Ch. 5


The house was a mess; a real mess. Clothes and other things lay in every corner of almost every room.

The house was a mess and so was Baekhyun. Like a crazy chicken he ran around the house, trying to figure out what Kyungsoo needed for his trip to the summer camp. What the kids had to bring for the week in the camp was listed on a paper Kyungsoo gave his father a few weeks go; to bad: Baekhyun had sipped it.

And now it was almost the world's end. The young father had already stuffed tons of clothes, underwear and socks into a bag that now looked like it would burst any second. In an other bag, Baekhyun had stuffed in bed linen, towels and other toiletries. Four times Baek opened the bag again to made sure that he didn't forget a toothbrush.

Yeah, Baekhyun wasn't good at things like that. He himself never went to a summer camp and so he couldn't even give his son any advice or suggestions. With stress sweat on his forehead Baekhyun once again looked through the packed bags and wondered if Chanyeol also had this much trouble with collecting the twins stuff.

Of course not. Chanyeol had full control over everything and had already packed the twins bags the night before. So now he relaxed could watch his kids stuffing the last most essential things, like candies, stuffed animals and water guns into their backpacks.
By time there finally were ready to go and could pick up Baekhyun and Kyungsoo. Chanyeol was amused, yet amazed when he watched as Baekhyun carryed two large bags over to his car.

"Soo moves out? I didn't know.", Chanyeol snickered as he took one of the bags from Baek.

"Haha, funny.", Baek spat. "At least he's ready for everyting."

The teacher raised a brow. "If you say so.".

"Yes, I say so."

Chanyeol shook his head but smiled. Kyungsoo and the twins already sat on the backeats of the car and excited chatted over what they would do in the camp. "We should build a hding place.", Minseok suggested and Kyungsoo and Jongdae nodded.

"But don't forget to put on sunblock when you're going outside.", Chanyeol said, while he checked if the kids were safty strapped into their seats.

"Sunblock?!", suddenly a weird squeack echoed from the passenger seat. "Oh god, I totally forgot.", Baek whined and was about to unfasten his seat belt but Chanyeol stopped him. "Calm down, princess. The twins have two bottles, they can share."

Baek glared at Chanyeol for calling him princess but mumbled a short "Thank you."

"Oh, Soo, before we forget.", Chanyeol smiled and reached over to Baekhyun's side. He opened the glove compartment and Baek furrowed his brows when the teacher pulled out a small colorful plstic bag. "We brought you something."

With curious eyes Kyungsoo took the bag from Chanyeol and peeked inside. "Woah!", he squealed out. Baekhyun turned in his seat to see that his son had took out a navy blue snapback with a red 'K' on it. With sparkling eyes he quickly put it on and grinned from ear to ear. "Thank you.", he beamed.

"Now we all have the same.", Jongdae laughed and turned the cap on his head so the front was showing. Minseok did the same and Baekhyun had to smile. All boy's were now wearing the same colored snapback with the first letter of their names on it. It was just a precious sight.

"Daddy, Daddy.", Minseok clapped. "Put on your cap."

"Yeah, Daddy. Put it on."

Chanyeol laughed out. "Okay, okay.", he chuckled and reached under his seat. He pulled out a snapback and placed it on his head.

The boy's cheered at the teacher when he adjusted the cap on his head. Baek had to laugh. He was amazed at how different Chanyeol suddenly looked. Today the teacher wore a smiple shirt, jeans and sneaker and now with his hair covered by the cap he looked like a student and not a teacher.

"Appa, you need a cap too."

Baekhyun smiled but shook his head no. Kyungsoo pouted at him. "I don't even have one.", he said.

Chanyeol tapped on the glove compartment and flashed Baekhyun a smug smile. "Help yourself."

Baek glanced at the teacher slighty confused yet he reached over to open the glove compartment. "The hell is this?", he laughed out. He had pulled out three snapbacks and amused looked at them. "Sure that you're a teacher?"

"Only because I collect snapbacks you put my authority as a teacher in question?"

