol. "But before you ask, I'm fine."

Chanyeol only smiled and closed the door, to shut out the cold october wind. "Jongdae and Minseok are in their room.", he told Kyungsoo as the boy took of his shoes. Kyungsoo nodded at Yeol, grabbed his backpack and dashed up the stairs.

"Do you want something to drink?"

"Some tea, if you have?!"

"Are you cold?", Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun nodded. "A bit."

"And you're really fine?"

Baekhyun nodded. "I am.", he sighed. "Only a few pregnancy symptoms.", he said.

"Just don't puke on my new parquet.", Chanyeol teased.

"I'd rather puke on you.", Baek shot back.

Chanyeol chuckled and opened a drawer. "Something to calm down your stomach?"

"Yes, please.", Baek sighed and sat down at the kitchen table. "It's just like back then.", he whined. "I'm cold and I feel sick and I'm going to be huge."

"Huge?", Chanyeol laughed. "Don't be silly."

"I'm serious.", Baekhyun huffed. He stood up form the chair and rolled up his shirt. "See this?", he asked and poked his mini baby bump.

Chanyeol nodded. "God, yeah. You're going to be a whale.", he said with a dead serious expression.

Baekhyun had to smile. "You're dumb...", he said and sat back down. "I can barely hide it..."

"Baekhyun...",Chanyeol sighed. "There's nothing. Yeah, a small bump, perhaps, but nothing more.", he smiled. "Has Kyungsoo noticed?"


"See.", the tall man said. "If even your son doesn't notice it, there's nothing to worry about."

"Yeah...maybe you're right."

"Believe me, I'm right.", Chanyeol chuckled and handed Baek a cup of stomach friendly camomile tea.

"Is the funfair far from here?"

Chanyeol shook his head. "We can walk there.", he smiled. "Since the boy's were small I went there with them. They like it there."

"You won't be surprised if I tell you that I've never been at a funfair, right?!", Baekhyun chuckled.

Chanyeol shook his head. "No.", he laughed.

"I missed a lot of fun, I guess."

"Why have you never been at a funfair?"

Baek let out a sigh. "I grew up with a bunch of maids and nannies. At the age of six my parents send my to a boarding school. I spend my whole youth in that school."

"No wonder that you're the way you are."

"Hey, what does that mean?!"

Chanyeol smiled softly. "Nothing.", he said. "It's just, you grew up differently. Maybe that's why we didn't get along well with each other."

"Ah and now we get along well?"

"Well, you're here in my house with your son upstairs playing with the twins. You drink tea without nagging around and you carry my baby under your heart.", Yeol said. "Maybe we don't get along perfectly but we do quite good, don't you think?"

Baekhyun smiled softly with a fait blush on his cheeks. Chanyeol called the baby his baby and it made Baek feeling warm around the heart. "Yeah..", he nodded eventually. "You're right." "You know...the day..I've yelled at Kyungsoo.", Baek began.

"You don't have to tell me.", Chanyeol said.

"But I want to.", Baek smiled. "I've yelled at him because I was sad. I was looking through some photos and he joined me. He found a photo of his father and asked me who it was. He didn't showed any reaction when I told him and when I asked if he wanted to know something about him he said no. He told me that he don't know him and so he's not his father. I was disappointed and frustrated. I know that this is no excuse for yelling at him but I just couldn't help it."

Chanyeol looked at Baekhyun and his sad face. He reached out and gently squeezed the smaller's hand. "Hey, it's okay. He's forgiven you. Don't worry about it anymore."

"It's just...", Baek sighed. "It's hard for me to know that he'll never get to know him."

"Never know?", Yeol asked irritated. "Why?"

"He's dead.", Baekhyun smiled sadly. "He died when Kyungsoo was eight months old. He lost control over the car on a rainy day. His car overturned and burst into flames. He died at the scene."

Chanyeol's heart sank. He looked at Baekhyun with sorrowful eyes. So this was why Baekhyun was this overprotective when it came to Kyungsoo. This was why he didn't wanted Kyungsoo to drive with him; he was afarid to lose his son the same way he'd lost his fiancé.

"Baekhyun..I'm so-hey, are you alright?!", he asked in panic when Baekhyun slapped his hand over his mouth.

All of the sudden Baek's stomach turned and he had to throw up. He shot up from the chair and jumped over to the kitchen sink; he knew he wouldn't have made it to the bath room. He choked when the wave of nausea forced him to spew out whatever was in his stomach.

"God, I'm so sorry."

"It's okay.", Chanyeol laughed and gently rubbed Baek's back. "Is everything out?"

"I guess...", the smaller breathed out. Chanyeol gave him a paper tissue and he gladly took it to wipe his mouth. Embarrassed Baekhyun sat down and took a sip from his tea. "I'm really sorry."

