Chapter 11

When Thirteen Become One

Seungcheol could hear people moving around him. They weren’t being very quiet. He would’ve thought that the others would’ve learned to be quiet when others were sleeping. There was a crash, and Seungcheol shot awake, his leader instincts coming out. When he realized he couldn’t sit up he became very confused. Where was he? What was happening?


He took a moment to calm himself a little bit. He glanced around as best as he could and he suddenly remembered all that had happened. He was in the laboratory of the crazy people. He had been kidnapped. 


“Well, someone’s finally awake.” A female voice rang out. “What luck! I was beginning to think that blood loss had killed you after all.”


Seungcheol struggled to take a glance at who was talking. He gave up after a few moments of struggling.


“Our medicine was only supposed to knock you out for a few hours, but the rest must’ve been pure exhaustion. You’ve been out for almost an entire day. So now that you’re nice and rested, it’s time to run some testing. I’ve been seeing the analysis data and it shows you are an empath. That might be the reason I’m feeling a bit unnerved myself. You’re projecting your emotions.” The lady walked up to the table, now allowing Seungcheol to see who was talking. It really shouldn’t have surprised him that it was the same lady that had been responsible for kidnapping Jihoon.


“If you do this testing, will you finally leave my brothers and I alone? We just want to go back to our lives. None of us asked for this!”


“It depends on the response to the tests, and if I’ve gathered enough information. Of course though, I can’t gather enough data with all of you running away from me all the time. I need all of you to proceed.”


“Please, leave the others alone. Do what you want with me, but don’t harm the others, don’t pull them farther into this.”


“I need my data Seungcheol, I’ve already explained about why I’ve chosen your group.” The lady then motioned to her assistant, who wheeled forward a cart with several electronics on it. “By the way, you can refer to me as Lady Hana from now on. That’s what everyone around here calls me.”


She then started attaching wires to Seungcheol’s temples. She then cut off his shirt and attached more wires around where his heart and lungs would be located. She switched on a machine and started glancing at the machine.


Seungcheol stayed quiet, he hoped that if Lady Hana got enough information from him she would leave the others alone. She started to mumble under her breath as she glanced at the screen.


“Nothing’s coming up except normal human stats. Why isn’t it working?” She glanced at the idol. “Maybe I need to make you feel extreme emotions for it to read properly.”


She walked away for a moment before returning with more wires. “This is going to hurt, but I need to do something to influence stronger emotions.” She attached the wires to Seungcheol’s biceps, pecks, and on his stomach. She then backed away.


Seungcheol was about to question what was going to happen before he felt a strong shock hitting him. It hurt so badly, he knew his emotions were going everywhere. His muscles tensed up. It felt like hours before the machine turned off. It had just turned off when he suddenly felt a very hard slap against his cheek. He opened his eyes, which he hadn’t even realized had closed, to see Lady Hana glancing down at him with anger in her expression. 


“I feel how strong your emotions are! It was almost like I myself was getting shocked, but the machines showed nothing except what a normal human would read! Why?! Do I need to give you more serum?” She turned away, she began to talk to herself. “No, it could be fatal if he gets more serum. But, what else am I to do?”


Seungcheol could feel her anger growing in his head. It was stronger than his fear. He wanted to help her anger before she turned it onto him. He imagined himself taking the anger and blowing it away. Before he realized what he had done Lady Hana turned to him. 


“You pushed my anger away.” She looked at him amazed. “This is an interesting development. I thought you would only be able to project and feel emotions. However, I think you can control people’s emotions entirely.” She turned away again talking half to Seungcheol, half to herself. “You could do so much with that. The millions of dollars we could make. This could be something entirely different.”


The empath didn’t like what he was hearing. “I don’t want to be used like that.”


She glared at him. “You are under my control right now. If you defy me terrible things could happen to you.” She picked up a syringe. “I think it’s about time you sleep again.” 


Seungcheol tried to fight the restraints. He didn’t want to be unconscious for longer than he already had been. He needed time to be awake and figure out a plan to escape. Before he could really do anything, Lady Hana had already given him the shot.


Before long he was falling unconscious again.




“Okay, does anyone have any idea where Seungcheol could be?” Jeonghan asked. Even though Jeonghan wasn’t one of the leaders, he had found that as the current oldest, he needed to step up as much as he could. Jihoon and Soonyoung were good leaders, but even they seemed a bit lost without the Seungcheol.


