Ch. 25


Baekhyun had expected to laugh real hard. He had expected to snort and cry at the sight of Chanyeol with longer hair but nothing much than a surprised gasp leflt his throat as he held the first photo of the tall man in his hand.

"Daddy looks pretty, ne?", Jongdae grinned at him and held up another photo.

"Uh...", Baek hummed and slowly nodded his head. "Yes...", he just couldn't believe how good Chanyeol looked with the almost chin length hair. On the photo in his hand, Chanyeol had his light brown hair side parted and one side tucked behind his ear. On the picture Jongdae still held up, he had the brown locks tied into a little ponytail. Baekhyun was shocked and amazed. He would never had guessed that Chanyeol would rock a hairstyle like this.

"I like this one!", Minseok squeaked. He handed his Appa his the photo and suddenly left the room.

Baekhyun took the picture and smiled at it. The photo showed little baby Minseok brightly smiling at his Daddy while gripping his hair with both hands. Chanyeol had one eye squeezed shut and Baekhyun giggled at his pained expression. Only when Kyungsoo tugged at his shirt, he looked up from the picture. "Who's this?", he asked him and showed him a small Polaroid.

Baek peeked at the photo and shrugged. The little baby in the picture, that lay on Chanyeol's chest, looked different form the little boys on the other photo's and Baekhyun wasn't sure who the baby actually was. "I don't know, honey.", he said. "Jongdae, do you know who this is?"

The twin nodded. "This is XingXing. ", he smiled and held up another picture, which showed all three boys lying together in a bed. "Daddy told us that when we were babies, Yixing had to stay with us for a while.", he told Baek. "Because Myeonnie didn't feel good. But I don't know why he felt bad, I can't remember.", he then giggled.

"Well, it would be a wonder if you'd remember that.", Baekhyun laughed. He was about to reach out for another box of photos, when Minseok hopped back into the living room.

"Appa, look here.", he beamed and stopped in front of Baekhyun. He showed him a small red hair clip before he gently parted Baek's bangs and clipped the larger part of hair away.

"Do I look pretty now?", the pregnant joked and tilted his head.

"Very pretty!", Min smiled brightly. He turned away, brought out a photo from one of the boxes and held it  in front of Baek's face. "Can you make my hair like this?", he then asked.

Baek took the photo and chuckled at it. In the pic, Chanyeol had the boy's hair tied into a small bun on top of Minseok's head. He smiled at Minnie and took the rubber band away from him. Gently he reached out for the boys hair and tied it into a mini bun.

"Kya!", Minseok squealed at his newly styled hair.

Kyungsoo squeaked with a laugh and squeezed the bun. "Toot toot."

Minnie giggled and swirled around. "Daddy!", he called out loudly for Chanyeol. He hopped over to his father when Yeol peeked into the living room. "Daddy! Look!", he grinned and pointed at his little bun.

"Ohhh, pretty!", Chanyeol smiled at him.

"Appa made it.", the little boy smiled back. "And I made Appa pretty!", the then added proudly.

Chanyeol's gazed up to Baekhyun and chuckled at the red clip that stuck in his hair. "Mhh, pretty as well.", he winked at the pregnant. He walked over to Baekhyun and sat down next to him. He took one of the old photo's and held it next to his face. "And? Did you amused yourself well?"

Baek smiled at him. He took the pic away from Yeol and sighed. "I have to admit that you looked extremely good like this."

"Oh, hear, hear.", Chanyeol laughed. "And here, I thought you would laugh."

Baekhyun nodded. "I hoped for a good laugh.", he honestly said. "But no, you look really good. This hairstyle suits you."

"Haha, thank you.", Yeol chuckled. "I was glad when I finally could cut it again."

"So you didn't plan to let it grow?"

The tall man shook his head. "No. I simply had no time to cut it after the twins were born.", he began to laugh. "Yeah and after a while, hair clips and rubber bands became my best friends."

"Why does Minnie has a ponytail here?", Kyungsoo asked and pointed at one of the photos.

Chanyeol smiled and gazed at his twin son. "You know, Minnie always began to cry when I wanted to cut his hair.", Minseok flashed him a cheeky grin. "And so I had to tie his hair up."