Chanyeol shook his head. "It's okay, really.", he smiled and began to clean the sink. "Are you sure you want to come with us?"

"Why not?", Baek asked.

Chanyeol chuckled. "I mean..not that you puke on the street or something."

"I won't!", Baek pouted. "It's not like that it happen every ten minutes."

"No, but it happens out of the blue."

Baek crossed his arms in front of his chest. "I won't puke on the street, okay."

"Okay, okay.", Chanyeol laughed. "I'll just bring a  sickbag along, better safe than sorry."

"Moah, you're so mean.", Baek whined. "So mean."

Chanyeol only smiled. He finished cleaning the sink and washed his hands before he gazed over to the clock. "Are you hungry?", he then asked. "How about a soup?"

"Hmm.", Baek nodded slowly. A soup sounded good. "Do you need some help?"

"No.", Yeol shook his head."We had soup yesterday. I just need to warm it up.", he said. "Can you get the kids?"

"Sure.", Baek said and stood up. Slowly he made his way upstairs. The kids happy voices were already heard in the hallway and Baek had to smile. He gently knocked on the door before he slowly opened it. "Hey.", he said and peeked through the door gap. "What are you doing?"

The boy's had build up a toy train with colorful houses all around the twin's room. Two trains ran on the tracks and the howling sound of Kyungsoo's firetruck echoed through the room. "Ahh, so this is why you wanted to bring along the firetruck, huh?"

"Yes.", Kyungsoo grinned.

"We have a firetruck too.", Minseok said. "But we need another one for such a big city."

"Really?", Baek played dumb. "Why?"

"What if two houses burn at the same time?!", Jongdae said. "Two trucks are better than one."

Baek nodded and sat down on the foor. "Yeah, you're right.", he said. "Is this the fire department?", he asked and pointed at a red lego brick house.

"No.", Minseok said and hopped over to another brick house. "This is the fire department. This is the school."

"Why is the school so big?"

"We only have one school.", Kyungsoo explained. "This is kindergarten and school in one."

"Are there any other public buildings?"

At his question the boy's swirled around the room, showing him every of their build up brick houses. "This is the police.", Soo smiled.

"This is the supermarket.", Minseok added and pointed at a yellow construction.

"And this is the restaurant.", Jongdae said.

"Ah, apropos restaurant.", Baek voiced out. "Are you hungry? There is soup for you."

"Yes!", the boy's cheered.

Together with the kids Baekhyun made his way back to the kitchen, where Chanyeol had already distributed the soup to five bowls. "Where have you been so long?",

Yeol asked and poured some apple juice into the kid's mugs.

"We showed Baekhyun-sii our city.", Minseok said.

"You can call me Baekhyun.", Baek said with a smile and Min blushed. "Okay.", the boy whispered cutely. "We showed Baekhyun our city."

"Have you build up the train?", Yeol asked.

"Yes.", Jongdae said. "Soo's brought his firetruck and a plane."

"Wow.", Yeol voiced out. "You have a airport now?"

"Nooo.", the boy's said in unison.

"But why do you need a plane then?", the teacher teased.

"We don't have enough space for an airport.", Kyungsoo said.

Jongdae dropped down his spoon and grinnend. "We need a bigger room."

Chanyeol laughed out. "You're room his big enough."

"It's not.", Minseok said, joining his brother. "Can we move to the living room?"

"You can move into the garden if you want.", the father joked and nudged his son's nose. Minseok giggled but shook his head.

"When are we going?", Jongdae suddenly ask, changing the topic.

Chanyeol chuckled. "Eat up and then we can go.", he said.

Even though the boy's were excited and wanted to leave as soon as possible they ate their soup with relish. Baekhyun had enough time to drink another cup of tea to calm down his stomach and watched the boy's in silent as they happily chatted while eating.

"Is your hunger appeased?", Chanyeol asked as he put away the boy's bowls. He smiled softly when the three nodded. "Okay, then go wash your hands and we can go."

The boy's were fast on their feet. They dashed out of the room and quickly washed their hands. "No Jongdae.", Chanyeol said in a calm but stern tone when his on reached out for a snapback.

"But daddy...", Jondae flashed his father his beautiful smile but the man still shook his head. "Please."

"No.", Chanyeol said again and got a beanie out from the wardrobe. "It's getting cold and it's windy."

With a pout the boy took the dark blue hat and pulled it over his head. Minseok on the other hand took his beanie without complaining. Baekhyun smiled softly but he suddenly remembered that Kyungsoo only had his snapback with him. "Ah."

Chanyeol turned to Baekhyun. "Ah?"

"I didn't brought a hat for Kyungsoo with me."

