Chapter 5

When Thirteen Become One

They all stood in an empty field, expectant about what might happen. This field was about an hours drive out of Seoul. It was the best they could find on such short notice. They were all happy Seungcheol, Jeonghan, and Jisoo could all drive, it would’ve been hard to talk to one of their drivers about why they needed to come out to a field in the middle of nowhere. 


While the four were testing their powers, Jisoo would be standing to the side writing them down, also helping test one of Wonwoo’s powers. Technically, not all of them had to come, a majority of the guys could’ve probably stayed at home. However, it was too cool of a thing that their friends have powers to pass up going. So, one by one they all agreed to go.


So, here they stood, looking in expectation at Seungkwan. The singer was standing away from everyone, preparing to scream as loud as he could. Seungkwan was still a bit nervous about what could happen, but he was willing to try it. 


“Alright Seungkwan,” Seungcheol encouraged, he was practicing not letting others emotions overtake him. Seungkwan’s nervousness was edging into his mind and was threatening to send him into a panic, but hopefully that wouldn’t happen. “whenever you’re ready. Just take your time and don’t feel pressured to push yourself. If you feel anything going wrong, stop immediately.”


The younger nodded his head, took a deep breath, and then screamed. He didn’t hold back like he had in the dorm. He screamed into the distance. It didn’t even sound like this noise should be humanly possible, but it was coming from him. After a second of screaming, a tree a little distance in front of him broke apart. Seungkwan stopped, startled at what had happened. He looked back at s with uncertainty written in his face.


“Waa! Seungkwan!” Hansol stood there shocked. “That was so cool!” He ran and attacked his best friend in an excited hug. 


The others looked on in shock as well. The tree that had been there now almost nothing. The vibrations of the scream had broken it apart.


Seungkwan smiled sheepishly at the attention, but his feelings of accomplishment quickly turned to concern when he spotted Jihoon crouching down and covering his head. Almost in a crouching fetal position.


“Jihoon-hyung!” The boy quickly ran over and crouched next to him. “What’s wrong? Did I cause this? I knew I shouldn’t have used my power, I’m so so sorry.”


“N-no, it’s not you.” He whispered.


Seungcheol and Jeonghan came over, trying to see what was wrong. “Jihoon, are you hurt?” Seungcheol asked very worried.


“Since last night, I keep seeing the lines. I thought they would go away, that they were side effects from being hit too hard. With Seungkwan’s scream though, they got worse. It’s not his fault, I didn’t tell anyone about this last night.”


“Hyung, what do you mean you’re seeing lines? What type of lines?” Seungkwan asked.


“Like whenever someone talks or whenever I hear any noise the lines go along with the sound. They won’t go away, and they’re everywhere. They’re right there in front of me and it’s almost like I can, oh…” Jihoon faded off, reaching for something and seeming confused. Everyone else was also confused as Jihoon kept grabbing at the air.


“Jihoon-ie?” Jeonghan asked confused. “Are you okay?”


Jihoon looked at Jeonghan for a second before asking him something strange. “Jeonghan-hyung could you talk again? I need to try something with your line.”


“I guess so?” Jeonghan was really confused at the request and showed his confusion clearly. “Jihoon, what’s... “ 


He was cut off. Jihoon looked like he had grabbed something and was bending it. Jeonghan looked like he was still talking, but nothing was coming out.


“Jihoon-hyung, what did you do?” Mingyu asked.


“I’m making only him be able to hear himself.” Jihoon said. Jeonghan could obviously hear them, because he looked scared, Jihoon released his hold on whatever he was bending. “It’s okay hyung. I’ve stopped bending it. I think I can manipulate sound waves. Let me try something else.” He did something with his hands and then he spoke. “Seungcheol-hyung, Jeonghan-hyung, and Seungkwan-ie, I think I’ve made it to where only we can hear each other.”


“Wow! Hyung, that’s so cool!” Seungkwan said, watching the others reactions. They were looking on in awe as they saw the four talking with each other, but they couldn’t hear anything.


Jihoon released his hold and looked around, everyone instantly talking at once. Jihoon quickly got overwhelmed at the lines he was seeing and fell, only to be caught by Jeonghan. Everyone got quiet again.


“Ahh, sorry, I got dizzy. I’ve got to get used to seeing so many lines at one time. I also need to get used to seeing the ones for louder sounds, such as Seungkwan’s scream.”


“Do you want to stay sitting on the ground?” Jeonghan asked with concern. “The last thing you need is to fall and make that bruise on your face worse.”


Jihoon nodded, and was slowly helped to the ground.


