Chapter 4

When Thirteen Become One

As soon as Seungcheol walked in the room, he knew something was off. Soonyoung and Myungho were in their beds. Myungho had moved a little bit which was a good sign that he might just be asleep now. Soonyoung was still in the same position as they had left him. Wonwoo, however, was not in his bed at all. The lamp by the bed was , and a book was open on the bed, it showed Wonwoo had probably woken up, but he wasn’t in sight and there was no way he had gone downstairs without Seungcheol, or anybody else, missing him.


The leader quickly went to every other room on the second floor, looking for his missing dongsaeng. He ended up waking up the other members, to which Seungcheol did feel guilty, but there was a bigger problem than loss of sleep at the moment. 


He didn’t find Wonwoo, and headed back to the room. He saw Myungho half sitting in his bed, looking around confused. “Myungho!” Seungcheol, quickly ran over and hugged the confused China line member. “Thank heavens you’re awake! Are you hurt anywhere?”


Myungho shook his head. The second he did Seungcheol questioned him. “Have you seen Wonwoo? Were you awake when he was? I can’t find him.”


The other members had come into the room to see what the fuss was about, when they heard what Seungcheol said all of them became instantly scared. Had another member been kidnapped?


Myungho was on the verge of panicking. “N-no, hyung. I… I just woke up. Should… Should I know where Wonwoo-hyung is? I can’t remember anything? You asked if I was hurt, what would I be hurt from? Hyung, I’m so confused.”


Seungcheol took a deep breath calming his emotions enough to assure the younger he had done nothing wrong. “No Myungho, you have done nothing wrong. I promise, I’m sorry I pushed you after you’ve just woke up, I’m just very nervous about where Wonwoo is.” The leader motioned for Jun to come forward. Quickly he motioned for the older China line member to comfort Myungho, and also explain the things that were happening, while he dealt with the situation at hand. Myungho seemed to be confused and complained about how cold Jun felt, trying to push him away. The others went back to the problem at hand though.


“Guys we need to find Wonwoo,” Seungcheol stressed. “When I walked in here the lamp was on and a book was open where he was sitting. It literally looks like Wonwoo disappeared.”


“Strange things happened to Seungkwan and Hansol,” Mingyu spoke up, “is it possible something strange happened to Wonwoo as well?”


“Even if that is true, we have no proof that happened.” Jeonghan included. 


Jisoo walked over to the book and picked it up, glancing inside of it. “Something is off about this whole situation. Why would Wonwoo wake up and instantly grab a book? As far as I know, this isn’t even the book he’s currently reading. Unless he needed to grab it. Seungkwan instinctively knew about the screech, that was why he didn’t speak until we addressed it. Hansol seemed to have a feeling about catching the tv. Whatever is happening, we seem to know about certain things, even if we don’t actually know what’s happening.”


They looked at the book with suspicion. Their thoughts were interrupted when they heard thunder, which wasn’t that weird, except for the fact that the thunder had been inside the room. It then started to rain, pour rain, right there in the bedroom. Everyone began to freak out, not really sure how to deal with rain inside. 


“Guys!” Jihoon called out getting everyone’s attention. “Look at Soonyoung.”


They turned to face the dance leader. He seemed to be coming to, which was great, but there was no rain touching him. He was completely dry.


“Jun-hyung, what’s happening with you?” Myungho questioned nervously, scooting away. The drops of water that were touching Jun almost instantly froze. Also there was an ice beginning to pile around his feet. No one knew what to think. Ice and rain inside, what was happening? However, some people had had enough with the rain and decided to focus on that first.


“Soonyoung-ie!” Jihoon called out, trying to shake him awake. The dancer let out a groan and it thundered and started raining harder. “Soonyoung! Wake up! Please!”


Soonyoung opened his eyes to the sight of his friends being drenched, inside their dorm, and sat straight up. The rain instantly stopped, surprising the person who had just come to. “Guys, what happened? How did… Why did…”


They were cut off again when Wonwoo suddenly appeared in the room, wet and looking confused. They all had a lot to discuss, but first they had to deal with something.


It had become almost impossible to get close to Jun as ice still continued to spread across the floor. In fact, everytime he took a step, ice took the shape of his footsteps. It was clear they needed to help Jun first as he was unintentionally threatening to freeze the whole dorm if he didn’t learn how to control it.


“Jun, is there anything you can do to lessen the cold?” Seungcheol asked, on the verge of panic mode.


“Hyung, I don’t know what to do.” Jun ran his hand through his hair, and as he did everyone gasped, his hair was beginning to turn white. 


“Hyung, your hair!” Chan gasped out. “It’s turning white.”


Jun turned around and faced the mirror that was on the bedroom wall, shock appearing over his face. The shock, however, appeared to make more ice. Jun looked down around his in helplessness. “Guys what do I do? I don’t know how to make this stop!”


It took a moment for Jisoo to escape from his shock, before an idea popped into his head.  “Try thinking about warm and happy things. It worked in Frozen maybe that’ll work here.”


Jun nodded, willing to try anything to get the cold to stop. He closed his eyes for a moment, but they were quickly startled back open by a sharp inhale of air and a sound of pain. Myungho had gotten a bit too carried away by what was happening and had forgotten to watch the advancing ice. Ice was now beginning to cover his feet, and he was trying to pull away.


“Jun! Please try to clear your mind and think warm thoughts!” Jeonghan scolded, trying to help Myungho out, but with little effect. 


Jun was scared to close his eyes again and try. He couldn’t rip his eyes away from his dongsaeng being hurt because of something he was doing. He was beginning to panic.


