Ch. 3


Chanyeol rubbed his face with his palms after he had closed the door.

The dozen of cops finally decided to leave after they didn't find anything alarming. Baekhyun in all his panic and fear over his missing child hired a whole SWAT team. 

How the hell did he even do that? Chanyeol didn't know but he couldn't blame the father at all. He for sure would've done the same thing.

He shuffled back to the living room and stopped in the door frame. The boys sat on the couch, their eyes wide oped, still in shock over all the cops in the house. Baekhyun still stood next to the large dining table. He had his arms crossed in front of his chest and wore a sour expression.

"They should've locked you away.", he spat when their eyes met.

Chanyeol sighed and shook his head. "Yeah, sure.", he mumbled.

"This will have consequences. I'm going to make sure that-" "Could you please lower your voice.", Yeol cut in. "And could we please discuss this in the morning?"

"I don't think-" "I don't care about what you think.", Chanyeol once again cut Baek off. "All I care about now are the kids.", he said and pointed over to the boys. By now their eyes already got heavy again and they're more asleep than awake.

Chanyeol held out his hand for the boy's and like little puppies they hopped down the sofa and waddled over to Chanyeol. Kyungsoo was the first to reach out for the teachers hand and Baek gasped loudly. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Bringing the boy's to bed?"

"Kyungsoo won't stay here. I'll take him with....ahh .."

Chanyeol raised a brow at Baekhyun. "Hm?"

"I came with the police...I left my car at home."

"Well, call a cap then. I bet it won't hurt your wallet.", Yeol mocked with a grin.

Baekhyun rolled his eyes but sighed. "I didn't bring my wallet too."

"Oh, what a shame.", Chanyeol grinned. "What now?"

"Yeah, what now?", Kyungsoo asked with a yawn. He rubbed his eye and leaned against Chanyeol's leg. "Appa, I'm tired. I don't want to walk home."

"You don't have to walk home, Soo.", Chanyeol chuckled. "When your Appa is nice enough to ask,  he also can stay here.", he said and gazed at Baekhyun.

Baek puffed his cheek and bit his lip. ", why the hell should I do that?"

"Oh, yeah..why should you do that?", Yeol said. "Let me think..oh, maybe because it's in the middle of the night, you don't have a car nor money to pay a cap. And you have a little kid that needs to go to school in the morning."

Baek growled low before he breathed in. He balled his hands into fists and looked at the young teacher. "Do you allow me to stay at your house for the rest of the night? Please?"

Chanyeol grinned amused. "I guess this is the nicest I can get, so yes. You're allowed to stay here."

"I hate you."

"This is mutual.", Yeol chuckled.

"Can we go to bed now, Daddy.", Minseok whined and Jongdae nodded cutely.

Baek had to smile at the kids as he followed Chanyeol to the bed rooms. Through the open door he watched as Chanyeol tucked the twins into their beds. He smiled softly and looked down to his right. "Ah...Soo?", he asked when Kyungsoo wasn't there. He looked around until he found another open door. He steped closer to the door and peeked inside the room. "Kyungsoo.", he voiced out when Soo was about to climb into the huge bed. "What are you doing there?"

"Sleeping?", Soo asked innocently.


"Mhhh.", the boy nodded. "The bed is sooo soft.", he giggled and began to roll around. "And  so warm."

"Kyungsoo, I-" "Soo, I think it would be better if you and your Appa sleep in the guestroom tonight.", Chanyeol's voice cut in. The taller gently pushed past Baekhyun and walked into his bed room.

"Why?", Soo asked and sat up.

Chanyeol fetched the boy from the bed and Kyungsoo let out a cute squeal. "Your Appa will be lonely if you don't sleep with him.", Chanyeol said.

Soo pouted. "But I like sleeping in your bed."

"But the bed in the guest room is good too."

"But not as warm.", the boy countered.

"I bet when your Appa is in there too, it'll be warm."

"But Appa kicks in his sleep."

Baek blushed madly and cleared his throat. Chanyeol laughed out. "You have to, Soo.", Chanyeol now said in a lower voice. "Be a good boy and behave, okay?"