"You also cried whenever I wanted to cut your hair.", Baekhyun told his son.

"Really?", Kyungsoo asked with wide open eyes. "Have you tied my hair too?"

"No.", Baekhyun chuckled. "I always cut your hair when you were sleeping."

Chanyeol snorted at Kyungsoo's shocked gasped. The little boy brought both hands into his hair and messed it up. "But you no longer to it when I'm sleeping, right?"

Baekhyun chuckled. "No, you're a big boy after all."

Kyungsoo proudly grinned at his Appa after being called a big boy. "Am I a big boy too?", Jongdae asked and leaned his head against Baek's side.

"Of course you are.", Baek nodded. He brought his hand into the little boys hair when Dae laid his head on this bump. "Is he awake?"

Jongdae first shook his head but only a second after, he broke into a smile and nodded. "Yes.", he smiled. "Hello, Luhannie.", he sang and patted the belly.

"Ohh.", Baekhyun laughed when the baby inside him kicked out. Jongdae giggled and pecked the clothed baby bump.

"I want to feel, too.", Kyungsoo smiled and skipped over to his Appa. He put his little hands on the belly and waited for a response of his little brother. But nothing happened. A cute pout formed on his lips and he gazed up to Baekhyun. "Why doesn't he kick anymore?"

Baekhyun shrugged. "I don't know."

Sulky Kyungsoo backed away from the baby bump. Chanyeol frowned at the boy's hurt expression and watched when Kyungsoo turned away from Baekhyun. "Uhm, how about you guys go and take a shower and I prepare something for dinner?", he tried to light up the mood of sulky Kyungsoo.

"I don't want to shower.", Kyungsoo immediately said. "I want to help you with dinner."

"Okay.", Baek chirped and clapped his hands together. Slowly he stood up and held out his hands for the twins. "We go and take a shower then.", Minseok hopped over to his Appa and took his hand.

"Will you help me with the photos?", Chanyeol asked Kyungsoo when Baek and the twins have left the living room. Kyungsoo only nodded and began to pick up the photos and put them back into the boxes.

Chanyeol sat down on the couch after he had put the boxes away. "Kyungsoo.", he called out for the boy. "Come here for a second.", he patted his legs.

Kyungsoo walked over to his Daddy and climbed into Yeol's leg.

"What's wrong, huh?",Chanyeol asked.

"...Nothing...", Soo mumbled.

Chanyeol smiled at the boy and tilted his head a bit. "Don't lie, Kyungsoo."

The little Byun sighed loudly and looked away for a second. "Luhan doesn't love me..."

"Oh, what?", Chanyeol gasped. "What makes you think that?"

"Every time I touch Appa's belly, he doesn't kick.", he whispered. "He always kicks when Dae and Minnie touch the belly. But when I do, he stops...", Kyungsoo looked away and only looked back up to his Daddy, when Chanyeol chucked him under the chin, gently.

"Don't worry, buddy.", Yeol softly smiled at the little boy. "Luhan loves you."

"But..everytime I touch Appa's belly he stops kicking...", Soo pouted. "When Minnie or Dae touch it, Luhan kicks and they can feel it..."

"Ah, don't cry.", Chanyeol cooed when a tear rolled down Kyungsoo's cheek. He wiped it away with his thumb and then got a hold of the little one's chin. "Listen Soo, only because he doesn't kick when you pat Appa's belly, means that he doesn't like or love you."

"But I want to feel it.", Soo hiccuped and looked at Chanyeol with his glassy eyes. "I want to feel it, too."

Chanyeol looked at his son for a moment. Kyungsoo looked at him when he let out a low hum. "I've got an idea.", he then smiled at the boy. "Tonight, when Appa's asleep, I'll wake you up and you can touch his belly."

"When he's asleep?", Kyungsoo asked slightly confused. "Why that?"

"You know, when Appa sleeps, Luhan sleeps too. But when you touch the belly, he wakes up and kicks out."

The boy's eyes grew wide. "Really?"

"Really.", Chanyeol smiled at him. "So, should I wake you tonight?"

"Yes!", Soo squeaked and nodded eagerly. "Yes!"