Everyone that was conscious shook their heads in response. Hansol was still unconscious, and Mingyu had passed out after exerting himself to heal his dongsaeng. 


Jihoon spoke up thinking out loud. “We could go back to the warehouse where they held me to see if there are any clues. I know for a fact that’s not their main base, but we might be able to get something.”


Everyone nodded. It wasn’t much to go on, but they had to start somewhere.


“We need to split into groups as well.” Soonyoung pointed out. “It’s no good if we all get caught. However, I will say we need to figure this all out fast. I’m sure our staffs and managers panicked after seeing the state of the building, and seeing us not there. They have probably thought all of us have been kidnapped.”


“If we don’t make progress soon,” Jisoo spoke up, “I think we need to at least call our managers.”


“Are we sure that’s a good idea?” Jun brought up. “They might have our managers phones tapped. What if the people who have ‘Cheol are able to locate us through that, or what if they think our managers know something and try to force information out of them?”


“We’ve got to do something!” Jisoo huffed with frustration even though he knew Jun was right. “The last thing we need is for all of South Korea to be after us. We’ll never get anything done then. Also what happens if they contact our families? We can’t just let them think we’ve disappeared. None of us even got to bring our phones with us as we had to leave so quickly.”


“But what if they go after our families?” The dancer brought up another valid point.


They were at a stalemate about what to do. Both Jun and Jisoo had good points. Everyone thought the points through before responding.


“If we don’t make progress by tomorrow night,” Jeonghan started, “we should find as safe a way as we can to contact someone. Let’s try and sort out what we can. We should try our bests though to leave out as many people as possible.”


Everyone reluctantly agreed to Jeonghan’s idea.


“So for groups,” Jihoon pushed for them to get moving, “we should try and spread out the ones with the more defensive powers to be able to help protect the ones that are weakened, or the ones with the least defensive powers.”


“Well obviously, Hansol and Mingyu will be staying here.” Chan smirked at the two unconscious forms. 


“Myungho, how are you feeling?” Jeonghan asked.


“Honestly, I feel fine. I’m just emotionally exhausted at this point, but that’s to be expected.”


Jeonghan nodded, sympathy laced his expression. “Okay, so do you feel well enough to go out?”


The dancer nodded his head. “Whatever you need, hyung.”


“Okay,” Jeonghan continued, “So we need to split up the groups pretty evenly. There are twelve of us, so groups of four should work out well. It seems evident that in this situation some powers are going to be weaker than others. So we need to make sure the ones with less defense have enough people with stronger and more defensive powers.”


“We currently have three people acting as leaders right now.” Jisoo threw in, “Jeonghan, Soonyoung, and Jihoon, you three should probably be spread throughout the groups. Three groups, three of you guys.”


The guys nodded.


“Okay, I’ll stay here.” Jeonghan offered, “In the current situation, my power isn’t necessarily weak, but it’s still not the most useful in a fight. Since I’m staying here, it should be enough for me to protect whoever stays just in case. Also Mingyu and Hansol are two of the others. One more should stay back to make the groups even.”


They were mentally debating over who should stay when Seungkwan cleared his throat. “Guys, as much as I know I need to help with this fight, I really don’t think my mind will be on the mission if I go out now. Until I see Hansol awake, I’ll be a mess. I think it’s better if I stay for now. Besides, I can also offer some defense if needed.”


They agreed with the reasoning, and with that the first group was decided.


This was where the real planning came in for the groups. Soonyoung and Jihoon were obviously going to be split up to equally divide the leaders. It was also decided that since Jisoo and Wonwoo had less defensive powers, it would be safer to split them up among the more defensive powers. Jihoon also brought up the point that Jun and Soonyoung should be split up since they had similar powers.


With the reasoning they put into creating the groups it was decided the groups would be:


Group 1: Jeonghan, Mingyu, Hansol, and Seungkwan

Group 2: Soonyoung, Jisoo, Myungho, and Chan

Group 3: Jihoon, Wonwoo, Jun, and Seokmin


Group 1 would stay at the hideout. Group 2 and Group 3 would both go out. However, Group 2 would go inside the warehouse while Group 3 guarded the outside of the warehouse. 


The members didn’t know what was about to happen, but they did know one thing, they were going to get back their leader. No matter what it took Seungcheol would be brought back to them, and they were all willing to fight for that

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^