Ch. 13


"You're creepy.", Chanyeol said as he cracked one eye open.

His chuckle was low and raspy and Baekhyun had to laugh at his sleepy voice. "I'm not."

"How long you've looked at me like this?"

"Hmm..a while?"

"Creepy.", he laughed out again and tightened his grip around the Baek's body. "What time is it?"

"It's only a few minutes past six.", Baekhyun said. The couch didn't offered much space to move somewhere else, so he snuggled closer to Yeol.

"Why are you up already?"

"The baby.", he said. "I had the same with Kyungsoo. In the first four months I had a hard time falling asleep at night. And when I've finally fallen asleep I woke up a few hours later."

Chanyeol let out a hum. He let his hand wander down Baek's body and reached under his sweater and shirt. "Hey baby.", he whispered and gently patted the small baby bump. "Be a good kid and let your Appa sleep, okay?!"

Baekhyun blushed slightly, yet let out a cute giggle. Chanyeol's hand was warm and felt good against his skin. He let out a soft sigh when the large hand moved over his belly. He gazed up to Chanyeol and looked at him.

"What are you laughing at?", Yeol asked with a raised brow when Baek began to laugh.

"You're clueless.", Baek giggled.

"Clueless?", Chanyeol asked, really clueless. "Did I missed something?"


Chanyeol frowned in confusion. "Maybe?", he repeated. "So I missed something. What is it?"

Baek grinned at him. "What do I get if I tell you?"

Chanyeol laughed out. "Depends on what it is."

"Something good, I guess."

"Something good? Well then you get something good in return.", Yeol smiled.

A faint blush crept up Baek's cheeks. "I said that...I mean I think that....", he stammered embarrassed like an idiot.

Chanyeol laughed out and put a finger on his Baek's lips to shut him off. "Just like your son.", he chuckled. "Just say it, no one will hear it."

Baekhyun looked at Yeol with wide open eyes. He smiled softly when Chanyeol took the fingers from his lips. "I...", he breathed out. "I'm in love with you.", he finally said.

Chanyeol let the confession sink in a second. He looked at Baekhyun's wide open eyes, his parted lips and rosy cheeks. He cupped his face with both hands and pulled him into a deep, loving kiss. Baekhyun sighed into the kiss and his tensed body immediately relaxed. His hands gripped Yeol's hoodie and he leaned more into the kiss. "Something good for something good." Chanyeol smiled against his lips.

"One more."

"Then say it again."

"I'm in love with you.", Baek said and earned himself another sweet kiss. "One more.", he demanded again.

"You know what to say."

"I'm in love with you.", he smiled and got another kiss.


"I love you.", Baek confessed once again and smiled into the next kiss. He felt the butterflies in his stomach dancing when Chanyeol pulled him closer.
Baekhyun let out a soft giggle when Chanyeol pecked his ear. "I feel like a teenager." He snuggled closer to Chanyeol and played with the zipper of his hoodie. "Such a strange feeling.", he said. "A positive strange feeling of course!", he quickly added. Chanyeol chuckled at his cuteness and pressed another kiss on the smaller's ear. "We need to tell the kids now, I guess."

He felt Chanyeol nodding.

"Do you think the twins like me?"

"What makes you think that they don't like you?", Chanyeol asked surprised.

"I don't know..they..." "They like you.", Yeol cut in. "They really do."

"Really?", Baek asked still unsure.

"Do you think Dae would've slept next to you if he wouldn't like you?"

He shrugged his shoulders and shyly smiled up to the twins father.

"Trust me, they like you."

To have a better view at Chanyeol he rolled from his side to his belly. "Tell me something about them, please?"

"What?", Yeol laughed.

"Tell me things about the twins.",Baek said again. "You know everything about Soo but I know nothing about them."

"Ah, okay.", Yeol said. He cleared his throat and smiled down at Baek. "Well, as you know I have two kids, twins to be more exactly. Their names are Minseok and Jongdae and they're born on the 21st of March, five years ago."