"Sorry, but have you looked at yourself?", Baek laughed. "You look like a kid."

"I think I look pretty cool.", Yeol said. "Do I look cool?"

"Yes!", the kids shouted out.

Baek rolled his eyes.

"Don't give me that look.", Yeol said. "Now choose one or you can walk."

"Are you blackmailing me right now?"

"This is no blackmailing, this is our dress code and you have to go with it or you're not allowed to drive with us."

"Yes!", the boy's said in unison.

Baek admitted defeat and took one of the snapbacks. To fit the other fours concept he chose a dark cap and adjusted it on his head. The kids happily clapped and finally they were ready to take off.





Baekhyun didn't expect the drive to be that calm. The first twenty minutes he stiffly sat in his seat and payed great attention to Chanyeol's driving. But the young teacher wasn't bothered by Baekhyun's staring and relaxed leaned back while he concentrated looked at the street. Additionally he chatted with the kids on the backseats and sang song with them. The taller's calm demeanor helped Baekhyun to calm down too and soon he relaxed and quietly listened to the others converstaions. He even doze off and only snapped back to reality when the car suddenly roughly swayed from side to side.

He yelped in shock and shot his eyes open. His heart hammered in his chest as he tried to figure out what was going on. They were no longer driving on a highway insteadt the car rolled along a hilly forest road. "What?!" He was confused; he had only closed his eyes for a second and now they suddenly were almost at the summer camp.

Chanyeol only snickered at Baek's confused face and held course. The boy's were already excited and streched themselves in their seats. "There, I can already see some cars."

"I can see Mrs. Kim.", Kyungsoo squealed.

The camp was located deep in a national park and with it's colorful log cabins  and crystal clear lake it looked like straight outta travel brochure.  A smile crept over Baekhyun's face when he got out of the car. Happy children voices filled his ears and the soft breeze danced around the place. It felt good to be here and Baek was glad that he allowed Kyungsoo to come here.

"Mr. Byun.", he suddenly heared his name. "Mr. Byun, here." Baek followed the voice and turned around. Mrs. Kim waved at him with a bright smile. "Hello.", she said as she walked over to him. "Nice that you're there."

"Hello.", Baekhyun smiled and bowed. "Yeah, it's really nice here. I bet Kyungsoo will like it."

"Yeah, he looks happy.", the teacher said and looked over to Kyungsoo, who helped Chanyeol unpacking the car. "And you look happy, too.", she then said. "I didn't know that you and Mr. Park.."

"Ahh what?!", Baek squeaked out. "He and I? Haha, no."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I thought so...", she stuttered with an uneasy laugh. "Kyungsoo, Jongdae and Minseok seem to be really close. Kyungsoo talks a lot about Mr. Park and since you kind of wear the same today...I'm really sorry Mr. Byun."

Baekhyun quickly pulled the cap of his head, messing his hair up. "Ah, yeah..this is just...the kids and..but no, we're not a couple or anything. I had an eye surgey and I'm not allowed to dirve so he drove us here."

The kid's teacher was blushing. She played with her hair as she bowed slightly. "I'm really sorry, Mr. Byun.", she said once again before she looked over to Chanyeol. "Mr. Park is a gorgeous man, it's really nice that he took you and Kyungsoo with him."

"Gorgeous?", Baekhyun asked like he hadn't heard right.

Mrs. Kim's face was bright red now. "Haha, did I say that?", he laughed out. "I mean, Mr. Park is a nice man, I me-" "You don't have to defend yourself.", Baekhyun cut in. "If you like him or not is none of my business and I doesn't interest me at all."

Mrs. Kim only nodded, still blushing bright red. Baekhyun excused himself and went over to the car where Chanyeol had swung one of Kyungsoo's bags over his shoulder. "Ah, there you are.", he said. He closed the trunk and locked the car. "The boy's already found their room.", he chuckled and pointed over to one of the cabins.