"Hahaha, okay then.", Kyungsoo beamed at him with a toothy smile. He let himself fall forwards and puckered his lips.

"I love you, Daddy!", Soo smiled after Chanyeol had pecked his lips. He buried his face into Chanyeol's chest and snuggled close. "You are the best!"

Chanyeol slung an arm around the small body and shifted, so he was now lying on his back. He then wrapped his fingers around the boys torso and lifted him up. A cute squeal left Kyungsoo when he was held up. Chanyeol brought him down, quickly pecked the pink lips and lifted him up again. Once up, he brought him back down again and kissed Soo's button nose. "Again!", Kyungsoo squeaked when he was lifted up again.

This time it was Chanyeol who received a kiss when he brought Kyungsoo back down. He held the boy in place and brushed their noses together. "Are you happy?", he asked him.

At first Kyungsoo blinked at the sudden question but then he nodded. "I am.", he smiled. "Are you happy?", he then asked back.

Chanyeol nodded at his question. "I am."

"Why are you asking that?"

"I just wanted to know.", Chanyeol smiled. "It's been a while since you and Appa moved in, it's a completely new situation for you to be together with Minnie and Dae the whole time, that's why I'm asking.", he told the boy and laid him down onto his body.

"I like it.", Kyungsoo flashed him a toothy smile. He brought one of his little hands up to Chanyeol's hair and rolled a strand of hair around his finger. "It's fun, I love them."

Chanyeol smiled at him.

"Thanks to them I've found many friends."

"Yeah?", Yeol asked. "And do you have a best friend? Or one you like the most?"

Kyungsoo nodded. "Yixing!", he squeaked.

A small laugh left the father. "Yeah, so? I thought you didn't like him at first?", he teased his son.

"I know...", Soo pouted shortly. "I was jealous...but now I'm not anymore and I like him a lot."

"And why were you jealous?"

Kyungsoo shifted a bit, never stopping to play with Chanyeol's black hair. "I wanted Minnie and Dae to be only friends with me.", he started to explain his jealousy.

"But I learned that people can be friends with many people.", a smile formed on his lips. "And besides, Dae, Minnie and I aren't friends."

"Not?", Yeol asked and raised a brow.

Kyungsoo shook his head. "No! We're brothers!", he beamed. "I don't have to be jealous, because no matter how many friends they have or will have, I will always be closer to them as all their friends!"

Chanyeol smiled at Kyungsoo's proud grin and nudged his nose. "Yes, you're right.", he lifted the boy back up and stood up from the couch. "And do you know how you strengthen the relationship to your brothers?"

Kyungsoo slung his arms around the man's neck and shook his head. "No."

"With a plate full of sandwiches.", Yeol grinned at the boy.





Baekhyun hummed when Chanyeol brushed his nose along his neck and plant a kiss on his chin. "You really should let your hair grow again.", he smiled and ran his finger's through the man's hair.

"You think so?", Chanyeol chuckled.

"Hmm.", the pregnant nodded. "I mean it, the longer hair suits you."

"Haha, thanks babe, but I think I'll never go back to anything longer than my current length."

"Ah, too bad.", Baek giggled and playfully gripped a handful of the black locks. He let go of the hair again and rolled a strand around his finger. "May I ask you something?"

"Sure.", Chanyeol nodded, closing his eyes and enjoying the feel of Baek's slender fingers in his hair.

"There's this photo of you and Yixing.", Baek began. "The twins told me that Yixing stayed with you when he was a baby, is it true?"


"Why? He looks very young on the picture."

Chanyeol opened up his eyes again. "Do you know what MRSA is?"

Baek thought for a moment. "Isn't that this germ that you get at the hospital?"

"Yes.", Yeol nodded. "Joonmyeon was infected with the germ two days after Yixing was born. He had to stay at the hospital and wasn't allowed to see Xing."

"Oh my god, really?"

"Mhh.", Yeol hummed. "He had to stay at the hospital for almost five weeks. He got depression and cried almost every day. Yifan tried to visit him as much as possible. It was a hard time."

Baek swallowed hard. "Poor Myeon.", he whispered. "I bet he was glad when he finally was able to leave the hospital."

