Chapter 12

When Thirteen Become One

Groups 2 and 3 approached the warehouse. It was dark. They had agreed that if someone started to approach the building from the outside they all agreed Seokmin would try and make the lights inside the building flicker. 


Group 2 entered the building as quietly as they could. Soonyoung leading the way, prepared to strike anything that moved. As they entered they could see it was dark in the building. They could also make out the machine that had created the shock. There were two main rooms in the building, the room where the shock had happened, and the part that the woman and her men had stood while they administered the shock.


“Okay guys,” Soonyoung whispered, “Let’s make this as quick as possible. I think we should split into groups of two, Jisoo and Chan you two go look through the other room, Myungho and I will stay here and look through this room. If we find anything we let the other group know about it as soon as we can. If we get a signal from the others about someone approaching we try to get out or we hide and prepare to defend ourselves.”


The others nodded and got to work. They were sorting through items and papers left. They searched for probably about twenty minutes before Jisoo noticed something about the papers. 


“Hey guys,” Jisoo called to the others, who all came to see what he had found. “All of these papers seem to be written by the same person named Lady Hana. They talk all about her science experiments, and they have some of the science in them too. They even have ways to reverse the effects.”


“Wait, so you mean she could possibly take away our powers?” Myungho questioned.


“I’m not sure the papers are vague. I think a majority of what’s here is just theories. However, I also found a paper talking about how they would need several test subjects to confirm their theories.”


“Can I see the papers hyung?” Soonyoung asked Jisoo.


“You can, but I don’t know how much you’ll understand. The papers are in Russian. Which means I’m guessing this Lady Hana has connections with Russia somehow.” 


Seungcheol glanced at the paper anyway. “There’s a diagram here about where the ideal places to inject the serum probably are.”


“But we weren’t injected with the serum?” Chan said confused. “Well, Jihoon-hyung was, but didn’t the rest of us drink in the serum from our water?”


“I guess they have the injection points located just in case.” Soonyoung shrugged, he turned to Jisoo, “Are you able to find any more details about this lady?”


“Not much more, although I think she’s definitely hiding somewhere in or around Seoul as she has mentioned here about trying not to be to suspicious with the city police. She also has here mentioned about being careful in the labs with having human test subjects.”


“We should search all of the laboratories in Seoul and see if we can find her.” Soonyoung put out. “Jihoon and I know what she looks like, so even if her registered name isn’t this Lady Hana, we should be able to see her from her pictures. Wonwoo might even be able to see if he can locate anything written down about her.”


They all nodded and were about to head out, but suddenly the lights started flickering on and off. The four members glanced at each other with nerves seeping into all of their expressions. They were trying to look for someplace to hide. Myungho then suddenly grabbed all three and teleported outside right as the person seemed to see them in the room. They heard a yell and then they were outside.


“Guys, let’s go!” Soonyoung yelled over to the other four. 


They ran away, but the person who had seen them inside was chasing them. They just had to make it back to the train station around the corner. Chan then suddenly tripped.


The others slid to a stop. “Chan, come on!” Jihoon raced back to the fallen maknae. He helped the dancer up and they tried to run again only for both of them to be grabbed. In a panic Chan allowed his thoughts to spin, and the person who was holding him dropped him.


He looked around to see everyone in the area on the ground. He quickly cleared his thoughts and people started to get better. He and the others had to get out before the men got better. Chan imagined taking away the dizziness from his hyungs and they quickly seemed to get back on their feet. They glanced at the maknae in shock before they all turned and ran towards the train station.


Once on the train they all started to catch their breaths in the least suspicious way possible. The last thing they needed was for someone to notice them and realize who they were. Thankfully, at the moment they all just looked like dirty strangers.


None of them had had time to shower in a few days, nor had they been able to change clothes. If they kept to themselves no one would hopefully notice them. Even still, they moved to the back corner of the car they had entered. Luckily, not many other people entered their car.


As they sat in the train Seokmin looked around. “Guys, how did we even end up here? It’s only been four days since everything began happening and we’re already acting like all of this is normal. How is any of this normal? We haven’t even stopped to consider the bad parts of having these powers and yet we just went with it and… Now we have to find our missing leader all while avoiding not just the people who are after us, but also people who will recognize us as idols.” He looked down at his hand, electricity zapping over it, the lights flickering so quickly it seemed it hadn’t happened at all.