“Jun! Clear your mind and think warm thoughts!” Jeonghan pushed.


Suddenly Jun’s mind was clear. He began thinking of the time he had gone to the beach with his family when he was a kid. He thought about how nice it would be to see his family again during their next break. The thought of seeing his parents and siblings made him feel warm and happy. He continued to think warm thoughts until, he heard his name be called. 


“Jun! It worked!” Jisoo called out.


Jun opened his eyes to see that the ice was almost completely gone, however, Myungho was on the ground, his feet a dark purple color, frostbite.


Jun felt like he was going to lose control again, but quickly thought of his family again. He knew he couldn’t afford to cause any more damage. However, Seungcheol was starting to go into panic mode, so Jun decided to go with Seungkwan, Chan, and Jisoo, and take the oldest member out. It wasn’t like him to lose his cool like that so something was happening with him too.




Jeonghan looked on at Myungho trying to keep a level head. The frostbite was bad, they’d have to go to a hospital. What was worse was it was summer. How were they going to explain to a doctor that he had gotten frostbite in the summer? However, Jeonghan couldn’t think about that now. He motioned over a few of the other members while he pulled out his phone.


“We’re going to have to go to the hospital, this frostbite is too severe to avoid going.” Jeonghan explained.


Mingyu who was the closest to Myungho grabbed the other’s hand. It was clear he was in a lot of pain. Mingyu just wanted the pain to go away. All of a sudden Myungho gasped. Everyone turned to look towards him to see, his frostbite was slowly going away. Jeonghan who had just started calling the emergency services, immediately hung up the phone. Within a minute Myungho was completely healed. In fact, he seemed better than before. This was truly turning into an interesting night.




For the second time in a night, the members of Seventeen were sitting in their living room for a meeting. This time, they had a lot more to discuss, and about weirder things than the first time too. Seungcheol had thankfully calmed down, but it was too weird to ignore how all night he had been seeming to feel exactly what the others were feeling, just in an extreme way. He also was able to guess the emotions of those around him with ease. 


“Okay, guys. Obviously, something is happening here.” Seungcheol brought up. “Seungkwan, Hansol, Wonwoo, Jun, Soonyoung, Mingyu, and myself have all shown that whatever that shock was it did something to us.”


“Are we sure all of us were affected?” Myungho asked scared. It wasn’t like Myungho to not have control over his emotions, he had really been startled by the shock, and he still didn’t really remember anything right before the shock either. “Some of us haven’t shown signs of any abnormalities.”


“While that could possibly be the case, we should still be on high alert for the next while,” Seungcheol reasoned. “We can’t be having strange powers suddenly showing up while we’re on stage, or while we’re at an interview or something.” 


“We should keep tabs on who has what powers.” Jeonghan pointed out. “We also need to make sure there’s nothing we need to do to keep the powers from coming out at unwanted time, such as Seungkwan’s screeching, or Jun’s ice powers.”


“None of us except Wonwoo even know what happened with him. He just suddenly re-appeared, unaware of what was happening.” Jisoo pointed out.


They all looked at Wonwoo with expectant stares. The rapper getting shy at having all the attention of him.


“I really don’t know… I mean I guess I do... “ He took a deep breath, seemingly reminding himself that these were just his group members, his friends. “When I woke up, I saw a book on the table and it was… weird. I felt pulled to it, I opened the book and I felt it pulling at me to come. I decided to go with the pull and all of a sudden I was inside the world of the book, I was in the book. What was even weirder was I felt I could go to any book I wanted to in there. I was being pulled in a million directions at once, but I wanted to stay there. I didn’t want to get lost. I stayed in there wandering around until the world I was in seemed to start running, like ink running, and the whole world was suddenly damp, all the people, all the houses, everything. That was when I felt I needed to exit and when I did exit, I appeared in the room.”


Everyone didn’t know what to think of the story. Wonwoo wasn’t quite done yet.


“I also somehow know about a million more things than I did and new things keep somehow getting added to my knowledge every second. I don’t know how to describe it, but I think I’m able to travel place to place through books, and I also think that I’m able to know whatever is written down. If someone writes stuff down, it feels as if I have access to it.”


Everyone took in what Wonwoo had said. Just like with the others, everyone had a million questions for Wonwoo, all of them boiling down to, we should try it out. Seungcheol could feel someone about to ask him to use his powers so he quickly cut in.


“Okay then so we should write down the powers that we know of.”


“Ooo!” Seokmin suddenly started, “What if we write stuff down and then Wonwoo has to guess.”


“Seokmin, no!” Seungcheol argued. “We’re not going to use Wonwoo, or any of these guys as our personal toys. We don’t know enough about this.”


“But hyung, how can we learn about it if we don’t test it?” Seokmin put out there. He turned to the ones with the powers, “aren’t you guys at least a bit curious to see what you can do?”


They all seemed to think it through. Slowly but surely, they all agreed. Seungkwan just a bit more hesitant. “But what if I hurt someone? I really don’t want to hurt you guys.”


“Seungkwan,” Hansol spoke up, “You won’t hurt us. The tv falling was completely unexpected. You’re fine.”


“But guys, that was me screaming quietly. If I were to scream louder, it could cause worse things to happen.”


They all thought about what he had just said. Jeonghan brought up an idea. “It’s getting late guys. We should all sleep on this and since we have the next few days off, tomorrow we can go and try and find a secluded place for us to test your powers.”


They all nodded in agreement, suddenly feeling tired with Jeonghan mentioning the time.


“Hopefully,” Seungcheol put out, “If any more of us have these side effects, they come out while there’s no one around. Now, let’s all actually try to sleep this time.”


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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^