"Of course, he was.", Chanyeol smiled.

"So, the first weeks of his life, Yixing spent with you, huh?"

Again Chanyeol smiled. "Yeah."

"Wasn't it hard?", Baek asked. "I mean, the twins and then suddenly another baby in the house?"

"Oh yes, it was.", Yeol laughed out. "The twins were a bit over six months old and just got their first teeth. The nights were more than short."

A soft smile formed on Baekhyun's lips. "You're too good for this world.", he placed a soft kiss on Chanyeol's jaw.

Chanyeol shook his head. "That's what best friends are for. They're always there when you need them. Yifan and Joonmyeon have done a lot for me, they're worth it."

"What would I be worth to you?", Baekhyun jokingly laughed and wiggled his brows at the tall man.

A chuckle left Chanyeol. He grabbed Baekhyun by the chin and pulled him into a loving kiss. "You're all worth it.", he whispered against the smaller's lips.

Baekhyun's heart sped up at the tall man's words. Touched yet slightly embarrassed he let his head fall on Chanyeol's shoulder and buried his face into his nape. "...Thank you...", came out as a faint whisper but Chanyeol clearly heard it.

He smiled and brushed his lips against the smaller's ear. "Do we want to sleep now?", he asked and pulled the covers up over their bodies.
To the soft warm breeze of breath against his neck and a large hand on his belly, Baekhyun fast fell into a deep sleep and gave Chanyeol the opportunity keep the promise he gave Kyungsoo. Carefully he slipped out of the bed to fetch the little boy from his room.

Kyungsoo squirmed when he was pulled out of his warm bed and buried his face in the crook of Chanyeol's neck. "Wake up, baby boy.", Yeol whispered into the little boy's ear. "Your little brother is waiting for you.", he adjusted the small, light body in his arms when Kyungsoo stretched himself with a yawn.

Soo blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes with his hands. "I'm not a baby....", he cutely mumbled in his sleep drunken voice.

Chanyeol chuckled and kissed his temple. "You'll always be my baby."

"And what's Luhan then?"

"He's also my baby.", Yeol smiled. "All of you are my babies."

"Appa too?"

"Haha, yeah, Appa's also my baby."

Kyungsoo giggled at Chanyeol's laugh but covered his mouth with his hand when Chanyeol reached out for the door knob of the master bedroom. Kyungsoo smiled when he looked over to the bed, where his Appa lay still deep asleep. Soft-footed Chanyeol walked over to the bed and gently set Kyungsoo down onto the mattress. He then joined the boy into the bed and sat down behind him.

A bit shy the little Byun gazed at the sleeping figure of his Appa. He peeked at Chanyeol, who smiled at him. "Don't worry, he won't wake up.", he whispered to encourage the boy. He reached out and carefully lifted up Baekhyun's shirt up to expose the little round bump.

Cutely Kyungsoo rubbed his little hands together to warm them up before he slowly and carefully put them onto the belly. He frowned slightly when nothing happened and his unborn brother didn't kick out. "Nothing...", he mumbled and pouted.

Chanyeol chuckled quietly. He took Kyungsoo by his wrists and moved the small hands to the underside of the baby bump. He broke into a soft smile when a cheeky smile spread over Kyungsoo's face. "Did he kick?"

With wide open eyes and his adorable heart shaped smile on his lips, Kyungsoo nodded. He moved his palms over the warm skin and giggled whenever Luhan pressed against his palm from the inside of Baekhyun's belly.

Chanyeol watched the little ones happy face and set a gentle kiss on the top of his head. After a while Kyungsoo removed his hands from Baek's belly and pulled his shirt back down. "Did he stop?"

Soo smiled. "Yes, he's sleepy."

"Are you sleepy, too?"

Kyungsoo shifted and turned to Chanyeol. "Yes.", he nodded with a soft smile.

Chanyeol laid down on the mattress, put his head on the pillow and patted his chest. "Come here.", Soo grinned as he climbed on top of him and lay down. "Was it nice to feel Luhan kicking?

"Yes!", the boy squeaked in a whisper. "The idea was great, thank you Daddy."

"Anything for you, baby.", Chanyeol emphasized the last word.

