Ch. 38



Choo choo~
Actually, I wanted to update sooner but I'm sick and didn't really leave the bed in the past week.
I'm sorry for letting you wait for so long.




Baekhyun laughed out as he and Joonmyeon wanted to walk through the door at the same time and they almost got stuck because of their baby bellies and the bags they were holding. "After you," Baek snickered, taking a step back to give Yifan's husband room.

"Thank you very much," Myeon laughed and stepped into the sports hall.

It was the first day of the parents meeting to make the costumes for the kids play at school and the two pregnant decided to come together since they wanted to spend the afternoon together anyways.

"Oh, the kids aren't here yet?"

Raising a brow, Myeon laughed out. "Did you even read the letter the kids brought home?"

"There was a letter?"

"Well, I'm almost sure you got it three times."

"Actually," Baek began, scratching the back of his head. "I'm a master when it comes to lose those kinds of letters so the kids give it to Yeol."

"Oh, you sound like my husband," Joonmyeon chuckled. "Yifan has this talent, too."

"But he's a teacher."

"You won't believe how many times he's forgotten tests at home. He's very chaotic."

Bael giggled at the comment and the roll of Myeon's eyes. "Alright, but now back to our kids. Where are they?"

"They'll come later. One of the teacher suggested to meet an hour earlier so we have time to discuss everything in silence."

"Oh, I see. Well, that's a good idea, though."

As they reached the center of the hall they we're greeted by an elderly woman. "Hello," she smiled at them and reached for the clipboard she had tucked under her arm. "I'm Mrs. Lee. For whom are you here?"

"Yixing," Myeon smiled. "Class 1-3."

"Ah, our little rain cloud," Mrs. Lee hummed. She marked little Xing's name with a checkmark and then looked up to Baekhyun. "And you?"

"Kyungsoo, Minseok and Jongdae from class 1-2," Baek answered.

"For the Park twins?"


"Oh, then you must be Mr. Park's significant other," the woman smiled.

"Ah, y-yes," Baek nodded, blushing a little.

"You better watch out today, I'm sure many parents will shower you with questions."

Baek frowned as she laughed out and then walked off. "W-what?" Highly confused he turned to his friend. "I'm confused."

Myeon chuckled. "Well, Chanyeol was, no scratch that, he still is very popular among the parents and the news that he got into a relationship struck like a bomb."

The pregnant's mouth fell open. "Why am I the only one who's not in knowledge about this? Does Yeol know?"

"For sure he knows, but he also knows that you're jealous as hell. Plus, he doesn't really care about the other's. He only has eyes for you."

"Don't try to defend him now," Baek said, though Joonmyeon's last comment flattered him. "He could've told me."

"Like what?" Myeon laughed. "Babe, the parents at our kids school will jump at you when you go there for the stage play meeting?"

"Y-yeah, kinda like that."

Yifan's husband snickered. "Don't worry, I'll protect you. I know how to deal with them."

"Yes?" Baek asked. "Did it happen to you, too?"

"Kind of, yeah. Yifan never made a big deal of being married so everyone thought he'd be single. You have now idea how often parents called us just to talk to him. Well, and when it was Yixing's first day and there suddenly was a little Wu running around the schoolyard people were surprised."

Baek sighed loudly at the story. "I'm not sure if I'm in the mood of dealing with that. Especially not when this woman is around, too."

"Oh yeah, I forgot," Myeon hummed. "But it has a good point though. This way you can tell everyone how wonderful Yeol is and make her jealous."

Baekhyun laughed out at the other's dark smirk. "Oh, where does this come from?"

"Just for you to know, for the people I love I can turn into a nasty ."

"Aw, you love me?"

"As if this isn't obvious."

"Obviously not obvious enough," Baek teased with a grin.

Chuckling at the teasing, Myeon wrapped his arms around the younger's shoulders and pulled him into an embrace. "I'm glad you love me too."

"I never said that."

Not letting go, Joonmyeon tightened his hug. "I see, you want to walk home."

"I love you so much, you have no idea," Baekhyun quickly said, hugging the other around the waist.

"That's what I thought."

Laughing at their silliness they pulled away. Highly amused over how childish they could be Baek shook his head. Never before he had a friend he felt so comfortable with and if he was really honest with himself Joonmyeon and Yifan were his very first friends that ever liked him for who he was and not for his money.

"Knock, knock," Myeon snickered, tapping onto the younger's forehead. "Someone home?"

"Y-yeah," Baek smiled. "I just thought of something."

"Yes? What is it?"