Jisoo wrote down what he would describe Jihoon and Seungkwan’s powers as, half a second later Wonwoo spoke up, getting everyone’s attention. “Jisoo wrote that Seungkwan has sonic scream, Seungcheol is probably an empth, Mingyu is probably a healer, Jun has ice powers, and Jihoon has sound manipulation.” 


Again, everyone was amazed. Wonwoo was on the complete opposite side of Jisoo. There was no way he could’ve seen the paper. Jisoo wrote down ‘knows what people writes’ only a second later to have Wonwoo say to him, “I think the word you’re looking for is omnilegence. The ability to know everything that is written down. The word is written down somewhere, so that’s how I know that.”


“Yah! This is so cool! I know more of you all have shown signs of powers, but I want to test them out a little more before I put out a speculation of what you might have.” Jisoo put out there. “ Now, Wonwoo I want to test your other power. I brought a couple books with me. If your suspicions are correct, then you should be able to enter one book and come out the other.”


Wonwoo nodded, he looked around at the others. “Try not to damage the books while I’m in there. I think it affects my ability to be in them. Yesterday, I could’ve been swept away with the running ink that was making the world run.”


They all nodded and then opened one of the books. They all watched as he was pulled into the book. A few minutes passed, and he wasn’t back yet. All of the members began to get nervous. Why wasn’t he showing up? 


They were distracted when Mingyu called out to them. He had sat down by Jihoon, and without him even trying Jihoon’s bruises were disappearing and his eye was becoming better. Jihoon looked a bit nervous for a moment before it dawned on him what had probably happened. “Mingyu healed my bruises didn’t he?”


They all nodded in amazement. Jihoon was completely healed. 


Jisoo chuckled as he wrote something down. “Well I’m going to say Mingyu is most definitely a healer now.” The others laughed and agreed with him.


They were all startled by Wonwoo showing back up. He came out of the same book he had gone in to and everyone looked on in confusion. 


“I thought you were going to come out of the other book?” Soonyoung questioned.


“I couldn’t get through, and...” Wonwoo took the book from Jisoo. “I think it’s cause you had it closed. I think it has to be open for me to come through because there was no way I was getting through, no matter how hard I pushed. I’m just thankful you hadn’t closed the other book otherwise I would’ve had to find another way out into an unexpecting strangers house.” Wonwoo examined everyone’s faces. “Now, what did I miss? I’m gone for not even ten minutes and you all are moving on to other things. You all figured out Mingyu was definitely a healer, Jisoo changed what was written.”


Jisoo nodded. “Yes. I’m sorry about the book though. I would’ve left it open if I had known.”


“It’s fine, we’re all learning about this together.” Wonwoo smiled. “If you open the book I can try it one more time.”


They set both books on the ground, both opened. Wonwoo quickly disappeared again and this time only a brief moment passed before he was back in front of them. Successfully through the other book. Wonwoo was smiling brightly. “This power is going to make reading so much more fun than it already is.”


Chan laughed, “Leave it to the book worm to get powers that are book related.”


Wonwoo smiled even more brightly at that.


Seungcheol spoke up, it was obvious he was feeling Wonwoo’s excitement, as he too was smiling. “All of this is so cool. We should try Soonyoung and Jun’s powers, and then Hansol’s after.”


Everyone agreed with what Seungcheol had said. So they all agreed Soonyoung should try out his power next. None of them exactly knew what had happened with the rain inside the dorm yesterday, but they knew the lead dancer had something to do with it.


“Guys I don’t even know how it happened. I was half asleep when it was happening.” Soonyoung stated.


“This is part of why we’re doing this. You guys need to learn to control this.” Jisoo replied. “If it starts raining inside a concert venue, people are going to question things.”


Soonyoung looked uncertain.


“Just try, Soonyoung.” Jeonghan pushed.


Soonyoung suddenly seemed to be trying to make anything happen. It started to get really windy, and really cold. It then suddenly got warm as well. It started raining hard. The wind got stronger. Everyone except Soonyoung had to brace themselves against the wind to keep from falling. Soonyoung was unaffected by everything happening.


“Soonyoung-ie!” Seungcheol called, having to fully yell to be heard above the wind. “Stop!”


The dancer didn’t seem to hear, it began to thunder. Lightning striking the ground not far from them.


“Soonyoung-hyung!” Chan tried. “Please, stop!”


Soonyoung wasn’t listening. What was he doing? Everyone started to call his name. It was right as Jeonghan called “Soonyoung, stop!” Soonyoung seemed to finally hear and stop, but not before lightning came down and hit Seokmin, who had been pushed a little bit away from the group by the wind.