Kyungsoo pouted. "I'm no baby."

"Your ears doesn't seem to work.", Yeol chuckled. "I said that you'll always be my baby."

"Even if I'll be as big as you are?"


"And even if I'll be as old as you are now?"

Chanyeol laughed out. "Yes."

Kyungsoo scrunched up his nose and poked Chanyeol's chin. "But you can't call me "Baby" when I'm older..."

"Why not?"

"...You just can't."

Chanyeol raised a brow. "What will you call me in a few years?"

"Huh?", Soo voiced out in confusion.

"Will  you still call me Daddy?"

Kyungsoo pushed himself up on Chanyeol's chest to have a better look at his face. "Of course..", he nodded. "You're my Daddy after all."

"See.", Yeol grinned. "I'll always be your Daddy and you'll always be my baby."

"Ahh..", Soo whined. "Daddy~"

"Kyungsoo~", Yeol whined back with a chuckle.

The little boy pouted for a while. "Okay...", he then smiled. "You can call me "Baby".", he said.

"Aw, I feel honored.", Chanyeol laughed. He Kyungsoo over the head and then over the cheek. "Want to sleep now?",he asked when Soo yawned.

Kyungsoo nodded and let his head fall onto Chanyeol's chest. "Good night, Daddy."

"Night, Baby."





Due to Luhan kicking him in the side, Baekhyun woke up in the middle of the night. After a quick glance at the alarm clock, he turned to his side. Chanyeol lay with the back to him, snoring softly. He narrowed his eyes when he heard a faint noise followed by a soft sigh. He sat up, switched on the bedside lamp,  shifted over to Chanyeol and peeked over his shoulder. A smile spread over his face at the sight of his sleeping son.

Kyungsoo lay on his back, head on Chanyeol's arms and one hand fisted into his shirt. His chest softly rose and fell from his calm breath and his rosy lips were slightly parted. Baekhyun watched his sleeping son for a while, before the turned off the lights again and laid back. He closed his eyes but soon opened them again. A sight left him; he couldn't sleep anymore.

Quietly he swung his legs out of the bed, left the bed room and walked over to the still empty baby room. He sat down on the fluffy off-white carpet Chanyeol had bought and grabbed one of the shopping bags. The first piece of cloth he pulled out of the bag was the beige Bambi sweater Jongdae had picked out. He held the tiny top up and smiled at it before he folded it and put it to the side. The boy's had picked out many adorable clothes and Baekhyun already could imagine his baby wearing all these clothes. He liked all the clothes they had bought but he most loved the tiny blue sneaker Chanyeol had sneaked into the shopping basket. He turned the little shoe in his hand and looked with a soft smile.

When he was about to unpack the second shopping bag a faint squeak made him look up. "Hey, why are up?", he asked Jongdae, who peeked into the  room.

"I don't know.", the little Park shrugged and stepped into the room. "I can't sleep."

"Hm, I can't sleep, too.", Baek smiled and brushed away a strand from Jongdae's forehead when the boy sat down next to him.

"Are you looking at the clothes?"

"Yes.", Baek nodded. "We bought so much, I don't even know what exactly we took.", he chuckled.

"We bought the Bambi sweater, right?"

The pregnant nodded and reached out for the sweater. "Here it is."

"I like it.", Jongdae grinned. "I had a similar sweater."

"Oh really?"

"Mhm!", the boy nodded. "I had Bambi and Minnie had Thumper!"

"And now you don't have it anymore?"

"No.", Jongdae said. "It's too small now."

Baekhyun nodded and folded the sweater back together. "You know, that's the good thing about being grown-up.", he smiled at the boy. "Your clothes won't get too small."

Jongdae giggled. "Only when you gain weight."

"Haha, yeah, only when you gain weight.", Baek laughed.

"A classmates mommy has gained a lot of weight.", Jongdae said and gestured how her belly grew with his hands. "She used to wear pretty dresses but now she only wears large shirts and pants."

"Oh, what has happen to her?"

Dae shrugged. "I don't know. All I know is that she always only ate fruits and veggies but now she eats a lot of pizza.", he shrugged again.

Baekhyun smiled. "Maybe she also has a baby in the belly."