"I just thought of how lucky I am to have you and Yifan as my friends."

Joonmyeon returned the smile and tilted his head to the side a little as he placed a hand on his heart. "Aw, thank you."

"Oh, are you tearing up right now?"

"Can't help it, hormones."

"Ah, speaking of hormones," Baek said. "Do you have time on Thursday morning?"

"Yeah, sure," Myeon nodded. "Why?"

"I have an appointment for an AFT."

"AFT?" A gasp left the other pregnant. "Why would you do that? D-does Yeol know?"

Gazing to the floor, Baek shook his head. "No, he doesn't. And I don't want him to know. But would you go there with me?"

"Of course," Yifan's husband said without hesitation. "But why don't you want Yeol to know?"

A sigh left the pregnant. "I'm sure is worried about Luhan too but he doesn't show it. Plus, he doesn't seem to have a problem if Luhan would have a disability but I-" he paused for a second. "I just need to know. I can't wait until he's born. If he really is disabled I need to know to prepare myself."

Nodding his head, Joonmyeon hummed. "I can understand."

"Please don't tell Chanyeol, yeah?"

"Of course not," Myeon smiled. "But as far as I know you have to rest after the examination. What will you tell him?"

"I'll just tell him that I'm not feeling well."

"Well, that wouldn't even be a lie then," Joonmyeon snickered.

"Right," Baek nodded. "And you're really coming with me? It'll be at 9am."

"Of course I'm coming with you."

"Thank you."



Baekhyun huffed in annoyance and threw the top of Jongdae's costume onto the table when he, for the ninth time ever since he had started working on the costume, pricked his finger with a needle. "I'm the head of a freaking company but I'm too dumb to make some stupid stitches."

Joonmyeon and the two mothers that sat at the table with him laughed out. "Do you want me to help you?"

"Yes, please," Baek almost whined and nodded his head.

Reaching out the elderly lady took the black shirt. She made a surprised face at the work Baek had done so far and it caused Joonmyeon to snort.

"Oh, don't laugh."

"I'm sorry," Myeon snickered, biting his lip. "It's just, I've never seen someone so uncreative."

"I know, it's awful, right? I'm useless. My poor children."

"Here," Yixing's father said and gave Baek his son's costume. "You can glue on the cotton balls."

"Yeah, I guess I can do that," Baek said and reached for the fabric glue. "Any specific order?"

"No, just make sure to mix the colors well."


Unlike Baekhyun, Joonmyeon was very creative. For Yixing's costume he had brought a light gray shirt and decided it to pimp it up with cotton balls he had colored in different shades from light gray to a mix of gray and blue.

"Don't worry," the elderly lady smiled. "Not everyone can be creative and handy. Look at me, I'm only here because neither my son nor my daughter in law are creative."

"It's not only this," Baek whined as he pressed a cotton ball to the shirt. "I'm a disaster. I can't craft, I can't draw, I can't cook and not even three months ago I didn't know how to use the washing machine."

"Maybe you should've sent your partner then," the other mother winked.

"I'm sure he'd be here if he could but he has to work."

"Couldn't he take a day off for it?"

Baek shook his head. "He can't. He's a teacher."

"Oh really?" The woman asked. "What grade does he teach?"

"He's teaching this schools middle schoolers."

"This school? I have a son in middle school. Who is he?"

"Uhm, Park Chanyeol."

"What?" The woman gasped loudly. "Then you are Mr. Park's fiancee?!"

Her voice was way too loud to Baek's like and it drew way too much attention. From all corners of the hall he could see people looking at him. He could the tips of his ears burning as the parents began to whisper.

"Oh," she cupped a hand over and ducked her head a little. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

"Y-yeah, don't worry," Baek tried to smile.

A little confused the elderly woman looked around. "Uh, what about this Mr. Park?"

"Mr. Park is the young math teacher who played Prince Charming at the enrollment ceremony of the kids, last year."

"Oh, the woman voiced out. "The handsome one."


"Ah, it must be exhausting for you to have such a popular partner. I remember that so many parents crowded him after the play."

Beak breathed in. He was burning of jealousy even though he didn't know Chanyeol back then. "Yeah, it's a little annoying."

"I'll be honest, if I'd be younger I'd be one of those annoying people."

The grandma's comment took some tension off Baek's shoulder and caused him to laugh. "Well, if someone like you would be after my fiancee I wouldn't have a problem with it," he chuckled.

"Ah, that's too nice," the woman laughed. "But I guess that means there is a specific kind of people you don't really like."

"Oh yeah," Baek said, nodding. "There is."

