Chapter 10

When Thirteen Become One

From the second Wonwoo had entered the single page, he knew it was going to be unlike the other times he had entered a whole book. For starters, there had been very few characters in the world he had entered. The ones who were there were dirty and not the nicest looking groups. The houses and homes were also falling apart. Also the thing that scared Wonwoo was the big gaping void of nothingness that showed up at the back of the world. 


This wasn’t right. He knew the book that this page was a part of was not supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be a happier place. Is this what happened when pages were torn from books?


He couldn’t focus on that for right now. He had to find a way to get into a book in a drug store. He focused trying to think of at least one of the books he would always see sitting in the small book portion of the drug store he normally went to. He thought he remembered the title and he focused on it trying to get ahold of the book. He felt himself be pulled from the place he was at into another book. Looking around he saw he was in a completely different world. This one being the bright world it was supposed to be. He held his breath that everything would go right and went to exit the book.


In half a second he was standing in the real world again. He looked around. He had chosen the right book and was standing in the middle of the store. Luckily, no one had seen him just appear. He walked over to where the tweezers were at and picked up the pair that seemed best for taking out a bullet. 


He walked up to the counter and threw it down in front of the half asleep man. The man startled at the noise. “Oh! I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you enter.” The man said shocked to see Wonwoo in front of him.


“I’m known for being quiet.” Wonwoo smiled. “It’s one of my specialties.” 


Wonwoo paid for the tweezers. He then acted like he needed to look for one more thing before heading to the book area. Fortunately, the book area was at the very back where the man couldn't see him. The man was trying to talk to him and Wonwoo felt bad for leaving, but he knew that Hansol was bleeding out and he needed to get back. So, he silently hopped back into the drug store book. 


When he went back into the single page, something had happened. Dirt was everywhere and the void was getting bigger. Wonwoo tried to leave, but a character held onto him. “You can’t leave us here!” The character stated. “If we die, you have to die.”


Wonwoo couldn’t escape with a character holding onto him. He was anchored in the book until he let go. The void was getting bigger. “Let go of me! I don’t belong here, my friend is dying!”


“I don’t know if you’ve noticed,” the man scoffed, “but we’re all about to bite the dust. I think you have something to do with it! No one should get to choose who leaves and who stays.”


The void was getting very close. Wonwoo stared into the void feeling he was about to be a goner. Suddenly, the void burst into flames. At the shock of it the character accidentally let go. Wonwoo took the chance and before the character could grab him again, Wonwoo was gone.


Wonwoo still wasn’t able to make a very graceful exit and he was flung out onto the ground beside the page, which was ripped in half and half of it was on fire. The members were yelling, and it came to a stop upon seeing the confused rapper. Wonwoo looked around ready to put up a fight, confused to see only s there.


“Guys, what happened? I barely made it out of there.” Wonwoo got up from the ground, dusting himself off. 


Jisoo glared at Seokmin. “This idiot thought it would be a great idea to practice his electricity manipulation. He struck the paper, after I explicitly warned him that he shouldn’t be using his power inside yet as he doesn’t have full control.”


Seokmin looked towards the ground ashamed. Wonwoo rolled his eyes and figured they could talk about this later, at a time when Hansol wasn’t bleeding to death. “Anyway, here are the tweezers.” Wonwoo handed them to Jeonghan.


The older nodded his thanks to the rapper and then turned to where Hansol was laying. Seungkwan hadn’t left his friend’s side since he had found him in the alley. Jeonghan found it sweet, and it also hurt him to say what he was about to. “Seungkwan-ie, it’ll be better if you’re not right beside him for this. It’ll be a gruesome sight.”


Seungkwan shook his head. “No, hyung, I’m not leaving his side until I’m sure he’s going to make it.”


Jihoon who had been monitoring the sound of Hansol’s heart through one of his sound waves suddenly turned to Jeonghan. “Guys we need to do this fast. His heart is starting to fail.”


Jeonghan sighed knowing they didn’t have time to fight with Seungkwan to leave. “Okay, Seungkwan if you’re not going to leave, you’re going to help. I want you to hold Hansol down. He may be unconscious, but I’m sure he’ll be able to feel this pain.”


Seungkwan nodded his head and got in a better position to hold his friend down. Jeonghan lifted up Hansol’s shirt and took the tweezers and inserted them into the wound. Just as Jeonghan had predicted, Hansol tried to squirm away. Seungkwan held him down though, keeping up his job.


Jeonghan had to dig around for a moment before he finally found the bullet. He slowly grabbed a hold of the bullet, trying not to let it slip out of the tweezers. He carefully pulled it out of the wound, the bleeding picking up at the removal. Jeonghan called to Mingyu. “‘Gyu, come heal him quick! The bullet must’ve been keeping some hole closed. He’s bleeding even heavier than he was before!”


Mingyu quickly kneeled down beside Hansol. He touched the bullet wound in Hansol’s shoulder, and pushed out as much energy as he could. It was a deep wound, and even with Mingyu giving it his all, it still took several moments for it to finally close. After it had closed, Mingyu still held on for a few more moments to heal the muscles in the shoulder. Once the wound was healed, Mingyu half stumbled away. Exhaustion clear all over his expression. 


“Good work, ‘Gyu.” Jeonghan praised. “Go and rest for a little while.” Jeonghan encouraged, although he didn’t push.


Mingyu nodded attempting to stand up, but tiredness making him fall again, only to be caught by Jeonghan. “Jun-ie, could you help Mingyu over to a corner to lie down?”


Jun nodded quickly, happy to help.


Now that Hansol was healed they had another problem to attend to. They needed to get their leader back.




The drive hadn’t been as long as Seungcheol had hoped. It had felt only like a few minutes, but of course he might have fallen asleep. When the guards opened the back of the truck Seungcheol could tell by the amount of light in the sky that it had been at least a couple hours. Seungcheol was still bleeding, not as heavily as when he was first shot, but it was still coming out. He was light headed at the loss.


When they pulled him out of the truck they forced him to walk, even though his leg didn’t even seem possible of supporting anything. Seungcheol half hopped, half was pushed to walk. Every step was excruciatingly painful, he couldn’t help the whimpers that escaped his mouth every few steps.


They walked inside a huge building that, once inside, was made clear to be a lab. The guards pushed Seungcheol up to a lab table, threw him down on it, and strapped him to where he wasn’t able to move. One man then came up with some scissors and cut his pants leg off of his wounded leg. The frightened idol tried to squirm away, but it proved useless in the hold of the restraint straps.


The man then brought out a pair of tongs and tweezers. He put the tongs into the wound and pushed it open, Seungcheol let out a scream of pain. The man then dug out the bullet. He then took disinfectant and poured it on the hole before wrapping it in bandages. The man then proceeded to take a syringe and put some clear liquid in it. He came up to Seungcheol, very emotionless and just said, “This might hurt a little.” Before proceeding to inject the medicine in a vein in Seungcheol’s neck.


Before the rapper could even take in what was happening, he was starting to pass out. Darkness enveloping his vision.

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^