"You think so?", Dae asked and eyed Baekhyun's small round bump. "But she really gained a lot of weight."

"You know, every body is different and every body reacts differently to a pregnancy. Some gain a lot of weight and some not.", Baekhyun explained. "Also every baby is different. Some babies are small and some are bigger."

"Luhannie is small, ne?"

"Haha, yes, he is."

Jongdae leaned down and poked the baby bump. "Will he stay like this?"

"No.", Baek shook his head. "Until birth, he's still growing."

"How big will he be?"

"Oh, this is difficult to assess.", the pregnant said. He raised his hands to demonstrate the eventual size of the baby. "He'll be about this size."

"Hihihi, so tiny.", Jongdae giggled. He leaned over to the shopping bag and pulled out a blue striped pants. "But isn't this one a bit to big for him then?"

"Do you remember what Daddy told you about the Bambi sweater?"

Jongdae thought for a moment, then he nodded. "He said that we have to get it in a bigger size so Luhan can wear it later."

"Yep.", Baek nodded. "We bought it in a larger size because it's a sweater for the colder days."

"Ahh!", Dae voiced out. "And because Lu will grow a lot until it gets colder, we had to buy it a bit bigger."


Jongdae proudly grinned at Baekhyun's approving smile. He slid closer to his Appa and leaned against him. "I can't wait to meet him." he smiled up to Baekhyun.

Baek smiled back at the boy and him over the head. "Me too."

"Do you think, he'll like the bed and the other furniture we have chosen?"

"I'm sure.", Baekhyun nodded confidently.

Jongdae looked down at the fluffy carpet they sat on and curled his little toes against it. "I like the carpet.", he chirped. "It's so soft and fluffy.", he let himself to his side and rolled around it.

Baekhyun joined the boy and lay down onto the carpet. He ran his hands over the carpet fibers and giggled at the tickling feeling. Jongdae crawled to him and snuggled close. Baek wrapped an arm around the little body and pulled Dae even closer. They shared a comfortable silence and listened to their calm breaths.

Baekhyun let out a long yawn and closed his eyes for a while. When he opened his eyes again, Jongdae had fallen asleep. He smiled and leaned down to set a kiss on top of the little ones head. He buried his nose into the soft hair and inhaled it's flowery smell. Baek closed his eyes again and even before he noticed it, fatigue took over him and he fell asleep.

He woke up a few hours later to a sharp pain in his lower back. He lay on his back and cried out pain when he tried to sat up. The high pitched, painful cry woke Jongdae up from his slumber. He rubbed his eyes and sat up, looking at Baekhyun irritated. "Appa!", he gasped when he noticed the tears in Baekhyun's eyes.

"What's wrong?"

"My back hurts badly.", Baek informed the boy and wiped away his tears. "I can't sit up.", he added. "Go and get Daddy, okay?"

Jongdae nodded, jumped up from the carpet and dashed out of the room. A relieved sigh left him, when a sleep drunken Chanyeol stumbled into the room.

"Baby, what are you doing here?"

"We fell asleep."

Yeol sighed. "What's with your back?"

"I don't know.", Baek sobbed. "It hurts so bad."

Chanyeol knelt down and helped the smaller up. Baekhyun cried out with every movement and clung onto Chanyeol's arms. With great difficulty, pain and misery Chanyeol brought Baekhyun over to their bed room. Baekhyun bit his lip to bite back a groan when he sat down the bed. He laid down and exhaled deeply.

Chanyeol left the room for a second and got a package of painkillers and a glass of water. He sat down on the bed and pulled out the leaflet. "....pregnancy...important...only one pill...", he mumbled while reading. He folded the leaflet back together and squeezed a pill out of the strip. "Here."
Baekhyun gladly took the pill and chucked it down.

"Try to sleep a bit.", Chanyeol said and Baek over his tear wetted cheek. He glanced over to Kyungsoo, who hadn't heard anything and still peacefully slept. "I'm sure when you'll wake up, the pain is gone.", he leaned down and pressed a kiss onto his forehead before he walked over to Jongdae, who stood in the door frame with a worried expression. He brought the boy into his arms and left the room together with him. "Don't worry. Appa will be okay.", he said after he had closed the bed room door behind him.

