Chapter 18

When Thirteen Become One

Myungho was tired, so tired. He wanted out of this crazy place. He had tried multiple times to access his power, but it just wasn’t working. He assumed it was probably due to whatever drug Lady Hana had been pumping into him even before he woke up. The drug was probably what was making him beyond tired as well. With how tired he was, accessing his power suddenly felt more difficult than anything he had ever tried to do.


It didn’t help that Lady Hana also hadn’t fed him anything since he had been captured and that was at least a day ago going on the small sky light in the center of the lab. Myungho was starving and getting weaker and weaker.


He had fallen asleep several times. He was woken up twice by Lady Hana storming in and out, he was woken up once by guards changing, and he had woken up once more to his stomach growling. He had no fight in him at the current moment. The only thing he was remotely fighting for was to stay awake longer than a few moments.


He was starting to doze off again, but was startled awake by a door slamming open. It was so violent even a few of the guards jumped.


Myungho felt himself tense up even more than he already had been as he saw a huge figure walk, more like slightly limp, in the room. Park Hyungbin scowled at the boy making Myungho shrink in on himself. 


Myungo was quick to observe that Hyungbin had several injuries, he was quick to piece together that Seokmin had given him the injuries when he had shocked the guard. The guard looked like he had pretty severe burns on his left arm. He had his left hand wrapped up in bandages as it looked like that burn was worse than the others. Myungho couldn’t see the man’s leg because of his pants, but he assumed there were burns there as well with how he was limping. The man also had gruesome looking blisters on his arm. He also had a weird feather looking mark along his neck. Myungho recognized it as a mark people get after being struck by lightning.


The man growled. “Yeah, that’s right, take a good look at what your friend did to me! He injured me! I had to go to the hospital and they said I could’ve been killed by the level of electricity that idiot sent into me. He knocked my heart beat off so I had to get it shocked back into a proper beat. But I bet you don’t even care, do you?” The man limped over and towered over the table Myungho was strapped to. The dancer felt fear as the man studied the wires attached all over his body.


The man gave an evil looking smile. He limped over to the control panel. He was quick to press a button. Myungho felt pain like no other as electricity poured through his body.


The guard took out his cell phone and started recording the boy’s torture. He let the shock last for about thirty seconds before he turned it off.


Myungho was fading in and out of consciousness. He wanted to escape, one way or another. Even if that way was through death.




Jun and Soonyoung entered the room where the others were. The room had been Mingyu, Jihoon, and Wonwoo’s the night before. The second the two entered the room the others were hugging them, expressing their relief that they were okay. Seungcheol also apologized to Jun placing together the fact that his power had been part of what had thrown the younger’s emotions out of control.


Once everything had calmed down, and everyone was somewhat used to a now blue eyed Jun, they got down to business. Starting with the restraining devices on Jeonghan, Seungkwan, and Hansol.


“How are we supposed to get these off?” Jisoo questioned.


They were all lost. Wonwoo suddenly spoke up. “On Jeonghan and Seungkwan’s devices there should be an emergency release. Even though they’re made for binding their mouths there’s an instruction manual that has it in case of emergency.” The omnilegent member walked over to Jeonghan and looked closely at the device. He closed his eyes for a moment as if concentrating. He suddenly opened his eyes and began twinsting a very small screw that otherwise would have been unnoticed. In a moment the device fell off of Jeonghan’s face and Wonwoo walked over to Seungkwan to do the same. Everyone was beyond thankful for Wonwoo’s ability at this point.


Mingyu was quick to check on Jeonghan and Jihoon and Seokmin made sure Seungkwan was okay. Neither of the two seemed to want to talk at this point. They just kept staring off into space. 


Wonwoo glanced at Hansol’s handcuffs. “I can’t find anything on the handcuffs. It must be their own invention or the creator didn’t write any instructions.”


“It’s run with electricity though.” Seokmin reasoned as he looked at the device from where he sat with Jeonghan. “It’s actually taking quite a bit for such a small device.” 


He got up and walked over to Hansol. He placed his hands gently on the cuffs as if he were scanning them. The older looked at Hansol. “This might shock you a little bit, I’m sorry.” He then motioned as if he were yanking something hard.


Hansol jumped as he did feel a shock, his jump scaring everyone except Seokmin. Suddenly the cuffs clicked and Hansol was able to pull them off. The youngest rapper threw them onto the ground quickly wanting the awful device away from him. Seokmin picked them up and everyone watched the yellowish mist go back into the cuffs. Once he was sure all his electricity was gone, Seokmin placed the cuffs on the nightstand. He was then promptly tackled as Hansol hugged him.


“Thank you hyung!”


Seokmin chuckled as he hugged the younger back.


Now that they were freed from the devices they then moved on to discuss other matters such as injuries.


“Mingyu?” Soonyoung questioned. “I know it’s a lot to ask of you but can you make sure all four of the ones kidnapped are okay?”


The healer nodded. “I wanted to from the second they appeared, but I want everyone to be on the same page in case I wear myself out.” He looked around and everyone was more than okay with it. Mingyu was going to first treat Seungcheol as he had the only visible wound, but the leader refused. 


“Mingyu, I want to ask you to look over Jeonghan first. I may have a visible wound, but I’m worried that Lady Hana’s torture damaged something inside Jeonghan. When we were there he was electrocuted until he passed out. He also had an awful nose bleed that he passed out from.”


Mingyu nodded grimacing at how bad Jeonghan’s internal injuries could be. He was terrified for a moment at what could be happening to Myungho.


As Mingyu worked, Soonyoung moved on to discuss what to do about Myungho. “Okay guys, we need to get Myungho back and we cannot afford to allow any more of us to be captured. I would say we have maybe one more day before the company begins to look for us, manager-nim can only distract them for so long.”


“Wait,” Seungcheol said, “you brought manager-nim into this? Why? Isn’t that dangerous for his sake?”


Soonyoung nodded guiltily but he justified his reasons. “I had to. I needed to ensure that we could keep the police off of our tails for as long as we could. We also needed a place to stay last night. We were pretty desperate. It was cold and the last thing we need is for someone to get seriously sick. We didn’t tell him much about what was going on, just enough to make sure he would help us out and not tell anyone.”


Seungcheol nodded. He knew that he hadn’t been here and he trusted that Soonyoung had done what he had believed to be best with everything that had gone on. He also saw how at the current moment a majority of the members were looking to the dancer for guidance which showed just how much had happened during the past few days he had been captured.


“On the bright side,” Chan brought up, “We now have five people who know at least the basic layout of the building. That should make it easier to get in and out a simply as possible.”


Everyone nodded, but Hansol pointed a big point out. “Except, Lady Hana knows that we’re going to come for Myungho. She’s probably enhanced security. We were having difficulties facing the guards she had… and we have powers!”


“That may be true,” Jihoon spoke up, “but they haven’t faced all thirteen of us at once with our powers at full strength. I mean sure we have a few members who don’t necessarily have fighting powers, but they can still help just by regularly fighting. If we plan this out just right, I’m sure we can get in and out of there. If we plan this even more perfectly, we can figure out a way to make Lady Hana look like an insane person and, in the end, get her arrested.”


Everyone liked the direction Jihoon was going with his planning. They would have to find a way to make sure Lady Hana didn’t out their powers, but they might be able to get the police involved after all. They just had to sit down and plan.

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