Just as the words had slipped past his lips, that specific kind of people showed up in the entrance of the hall. Baekhyun spotted her immediately and much to his regret their eyes then accidentally met. Growling under his breath, Baek bit the inside of his cheeks.

"Calm down," Myeon whispered, gazing over to where the unliked teacher was. "She's nothing done so far."

"And she better keep it that way." Baekhyun's sour expression quickly faded once he saw his kids hopping towards him. "Hey," he greeted them with a bright smile. "How are you?"

"We're good," Jongdae chirped. He bent over and rested his head on the top of his Appa's belly. "How's Luhannie?"

"Doing fine," Baek answered. "He's quite active today. He kicks a lot."

"Really? But he doesn't kick right now," Dae pouted, still having his ear pressed against the baby bump.

"Maybe he's asleep right now."

Humming, Jongdae stood back up. "Oh, Appa!" He then gasped. "Look Soo got a band-aid." Reaching for his brother's wrist, Jongdae took it and lifted it up for Baek to see.

"Oh, what happened?" Baek asked as he inspected his son's hand. A colorful band-aid was wrapped around the boy's finger, almost covering it completely.

"It's so big," Myeon stated as he leaned over to take a look at the injured finger as well.

"It got stuck in the door."

Both parents scrunched up their noses at the information. "Does it hurt?"

Kyungsoo nodded. "Mrs. Kim put some cooling gel on it but it still hurts."

"Honey, can I remove the band-aid?" Baek asked. "I'd like to take a look at your finger."


Taking the boy's hand Baekhyun carefully freed the finger from the band-aid, gasping as he found the small digit all bruised and slightly deformed. Turning his head away for a second, he bit down his tongue not to curse. "Honey, I'll be right back, okay. Just wait here."

"Uh, where are you going?" Joonmyeon asked as Baek rose up from his chair.

"Kicking some ," came as the answer. "Just take a look at his finger," Baek said before he walked off. Balling his hands into fists and breathing in he tried to calm himself down a little as he walked towards his son's teacher.

Mrs. Kim stood by some other teachers, happily chtting as she noticed Baekhyun coming towards her. "Oh, Mr. Byun," she said and gifted Baek a forced out smile. "Is something wrong?"

"Indeed," Baek said, nodding his head. "Do you have a second?"

"Yes, sure. What is it?"

"Kyungsoo came to you because he has hurt his finger, right?"

"Yes," the teacher nodded. "He did, why?"

"Well, he told me that you put on some cooling gel before putting on the band-aid," Baek said.

"Yeah, and what's wrong with that?" Mrs. Kim asked, sounding annoyed.

"It's obvious that his finger is broken. It's not only bruised and swollen, but it's also deformed."

Some of the teachers in the round let out gasps. "Really?" One of them asked, shock written all over her face.

Baekhyun nodded. "Yes, you can take a look at if you want."

Mrs. Kim cleared . "It wasn't like that when he came to me."

"Yeah sure, he broke it afterwards." Baek scowled at the woman. "Are you kidding me? If a child comes to you with something like that you just can't put on a band-aid. You at least should've brought him to the infirmary."

"I'm sorry but I had things to do."

"Excuse what?"

Close to bursting, Baek opened his mouth again but one of the other teacher's was fast to interrupt him. "Jieun, he's right," she said. "If you have a kid with an injury you have to take a proper look at it." She turned to face Baekhyun and showed him an apologetic smile. "I'm truly sorry," she said. "Do you want us to call an ambulance?"

"No," Baek shook his head. "I'll take him to the hospital myself. I just have to call someone before we leave," he said while fumbling his phone out of the pocket of his cardigan.

Obviously guessing who Baekhyun would call, Mrs. Kim let out a faint whine. Baek rolled his eyes at her as he waited for Chanyeol to answer the call. He knew that he was interrupting Yeol's lesson but he couldn't help it at the moment. "Hey," he greeted when his fiancee finally picked up the call. "It's me."

"Are you okay?" Chanyeol immediately asked. "Did something happen?"

"Well, it did something happen," Baek said. "Soo broke his finger and I'd like to take him to the hospital now but I came here with Myeon and so, I'd like to ask if I can have your car."

"Of course. Are you still in the sports hall?"


"Alright, I'll be right there."


After ending the call, Baek had not to wait long for Chanyeol to show up. Only a couple of minutes later, the tall teacher entered the sports hall and was immediately spotted by his kids. He knelt down as the boys came run towards him. "Daddy," Minseok beamed at his father. "What are you doing here?"