"But he cried.", Dae whispered. "He must be in bad pain."

Chanyeol nodded. "Yes, he's in pain but it'll get better. He has taken a pill and will sleep now.", he smiled. "And you should sleep, too. It's only 5AM."

"But I can't sleep...."

"I can tell that you're tired.", Chanyeol chuckled and walked over to the children room. "You really should sleep a bit more."

"But only when you stay!", the boy pouted. "Please?!"

"Okay.", Yeol nodded. He put Jongdae to bed and joined him. Minseok squirmed when Chanyeol tugged at the covers but didn't wake up. He pulled the covers over their bodies and wrapped an arm around Jongdae, when the boy snuggled close. Jongdae quickly went to dreamland again but Chanyeol found no sleep; only an hour later he got up again.

He went down to the kitchen, made himself some tea and sat down on the couch in the living room. He grabbed a book and started the day with a cup of Earl Grey and Stieg Larsson's "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo".

Almost halfway through the book, Kyungsoo dashed into the room. "Daddy!", he nearly shouted. His eyes were wide open and Chanyeol could tell that he was agitated. "Appa doesn't feel well."

"I know, honey.", he said in a calm voice to soothe the boy. "He has pain in his back."

"No, no.", Kyungsoo squeaked and waved his hands. "But he's really not feeling well. He says he's dizzy and his face is white."

Chanyeol nearly threw the book onto the coffee table and jumped up. Followed by Kyungsoo he rushed to the bed room, where the pregnant sat at the edge of the bed, holding his head with both hands. He was bout to ask, when he spotted the stripe of painkillers; two more pills were missing. He dropped to his knees and grabbed Baekhyun's face. "Are you crazy?!", he almost shouted at the smaller. "You just can't take the pills like that!"

"I...know..", Baek blurred out. " back..hurts so bad..."

Baekhyun staggered a little and his eyes were glassy and his pupils were dilated. Chanyeol sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He stood and fetched his phone from the bedside table. Impatient he waited for Yifan to answer his call. "God, finally.", he sighed into the phone when his best friend finally had picked up. "Yifan, I know it's early but you have to come here."

"...Why?", Yifan asked in a raspy, sleep drunken voice.

"Baekhyun. It's an emergency!"

"I'm on my way.", the Chinese squeaked into the phone and hang up.

While waiting for Yifan, Chanyeol got dressed, calmed the distraught Kyungsoo down and managed to get Baekhyun down to the living room. By now the pregnant was crying again; sobbing loudly because of the sharp pain in his back.

Kyungsoo hopped over to the front door when a knock was heard. He let in his Daddy's best friend and led him to the living room, where Chanyeol knelt in front of Baekhyun, helping him into a pair of shoes. "Hey.", he greeted. "What's wrong?"

"Ah, too long to explain now.", Yeol said and scooped Baek up from the couch. "I'll tell you later."

"Alright.", Yifan said. "Drive carefully, the streets are slippery."

"Yeah.", Chanyeol nodded. "See you later."

On the way to the hospital Baekhyun didn't stop crying. He winced and hissed, squirmed and quivered. His face was still pale and his eyes now red from all his sobbing.

Arrived at the emergency department, Chanyeol finally had time to take a deep breath. While a nurse brought Baekhyun to an examination room, the tall man had time to calm his racing heart down. He quickly registered Baek and then went to examination room.

A nurse stood next to the bed Baekhyun lay in and felt his pulse. She shrieked in shock when the pregnant suddenly pulled his wrist away and leaned forward. Compassionate, Chanyeol watched as Baekhyun under tears choked and vomited onto the floor. "..I..I.."

"Shh, it's okay.", the nurse cooed and rubbed his back. She helped him to lay back before she began to clean the floor. Once done with cleaning, she left the room to get a doctor. "Hello.", the doctor greeted and nodded at Chanyeol. He went over to Baekhyun and threw a look at the clip board in his hand. "So...Mr. Byun.", he smiled at the pregnant. "How can I help you?"

"My back hurts..", Baek sobbed. "It's a sharp pain in my lower back. And..I'm dizzy.."