Putting the snapback back on, Baekhyun followed Chanyeol to the small blue cabin and smiled when he heared his son's loud laughter. Chanyeol went in first and didn't even have the chance to put the bag down when one of the twins threw a pillow at him. He caught it before it hit him, dropped the bag to he ground and threw the pillow back. It hit Minseok at the shoulder and while the boy tried to pick up a new one, Chanyeol caught him and gently tackled him to the bed. The boy squeaked out as Chanyeol tickled his sides. His feet kicked out and his laugh echoed through the room.

"What do you think you're doing, huh?", Chanyeol playfully growled. "I'll eat you!", he roared and began to blow raspberries on his son's skin. While laughing his lungs out, Minseok squeaked for help and Kyungsoo quickly come to the rescue.

With a shout he jumped on Chanyeol's back and slung his legs around the taller's waist. "Let him go, monster."

Baekhyun gasped at his son's words but Chanyeol took it with humor. He laughed out. "Hohoho, watch out or I'll eat you too." He unwrapped the boy's legs from his body and pinned him down next to Minseok. "Now you're lost.", he uttered. "Nobody can help you now!"

By now Baekhyun was amused by the whole scenario and now watched how Jongdae attacked his father by throwing every pillow and already unpacked stuffed animal he could find. "Let them go!"

"Never!", Chanyeol laughed out and wrapped his arms around the two boy's beneath him. Jongdae kept attacking his father so long until Chanyeol suddenly let out a painful groan. The boy quickly dropped the pillow in his hand and ran over to his father. Baekhyun also rushed to the bed and looked at Chanyeol.

"Daddy!", Jongdae gasped when Chanyeol raised his head. A small bloody bump had fromed right above his eyebrow and it was already truning blue. "I'm so sorry."

"It's okay.", Chanyeol said and sat up. He reached out for the thing that hit him and smied at the colorful owl plushy. "That one is dangerous."

"It's not.", Kyungsoo pouted and snatched his plush toy away from Chanyeol.

The teacher chuckled and ruffeled Soo's hair. "It is, when you got hit with it."

Kyungsoo's pout faded away and he nodded slightly. "It's because it has buttons as eyes.", he said and held the owl up for Chanyeol to see.

"Do you need an ice pack?", Baekhyun asked as Chanyeol stood up from the bed.

The man shook his head but hissed in pain when he touched the bruise. "Its okay.", he smiled. "But beware of flying owls."


Around one hour later it was finally time to leave. All parents wished their children a good time and the kids waved their parents goodbye. A sigh left Baek on the way to the car and Chanyeol laughed out at the sound. "Oh, what was that?"

Baek sighed again. "I'm worried.", he said and closed the door of the car. "He has never been away from home."

"Then its time.",Chanyeol smiled and drove off. "I'm sure he will have fun and won't feel loney or get homesick."

Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah...I think I've done right with allowing him to come here."


Baekhyun smiled softly. He looked out of the window as Chanyeol lad the car along the small forest road. He was relieved when the rolling route finally found its end and Chanyeol turned towards the freeway. On their way to the camp Baekhyun had slept and he was surprised what great view ha had missed. The street was winding and led by small forests; the sun peeked through the leafs of the trees and dipped the street in an amazing play of colors. Fascinatingly Baekhyun stared at the street until a blue flashing light got his attention.

"Oh, what is this?!", Chanyeol sighed and Baekhyun looked up. A few police cars blocked an exit and one of the cops waved at Chanyeol, telling him to pull over.

"What's wrong Officer?"

"Do you want to go to Seoul? I'm sorry mister, but the highway to Seoul is blocked."

"Really? What happened?"

"Big crash.", the officer said shortly. "The highway will be blocked till tomorrow moring."

"What?!", Baekhyun squeaked out.

"I'm really sorry.", the cop said. "About five miles down there is a motel, when you need a place to stay."

Chanyeol and Baekhyun sighed in unison. "Yeah, thank you officer.", Yeol said and drove off.

"Oh this.", Baek cursed.