Chanyeol shrugged and brought out another beanie. "Here.", he said and gave a red colored beanie to Kyungsoo. "Take this one."

"Thank you.", Baek said.

Chanyeol smiled and took out another hat. Baekhyun eyed the thick brown-grayish wool beanie when Chanyeol held it out for him. "Here.", the teacher said. "You can have this one if you want."

"Yeah.", Baek smiled softly and took the knitted hat. It felt soft in his fingers and he knead it in his hands before pulled it over his head.

"Looks good on you.", Jongdae smiled. "You look cute."

Baekhyun blushed at the small one's comment. "Ahh..thank you.", he cleared his throat.

"We look like Huey, Dewey, and Louie!", Minseok suddenly giggled and pointed at his and and the other's beanies. And he was right. Jongdae blue, Minseok green and Kyungsoo red. They really looked like Donald Duck's nephews.

A laugh left Chanyeol as he fixed his bangs that stuck out from under his black beanie. "Alright then my little ducklings, are you ready to go?"









Baekhyun's eyes were just as big as his sons when he walked next to Chanyeol over the funfair. It slowly dawned and the flickering, colorful lights looked even more beautiful in the semi dark. Afraid to get lost in the crowd Baekhyun literally stuck to Chanyeol's side. The taller chuckled at how close Baekhyun walked by his side. "Nobody will steal you."

Baek rolled his eyes. "I'm just trying not to get lost."

"Look at them.", Chanyeol said and pointed to the three boy's. Jongdae, Kyungsoo and Minseok walked in front of them, hand in hand. "We'll do as they do.", he said and grabbed Baek's hand. He linked their fingers together and pulled a suddenly shy Baek along.

Baekhyun didn't know when he had this much fun the last time. Hot cocoa with marshmallows, cotton candy for the kids, shooting galleries with kitshy prices, carousel rides and a lot of good food.  

"It's too hot.", Minseok pouted and held up his corn dog. Baekhyun took the food form Min and blew on it for a few times before he gave it back to him.

"Can I have a bite from yours?", Jongdae asked.

"Sure.", Baekhyun smiled and let the boy take a bite from his grilled vegetables. "Yummy?"

"Yummy.", the boy said and flashed him his kitten smile.

"I need to pee.", Soo voiced out and scrunched up his nose.

Chanyeol stood up form the bench and gave his cup to Baekhyun. He held out his hand for Kyungsoo and helped the boy down from the bench. "Let's go."

"My zipper is stuck.",Soo pouted and pulled up his jacket, showing off his still open fly to Chanyeol after he came out of the stall.

"Come here.", Chanyeol said and knelt down to help him with the zipper. After the fly was finally closed they wahsed their hands and made their way back to

Baekhyun and the twins. "Oh, Soo look.", Chanyeol voiced out and pointed at a stand where you could catch a goldfish. "Do we want to try?"

"Yeah!", Soo cheered. "Let's get the others.", he said.

"Just let me ask about the price.", Yeol said and walked over to the stallholder. "How much?", he asked.

"Come on.", Soo whined impatiently. "Let's get the others."

"How many kids do you have?", the man asked.

"Three.", Yeol smiled.

"Three? Oh, then I'll give you discount."

"Oh, that's too kind."

The man smiled. "Three kids are number and I bet they don't want to go until they get one."

"Yeah, you're probably right.", Chanyeol laughed. "Thank you.", he bowed and turned to Kyungsoo.

"Come on now.", Soo whined again, tugging at Yeol's sleeve. He jumped up and down. "Come on now, Daddy."


Chanyeol's eyes widened just as Kyungsoo's as the word had left the boy. Kyungsoo gasped loudly and quickly put his hands over his mouth. He stared at Chanyeol for a moment before he turned away and ran off.

Chanyeol swallowed hard and breathed in before he quickly followed Kyungsoo back to Baek and his boy's.

"Haha, what's wrong, honey?", Baekhyun laughed as Kyungsoo hopped on the bench and pressed his face into Baek's side. Kyungsoo only whined cutely and rubbed his nose on his father's jacket.

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol questioningly but Chanyeol only shrugged his shoulders.

"What now?", Minseok asked.

"Soo and I saw a stand where you can catch a goldfish. Do you want to try?"

"Yes.", the boy's cheered.

"What if they catch a fish?", Baek whispered as the walked over to the stand.

"Then we have pet.", Yeol chuckled. He waved at the standholder and the man friendly waved back at them.

"So, your boy's wanna try?"

"Yes.", Yeol said and pressed a bill into the man's hand.

"What if we catch a hundred fishes?", Minseok asked as he looked into the tub with the goldfishes.

"I always wanted to have a pond.", Yeol joked. "Give your best."