The little boy sighed but eventually nodded. "Okay.", he said and hopped out of Chanyeol's hold. He walked over to his father and took Baekhyun by his hand. "Come Appa, I show you the guest room."

"Don't forget your plushy, Soo."

Baek looked back at the little black and white plushie in the teacher's hand. He never had seen it before.

"It can sleep with you tonight.", Kyungsoo smiled. "So you don't feel alone."

"Aw, that's so nice of you.", Chanyeol smiled and pressed the plushy against his chest. "Good night then."

"Good night.", Soo chirped happily.

 Baekhyun only nodded at the man before he closed the door behind him. He let Kyungsoo led him into the guest room down the hall. The bed wasn't made and Baek scrunched up his nose at the sight. Kyungsoo hopped into the bed and patted the pillow. "I've slept here before.", he said and smiled at his father.

"Really?", Baekhyun asked and was relieved that the bed wasn't used by someone else.

"Mhh.", Soo nodded. "But I only slept one night here."


"There was a thunderstorm and I couldn't sleep. I cried and Chanyeol hugged me.", he smiled. "He allowed me to sleep in his bed for the night."

"And why did you slept there longer?"

Kyungsoo blushed slightly and Baek frowned. "I wanted to and asked Chanyeol if I could sleep with him."

Baek cocked his head to the side. "And why?"

"Chanyeol is like huge teddy bear.", Soo giggled. "He's so warm and I don't have any bad dreams when I'm sleeping with him. It's like he's protecting me."

Baekhyun only nodded. He took of his jeans and jacket and climbed into the bed. He lay down next to his son and covered him up with the blanket. "Say, do you often have bad dreams?"

"Mhh.", Soo nodded, already almost asleep.

"Why don't you come to me, when you're afraid?"

"Because you're not there all the time.", the boy mumbled and Baek could feel the pain his chest when the words reached his eardrum.





The night was short yet so long. Kyungsoo's words ran back and forth in his mind. The way Kyungsoo smiled at the teacher, the way he held the man's hand, the way he leaned against him; all so familiar. It hurt Baek. Was he a bad father? As far as he knew Kyungsoo barely knew the teacher, yet it seemed like the boy knew him for years. Was he really a bad father? He must be, or would his kid seek proximity of a stranger, otherwise?

Long Baekhyun stared at his peacefully sleeping son, lost in thoughts until he also fell asleep. He only woke up again, when a high pitched laugh echoed throughout the house. He shot his eyes open and blinked in confusion.

He sat up and looked to his right; Kyungsoo wasn't there anymore. Sleepy Baekhyun climbed out of the bed and reached for his jeans. He almost fell as he stumbled while putting on his pants. He grabbed his jacket and ran a hand though his hair.

The high pitched laugh once again hollered through the rooms, when he peeked into the hallway. He followed the laugh along the hall and ended up in front of a bath room.

All three boy's were already wearing their uniforms. One of the twins had a toothbrush stuck between his teeth, while the other rubbed his face with a wet washcloth. Kyungsoo stood giggling between Chanyeol's legs. The tall man sat on the edge of the bathtub and gently combed Kyungsoo's black locks. Whenever Chanyeol moved the brush over a particular point over Soo's head and his finger's slightly brushed the area behind his ear, the boy laughed out.

"You're ticklish, huh?", Chanyeol chuckled and ran his finger's again over the spot behind Soo's ear. The boy giggled and wiggled cutely.

Baekhyun frowned at the scene. He quickly knocked on the door to interruped the actions of the teacher.

"Moring, Appa.", Kyungsoo beamed.

"Good morning.", Chanyeol's twins said and bowed their heads politely.

"Morning.", Baek said shortly. "Uhm..what time is it?"

"7.30AM.", Chanyeol said and stood up from the tub. He walked over to his son's and helped one of them, cleaning his toothbrush. "There's coffee and breakfast in the kitchen, if you want some."

"Did you already eat?"

"Yes.", Soo said. "I tried to wake you, but you just rolled to the side.", the boy pouted.