Chanyeol nodded quietly. He drove where the cop had told him and only a few minutes later both young men could see the bright flashing sign of the motel. A lot of cars were parked in front of the quite shaby buildng.

"I hope that we'll get rooms.", Baekhyun said.

They got a room; one room. The motel was booked up and the father's were very lucky that they at least got one room. Chanyeol was glad over the place to sleep the night but Baek wasn't. He didn't want to share a room with Chanyeol and groused like a kid.

"Could you please shut up!", Yeol groaned as he unlocked the door to their room. "Be happy that we have a place to sleep."

Baekhyun scrunched up his nose as he looked through the room. "The hell is this?", he asked shocked. Chanyeol laughed out at Baekhyun's face. He had to admit that the room wasn't that good but it was better than nothing and somehow the baby pink walls gave the room that certain something.

"This is the most horrible room I've ever seen."

"Yeah, thank god you just have to sleep here.", Chanyeol said and grabbed Baek by the arm.

"Hey.", Baek squeaked out when Chanyeol pulled him out of the room. "Where are we going?"

"Out to eat", Yeol said and dragged Baekhyun down the hallway.

The restaurant next to the motel was well attended but the two young men found a quite table in the corner, near the bar. The waiter was quick to take their orders and soon plates filled with food were ready to be emptied.

With his nose srunched up Baekhyun hung above his plate and peered at the burger Chanyeol had ordered him.

"What?!", Yeol asked with a mouth full of fries.

"I'm not sure if I'll like this."

"If you don't take a bite, you won't find out."

Good a minute Baek just sat there, staring at the burger.

"Do you really wat to tell me that you've never eaten a bruger and fries before?!"

Baek shook his head.

"Really?!", Yeol asked shocked. "You're kidding?!"

Again Baek shook his head.

"Where the hell are you from, that you've never eaten a burger before?"

"Well, I'm from a wealthy family."

"And that means you don't eat burgers?"

"Yeah, kind of."

"Crazy.", Yeol said and munched on his food. "Thank god, I'm not wealthy. No wonder Kyungsoo started to cry at McDonalds."

"Wait, what?!", Baek asked. "You went to McDonald's with him."

"Yes. And before you freak out, he liked it there."

"Of course he liked it there, he's five."

"Yeah, but he was happy.", Yeol said. "He smiled the whole day."

"Wait was that the day you first kidnapped him."

"I didn't kidnap him! I called you."

Baek rolled his eyes. "You took him with you without my permission, that's kidnapping."

"Yeah, sure."

"And let's not forget that he got a bruise."

"You mean that little scratch on his knee?", Chanyeol laughed. "Earth-shattering."

"He never had a bruise before."

"Because you put him bubblewrap."

"I have me reasons.", Baek muttered.

Chanyeol took a bite from his burger. "I don't even want to know the reason but you shouldn't treat Soo like he would break if he leave the house."

"I don't treat him like that!"

"You do."




"Oh yes!", Yeol said. "Kyungsoo knows nothing. You should've seen his eyes when the twins brought some water bombs."

"Sorry, not everyone can be like you, Mr. Superdad."

Chanyeol laughed out at the name and shook his head. "I'm anything but a superdad.", he said.

"To me your family seems pretty perfect.", Baek said. "You and your wife or husband mu-" "I'm not married.", Chanyeol cut in.

"You're not?!"

Chanyeol chuckled. "No, I'm not. I'm pretty much single."

"Oh..I thought you..I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? For what? It's not your fault that my fiancé dumped me."

Baekhyun was curious now. He leaned a bit forwards and looked at Chanyeol. "Did your fiancé left because of the kids?"

"More or less.", Chanyeol nodded. "He left me a few months after the twins were born."

"What?", Baek gasped.

"Hard, isn't it?", Chanyeol sighed. "I really thought that we're meant for each other. But when he found out about the pregnancy he totally changed...but it's okay. I have two wonderful kids, a good job and even if its hard as a single father sometimes, I'm happy."

Baekhyun only nodded.

Chanyeol chuckled low. "I don't know about you but I can tell that you're kind of happy too."

