Chapter 8

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]














“You’re ing insane!” she yelled, clutching her wrist. People were starting to stare, nobody noticing Aiden biting her moments before.


“Why the would you bite me? That ing hurt!”

“I mea-”

“You’re sick, you know that, Aiden? You’re ing-”

Aiden grabbed Krystal’s hand and led her to the janitors closet, which was conveniently next to the lockers. Once they were in the closet, Aiden pinned Krystal against the door.

“Look at your wrist” Aiden demanded holding up Krystal’s hand near her face.

Krystal’s eyes widened and formed ‘o’. Instead of human teeth marks, there was a small black crescent moon tattoo that was not there before.

“Is your saliva black tattoo ink?” Krystal asked horrified.

“It’s the mark” Aiden said letting go of Krystal’s hand. “Do you believe me now?”

Krystal, still staring at her wrist, shook her head quickly. Aiden grabbed her chin to make her look at him.

How about now? Aiden thought. He heard that mates had a telepathy link once they were marked, but he didn’t know if it was true. He hoped it was otherwise he would have looked liked a complete idiot.

“How did you say that without moving your mouth?” Krystal asked starting to shake

I’m in your head

“Well get out!” Krystal shouted. She started to smack her forehead. “Get! Out! Get! Out! Get! Out!”

“KRYSTAL!” Aiden shook her shoulders. “You need to calm down”

Calm down? How the would I calm down?” Krystal started to breath heavily

“Oh my god, are you okay?” Aiden asked worried. Krystal continued to hyperventilate.

“Oh shi… what do I do?” Aiden asked himself. Krystal looked like she was about to pass out.

“Okay, Krystal, you need to breath” Aiden said looking into Krystal’s eyes. “In, and out, in, and out”

Aiden held onto Krystal’s shoulders trying to calm the girl down. “Breath”

Krystal felt hypnotized by Aiden’s eyes and his soothing voice helped her breathing and heart rate go back to normal.

“I’m sorry for lashing out and biting you. The full moon is close” Aiden laughed nervously

“I-I want answers” Krystal stuttered out

“Okay” Aiden said quietly. It wasn’t until now that Aiden noticed how their bodies were pressed up against each other, even though there was tons of room in the closet.

“After school, we can go to my house. It’s safe to talk there” Aiden offered backing off of Krystal

“I have practice” Krystal said emotionless

“You can come to the auto shop after your practice. I can drive you to the cabin” Aiden said nervously. “I’ll answer any question you have”




“Okay then” Aiden gestured to the door. “You wanna go first?”

Krystal came out of the closet to find Jieun looking at her with a puzzled expression on her face

“Do I want to know what happened in there?” she asked arms crossed.

“Probably not” Krystal muttered before Jieun dragged her away.


“I mean, it makes sense” Changmin told Victoria later that day. They were at their magic lesson. “Vampires kick out Daniel, new guy comes in, new guy doesn’t talk to us, people end up dead”

“Do you really think it was the vampires? The marks on the bodies looked pretty animalistic” Victoria said.

“They could have faked them” Changmin said stirring over a pot of liquid that had smoke coming out of the top. “The pack was right for not inviting him in”

“They miss you, you know” Victoria said softly.

Changmin scoffed. “They seem to be doing just fine without me”

“Yunho misses you especially. He was upset when Aiden told him you weren’t at the barbecue yesterday”

Changmin stopped stirring, looking down sadly. Victoria thought she might have said too much.

“Lisa told me he’s doing just fine with Sunmi” he said bitterly.

“Changmin-oppa, you’re his best friend-”

Was, past tense” Changmin spat. “The entire pack, they’re all dead to me. Well, except Lisa”

“When was the last time you talked to Lisa? It’s good for you to talk to people your own age” Victoria said the motherly side of her coming out. Victoria acted like a mother to everyone, despite being 17.

“I went to the bar with Lisa last week, don’t worry” Changmin smirked. “I have a life outside you teens, I’m not a loser”

“What did she say about… you know…”

“Lisa and I don’t talk about the pack, it’s too depressing. I only hang around for her awful jokes”

“You love her jokes”

“Yeah well don’t tell her that” Changmin chuckled. “I worry about Lisa. she’s 25 and still no sign of her mate”

“She’ll find them, Yunho didn’t find Sunmi until last year” Victoria instantly regretted her words after seeing Changmin’s face drop.

“I’m so-”

“Don’t worry about it” Changmin forced a smile “it was my choice”

“I didn’t mean to-”

“Victoria, it’s okay” Changmin reassured. “It’s the past. Yunho will understand one day”

Victoria sighed. As much as she wanted to talk to Changmin about his feelings, he never let her in.

“So, Park Jimin”

“All of our leads are pointing to him” Changmin said pouring the potion he was making into vials. “It just makes sense”

“But he seemed so nice, and sweet. It’s like you just want to wrap him in blankets and hide him from all the bad things” Victoria sighed pulling a spellbook off the shelf

“Vic, he is the bad things. I mean, koalas also look cute and cuddly before they rip your face off” Changmin shuddered.

