Chapter 6

When Thirteen Become One

Jun stood in front of everyone. Everyone had already seen Jun’s power in action, but they wanted to see it when he was trying to control it. 


“Okay Jun,” Jisoo spoke up, “Are you ready?”


Jun closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then nodded. “I’ll try not to make it too cold, but I’m still learning how to control this.”


“You’re okay Jun-hyung,” Myungho smiled.


Jun smiled back at the other China line member. He then focused on trying to use his powers. He took another deep breath, then he held out his hand, trying to contain a small reaction. He became surprised when an ice crystal appeared in his hand. He then kind of threw his hand out and the ice shot out in front of him.


Everyone was amazed. Jun suddenly seemed right in his element as he figured out new things with his powers. Jun then got an idea. A small snowflake formed in his hand. The others watched with curiosity as Jun then shot it up into the air. It took a moment for anything to happen, but it slowly started to snow.


“Wahh! Jun-hyung!” Seungkwan marvelled. “So you can kind of control weather too!”


“Not to the same extent a Soonyoung, I’m afraid.” Jun gave a small smile. “I think I only specialize in cold things.”


“This is so cool!” Seokmin smiled. “Hyung, you’re like a real life Jack Frost. Your hair is even white like him.”


Jun’s hair still had not changed back from the snowy, white color it had turned the night before, he had also become almost unnaturally pale, as well as he always felt cold to any of the others. Everyone figured these were new side effects from the ice powers. 


“The hair stylist noonas probably aren’t going to find it as cool. They’re probably going to think I bleached it to death to get it this bright. This is brighter than when any of us have actually had bleached blond hair.”


“We can try and dye it later if you want.” Jeonghan offered. “Then maybe you can save yourself a scolding or two.”


Wonwoo then seemed to sense something and spoke up to say so. “Guys, someone else is watching us.”


“What?” Jisoo got instantly nervous. “How do you know?”


“Someone, other than you hyung, just wrote down our powers, and then wrote down the ones who haven’t shown powers.” Everyone looked around the field for signs of other people. Not seeing anyone.


“Jihoon,” Jeonghan quietly asked. “Can you make it to where only we can hear ourselves?”


“I’ll do my best.” The small man then seemed to grab several things out of the air and pull hard on them before slowly releasing them. “Okay, we should be good. What do we do if someone else is watching us?”


“We don’t even know where they are. What if they’re going to hurt us?” Seungkwan asked.


Seungcheol and Soonyoung glanced at each other, seemingly sharing the same thought. Jisoo noticed and called them out. “Soonyoung, ‘Cheol, do you know something we don’t?”


Soonyoung broke the glance first to respond. “The lady who shocked us, she mentioned keeping an eye on us. I think she knew something was going to happen.”


“What? Why?” Mingyu asked nervously.


“We can tell you all later, but I really don’t think we should talk about this here though,” Seungcheol cautioned. “They can’t hear us, but they can still see us. What if someone can read lips or something. I think it’s time to head home anyway, it’ll be dark soon. I’m sorry we didn’t get to test your power Hansol, we can test it later.”


Hansol nodded in agreement and understanding then everyone started to head towards the cars, all on high alert. Right before they entered the vehicles, Jihoon seemed to want try something. “Guys wait, I want to try something with my power.”


Everyone looked at him with quizzitive looks. However, they were all happy to see their friend happy again and not freaking out. They wanted to see what Jihoon wanted to do. 


“If I can pull the sound waves, I want to see what happens if I push them. If my theory is right it should create a loud sound that affects everyone except whoever was within the sound wave bubble I create.” So with every ounce of strength he possessed, Jihoon pushed. There was a loud boom that shook everything around them, it also seemed to push things in the immediate area with a great force. Jihoon had been correct in assuming it wouldn’t affect anyone in the sound bubble he had created, so all the members were impressed with what had happened. They were shocked though when they heard a man shout in pain a second after the boom, that concluded they were being watched.


“Time to go guys.” Seungcheol pushed the members towards the cars. How were they going to avoid these people?


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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^