"Yah, what are you a therapist?"

"I'm a teacher, that's almost the same."

"You're crazy.", Baek mocked. "Maybe your single dad life isn't that good for you."

"So, my single dad life isn't good for me, yeah?", Chanyeol said, rasing a brow. "Do you want to talk about your single dad life?"

"What makes you sure that I'm single."

"Soo told me."

Baek growled.

Chanyeol laughed out. "Hey, how about we order a beer?"

"And why should we do that?"

"To honor the day and our single dad lifes."

"Okay, but could we order a soda or something, I've never had a beer before."

"Waiter!", Chanyeol suddenly shouted out, causing Baekhyun to flinch. "Two beers please!"

 Five beers and various alcoholic drinks later, Baekhyun found almost everything and everyone funny and walking was the most hardest world in the world. Chanyeol's arm was the only thing that helped him to walk straight.

Chanyeol laughed out when Baekhyun lost balance and tripped over his feet. He fell face forward to the ground and whined as he rolled onto his back. "Don't laugh...", he cired. He sat up and held out his arms like a baby that wants to be picked up. "Help me."

Being more drunk than sober himself, Chanyeol stumbled slightly as he bend down to grab Baekhyun. With one swift motion he pulled the smaller up and brought him into his arms. "Woah, hold on. That was not the deal.", Chanyeol nagged as Baekhyun wrapped his legs around his waist.

"You have no other option now."

Chanyeol rolled with his eyes before he wrapped his arms around Baek. With the smaller in his arms he made his way to their room. He had to walk up two floor and  a lot of people crossed there their way and Baekhyun giggled whenever he heared the peolpe whispering. "Do you find that funny?"


Chanyeol chuckled. Who could've thought that Kyungsoo's father could be such a quirky guy. When they finally reached the room Baek let go of Chanyeol and a bit less graceful plopped to his feet. "I'm truly amazed.", he babbled while Yeol unlocked the door. "You're quite strong."

"What does that mean?"

"Well, you don't look that strong."

"Excuse me?"

"What?", Baek asked. "You have to admit that you're quite lanky."

"I'm not."

"You are!"

"Says the guy with the hipline of a woman."

"What's wrong with my hips?!", Baek wailed and ran his hands over his hips.

"Nothing is wrong with your hips.", Yeol snickered. "That was the retort for sentence over my body."

"Well, it's not my fault that you're a lanky guy."

"I'm not lanky.", the taller disagreed. "I might be slim but I'm not lanky."

"So?", Baek slurred. "You really want to tell me that you hide a sixpack under that rag of shirt."

Chanyeol made a clicking sound with his tongue and Baekhyun laughed out. "So, not.", he grinned. "I knew it."

"You know nothing."

"Then show me."


"Show me your six pack.", Baekhyun challenged.

The teacher threw him a look. "Only when you show your hips.", he challenged back.

"Hohoho.", Baekhyun chuckled. He pointed at Chanyeol and cocked his head to the side. "You think I don't dare to do it."

"Exactly.", Yeol grinned. "You are too fine for that, rich boy."

"I am not!"

"Prove it."

"You first."

"Fine.", Yeol said and reached out for the hem of his shirt. He smirked at Baekhyun and teasingly pulled his shirt over his head. Beakhyun's eyes glanced over Chanyeol's upper body. The teacher wasn't as well-build as a professional athlete or something but the man was fit and lean muscles was what Baek was looking at. His eyes wandered over his body, from Chanyeol's broad shoulders over his chest down over stomach until the landed on a faint trail of hair right under his bellybutton.

"Ohh, I saw that."

Baek flinched. "What?!"

"Don't act like that.", Chanyeol snickered. "You your lips."

"I did not!", Baek denied but noticed a mosit feeling on his lips. "It's not like you look like one of these men's health models."

"Who even wants to look like that? Some of them look like they're going to burst."

Baekhyun began to laugh. "Yeah, your right."

