Chapter 3

When Thirteen Become One

They returned to the dorm a little after midnight. No one was really talking much about what had happened, avoiding the subject. Seungkwan hadn’t even said a word since waking up. Seungcheol had thankfully calmed down once they had left the building and now just seemed overly concerned for the others although he kept complaining about getting shocked by Seokmin. Jun kept complaining about being cold, and everyone did feel a little bit of a chill. However, Jun was shivering so hard it worried the others, he was also so cold to the touch when anyone touched him. Myungho, Soonyoung, and Wonwoo had yet to start moving. It worried all of them, but hopefully they’d wake up soon. 


As soon as everyone was inside the dorm, they decided to put the three members that were still unconscious into the same room to better keep an eye on them. When that was done, the members who were still awake met in the living room. They had a lot to address, starting with Jihoon.


“Jihoon-ah,” Jeonghan started, “What happened? You were kidnapped for over twenty-four hours. What did they do to you?”


Jihoon shrugged his shoulders, brushing off the questions. He also was avoiding eye contact. “I’m okay. I lived, what happened to me doesn’t matter when others are also hurt.


“‘Hoonie, you’re not okay. You’re still scared. It’s fine to feel that way. Just because others are also hurt, doesn’t mean what you went through is any less painful. You were kidnapped! They also hurt you, you can barely open your left eye. What happened?” Seungcheol sympathized.


After those words were spoken, tears began to fall down Jihoon’s face. Seungcheol, rushed over and embraced the smaller male, tears also running down the leader’s face. Jihoon almost never showed his weaknesses in front of other people, so now that he was, none of the members really knew what to do. They stared on as the leader continued to comfort Jihoon.


After several minutes, Jihoon finally pulled back, wiping his eyes best he could without hurting them more.. “I was scared. They grabbed me almost as soon as we exited the stage. I was trying hard to keep up with you guys while headed to the dressing room when two of that lady’s men, pretending to be security guards, stopped me asking for identification. I tried to get away, pointing out I had just come off stage. However, as I tried to push past them, one of the guys grabbed my arm.” He lifted his shirt sleeve to reveal a greenish, brown bruise in the shape of a massive hand on his bicep. “He put his hand over my mouth and snuck me out one of the doors. I bit his hand and tried to scream for help but, he hit me to shut me up. The other guy was keeping watch the whole time, as well as was opening doors. They threw me in one of those windowless vans and then we were leaving. That warehouse we were in earlier was where I spent the night. They tied me to that chair and then that lady came. She told me I was bait for you guys. She needed all of us for her “experiments” and that it would start with the leaders. I tried to scream for help again at that point, but another one of the men came and punched me super hard, which explains the bruise on my face. I still tried to fight, but the men grabbed my hair and threw me down on the ground making me fall while tied in the chair. I hit the ground, but my face also hit the man’s boot, right on my left eye. I eventually got so tired I passed out.  I woke up a few times, but nothing major happened again until the lady came and said she had to “prepare me.” She took a huge syringe of stuff and put it into my bloodstream. I passed out because of how painful the shot felt. The next thing I knew was that I was being woken up by the worst shock of my life. When I opened my eyes and saw you guys there, I was terrified you all had also been kidnapped.”  When Jihoon finished his story, almost everyone had tears and guilt in their eyes.


Seungcheol hugged him again. “I’m so sorry we let this happen in the first place. We should’ve realized you were gone instantly, but we didn’t. I’m so so sorry, Jihoon.” The others also came in for a hug, also exclaiming their apologies. 


Jihoon gave a sad smile. “It’s fine guys. It’s not like you were expecting someone to kidnap me. With how much security was at the show it should’ve been impossible, until you learn several of the guards were that crazy lady’s personal minions.”


They stayed in a hug for a few more minutes before moving to address a couple of the other issues, Jeonghan promising this wasn’t the last time he would be talking to Jihoon about what happened.


“Okay, guys. Did anyone get seriously injured from the shock?” Seungcheol questioned. “I know we have to wait for Soonyoung, Wonwoo, and Myungho to wake up to really tell if we’re all okay, but for now I need to know if any of you guys need medical attention.”


Most of them shook their heads. Hansol made eye contact with Seungkwan, silently speaking before Hansol spoke up for the singer. “Seungkwan hasn’t been able to speak a word since waking up. I think something’s wrong with his throat, but he won’t let me look at it.”


The others looked at Seungkwan with concern.  “Seungkwan,” Jeonghan pushed, “why didn’t you come to any of us? Are you actually having problems, or are you still shaken.”


“He’s not still shaken.” Seungcheol spoke matter of factly. “He’s nervous about something else.”


Seungkwan looked at Seungcheol with a face of mixed emotions before nodding in agreement. 


Jisoo and Jeonghan walked over to him. “Seungkwan, will you try to say something right now?” Jisoo asked softly.