The others sympathized with him. It was beginning to register to them how fast everything had happened, but they didn’t have a choice really. They had been dragged into this with no time for them to even remotely process everything that had been thrown at them. Also with people after them they didn’t have a choice to just jump back into their normal life of just being regular k-pop idols, they now had to fend for their lives. For the rest of the train ride all of them were lost in their thoughts.




A little while after the other groups had left Mingyu and Hansol had both woken up and had been filled in on everything taking place. They figured now that the two were awake they should still stay at the hideout and wait from word from the others. They had just been sitting quietly when they heard what sounded like someone’s footsteps. 


They were quiet and they held their breaths waiting to see what was happening, or who it was. Surely if it was the others they would have called out to them by now. They held their breaths in anticipation and finally something was thrown into the room causing all four to scramble as far away from it as possible. A gas started filling the room, none of them could get away from it. Slowly all of them except for Mingyu started to feel nauseous and faint.


Mingyu was quick to realize he was the only one that was not being affected. He figured it was because of his power. He didn’t focus on it then, he quickly grabbed the other three and even though he was still weak from before, he made sure to try and keep them all as safe as he could. He huddled them close and all three seemed to get better quickly as long as they had some sort of contact with the healer.


“Guys we need to get out of here.” Seungkwan pointed out the obvious. “Get behind me as best as you can.”


They all did as they were told, Mingyu still keeping contact with all of them. Seungkwan then let out a very loud scream that shook the entire building. Even though the others weren’t in front of the scream their ears still hurt, but not as badly as whoever was in front of it. Two men wearing gas masks fell to the ground holding their ears and it appeared that blood was coming out of not just their ears, but also their noses. The scream also destroyed the device that was making the gas.


However, the scream also accidentally cause a beam to be knocked loose, the ceiling starting to give way.


“Guys! Come on!” Jeonghan yelled, not so accidentally pushing them. They all rushed towards the door. Right before they were to go through the door a piece of concrete fell closing off the room. 


They all looked around, desperate for another exit. There were windows, but they were on the opposite side of the room, much too risky with the slabs of concrete falling down. Fear ran through them all before they heard Hansol groaning in almost a painful way. Hansol was shifting the enormous pile of concrete. He was exerting so much effort that veins started to appear on his arms and neck. Within seconds the entire pile was moved and they were all rushing through the door.


They ran down the hallway that connected the room they had been in with the outside exit. They slammed through the door and immediately froze as huge men blocked their path. They looked around for a place to run, but they were trapped. They heard the loud crashing behind them. The entire building hadn’t fallen, but a good portion of it had.


“Our boss doesn’t want to play your petty games anymore.” One of the men who had been at the company building the day before spoke up. “She let you idiots hide for a little while, but she’s through.”


“Hey now, we understand.” Jeonghan spoke up, the other three were looking at him with confusion. “You’re just doing your job. However,” a small smile started to form on the singer’s lips, “you all should go back to her and tell her you couldn’t find us. The building was completely destroyed before you got here.”


A dazed look appeared on all of the bad guys faces. They turned instantly and got in their vans. All except for the leader. He remained where he was which surprised Jeonghan.


“I’ve been preparing myself in case you did something like this. It was a lot harder to push against it than I thought, but if you really thought your little party trick would be the way that you got out of this, think again.” The leader turned towards the others, “Men!”


They all stopped and turned around still looking dazed. “Snap out of it, they’re right here.”


A few slowly started coming out from under Jeonghan’s influence and instantly they turned themselves on them. Two of them grabbed Seungkwan. One holding him from behind while the other one quickly covered Seungkwan’s mouth with several layers of duct tape.


“No! Let him go!” Hansol yelled, quickly pushing the guys with his powers. Someone then attacked him from behind and gave him a shot of something. Instantly Hansol stopped fighting all his energy seeming to have just disappeared.


“A tranquilizer.” The man chuckled. “Not enough to knock you out, just enough to weaken you.” He then turned to Jeonghan and Mingyu who had both been grabbed by other men. “I’ll tell you what, since I’m feeling generous, I’ll leave one of you two here to explain to the others what’s happened.” He looked between the two. “I’ll leave you healer. Your power is weaker, it’ll be easier to catch you again.” 


Mingyu held his breath looking at the other three as they were thrown into the back of the truck. He was completely powerless to stop it. The guard who had been holding him finally threw him to the ground after the others were put locked into the truck.


“See ya later.” The leader smirked as he got in the truck.


Mingyu watched powerlessly with tears in his eyes as the truck drove away leaving the healer beside the building which was now only a little more than rubble. 


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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^