Chanyeol chuckled and nodded. "I know I'm right.", he said. He then snapped with his fingers and pointed at Baek's pants. "So, your turn."

A blush crept onto Baekhyun's cheeks and he looked to the floor. "I can't."

Chanyeol held an hand behind his ear. "What was that?!"

"I can't", the samller said, louder this time.

"You can't.", Yeol repeated. "And why?"

"I don't wear underwear."

It was a mumble, almost a whisper but Chanyeol heard it clearly. He grinned. "Yeah, sure.", he said.

"It's the truth."

"I don't believe you.", the teacher said and stepped forwards. Baekhyun backed away but Chanyeol followed him until his back hit the wall. He gasped when the taller hooked a finger in one of the belt loops of his jeans.

"What the hell you think you're doing?", Baek breathed shocked, when Chanyeol pressed him against the wall.

"I still don't belive you.", Yeol began. "So, I'm going to see if you're saying the truth or not."

Baekhyun was taken aback when one of the teacher's fingers ran along the waistband of his pants. The taller grinned at him before he hooked two finger's into the jeans and brushed them along his skin. His breath hitched when the finger's went further down his hips.

"Oh, what a surprise.", Chanyeol said with a raised brow.

"Yeah, I told you.", Baekhyun said and tried to push Chanyeol away but the tall man didn't moved an inch. "What do you want more."

"I showed off my body now it's your turn to show me your hips."

"But I don't wear any boxers."

"So what?", the taller laughed. "Like I never had seen a man before."

"You ert!"

Chanyeol laughed out loud. His deep voice echoed through the room and caused Baekhyun to blush. He tired to push past the taller but Yeol quickly pinned him to the wall. "Nu-hu.", he snickered. "We had a deal."

Baekhyun groaned. "Okay, okay.", he then said.  Chanyeol grinned and losend his grip. Baekhyun breathed in and slowly ed his pants. "Don't stare like that", he whined. "It's embarrassing!"

"You sound like a ."

"Shut up."

Chanyeol chuckled low when Baekhyun's hands began to shake. "Are you nervous?"

He didn't answer but it was true; Baekhyun was nervous as and he didn't even know why. This was nothing, he had a "deal" with Chanyeol. He only had to show the taller a bit of his hips. It was not as if they were going to have ; he didn't even have to pull down his pants all the way but he was nervous. The way Chanyeol's eyes stared at himl, curious, yeah almost excited made his nerves shaking.

"I mean it.", he stuttered. "Don't stare like that." "What would you say, if I would stare at you like this?"

"You liked your lips when you saw me."

"That's not true.",Baek defended. "You talk nonsense."

"And you talk to much.", Chanyeol grinned and pushed the smaller's hands away. Baekhyun yelped in shock when Yeol reached out for the zipper, pulling it down slowly. He quickly grabbed Chanyeol's wrist, trying to stop the taller.

"Oh, what now?", Chanyeol snickered when Baekhyun's body began to shake and he noticed goosebumps on his skin. "Do you like this?"

"Now, you're talking nonesense.", Baekhyun stuttered, still tightly holding onto the teacher's wrists.

"I don't think so."

Chanyeol grinned and provocative pressed his knee between Baekhyun's legs while pressing his thumbs into the skin of his hips. It was all just for fun but as Chanyeol moved his knee and Baekhyun suddenly moaned out, he froze for a second. He looked at the smaller and gulped down. Baek's face was flushed, his breath was suddenly heavy yet quick and his shaking hands losend their grip around Yeol's wrists.

Something in Chanyeol's brain switched and he knew that he was ed. Baekhyun's face, with his slightly parted lips and rosy cheeks truned him on and all he wanted to do right now was pressing Kyungsoo's father against the wall, kissing the hell out of him.

"Don't stare at me like that....", Baekhyun breathed out once again. "Let go of me or do something."

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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
Beau1996 1380 streak #5
Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
Beau1996 1380 streak #7
Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
Beau1996 1380 streak #8
Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
Beau1996 1380 streak #9
Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
Beau1996 1380 streak #10
Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!