Chapter 16

When Thirteen Become One

Myungho had teleported himself and Jun right outside of Lady Hana’s hideout. From the outside it looked like just a regular office building. They wanted to make sure they could easily teleport inside the building without being too easily caught. 


“I think I should be able to first teleport us inside the main door and then we’ll go from there.” Myungho had found that even though he could teleport almost anywhere he had to have an exact image in his head of where he was teleporting for it to fully work. Because he didn’t know what the inside of the lab looked like he couldn’t just teleport right inside. However, there was a front door made of glass and Myungho could see inside.


“Minghao?” Jun called Myungho by his Chinese name. “Are you sure about this?”


“Hyung, if you were scared to come along why did you offer to come?”


“I’m not scared, I just…” Jun thought carefully through his words, “know that a lot can go wrong. I mean we’re talking about the same crazy lady that did all of this to us, and not to mention that her guards seem to be willing to fight for her until their last dying breaths if the main guard has anything to say about it. Besides, like I was going to let you out of my sight. I wouldn’t be able to live without my precious Minghao.”


The younger rolled his eyes. He didn’t respond, but instead brought them back to the situation at hand. “Okay, hold onto me. Be prepared to freeze anything that moves, just don’t freeze me again. You’re already cold enough to hold onto without you creating ice.”


Jun looked hurt for a second remembering how he had accidentally hurt the other. He quickly pushed the hurt aside and nodded. “I’m ready.” He held onto the younger’s hand and in the blink of an eye they were in the lobby area they had seen through the glass door. No one was around and it was quiet. The two China-line members made eye contact and then Jun started walking in front down a long hallway prepared to freeze anything that could be viewed as a threat. 


They carefully opened a few doors here and there only finding a few vacant offices and a supply closet. They were halfway down the hallway, and were just starting to wonder where people were, when they heard voices. It sounded like guards. Myungho and Jun made eye contact with each other and the teleporter grabbed hold of the older and in a flash they were standing in the dark supply closet they had passed earlier. They could still hear the voices as the closet wasn’t too far from where they had been. 


The two boys stood there quietly, facing each other. They could only see a little bit as the only light was that seeping through the cracks in the door. The two somehow made quiet eye contact. Quietly seeming to both express their concern. They were practically chest to chest because of how little room there was. Despite the situation Myungho couldn’t help his eyes flickering down to the older’s pink lips. The younger his own lips and then flicked his eyes back onto the older’s eyes.


Before he could do anything he got nervous. This was his hyung, what was he thinking about this? Myungho registered that the voices were gone and teleported them back out into the hallway. The two made more, this time awkward, eye contact and then continued on. Jun, not being able to help himself, grabbed Myungho’s hand and continued to lead the way through the hallway.


They continued walking until they came to a door labelled “labs.” Both realizing that this would be the most dangerous place to look, but both knowing they had to. Carefully Jun reached his free hand out and cracked the door open, Myungho was tightly squeezing his hand out of nervousness. When the ice manipulator peeked inside he couldn’t help but gasp.




Seungcheol couldn’t help but tense up as he heard the door start to open. He looked over to Jeonghan who had passed out again. Dried blood was still all over the lower part of his face and the machine that covered his mouth. The leader also looked over to the other two. Hansol had fallen asleep out of exhaustion, but Seungkwan was wide awake and made eye contact with the older to express his concern.


Both noticed the difference in the door opening though as instead of it being flung open, like Lady Hana normally did, it was quietly opened trying to prevent any noise from being made. He then heard a soft gasp, which he would’ve missed if he weren’t really listening. He and Seungkwan both almost had heart attacks when they saw their two China-line members walk through the door.


“Myungho! Junhui!” Seungcheol called out shocked. “What are you two doing here? You both need to leave before Lady Hana comes back. He knew he was strongly projecting his fear again as everyone in the room seemed to tense up at the same time, even the two unconscious members.


“Seungcheol-hyung! We’re trying to help.” Jun ran over to the leader. He looked at the locks holding the older’s arms and legs to the table. He also was looking at his leg wound, which was beginning to look nasty again as Lady Hana had been ignoring his injury for results.


“I get that, but where are the others. It’ll be almost impossible to defeat the lady by yourselves.”


Myungho had ran over to Jeonghan at the sight of the blood coating his nose and lower face. He also seemed fazed at the machine. He kept looking between Seungkwan and Jeonghan seeming to observe the two machines.


“Our goal wasn’t to actually find you guys this time.” Jun spoke up. “Our goal was to figure out the layout of the building to better prepare an attack. However, we can’t just leave you guys here. You’re all hurt and weakened.”


Jun began to try and freeze the locks, but then stopped as he realized he would end up freezing any skin touching said locks. “How do you open these things.”


“Jun, Myungho, please, you’d be better off waiting until the others are with you.”


Myungho spoke up, “Seungcheol-hyung, Jeonghan-hyung lost a lot of blood during his nose bleed. That can’t be a good sign. Something worse could be wrong with him.”


They heard voices coming down the hall. Seungcheol’s fear picked up again, worse this time. Jun, who had been making direct contact with Seungcheol dropped to the ground. He also seemed to lose control of his power as ice began forming around his body.


“Jun-hyung!” Myungho cried. He kept looking between Jeonghan, Hansol, Seungkwan, and Seungcheol, and then down to Jun. He wanted to save all of them, but knew he couldn’t. The voices had stopped right outside the door. He had seconds to reach a decision as to what to do. He imagined sending everyone in the room back to the hotel room. Suddenly he had no more energy. He dropped to the ground exhausted. Several people were instantly on him questioning where the others were and about the ice on the ground. He was confused by all the yells and by all the hands tightly gripping him. He was thrown onto a table and he felt something click around his wrists, now he was feeling so drained he couldn’t do any more. As he drifted into unconsciousness he caught a glimpse around the room and noticed the others were gone. He had sent all five of them back to the hotel without even making physical contact with them. This was going to be an interesting turn of events.

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Hello there, I came across your story while searching for something nice to read and I gotta say that they plot seems kinda intriguing. But before I started reading this story, I just wanted to know that it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and leave a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^