Chapter 8

When Thirteen Become One

The members decided it was time to sleep. It had been a very exhausting few days, and it seemed it wouldn’t be much better for the foreseeable future. 


Almost all of the members fell asleep instantly. However, for Chan, he kept thinking about how all of the members had shown powers except for himself. Maybe he just needed to practice more. Maybe he just hadn’t gotten one. 


The thought made Chan sigh. Why would he be the only one to not get a power? All of his hyungs had gotten powers. What if they decided he couldn’t be in the group anymore because he didn’t have a power? What if they left him behind? Would it just be better for him to leave before that happened? Of course he didn’t know or not whether he had a power. 


His thoughts were making him dizzy with worry. He sat up trying to get a hold of his head. When he sat up he noticed all his hyungs seemed to be having bad dreams or something. Even though they were asleep, discomfort was clear across all of their faces. Chan heard a groan next to him, it had come from Seungkwan.


“Seungkwan-hyung?” Chan tried to shake the other awake.


Seungkwan opened his eyes, but immediately shut them again. “The world is like tilting back and forth, it feels like it’s caving in on itself.”


Chan was confused with his hyung’s words. Maybe the singer was sick? “Seungkwan-hyung, do you feel okay”


“No, I’m so dizzy. When I opened my eyes the dizzy feeling got worse.”


Chan looked around at the others. All of them were showing discomfort too. Jeonghan had also woken up now. However, he seemed unable to really move like Seungkwan. “Uggh, I’m so dizzy.” Jeonghan let out. “Please, make it stop.”


Chan’s thoughts became even more clouded, why was this happening to his hyungs? When his thoughts got even more clouded Seungkwan and Jeonghan both reacted to whatever was happening and the others were also beginning to wake up. All of them dizzy and getting dizzier. 


Chan then realized something, maybe he was the cause. The more his thoughts became disorganized the dizzier they got. He had to calm himself. He thought of the good times they had had as a group, the amazing feeling of debuting, the feeling of brotherhood throughout the group. Chan slowly calmed himself down and it seemed his guess was right. He was now completely calm and his hyungs were fine.


He felt bad about the pain he had caused them. “Hyungs! I’m so sorry! I didn’t know I could cause you guys harm.” He was starting to get worked up again. He could feel the dizzy feeling starting again. He was quick to push it down. 


Chan looked around the room guilt flooding him as the others seemed to be getting over the dizziness. Mingyu was quick to get over it and quickly began touching the others, allowing them to instantly feel better as well. As soon as he had done so, everyone turned to the maknae for explanation who, upon being the center of attention for accidentally hurting his hyungs, burst into tears. 


Seungcheol began to tear up as well. The strength in Chan’s emotion making the leader feel it as well. “Hyungs, I’m so sorry. Please, don’t kick me out. I promise I didn’t know I was affecting you all. I was just thinking and then my thoughts got dizzy like they sometimes do except this time, you all got terribly dizzy. I’m so sorry.”


Soonyoung walked up to the maknae and wrapped him in a hug. “Chan-ie, you have nothing to be sorry for. We’ve been through this with the others, we know you would never hurt any of us purposely. Also, we would never even consider kicking you out. You’re stuck in this group forever.”


Seungcheol came and joined the hug, “We’re all going through this together Chan. We’re all figuring this out, and trying to get past how strange this is. Not to mention apparently there’s someone after us. We’d never be mad at you for this Chan, not when you didn’t even know it was happening.”


Soonyoung and Seungcheol’s words helped calm the younger member. The calm feeling didn’t last for long though when a gun shot was heard out in the hallway.


All thirteen members were now on edge. There were several loud gun shots then silence for a moment before the lock on the dance studio door was shot out. Hansol and Jun were quick to react, Hansol used his power to drag a huge cabinet in front of the door and Jun put a thick layer of ice over the cabinet and door, allowing for them to have time to think of a way out. 


“Guys, the window!” Seokmin was quick to point out.


“We’re on the third floor though,” Jisoo pointed out skeptically. 


Seungcheol thought for a second, the banging at the door having him quickly say his plan. “Myungho, do you think you could teleport all of us to the ground?”


“I’m willing to try, hyung. I managed to get Jun-hyung, Jihoon-hyung, and myself out of the apartment. I don’t know if I could do all of us at the same time though, nor do I know how many times I can safely teleport in a row.”