The doctor narrowed his eyes as he took a closer look at Baekhyun's face. "Say, have you taken any painkillers?"

"Yes.", Chanyeol answered for Baekhyun. "I gave him one pill but he has taken two more pills."

"He just vomited.", the nurse added.

The doctor hummed and nodded his head. He frowned yet smiled at Baekhyun. "Could you please turn onto the side?", he asked and waited until Baek had turned. He lifted the pregnant's shirt up and ran two fingers along the Baekhyun's spine. At some point the smaller cried out and Chanyeol winced at the high pitched cry. "Well.", he doctor uttered and helped Baek to roll back onto his back. "Seems like you've clamped a nerve. Have you made any jerky movements?", he asked while the moved his hands over the baby bump.

Baekhyun shook his head. "No..", he moaned at the pain. "But I fell asleep on the carpet."

The medic nodded along. "You've probably clamped it while moving from side to back.", he dimmed the light and prepared the pregnant for an ultrasound. But even before he had the chance to check up on the little unborn human, Baekhyun, with a loud groan, pushed off the bed.

Chanyeol couldn't even identify what Baekhyun was choking out but the foul-smelling literally splashed on the floor. His heart sped up when Baekhyun whole body began to tremble and he slumped back onto the bed. "Doctor what's wrong with him?"

The doctor called out for another nurse, when Baekhyun's body began to spazz. "Don't worry.", he told Chanyeol while he pulled up a syringe. As soon as he removed the syringe from Baekhyun's arm, the pregnant's body calmed and Chanyeol sighed in relief.

Baek's mind were clouded and his vision blurry yet he could see Chanyeol's worried eyes on him. He turned his head when he felt the doctor moving the scanner of the ultrasound machine over his belly. He tried to peek at the monitor but he couldn't see anything. His whole field of vision was a mess of shadows. With a huff Baek let his head fall back. "Everything okay with our son?", he heard Chanyeol asking.

"His heart beats a bit too fast."

"Because of the stress?", Chanyeol wanted to know.

"I'd rather said it's caused because of the overdose of painkillers.", Baek's breath hitched at the doctor's words. "Not for nothing pregnant shouldn't take painkillers."

"Have I done wrong?", Yeol swallowed hard. "I thought one pill would be okay. I've read the leaflet."

The medic smiled at him. "Don't worry, you've done nothing wrong.", he said, still checking up on little Luhan. "One pill is no harm."

"But he's taken three pills."

The doctor nodded. "It's good that his body reacted so sensitive to the overdose. I'm sure that he has spit out at least one of the pills.", the man finished his check up and wiped Baekhyun's belly clean. "Unfortunately there's nothing I can do for him now. I can't inject any painkilling drug, that would harm the baby."

Chanyeol nodded at the medics words. "Can I take him home with me?"

"Sure, nothing speaks against it.", the man smiled. Baekhyun was more asleep than awake when the doctor helped him up. "He should rest and keep his back warm. Heat relaxes the muscles."

The sedative had taken a huge hit on Baekhyun and he didn't even had the strength to let out a painful whine when Chanyeol scooped him up. He was more asleep than awake and leaned his head against Chanyeol's chest, closing his eyes. "Thank you very much, doctor.", he heard Yeol saying.

"Have a good day.", the medic said to him. "Should he feel worse, don't hesitate to come by again."

Baekhyun felt his body moving with every step Chanyeol made but he couldn't hear anything. The only sound that resounded was the thumping beat of his heart; his fast beating heart. He remembered what the doctor had said about his baby and slowly brought a hand to his belly. Baekhyun was anxious, his heart beating fast and blood boiling but Luhan was quiet. He buried his face into the crook of Chanyeol's neck and cried out. Over all the ache in his back and the fact that he wanted to get rid of the nasty sharp pain, he forgot about his baby. Carelessly he swallowed the pills, not thinking about the damage he could have done.



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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #2
Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
Beau1996 1380 streak #3
Chapter 13: The best baby daddy ever!
Beau1996 1380 streak #4
Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
Beau1996 1380 streak #6
Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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Chapter 7: Welcome to the big house!
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Chapter 6: Happy family indeed!!