Baek clicked with his tongue and playfully pinched Yeol in the sides. "Be seriously!"

"Ouch.", Yeol laughed. "Okay, okay, sorry.", he chuckled. "Well, I guess you've already noticed that Jongdae is more open; less shy around people. He has no problems to go up and talk to people, no matter if kid or adult. He's louder and more active, that's why people more or less forget about Minseok. They notice him but they leave him alone because they think he needs more space, but that's not true, actually. He might be quiet but that's not because he's shy or something, it's because he's watching you. He uses Jongdae's open-hearted personality to get to know you. It's like teamwork, Jongdae jumps on you and Min analyzes you by your actions. And in the end of the day they talk about and decide if they like you or not."

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol, mouth open, expression incredulous. "I don't believe you.", he said. "Don't fool me!"

Chanyeol laughed out and shook his head. "I am serious.", he said. "They did it with you too."

"No way."

"Oh, yes.", Yeol snickered. "And from a reliable source I can tell you that they like you."

"I still don't believe you.", Baek said but then he thought about the twins and it suddenly really made sense. "That's crazy."

"Well, they're my kids, of course they're crazy.", Chanyeol smirked.

Baekhyun laughed out. "God, I fell for a twit."

"Your bad.", Chanyeol laughed out and wrapped his arms and long legs around Baekhyun. "Now, you're stuck with me.", Baekhyun squeaked out when Chanyeol began to press sloppy, wet kisses on his face. He tried to wiggle free from the embrace but the taller had him in a perfect tight hold. "Believe me.", Chanyeol said after he was done with torturing him. "The twins like you.", he smiled. "And if you still don't believe me, find out yourself. Now, you'll have enough time for that."

A soft smile formed onto Baek's lips. "I'm looking forward to that. But you have to help me."


"Well, as you know I'm not that good with the whole daddy and family thing."

Chanyeol laughed out softly and gently nudged Baek's nose. "You're not a bad father."

"I wasn't exactly a prime specimen lately."

"You're perfect Baek. In your very own way you're a perfect parent."

At the words, tears had build up in his eyes and Baek had to bite his lip to keep him from crying out. Touched yet embarrassed and shy he let his head hung forward to hide his face from Chanyeol.

"Aww.", the taller laughed out. He reached out for Baek's chin and gently pushed it up, so Baekhyun had to look at him. He tightened his grip on the chin and pulled Baek forwards. "You're too cute.", he chuckled and brushed his lips against Baek's.

Baekhyun whined cutely and nuzzled his face into the crook of Chanyeol's neck. A shiver ran down his spine and he got goosebumps when Chanyeol traced his fingertips along his neck. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the gently treatment. His heart made backflips at every of Chanyeol's touches and Baekhyun didn't wanted to end this moment. But all good things come to an end and the cuddle session Baekhyun didn't wanted to end, found it's end because of  his growling stomach.
"No.", the pregnant whined when Chanyeol moved.

"I guess so.", Yeol snickered when another growl of Baek's stomach was heard. "Come on."

Reluctantly and with a cute pout on his face Baekhyun followed Chanyeol from the living room to the kitchen. "I'm not that hungry."

"Not?", Chanyeol asked and opened the refrigerator. "If it's not you, it's someone else. And this someone must be very hungry."

Baekhyun only smiled and walked up to the taller. He peeked into the fridge and scanned its content. "Oh, bacon.", he voiced out.

"Scrambled eggs with bacon?"

"Yes!", he nodded.

With eggs and the bacon in his hands, Chanyeol started to prepare the breakfast. He heated up the pan and whisked the eggs. "Do you need some help?", Baekhyun asked him. "No.", he said. "But you can wake up the kids."

