Ignorance is Bliss

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A/N: This will be on Minju's POV

One last lie. I convinced myself that this will be the last lie. I needed this, I just couldn’t back down now. Your family had already ruined everything. It's too late to give up now. I have nothing. I lost my mother, my unborn child, and most devastatingly, myself. 

I don’t know who I am. 

I don’t know who I’ll become once all of this is over. It pains me to admit that after planning for years and thinking I have figured out everything, I have no clue about what the future holds. Yet I hold on to the one thing that kept me going all this time, once I have exposed the lies that will destroy your family legacy everything will be worth it. It’s as if the grief that’s been haunting me for so long will be alleviated. 

“One last lie,” I repeated to myself. 

Monday had come sooner than what I had hoped for. You will be taking the mantle as head of the enterprise. I’m not a part of the board and couldn’t be there to witness it myself. You still offered me to come for the celebratory luncheon the company will be hosting. I wanted to decline, being around those people meant more lies. 

Those lies that meant nothing to me once has now tasted like bile each time I uttered it.

“You’ll be there at the luncheon, right?” 

You looked at me with those doe-like eyes and pleaded silently. I could see in them that you wanted to share your victory with me like old times. I was the first to look away and instead helped you zip your dress.

I pulled you into a hug once I was done with it. I studied your face and body from head to toe, admiring each part of you. I wasted too long hating you that I wish I could just forever look at you.

“You, my wife, look ethereal in this dress.”

I don’t know when I started calling you as my wife. It felt foreign to say it out loud with nobody to hear other than the two of us. Each time I admitted it to myself it felt more true.

“I know,” You smiled. “You still didn’t answer my question though.”

I slowly pulled away.

“It’s my first day back at the hospital, I don’t know if I can just leave. The chief of surgery won’t be happy with me.” 

I tried to keep my voice steady, swallowing the bitter taste that has come up to my tongue. 

You looked behind to face me but I walked away, choosing to sit on the ottoman instead and kept my eyes on the floor. It was easier for me to avoid seeing the confusion and possible pain in your eyes this way. 

“Your wife’s the CEO, what are they going to do about it?”

You kneeled in front of me. The ghostly feeling of your fingers as it caressed my cheek sent shivers to my skin. 

I shook my head slightly and tried to laugh. It came out awkwardly. I forgot how stubborn you could be if you really wanted something.

“I’ll try to be there but please don’t get your hopes too high.”

You smiled. “That’s enough for me.”

I smiled back upon hearing your reply. I gently put my hand over the one you had on my cheek. I pulled it to my lap and stared at the wedding ring on your finger. 

The white rock attached to the golden band shone blindingly each time a source of light touched it. I was the one who chose it considering you had no care when we were preparing the wedding. Even if I wanted to lie to myself I knew I chose the rings that we both would love. I chose it because even if it might mean nothing to you, I knew it would mean something to me. It may not be everything but it was something.

One day, you and I will get married again. We will truthfully say our vows. It won't be nothing or even something, it would mean everything to us. But that day isn’t today yet, I just still need a little bit of time.


The furrow of your eyes reflected your curiosity. 

“I’m just really happy for you.”

I tried to smile genuinely and it seemed to work.

“I’m happy too. It took me so long to be where I am today. I thought everything would feel different but strangely it didn’t.”

“Is that a good thing?”

Your eyes turned into crescents as you smiled. “To me it’s a good thing because maybe, continuing the legacy isn’t all there is for me to do. Because I have you now.”

I felt a heavy weight clinging on to me. My breathing became shallow. I felt like no amount of air would be enough for me. I tried to keep myself steady just until you have to leave.

“I’ll drop you off at the hospital.”

I shook my head with eagerness.

“No need, I’ll also need to drive myself to the luncheon if I will go.”

“Are you

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I'm back! (sort of) My life has been a whirlwind I finally got into my dream job and ppl when I tell you there's a reason why dreams are dreams. Thoughts? Comments? Also why do I keep hurting Chaewon????


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0 points #1
Chapter 15: This chapter explains a lot abd makes me hate Chaewon's dad even more. He is a monster and ready to sacrifice anything just for his stupid company.

And Chaewon is ready to do the same just for that company. Maybe she can change. Maybe it isn’t too late for her.
0 points #2
Chapter 14: I hope that Minju and the baby are okay. What happened must be really terrifying for her and also for Chaewon who might blame herself when the cause of it isn’t really known yet.
Chapter 13: Things are getting complicated. Hitomi is way too innocent and I am afraid Chaewon is going to hurt her, unintentionally because no matter how hard she tries to deny, her feelings for Minju are still floating in her.

Minju isn't any better, she acts like she still has feelings for Chaewon but hangs out with her mistress.
Chapter 12: Minju has no right to be mad at Hitomi when she continues to see her mistress. Maybe they aren't continuing they affair but Yujin seems to have intentions of taking Minju away from Chaewon as if she is some kind of prize.

Though Chaewon could spend some more time with Minju now that she is pregnant. To give her support even if hate is still strong.
Chapter 11: Minju might be holding a deep secret. And her being in psych ward shows that maybe her cheating gor influenced by her mental disorder if that was why she was admitted there.

There are way more secrets and troubles in their family live than both of them expected. Chaewon is up for a ride.
Chapter 10: So Chaewon also wants to hurt her dad who is not a pleasant person but by hurting others, nothing good will come out of it.

Violence is not the solution. But Chaewon has gone from physical violence to psychological and emotional one.
Chapter 9: As much as Chaewon might not want to admit it, she loves Minju. So much she even wants their kid to resemble its mom.

Chaewon is slowly becoming like her dad, cold and focused more on his own needs and company rather than his loved ones.

Wonyoung is the only sensible person here. Maybe she can talk some things into Chaewon before she manages to ruin her and other people lives forever.
Chapter 8: Chaewon should really considerate if she wants to bring another human in this world with someone she hates. That poor child would be miserable no matter how much love he or she gets from both of their parents.

Dad is not a family man. It is like he knows something is off or just wants to punish his daughter for choosing a woman over any potential male supers he might have picked for her.
Chapter 7: Chapter 7: Minju really messed up, made all those promises only to break them once she got the chance.

Yujin is going to cause some trouble, Maybe Wonyoung will put her in the right place. Who
knows, maybe Yujin's heart will start beating
for someone else, that person being Wonyoung. They hate each other though.

I liked this chapter a lot, wedding scenes are one of my favorites even tho the brides weren't happy at all.
Chapter 6: Minju might have played being hurt but what if there are sincere emotions? However I understand Chaewon not wanting to play this twisted game anymore. Yujin can have Minju to herself, just she shouldn't be surprised when karma gets back at her twice as much.