"Appa told me that Kyungsoo has hurt his finger and wants to take him to a doctor now."

"To a doctor? Why?" Kyungsoo asked.

The boy was carefully holding onto his finger and Chanyeol reached out for his hand to take a look at it. "He thinks that it's broken. And if it's really broken the doctor quickly has to take care of it."

Kyungsoo watched as Chanyeol inspected his throbbing finger and began to cry. "B-but I don't want to see a doctor."

"Oh baby," Yeol cooed. He scooped the little boy up and brought him into his arms. "It's fine, you don't have to cry. The doctor will treat your finger and then you won't be in pain anymore."

Sad that his brother was crying, Jongdae tugged at the leg of his father's pants. "Can we go to the hospital, too?"

"No, you and Minseok will stay here with Myeon and Xing. And when school's over all of us go home together."

"Oh, okay," Dae hummed, nodding his head slightly.

"Okie," Minseok chirped and took his twin by the hand to pull him away. "Come Dae, let's go to Xing."

While the twins hurried back to their table and the Wu's, Chanyeol and Kyungsoo made their way to where Baekhyun was waiting for them. "Hey."

"Did you see?" Baek asked.

Nodding, Yeol sighed. "It looks bad."

"Can I see?"

"Of course," Chanyeol said and took Soo's hand, showing his colleagues the boy's finger.

"Ah, this really looks bad," one of the other teacher's stated while grimacing.

"How did this even happen?" Chanyeol wanted to know, looking into the round. As his eyes met Mrs. Kim's, the teacher ducked her head a little. "Well, I'm listening."

"I'm sorry," she eventually said. "His finger got caught in the door when it fell close. I put on some cooling gel and a band-aid. I thought it's not serious."

Chanyeol kept quiet at her words, only raised a brow and then turned to his fiancee. "Well, I have to head back to my class," he said while setting Kyungsoo back to his feet. Fumbling out the car keys from his pocket, he gave it to Baekhyun and then knelt down. "Don't worry baby, when you come home your finger won't hurt anymore," he said and Kyungsoo over the head.

Pouting, the boy nodded and gazed up when Chanyeol stood back up. "I'll text you when leave the hospital again," Baek said.

"Alright," Yeol nodded. Leaning close, he pressed a kiss to the smaller's head. "Drive carefully."

Baekhyun smiled at Chanyeol when he pulled away. "Of course," he whispered.  "See you at home."



The missing car in front of the house told Chanyeol and Joonmyeon that Baekhyun and Kyungsoo still wasn't home and it worried Chanyeol. Baek and Soo had been gone for almost five hours after all.

"You should try to call him," Joonmyeon suggested as they entered the house. "I'll go and cook a quick meal for us."

"Thanks," Yeol smiled at his friend. Leaving the kids with the pregnant, Chanyeol went back outside, taking Cookie with him. While the dog toddled a few meters in front of him, sniffing at random things, the teacher tried to reach his fiancee.

It took him three attempts until Baek finally answered his call. "Finally," he breathed out. "Are you still at the hospital?"

"We are," Baek said, sounding exhausted. "Kyungsoo threw a fit," he sighed. "After the x-ray he didn't let them touch the finger anymore. He screamed as if someone would try to murder him."

"And what now? Did he calm down?"

"They put him under anesthesia to fix the finger. He's sleeping right now. We'll come home when he wakes up."

Chanyeol nodded to himself, looking over to Cookie as the puppy ran to greet another dog behind a fence. "Do you want me to come over?"

"No, it's okay. Stay at home," Baek said. "The doctor said he'll wake up soon, so I guess we'll be home around 3PM."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am. Don't worry, he's fine."

"I worry about you," Yeol said. "You sound exhausted."

"I am exhausted," Baek honestly said. "But it's okay. I've got a cup of tea and time to relax until Soo wakes up. You really don't have to worry."


"Chanyeol," the pregnant chuckled. "I'm fine, really."

"But in c-" "In case I change my mind, I'll call you. I promise."

"Okay," Chanyeol finally gave in. "Text me when you leave the hospital, okay?"


"I love you."

"I love you more."


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Beau1996 1380 streak #1
Chapter 16: Smexy times in the car - yes please!!
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Chapter 15: Sweetness overload!!
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Chapter 12: The best way to confess!
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Chapter 11: Very sweet!
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Chapter 10: I want more Baekhyun hugs too ( ok, maybe just one would be nice!)
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Chapter 9: Poor Baek!
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Chapter 8: Ah oh - looks like someone has a surprise 😉
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