"Alright.", Baek smiled and hopped out of the kitchen. He went up to the twins room and carefully opened the door. The room was dark and silent. He tiptoed over to the window and opened the curtains. The sun was just rising and the first rays of sunlight only lit up the room barely but it was enough to see everything in the room. The boy's were still deep asleep. Baekhyun had to bite back a laugh when he looked at the kids. All three boy's had kicked off their blankets and even two pillows lay on the ground in front of the bed. Minseok lay on his side, legs and arms tightly wrapped around a giant teddy bear, with his face pressed into the back of the teddy's head. His twin on the other hand lay on his back, sprawled out like a starfish, with his shirt hiked up revealing some skin of his little round belly. Baek's own son once again slept between the twins in the most strange position Baek had ever seen. One of Kyungsoo's arms was tucked beneath his chest while the other was above his head. and one of his legs was stretched out while the other was bent.

Baek chuckled at the sight and walked towards the bed. He picked up the pillows and threw them to the foot of the bed. He then sat down the bed and reached out for Minseok. At his touch Minseok immediately opened his eyes and turned his head to look at the one who had touched him. "Morning.", Baekhyun smiled softly.

"Good morning.", Minseok smiled back. He pushed the bear away and sat up.

"Slept well?"

The twin nodded while he rubbed his eyes with both hands.

"Have you had a nice dream?"

Minseok began to giggle. "I've dreamed of the funfair. He went to catch some fishies and Daddy caught a shark."

"A shark?", Baek asked amazed. "Was it a big one?"

"It was soooo big.", the boy said and stretched out his arms as wide as he could. "We put it into the bath tub.", he said. "We couldn't bathe anymore.", he added with a pout. "But the shark was sooo cool."

Baekhyun laughed out quietly. "Do you like sharks?"

"Yeah!", Minseok squealed but quiet enough not to wake up the other two. "I have a shark plushy."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, yeah!", Minseok nodded and hopped out of the bed. "Come, I'll show you.", he grinned and tugged at Baek's sweater. Baek stood up from the bed and followed the little one out of the room. Baekhyun was slightly confused when the boy lead him into the room next to the guest room.
Minseok flicked on the lights and Baek's eyes widened when he looked around the room. It had the same size as the twins bedroom and was furnished with two beds and a couple of dressers and shelves. Minseok immediately ran over to one of the shelves and picked up a blue shark toy. "Here!", he smiled brightly and held the plushy up to Baek.

"Wow that's a cool one." Baek took the plushy and squeezed in his hands. He looked around the room again and actually wanted to ask Minseok about it but the boy was already on his way out of it again. "Come, we wake up the others."

Baek turned off the light, closed the door and went back to the twins bedroom. Minseok climbed up the huge bed and now sat down on his brother's legs. Jongdae let out a loud groan, followed by a squeaky laugh when Minseok poked his belly. "Wake up, wake up.", Min laughed and continued poking his twin brother. Jongdae tried to move his legs,  twisted and turned from side to side but Minseok showed no mercy. He let himself fall forwards on Jongdae and pinned his body down with his own.

"Oof", Jongdae choked out but kept laughing. "Help.", he squeaked out under his laugh.

Baekhyun stepped forwards and caught Minseok when the boy raised his torso. He lifted him off his brother and swirled him around before he brought him into his arms, bridal style.

"Again!", Min squealed happily.

Baekhyun laughed out and swirled around one more time. "Ah, now I'm dizzy.", he joked and dropped onto he bed together with Minseok.

 From the sudden jolting of the mattress and Minseok's loud squeak Kyungsoo also finally woke up. He looked around in confusion and pushed himself up form the strange sleeping position. "Appa." he then smiled. He hugged Baekhyun from behind and peeked over his shoulder at Minseok. Minseok grinned up to his friend cutely. "Hey."

"Hey.", Kyungsoo smiled back.

Minseok stretched out his arm and poked Kyungsoo's nose with his finger. Then the brought his finger over to Baekhyun, trying to do the same. But Baek was fast with catching his hand. He took a tight hold of it and gently bit into the boy's finger. "Kyaa", Min squeaked out in a high pitched laugh.