The boy's tried and tried and tried but they didn't end up with a hundred; they caught four little fishies. Chanyeol grinned proudly when the standholder handed him a tranparent container. "Thank you very much.", he said and bowed slightly.

"I have to thank you.", the man smiled. "Have fun with your new pets."

The boy's waved at the standholder and happily discussed how they'd name them. Catching the fishes were their last stop for today. It was already late and slowly but steady the little ones became tired.

Arrived at home, the boy's made their way to the bathroom to wash their faces and brush their teeth. Baekhyun wanted to take a shower and asked Chanyeol for some towels. "Shampoo and shower gel are over there.", Yeol said and pointed at the bathroom cabinet. "Take your time.", he smiled before he slowly closed the door behind him.

He quickly changed into some comfortable clothes and went back down stairs then. "There you go little guy's.", he chuckled as he put the goldfishes in a fishbowl. "I'll get you an aquarium tomorrow."

He placed the fishbowl on the coffee table and sat down on the couch.









The hot shower was just what Baekhyun needed to warm himself up and to relax a bit. He dried his hair with a towel and slipped into his sleeping clothes. He sat down the bed in Chanyeol's guestroom and was about to put on some socks when he saw Kyungsoo walking past the room in the corner of his eye. "Soo?", he asked and stood up from the bed. He walked over to the door and peeked outside. Kyungsoo was already wearing his pajama as he waddled down the hall and it looked like he was on his way downstairs.  

He waited for a second before he followed his son. Soft-footed he rushed down the stairs. Kyungsoo walked around the corner and it seemed that the living room was Soo's destination. Carefully Baekhyun hid behind the doorway and peeked around the corner.

Kyungsoo stood in the middle of the room and played with the hem of his shirt. "Uhm...", he voiced out to get Chanyeol's attention. The teacher immediately looked up from the book he was reading.

"Hey.", he smiled.

Kyungsoo didn't said a word.

"Soo?", Yeol said. "What's wrong?"

Again Kyungsoo didn't said a word and Baekhyun wondered what was going on.

Chanyeol let out a sigh and patted his legs. "Come here."

Kyungsoo looked up to him and slowly walked towards him. Gently Chanyeol lifted him up and sat him down on his legs. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry...", Kyungsoo whispered finally.

Baekhyun furrowed his brows. "Sorry?", he whispered to himself. Why the hell was Soo sorry?!


"I'm sorry..", Soo said again. "Sorry...for calling you Daddy."

Daddy?! Kyungsoo called Chanyeol Daddy?! Baekhyun gasped. "What?"

"It's okay, Soo.", Yeol smiled. "It was an accident."

"But.." "Something like this can happen.", he said. "It has happen to me too once."


Chanyeol nodded."I was with one of my friends and he called his mom "Mommy". The whole day I only heard the word Mommy and when I wanted to call her I forgot her name for a second and called her Mommy instead."

Kyungsoo giggled cutely. "This is funny."

"Oh believe me it wasn't", Chanyeol laughed. "I was ashamed."

"Hmm.", Soo hummed.

"But you don't have to be ashamed of it, okay.", Chanyeol smiled and nudged the boy's nose. "It happened, let's forget it."

Kyungsoo looked at Chanyeol and looked away then.



"Kyungsoo.", Chanyeol said again. He put his fingers under the small chin and forced Kyungsoo to look at him.

"I...don't want to forget...", the boy finally said.

"You don't want to forget?", he asked and Soo nodded. "What do you mean by that?"

Kyungsoo blushed and wanted to look away again but Chanyeol once again took a hold of his chin.

"I...can't say..."

"Just say it.", Yeol said. "We're alone, nobody will hear what you say. Just say it."

"I love you.", Kyungsoo mumbled out.

Baekhyun's heart skipped a beat.

"I love you're my Daddy.", Kyungsoo mumbled again and looked up to Yeol with his doe eyes.

Chanyeol started at the boy with a open mouth. He didn't know what to say. This was probably the most beautiful confession he'd ever got.
Baekhyun's breath hitched and his heart sped up as he waited for Chanyeol to finally react to Kyungsoo's confession. He leaned a bit forward to get a better view.

Chanyeol still stared at the little boy with slightly parted lips.His lower lip trembled like he wanted to say something but no word left him. But then his lips formed into a soft smile.

The fingers on Kyungsoo's chin tightened their grip and pulled the boy forward. Kyungsoo let out a relieved sigh when Chanyeol gently pressed a kiss on the skin diagonally under the eye next to his cheekbone.

Kyungsoo loved Chanyeol. It's not as if he hadn't already guessed it, but Baekhyun never thought that Kyungsoo would admit it so openly.

This was a huge surprise.


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!