“SEOKMIN!” They all called out.


“Soonyoung! Why didn’t you stop!” Seungcheol scolded.


“I… I don’t… I couldn’t” The dancer looked on the verge of tears.


No one was listening as they all ran over to the singer, who should’ve been hurting, but instead he seemed fine. He was even still standing. It seemed he hadn’t even felt anything, even though he had known the lightning hit him.


“Guys, don’t touch me.” Seokmin held up his hands and showed how lightning and electricity was appearing out of his hands. “I need to get rid of this electricity before you can touch me. Much like Wonwoo said he was pulled to the books, when the first lightning strike hit, I felt pulled to it. I felt like I could change it, absorb it. I think I kind of summoned the shock.”


“How are you going to get rid of it?” Jihoon asked worriedly.


“I think I need to release some through a shock. You know I probably kept shocking all of you last night because I had lingering energy in me from the shock we received. I think I’m able to control electricity. Get away from me.” He told the others.


They all listened to him and watched as he created a big ball of electricity in his hands and suddenly threw it as far as he could. The electricity hit the ground in an explosion and the watched as it dissipated. It wasn’t long before they all felt like they were covered in static electricity. Like a wave of left over energy hitting them.


This was turning into a strange day indeed, they all had questions about what had just happened though. Seungcheol turned towards Soonyoung. “Why didn’t you stop the storm when we called out to you? It was a lucky chance that lightning hit someone who can apparently control it, but what if it hadn’t hit him. What if it had hit one of the others?!” Seungcheol looked at Soonyoung who looked ashamed. “Why didn’t you stop?”


“I couldn’t.” Soonyoung said quietly.


“What do you mean you couldn’t?” Jeonghan asked.


Soonyoung turned towards Jeonghan with anger in his tone. “I could not stop. I don’t even know how I started either. All I know is when you pushed me to try my power, I started. I heard when everyone else was calling for me to stop, but I actually couldn’t, but when you told me to stop, I stopped. Hyung, I could not control myself, because if I could have this would not have happened.”


Jeonghan looked taken aback. “What…” Jeonghan seemed to be thinking this over.


“Now that I’m thinking about it,” Seokmin started, “Last night, you told Mingyu and I to grab Seungcheol so we could get out of that place, and the second you said we should go, it was like I didn’t have control of my actions.”


“Yeah,” Jun stated. “Hyung, when you said we should go to bed last night, we all instantly felt tired and wanted to sleep.”


In the midst of the chaos Jisoo wrote something down and glanced towards Wonwoo who nodded without clearly looking at the other. “Persuasion.” Wonwoo said out loud. Everyone looked towards Wonwoo.


“Jisoo-hyung and I agree, Jeonghan probably has the power of persuasion.”


“What… No… I don’t…” Jeonghan took a deep breath, before speaking. “I don’t want this. Why is all this happening to us? We didn’t ask for any of this.” He sat down on the ground, trying to gather his thoughts. 


Jisoo quickly came and sat next to the other. “Jeonghan, it’s okay. We all know how weird the past three days have gone. Three days ago I don’t think any of us expected to have Jihoon get kidnapped, that we were going to have an encounter with a crazy lady that gave us a shock that should have killed us all for her ‘experiments,’ and I definitely do not think we expected for our group to gain super powers.” Jisoo ran his hands through the other’s hair since Jeonghan had laid his head on the others shoulder in exasperation. “Why are you getting this worked up? You weren’t this upset when the others had powers. Why are you upset finding out you have them?”


It took a minute for Jeonghan to respond, he seemed to be thinking through his answer. When he did respond he just sounded confused and lost. “I don’t know. I guess it’s because, I’m supposed to be here to help protect and take care of everyone, and my power could have hurt someone. I didn’t even know I was using it, or what it was doing. How can I control something I don’t know is in use?”


“Jeonghan, it’s okay.” Seungcheol smiled at the other. “Similar to what we told Seungkwan, we know you would never purposefully hurt us. We are all going through the same thing, it might just take practice. Now that you’re aware of what’s happened, you may be able to control it better than you think.”


Jeonghan didn’t respond for a moment, reflecting on everything that had taken place. He slowly nodded his head. “Okay,” He whispered. “You’re right. It’ll take time, but I’m sure we can all learn to control this. We also have to find out what powers the rest of you all have. We also need to test Jun and Hansol’s powers out still.”


Everyone smiled, glad that Jeonghan was back to being himself. None of them would know what to do if their normally cheerful eomma of the group lost himself. So, they set to work on what Jeonghan had said they should do. Not by force, simply just because they wanted to.


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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^