"Are you hungry? There're scrambled eggs with bacon waiting for you."

"I love bacon!", Jongdae squealed and hopped out of the bed.

Baekhyun and the kids made their way to the kitchen. It smelled heavenly and all four of them held up their noses to inhale the delicious scent.

"What was that noise?", Chanyeol asked in a laugh and looked at Baekhyun and the boy's.

"Nothing!", the twins grinned. Chanyeol raised his brow and looked at Baekhyun. "Nothing.", he got as an answer from Baek too. "Alright.", he chuckled. "Sit down, breakfast's ready."

"Daddy, can we bake a cake today?", Minseok asked after a short while of silence. He grabbed his glass and took a sip from his milk; his eyes never leaving his father's ones.

"Sure.", Yeol said. "What a cake?"

"Chocolate!", Jongdae beamed. Kyungsoo nodded eagerly. "Yes, chocolate.", he smiled.

"Chocolate cake?", Baek asked.

Jongdae ginned at him. "Yeah a huuuuge cake with chocolate inside the cake and outside. It's soooo yummy!"

Baekhyun smiled softly. "Sounds really yummy."

"When can we start?", Kyungsoo asked with puppy eyes.

Chanyeol looked over to the clock. It was still early. "Uhm, let's finish breakfast first. Then we go and wash ourselves and then I'll prepare everything for the cake, okay?"

All three boy's nodded. They smiled widely at Chanyeol before they went back to eating their scrambled eggs.
Chanyeol of course were right and Baekhuny was more hungry than he said he'd be. The more his stomach filled, the better he felt. Chanyeol made sure that Baek would drink enough of the freshly pressed orange juice and Baek had to smile whenever Chanyeol poured in more juice for him.

The boy's helped to clear the table and wash the dishes. Jongdae happily played with the foam and the bubbles in the sink while Minseok and Kyungsoo had their own competition in who could dry the dishes faster. Chanyeol always had an eye on the kids while he put away the cleaned crockery. Meanwhile Baekhyun made himself useful, wiped the table and set the chairs.

"Alright guys.", Chanyeol said when everything was said and done. "Now, let's hit the showers and brush our teeth."

All of them went upstairs to make themselves ready for the day. Baekhyun had to laugh at how the boy's like little ducklings followed Chanyeol to the bathroom. Baek himself made his way to the bath in Chanyeol's bedroom. As a precaution, he locked the door behind him. The boy still didn't know about the baby and he didn't wanted to find the kids out by accident. After a quick shower, he brushed his teeth, put on some comfy clothes and went back to the living room.

Chanyeol had his hands full with the kids, you didn't had to be a genius to tell that. Even in the living room Baek could here the squeaks, squeals and laughs of the boy's. He leaned back into the couch and listened to the sounds. The smile on his face was soft and his heart danced a happy dance in his chest. He really could get used to this; to all the loud sounds and the chaos.

Baek grinned to himself; god, he was so in love. In love with Chanyeol, in love with the teachers family, in love with the whole situation. He brought his hand to belly and patted it. His palms wandered over the little baby bump, it.

"Do you have a tummy ache?"

At the sudden question Baek's head shot up. His eyes widened as he looked at Jongdae's worried face. "I..uh..."
Jongdae walked towards him and hopped onto the couch next to him. The stands of his still damp hair stuck to his forehead and he pushed them away with both hands, messing up his hair to a crazy hairstyle. "Does your tummy hurt?"

"I've just eaten a bit to much."

Jongdae looked down to Baek's belly and back up to him. The corner of his lips curled up into a smile when he leaned forward and put one of his hands on Baek's stomach. "I know a trick.", he grinned proudly. Baek couldn't react fast enough. Jongdae began to move his hand on his belly and gently rubbed it. But when the little hand arrived at the lower side of his belly the hand stopped moving. "Your tummy feels strange.", Jongdae voiced out. Baekhyun let out a loud squeak when the boy uninhibited lifted up his sweater. Curiously and amazed he peeked at the swell of the belly. "Why does it look like this?", he, innocently, asked.

