Chapter 15

When Thirteen Become One

Since the escape attempt Lady Hana had not relented on her tests and on her “punishments” for them trying to leave. She was trying to get anything out of the boys. She had attached them all to special machines that would allow her to control the usage of their powers without them being able to gain control. She still wasn’t able to get many readings as to how the powers worked. It was frustrating. How was she supposed to remake the results she had gotten with them? She had had five other test subject before them and the only results that she had gotten were three deaths and two severely brain damaged subjects.


She had been risking a lot to try something so big on thirteen of Korea’s biggest idols, but her attempts proved useful as she had had an unexpected break through, even if it wasn’t what she was originally aiming for. Now she had to figure out how it had happened, even if it meant through means of torturing the subjects.


Lady Hana had found that the boys seemed to give up all fight if she threatened to hurt one of them. They wanted to protect each other. Seungcheol kept begging her to let the others go and to test him. Lady Hana didn’t understand why he couldn’t see that she had to do all this for science. She had given up trying to explain it all to them. They would never be able to understand it all.


She observed the screens displaying the readings for each of the boys. She felt as if she were missing something when the boys would use their powers and their readings wouldn’t show many differences. She noticed that Hansol’s heart rate and brain activity would increase when she forced him to use his telekinesis, but not much was giving a clear indication as to how it worked. Seungkwan’s heart rate picked up when he screamed, she had x-rayed his vocal cords to check the differences in them and they looked a little bit stretched from a normal person’s cords, but still didn’t seem totally abnormal. 


Jeonghan and Seungcheol didn’t show any differences in their readings. They were impossible to read. How did Jeonghan persuade people? How did Seungcheol read and project emotions? It was truly a mystery. 


After several trials of nothing she screamed out in frustration and pressed the button to shock all the boys, strong emotions of anger, fear, and sadness rushed into her from Seungcheol. Still, there were no readings other than from what the shock had done. “Why is it not giving me anything! How are you all able to do what you do?!”


She looked at each of them. Jeonghan was on the verge of passing out again. When she had shocked him for his punishment she may have gone a little overboard. She made a mental note to keep an eye on his heart rate and make sure all the shocking hadn’t hurt him too badly. She was pulled from her thoughts as she watched Jeonghan’s nose begin to bleed. She didn’t immediately react, but as she watched the blood start to make it’s way down his face and onto the machine covering his mouth, an idea struck her. 


Maybe the changes made had been done to their DNA. She quickly ran and got four syringes and got samples of each of the boys’ blood. As she ran out of the room she completely forgot that Jeonghan’s nose was gushing blood. She left them strapped to the tables, unable to do anything.


As soon as she was gone Seungcheol called out to Jeonghan. “Hannie, are you okay?” He knew his fear could be felt throughout the room, it wasn’t some minor nose bleed. It had only been bleeding for a few moments, but blood had already made it look like Jeonghan had dipped the bottom half of his face into red paint.


Jeonghan was barely conscious and could barely respond, especially since he couldn’t even talk. Seungcheol looked over at Seungkwan and Hansol to make sure they were okay. They both looked horrified at the scene before them. They all knew that something was wrong with Jeonghan, they just hoped the others saved them before it was too late.




After a night of rest the others found themselves able to focus more on the mission at hand. The boys met up again in Jun, Myungho, and Jisoo’s room. They needed to get their four members back, and they needed to get Lady Hana off their tails for good.


Just before their manager had left he had told them that he would do his best to keep police out of this, but eventually, the company would take matters into their own hands. It would be suspicious if Seventeen suddenly stopped all schedules, the company was already worried about the bullet holes in the room the boys had been staying in the night of the attack. Not to mention they also knew about the boys’ dorm being broken into. The boys probably only had a couple more days before the company took charge of trying to find them, they would be furious when they found the manager hadn’t already contacted police about the issue.


“Okay guys,” Soonyoung spoke up. “We have the address where they’re possibly keeping the others. We need to come up with an attack plan if we’re going to get them out and make sure none of the rest of us get caught.”


“It’d be easier if we knew what the building looked like.” Jisoo thought out loud. “It’s too bad none of us can show, like, floor plans of plans or something. We can’t create a truly effective plan because we have no idea where exits are, where the labs are, where they might possibly be keeping them.”


Everyone thought for a moment knowing Jisoo was right. They all looked up when they heard Myungho clear his throat. “Maybe I can help?”


“Not if it involves teleporting.” Soonyoung stated firmly.


“Hyung, we don’t have a lot of options right now.” Myungho motioned to the others. “Do you see any other options as to how we could be prepared? I’m also better now. I’m not going to be teleporting several groups worth of people. Look, if you want to send someone with me then I’d still be able to handle it.” Myungho made eye contact with the dance leader, who desperately wanted to say no but knew they really didn’t have a lot of choices. “Hyung, I could teleport in, figure out the layout, or at least where the others are being kept, and then teleport out. If I sense danger I’ll leave and we can figure something else out.”


Soonyoung looked around at the others gaging their reactions. They all didn’t like it, but knew Myungho was right. “Fine. But someone is going with you. You don’t have the most defensive power, so you need protection.” Soonyoung was about to say he’d go, but Jun stepped in.


“I’ll go with him.”


Soonyoung was going to say no, but he saw the determination on the other Chinese member’s face and finally nodded. “Okay, but both of you need to be careful. I swear if you two get caught, when we get you guys back, I will personally murder you.”

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^