Seungkwan hesitated before turning away, for a second. He then went to say something, but it came out as a screech, that had all the members holding their ears, because of how loud it was. The ones who were standing fell to the floor. The screech also made the entire room shake. Even though Seungkwan quickly stopped screaming, the television shook right off the stand it was on. It was going to fall right on top of Chan.


Everyone who saw it falling, saw it falling in slow motion, and knew they weren’t going to be fast enough to stop it. They weren’t even fast enough to yell out more than his name. However, right when the tv should’ve hit the dancer, it stopped. It was leaned towards the floor like it should’ve fell, but it was frozen in mid-air.


Chan was looking up at the tv with horror. Everyone looked at each other and the one thing that stood out, Hansol was holding his hand out towards the tv, a look of disbelief on his face. Chan took this moment to quickly slide out from under the huge screen. Once the maknae was out from under it, Hansol pulled his hand back and the tv fell right where Chan had been sitting. All the members could do was stare back and forth between the tv and Hansol in disbelief.


“What. Just. Happened?” Seokmin asked, putting into words what everyone was silently asking. “Hansol, what did you just do? Also not to mention that screech, are Hansol and Seungkwan playing tricks on us?”


“I...I…” Hansol was shaken just as much, if not more than the others, from what had happened. “I saw the tv falling, and I saw Chan and when I reached out the tv stopped falling. I…” Hansol swore in English. “But, also what was that scream from Seungkwan?”


Everyone didn’t know whether to look at Hansol or Seungkwan. They were both looking at each other with uncertainty.


“Hansol?” Jun asked quietly, “Could you do it again?”


Hansol looked at the older with an unreadable expression. “I… I don’t even know how I did it in the first place. Are we sure this isn’t a dream?”


“Just try it, hyung.” Chan asked with curiosity, setting a pen on the living room table. “Try it on this pen.”


Hansol sighed before reaching out his hand, staring at the pen intently. Instantly, the pen flew up in the air. Then it started to slowly float towards the rapper who still had a look mixed with shock and curiosity in it. The pen floated swiftly into Hansol’s hands. Everyone looking on in amazement, going crazy when it was firmly in the rapper’s hand.


The loud questions and yells of excitement were cut short by Jisoo. “Guys! As cool as it is for Hansol to have made the pen move we do have a problem on our hands. Seungkwan can’t even speak without doing that loud screech. We need to figure out how to help him.”


The others nodded in understanding. “Seungkwan did you wake up like this after the shock?” Seungcheol inquired.


Seungkwan nodded, staring at the ground as if he were ashamed of something. Hansol immediately went back to comforting his friend.


“Seungkwan-ie, this isn’t your fault.” Jisoo assured. “We’ll figure this out.”


“Have you tried really thinking before you talk?” Jihoon thought out loud. “Maybe you need to focus on your words before you speak. Try that.”


The other agreed with the logic and encouraged the nervous singer to try it.


Seungkwan took a deep breath and seemed to really be focusing. “H-hello?” Seungkwan whispered, instantly smiling at his voice. “I’m so happy!”


“There we go! You just needed a little concentration was all.” Jeonghan encouraged.


Seungkwan turned towards Chan as soon as he was sure he could talk. “Chan-ah, I’m so sorry about causing the tv to fall! You could have been seriously hurt, thank heavens Hansol was able to do what he did!”


“It’s fine Kwan-hyung, we all know it wasn’t really your fault,” The youngest assured, “Do you even know what that screech was?”


“Not really?” Seungkwan answered honestly. “It’s still there though. I’m having to really really think about my words right now. I’m so nervous I’m going to mess up and end up screeching again. I don’t want to hurt any of you.”


Seungcheol walked over to the boy and hugged him. “It’s okay Seungkwan, you aren’t going to hurt us. Now that we’re aware of this we’ll help you, there’s no reason for you to be scared.”


Seungkwan hugged the leader back, thankful for the comfort he was providing. Another thought occurred to Seungkwan though. “What if this affects my singing? If I can’t sing anymore? I would have to quit Seventeen! I don’t want to!”


Seungcheol cut Seungkwan off before he went into full on panic. “‘Kwan-ie, we would never ask you to quit. We would find something else for you to do if anything. However, we don’t even know if it will affect your singing. I would ask you to try right now, but you’re exhausted and too worked up to even try to let out a couple notes. Just calm down.” The leader then turned to the others, who all looked tired as well. “I think it’s time for bed guys. I called manager-nim on the way home and told him we found Jihoon and that none of us would be in tomorrow so we could rest. So sleep as long as you all need to. Good night everyone.”


They all exchanged good nights and headed off to their rooms. Before Jisoo and Jeonghan could exit Seungcheol called them over, feeling guilty for keeping them from sleep for any longer. “I’m sorry for keeping you two, but we need to keep an eye on Wonwoo, Myungho and Soonyoung throughout the night. It’s worrying that none of them have woken up yet.”


The other two nodded in agreement. They agreed to take shifts watching them, with Seungcheol taking the first one. They said their goodnights and then Seungcheol went to sit in the room with the three members.


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