Baek madly blushed and his breath hitched. He didn't know what to say. He squeezed his eyes shut and shouted out Chanyeol's name.

As struck by a lightning Chanyeol dashed down the stairs at Baek's scream. Kyungsoo and Minseok of course followed him to the living room."What?!", he looked at Baekhyun with wide open eyes. "What?!" His eyes gazed form Baek over to his son, form Jongdae's face to his shoulder, all the way down to his hand. He still held onto the hem of the sweater; it was still lifted up, the bump revealed.

Baekhyun's mouth fell open, when Chanyeol snorted out. All three boy's looked at the teacher with a puzzled look. "Soo, Min.", he couldn't help but giggle. "Please go over to Jongdae.", he said. "And you come here.", he then pointed at Baek.

Quickly Baekhyun jumped up from the couch and dashed over to Chanyeol. The boy's did what they're told and sat down on the couch. "We have to tell you something." Chanyeol put his hands on Baek's shoulders and gently massaged them. "We're a couple." Without a warning Chanyeol brought out a part of the new.

Baek gasped in shock and surprise and blushed.

The boy's were silent for a while.

"Like boyfriends?", Kyungsoo carefully asked after a while.

Chanyeol nodded. "Yes."

"Just like other parents?", Jongdae wanted to know.

Once again Yeol nodded. "Yes."

"We're a family now?", Minseok questioned. "Is Kyungsoo our brother now?"

Chanyeol cocked his head to the side. "Mh..yeah..I guess you can say that Soo's your brother now."

The boy's didn't showed any reaction, it worried Baek. But then their lips formed into wide, bright smiles. "Kyaa.", they squealed. For a second Baek's heart had slumped into his pants but now it jumped in joy. With happy faces the boy's hopped down the couch and  jumped on them. "Are you my Daddy now?", Kyungsoo asked hopefully.

"If you want me to."

"Yes!" Chanyeol brought the boy into his arms and Baek bit back the tears in his eyes, when his son slung his arms around Yeol's neck.

His eyes darted away from Chanyeol and Kyungsoo when he felt a tug on his sweater. The twins stood in front of him and looked at him. "What's with the tummy?"

"Baekhyun's expecting a baby.", Chanyeol explained.

"A baby?", Minseok asked.

Slowly Baekhyun nodded. "Yes."

"Is the baby a boy?", he had to chuckle at the question. "We don't know yet.", he said and smiled at Chanyeol. "Do you want it to be a boy?"

Minseok thought for a moment but nodded eventually. "Yes. A girl will be lonely."

"Lonely?", Yeol asked. "But she would have you as her big brother's."

"But we're boy's." Kyungsoo said. "We can't share our toys with her..."

"Not?", Chanyeol wanted to know.

"No!", all three boy's voiced out. "Girls play with dolls."

Baekhyun laughed out. "There're also girls who play with cars."

"Really?", Jongdae asked. "I don't know one."

"Yes.", his twin brother nodded. "In school the girls always only play with dolls."

"Well if it's so, let's hope the baby will be a boy."

"Yes, yes!", Jongdae said and gently poked Baek's bump. "Do you hear, baby.", he said. "You have to be a boy!"

Chanyeol and Baekhyun laughed at the action and smiled at each other. This went smooth as . Who'd have thought that the boy's would react like this? Baekyhun definitely not. But the boy's positive reaction made him more than happy.

Chanyeol pulled him into a tight hug and pressed a kiss on his ear. The boy's already went to the kitchen, excited to finally bake the chocolate cake. Baek enjoyed the short time alone with Chanyeol and leaned into the taller's body. "Now it's out.", he heard Yeol whisper into his ear. "We're a family now.", he pulled back his head and grinned at Chanyeol.

