Chapter 20

When Thirteen Become One

The kidnapped members had been in the cell for a little while when Lady Hana stormed inside. All of the members instinctively tried to get away from her and the six guards she had brought with her.


“I’ve just gotten word that there are several cop cars racing towards my lab.” She snapped her fingers and each guard quickly grabbed a member each. “You boys should really learn to stop messing with me!” She turned and started walking out of the cell, the guards pushing the boys to follow her.


She walked to the front of the building, about to exit when at least ten cop cars could be seen pulling up in front of the building. She turned and glared back at the boys. She tried walking the other way, but she and the guards quickly fell to the ground holding their heads. The other boys smiled at Chan who just shrugged his shoulders.




When the guards rushed in the lab, they were shocked to find that Lady Hana and the guards were on the floor inside the door. Five members were locked inside a cell and a sixth member was strapped to a table inside the lab.


The members had really gone out of the way to look as innocent as possible. With Jun being the one that was strapped down trying to look miserable, like someone had been performing experiments on him.


The cops were quick to arrest Lady Hana and the guards and drove them away while they questioned the boys and were told the awful story they came up with about how Lady Hana had been chasing them and had caught a few of them so that they could be used as her lab rats. They also told how she had implanted a chip in Myungho’s neck so they couldn’t rebel without hurting him, then how she had experimented on Jun.


The policemen, as well as their company heads, were mortified at what they were hearing. The company knew something awful was happening after the apartment had been broken into and the office had been shot up, leaving several of their people dead, but it seemed even worse than they had thought after hearing the story and observing the changes that seemed to have been made to their personalities in about a weeks time.


All the boys were now obviously still on guard even though Lady Hana had been captured. They all also seemed way more serious than they had before all this had started. They all radiated protectiveness over each other and if one member had to go somewhere with a cop or a company head at least two other members were quick to follow. No one was taking any chances.


Seungkwan and Jeonghan were now way too quiet. Their funny and carefree attitudes were gone for the moment. Soonyoung, Seungcheol, and Jihoon seemed more leaderlike than they ever had before and the others were clearly okay with that. Several of the members were also way more jumpy than before. It was hard to approach them from behind or if the members couldn’t see where a person was they would get defensive. They were terrified.


However, with each other, it was clear that they were beyond comfortable with each other. Jun and Myungho wouldn’t let each other out of their sight. Seungkwan and Hansol were constantly making contact with each other, same with Jihoon and Mingyu. Seungcheol was at random points just brushing up against Jeonghan, or just hugging him. The others wouldn’t leave each other alone. None of them ever wanted to go through something like this again.


The boys had been left alone for the time being in one of the offices in the lab building. The company was in the process of arranging a place for them to stay since they still needed to find them a new apartment as none of them felt safe in their old one anymore. They were also arranging a surgery to get the chip taken out of Myungho’s neck.


“So what do we do now?” Chan asked quietly. “We obviously will go back to being idols, but will things ever go back to how they were?”


Everyone looked around as none of them quite knew the answer. Eyes landed on the three leaders for answers since everyone was so used to looking to them for guidance.


Seungcheol sighed. “I don’t think we can go completely back to how things were. We obviously have to try, but more has changed other than us receiving these powers.”


“It’s times like this that I’m really grateful I have all of you guys.” Soonyoung said.


Mingyu suddenly sniffed and then wiped a fake tear away. “Oh, hyung, that’s so sweet.”


“Shut up!” Soonyoung laughed as he swatted playfully at his dongsaeng. “You ruined my touching moment!”


“Serves you right for getting all cheesy on us!” Jihoon commented.


None of them really knew if everything would ever feel normal again, but they knew once they got back into their schedules and got used to their changes everything would be okay. They were a family and they would always be by each others’ sides. All thirteen of them, in many ways, had become one.

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^