"Haha, just like you, Soo.", one of the twins laughed out loudly.

"Yeah, like you the first days.", the other added.

Chanyeol chuckled amused. "Okay, boys. You can go and play for a bit.", he said. "We'll leave in a quarter hour."

"What is a quarter hour?", one of the twins asked.

"A quarter our are fifteen minutes, Minnie.", Kyungsoo said proudly. "Am I right?"

"Yes, you are.", Chanyeol smiled. "Very good."

"Aww, but fifteen minutes aren't long.", the other boy whined.

"Then go and make the best out of them.", the teacher smiled and in less then a second all three boy's were already in the children's room.

Baekhyun then quietly followed Chanyeol downstairs to the kitchen. A pleasant scent hung in the air and made Baek breathing in deeply. "Do you need milk and sugar?", the teacher asked and held up a coffee mug.

"Only milk.", Baekhyun said and sat down at the table.

Chanyeol placed a plate with french toast and a bowl with strawberries on the table, before he also sat down. "Not as fancy as your usually breakfast I guess, but the kids like it."

Baek scrunched up his nose. Chanyeol was right. Normally the table was filled with the many different dishes of a typical korean breakfast. He raised Kyungsoo like that and he wasn't pleased that Chanyeol fed him such unhealthy things. He looked over the food and back up to the teacher when he heard him laughing. "What?!", he almost spat.

"Nothing.", Chanyeol chuckled. "Kyungsoo told me about your breakfast at home; korean all over. No pancakes, no cereals, no toast."

"I just want him to grow up healthy."

"As if my kids are sick because of what they eat for breakfast.", the taller laughed.

Baek took a sip from his coffee. "Maybe not now, but you'll see. Sooner or later they get lazy and they'll get fat and motionless."

"Yeah, for sure.", Chanyeol snorted. "And Kyungsoo will be the most healthiest human on earth. And this all thanks to you. Congratulations."

Baek only rolled with his eyes and reached out for the toast. He could feel Chanyeol's dumb smirk on him but didn't look up. He was hungry and he would rather put up with Chanyeol mocking him than a growling stomach.

Chanyeol really didn't like Baekhyun but he was good-natured and generous enough to even lend Kyungsoo's father a toothbrush.

The unusual constellation reached the school grounds way to early. Only a few teacher's were there already. But since Chanyeol had to drive Baekhyun home and didn't want to lose too much time, the kids had to put up with it. Both parents wished them a good day before they made their way to Baekhyun's mansion. The ride was long, boring and awkward. None of them spoke a word. Chanyeol only hummed a few songs that played in the radio and Baekhuny looked out of the window the whole time.

Only when Baekhyun got out of the car he seemed to find his voice again. "I already told you.", he said. "This will have consequences."

"Yeah, you already said that." Chanyeol just couldn't keep quiet.

"I mean this, Park. You'll hear from my lawyer."

"Do whatever you want.", Chanyeol said. "I can live with that. But let me tell you something. You're doing Kyungsoo no favors with that."

"That's none of your business.", Baek spat.

"Listen Byun. If you don't listen to me as a father, then listen to me as a teacher.", Chanyeol said. "Kyungsoo's to shy to find friends on his own. He'd rather hide in the library than talking to some of his classmates. It's not good for him. He has no social contacts, he'll be an easy target for bullying when he get's older. Just think about that!"

"I said it's none of your busines.", Baekhyun hissed once again.

"Do you want. Sue me or do whatever your overprotective, sick mind is telling you.", Chanyeol growled. "But as long as I'm a teacher at this school, I'll keep my eyes on you and your son's happiness. And if I see this boy crying because of you once again, God help you, because I won't!"

Shocked Baek stood there, staring into Chanyeol's dark orbs. He bit the inside of his cheek and huffed. "Oh, you know what! Screw you. Screw you, Park!", he yelled and slammed the car door shut.
Filled with anger he roughly kicked against the car before he stomped over to his house.

He expected Chanyeol to come after him but the teacher slowly drove from the plot.

Baek huffed as he unlocked the door and stepped into his house. One thing was sure. He and the teacher would become no friends.

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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