"We are.", Yeol smiled. He brought his hand to Baek's nape, wrapped his fingers around the slender neck and pulled him into a loving kiss. "Do you now believe that the twins like you."

"Yeah..I do."

"Good.", the taller said and leaned in for another sweet kiss. "And now, let's make a cake."






"I don't want to go home.", Kyungsoo's pout was to die for and his doe eyes made Baek's heart aching but he had to shook his head. They really needed to go back home. It was sunday, they hadn't any spare clothes left and tomorrow was school and work. "I don't want to."

Chanyeol knelt down in front of the boy. "Soo.", he spoke out softly. "Soon you'll be back here but now you've to go home."

"But...we're a family now...can't we live here?"

Chanyeol throw a look at Baek over his shoulder, then looked back at little Kyungsoo. "Soon.", he said. "You've to be patient. And don't forget that Appa has to work."

"I know..but.." "No buts.", Yeol cut in. "You can come here as often as you want. But be a good boy now, okay."

"Okay.", Soo nodded.

"We'll see tomorrow at school."

Kyungsoo still didn't wanted to go back home but he wanted to be a good boy. With sad eyes he put his backpack on and gave Chanyeol one last hug. "Bye Daddy.", he whispered into his ear. He giggled cutely when Chanyeol pressed a kiss on his ear.

Baekhyun had the same pout on his lips as his son. "Bye, bye." the twins smiled at him and both hugged him around his legs. His heart made a backflip of joy.

"Bye.", he said ruffled their hair. The he turned to Chanyeol. "I don't want to go too..."

The taller chuckled and brushed his lips against his. "But you have to.", Baek whined at his comment. He gave him one last kiss and a gently pat on the belly. "Go now. We'll see tomorrow."

Reluctantly Baek and Soo finally left the house. Chanyeol and the twins waved at them when the car slowly rolled down the driveway.

"When can we come back here?"

"You can come back here as much as you want.", Baek smiled.

"What about you?", Soo pouted.

A sigh left the pregnant. "I have to work...I only come when I have time."

"That's too bad."

"I know. But I'll try to work as less as possible."

"Can I sleep in your bed tonight?", Kyungsoo asked and completely changed the topic.

"Sure.", Baek smiled and watched his son's heart-shaped smile through the rearview mirror.

Back at home a deep sigh left both of them. With a scrunched up face they stood in the hall and looked around the room. It didn't looked much like a home. Too big, too white, too sterile, too lifeless. Suddenly Baekhyun didn't found his house comfortable and homely.

He dropped their bags to the ground and took off his shoes and jacket. "Cocoa?", he asked his son. "Yes!", Soo nodded and ran off to the kitchen.

"Soo, you have to promise me something."

Kyungsoo looked but to his Appa and put down his cup. "Hmm?"

"Don't tell  Mrs. Lee or Minah."

"Why not?"

"I'll tell them.", Baek said. "I have to talk to them any ways.", he added.

"Is it because a lot things will change?"

Baek smiled at his son. "You're such a smart boy." He took his cup and stood up from his seat. "Come.", he said. "Let's change into our pajama's and watch a movie."

"When will the baby come?" They lay in the bed, watching a Disney movie when Kyungsoo suddenly asked the question. He lay a curious hand on the small baby bump and looked up to Baekhyun.

Baekhyun chuckled and put his hand over the small one on his belly. "In April.", he said.

"I April?" Soo asked. "Why does it takes so long?"

"Well, the baby needs time to grow. Right now it very, very small. It has to grow bigger."


"Right now it won't be able to breathe.", Baek explained. "All the things you have in your body, like your heart and your lungs weren't there in first place. They all grew while you were in my belly."

"So you helped me growing?"


"And now you help the baby to grow!", Soo grinned.

"Are you excited to be a big brother?"

Kyungsoo nodded his head. "I am! I am!" He smiled and snuggled up to Baekhyun. "I'm so happy that we're a family now.", he whispered.