“You could take us in a few trips. Not too many, but enough to get us out quickly. However, if you start to feel dizzy or sick, let us know and we’ll figure something else out.”


Myungho nodded. The group decided the ones with less defensive powers would go first. This included Jisoo, Jeonghan, Wonwoo, and Mingyu. Almost everyone fought to get Seungcheol to go too, but the leader insisted that he wouldn’t leave until he was sure everyone else was safe. So they left it at that, except Seungcheol demanded Chan go with the first group as well. He wanted to make sure the maknae was safe. So after Chan’s brief argument it was clear he should just go.


Myungho had everyone in the first group hold onto him, and within half a second they were gone. The ones that were left upstairs could see them appear on the ground outside. They appeared safe. Everyone looking out the window was relieved to see they had made it down safely. It was another half a second before Myungho was back upstairs again. 


“Guys, if I’m going to get us all down safely, I need to do smaller groups. Doing a group as big as I just did strained me.” Myungho rubbed his head. 


“Are you sure you want to continue doing this?” Seungcheol asked.


The pounding on the door suddenly got louder. The people outside the door were going to get in soon.


Myungho didn’t waste time answering Seungcheol. Instead he grabbed hold of the two closest members, which happened to be Jun and Seungkwan and teleported outside. He appeared again soon after, grabbed Jihoon and Seokmin and again quickly teleported outside. Seungcheol, Soonyoung, and Hansol then waited for Myungho to show back up. After thirty seconds though, he didn’t show up. 


Soonyoung looked out of the window. “Guys, we have and issue.” Myungho was laying on the ground passed out.


The three members looked at each other fear taking hold of them. They were trying to think of a way out, but before they could even grasp hold of their thoughts, the door burst open. Men with guns rushed in the room, pointing them directly at the idols. The three were as still as could be.


“Where are the others?” One of the biggest men demanded.


None of them answered. They were hoping the others had at least gotten off the street to avoid being seen.


“Not going to answer, huh? Well at least tell me, which of you freaks did this?” The man pointed to the ice and pieces of broken cabinet. “I’m guessing one of you moved the cabinet, and another froze it. So which two was it? Were they two that have already escaped? Well, let me tell you, the boss is going to want all of you guys to demonstrate these side effects. You all are very important to her campaign on reverse aging.”


“None, of this is reverse aging.” Hansol spat out. “We’re not a part of any campaign right now, unless it’s to help stop crazy science experiments like this!”


The man glared hard at Hansol the look slowly turning into a sneer. “Well, halfer, I’m surprised you even understand what’s going on. I thought scum like you were supposed to only speak english.”


Hansol exchanged the unfriendly look the man was giving him. 


The man continued, not even being fazed by Hansol’s responding glare. “However, I guess it’s fine if you don’t want to be a part of the campaign. You’ll just have to leave the hard way.” The man lifted his gun, and three others did the same. All of the guns were pointed straight at Hansol.


The other three idols watched in horror at the exchange. They seemed to be more frightened than Hansol himself was. Seungcheol grabbed the younger’s arm trying to pull him back, but before he could do anything the guns were being fired.


As the loud shots rang through the room, all Seungcheol, and Soonyoung could do was yell one simple word, “NO!” They braced to be hit, or to see and hear Hansol fall to the ground. However, after a moment the gun shots stopped, surprising the other three. They glanced up in shock around them. 


Bullets were hanging in mid-air all around them. They had been stopped, and weren’t harming them at all. After another brief moment, the shells fell to the ground. Hansol had stopped the bullets.


Soonyoung took that moment to then create a strong wind, directing it at the group of men. He made it so hard, the men were pushed up against the walls. The men could barely move against the force.


“Let’s go!” Seungcheol got the attention of the other two, and they quickly ran out of the room. They were running as fast as they could, running down the stairs to the lobby of the building. As they ran around a corner they were able to see the front door, so close. They thought they were free, when a gunshot rang through the building. 


Seungcheol fell to the ground. The bullet had hit his leg. The other two quickly turned around to help, but more shots rang out loudly. “Leave me! Go!” The leader demanded. Both hesitated a moment more, before a shot hit Hansol’s shoulder. Soonyoung made eye contact with Seungcheol, a silent promise that they’d be back for him. Soonyoung then grabbed Hansol’s hand and forced him to run out the door. Both of them with tears in their eyes at leaving their hyung

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