"Me too.", Baek said. He wrapped an arm around his son and leaned down to kiss him on the head. "Me too."







"Have you slept well?", Chanyeol asked against his lips. They stood behind the car, to hide from other's eyes and Baek felt like a teenager who's hiding from his parents. "Well, I had good company.", he smiled. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"Thanks to you, Soo and I are finally close again."

"I won't say that it's because of me. You only needed a little push in the right direction."

Baek smiled. "Thank you any ways."

"I need to go know.", Chanyeol said. Baek whined when Yeol pressed one last kiss on his lips. "Don't forget to drink and don't work too hard."

"Yes, sir."

"Hmm, I like that.", the tall man hummed. "Sounds good."

Baekhyun laughed out and playfully hit Chanyeol's chest. "Oh you! You better leave now."

"Already gone.", Chanyeol grinned. "Bye baby."

"Baby or baby?", Baek asked with a laugh.", Chanyeol walked back to him and wrapped an arms around his waist. He put a hand on his belly. "Bye baby." He then leaned in for a kiss. "Bye baby.", he whispered against them. After one final kiss Chanyeol eventually left for class and Baek made his way to work.

He straightened his suit before he walked into the company building. "Good morning Mr. Byun.", he was greeted by the young woman at the reception. "Good morning.", he greeted back with a smile. The woman seemed to be surprised and looked at him with wide eyes. He cleared his throat and rushed over to the elevator.

Baekhyun always had been a strict boss and showed his employees a cold shoulder. It didn't wondered him that she was startled by his sudden friendliness. He had to snicker. If he would be one of his employees he'd be shocked and surprised too. Finally in his office Baek took off his jacket. Under his white dress shirt the little baby bump was clearly visible. He sat down desk chair and wondered if he really should change his style, just like Chanyeol said. Maybe a more casual style with a cardigan would suit him better and maybe it would also hide the little bump for a little more time.

A knock on the door made him look up from his belly. "Come in.", he said and rolled the chair closer to the desk to hide his stomach.

"Good morning, Mr. Byun.", his secretary smiled. "Coffee?", she asked and held up a cup.

"No.", Baek shook his head. "I'd like to have a tea."

"Tea?", the secretary asked confused. "Are you sick?"

"Not at all.", he smiled. "I'm in other circumstances."

A smile formed onto the woman's lips. "Oh my god, really?!", she squeaked out. "Congratulations, Mr. Byun!"

Baek smiled at her.  "Thank you.", he said. "But keep it a secret okay?"

The woman let out a whine. "Argh, don't do this to me. You know I hardly can keep things like this a secret."


"Alright.", she said with nod. She was about to leave the office but turned back. "Uh..Mr. Byun? What kind of tea?"

"Doesn't matter.", he smiled.

But, oh well, it did mattered. His secretary brought him a delicious smelling Chai tea but as soon as the first sip had run down his throat, he had to throw up. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry, Mr. Byun.", she cried when Baek came out of the restroom.

"It's alright.", he said. "I didn't know either." He slumped down his chair and took a deep breath. Now he felt sick. Sick and dizzy.

"You should go home.", his secretary said. "You look pale."

After a while Baek eventually nodded. "You're right...", he said. "Would you be so good and call me a cab?"

"Sure, Mr. Byun."

When the door closed behind his secretary Baek reached out for his phone and called Chanyeol. It took the taller a while to finally answer the call. "Hey.", he said in a soft voice.

"Hey.", Baek said. "Could you take Soo home with you?"

"Why? Do you have to work longer?"

Baek shook his head even though Chanyeol couldn't see him. "I'm not feeling well, I'll take a cap home now."

"Come home.", Chanyeol said. "There's a spare key in the garage."


"Good.", Chanyeol said and Baek could hear him smile. "I'll text you the code for the garage door."

Baekhyun had to smile when Chanyeol had hung up. Being loved felt so, so good.

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1380 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!