A loud crash was heard through the basement as Changmin saw Lun standing at the door and spell books scattered all around.

“Koalas rip people's faces off?” Lun asked tears spilling out of his eyes. “But they’re so cute!”

“Oh no” Victoria muttered eyes widening. Nobody ever wanted Lun upset, he was too pure, like sunshine.

“Damn it, Oppa! Look what you did!” Victoria said rushing over to Lun’s side wrapping an arm around him. “It’s okay, some koalas are nice”

“I’m sorry! I didn’t know he was here!” Changmin panicked.

Suddenly loud footsteps were heard coming down the stairs and Yuri came in.

“Hey, hyung, I need a spell that would help me dance better than Hyo-” Yuri paused when he saw Lun and Victoria.

“Lun, what’s wrong?” Yuri asked rushing over to Lun and hugging him along with Victoria who was still comforting him.

“Changmin-hyung said koalas rip people’s faces off. But koalas look so cuddly!” Lun sobbed.


“Yuri no!” Lun sniffed. “He didn’t do anything wrong”

“Here boys, drink this” Victoria said handing him and Lun vials Changmin just made.

“What is it?” Yuri asked popping the cap off and drinking the steaming liquid.

“It should help with your rage. The full moon is on Friday and you guys get all riled up before, so this should calm down all the temper tantrums everyone is bound to throw in the next few days” Changmin explained.

“Why didn’t you think of this sooner? We’re always so aggravated before the full moon” the now calm Lun the inside of the vial. “It tastes like root beer”

“After years of research, I finally made the recipe. Do you feel aggravated anymore?” Changmin asked.

“No, I feel…” “like i’m on a cloud…” Lun finished Yuri’s sentence, their eyes widening and mouth drooping open.

Victoria leaned in and studied the boys.



“They’re stoned”

“What?” Changmin asked shocked.

“Their pupils are like, the size of moons and they seem out of it. Yuri, do you feel high?” Victoria asked the tan boy.

“I feel like I’m soaring” Yuri said dreamily. A loopy smile was plastered across his face as he broke into a song.

“We’re soaarin’flyyin, there’s not a star in heaven that we can’t reaaach”

Yuri grabbed Lun’s hands and they danced around the room. “I don’t think the potion worked” Victoria said as Lun and Yuri were dancing and singing like idiots.

“They have nice voices though” Changmin commented.

Upstairs in the attic, Aiden was sitting awkwardly on an armchair while Krystal sat on his bed.

“This is your room?” Krystal asked. It was the same bedroom she woke up in after she was kidnapped.

“Yeah” Aiden shrugged. “I get the attic cause I’m the-”

“Alpha, yeah” Krystal finished. An awkward silence fell upon the two.

“What does that mean, exactly?” Krystal finally asked.

“What does what mean?”


“Oh” Aiden ran a hand through his hair. “Well, you know my friends, the ones who live here and hang around me at school?”


“I control them”

“You what?

“Like, I can give them commands and they have to follow them. I don’t give commands often though”

“So their like your minions?”

Aiden scrunched his nose. “If you mean those little annoying yellow spawns of Satan, then no”

Krystal giggled. “No, not those”

“I don’t like controlling them, sometimes if I ask nicely they would do what needs to be done” Aiden added.

“How did you become Alpha?”

“It’s a birthright. My father was Alpha before I was, so I was named his successor when I was born”

“So you’re like a prince?”

Aiden blushed. “I guess so”

“And, um, that mind talk thing…”

“Oh I have no idea how that works” Aiden admitted. “I have all of the members in my pack talking at the same time, if I could find a way to shut it off, I would”

Krystal blinked. “You have all of them talking in your mind?”


“Doesn’t it get annoying?”

“It’s so annoying”

“How were you able to talk to me in my mind? I’m not a werewolf”

“But you’re my mate, there’s another telepathic link through mates. It was formed once I bit you”

Krystal’s eyes lit up. “Do I get any more special power thingys?”

“I don’t think so”

Krystal’s face fell. “Oh”

“I mean you do get some control over the pack. Like, they have to follow your commands since you’re their Luna”

“Yeah, about that, what does that mean?”

“I’m the Alpha, I’m the leader, you’re my mate so you’re called the Luna” Aiden explained. “You’re like a den mother”

“But doesn’t Victoria act like your mother?”

“Yes, you don’t have to worry about that” Aiden assured.

“Is that all I get? You in my head and control over a bunch of teenagers?”

Aiden smiled sheepishly. “Yes”

“I see” Krystal said quietly. “Jessica said something about vampires?”

“Oh yeah” Aiden’s face darkened. “They also live in the woods”

“The woods where the people died?” Krystal’s eyes widened. “Did you have anything to do with those murders?!”

“What? No!” Aiden panicked. “Do you think I could have killed someone? Look at me, I’m weak!”

“Ok lies, you are not weak! Also you’re a werewolf! You could have like, super strength or something!”

“I mean I do, but that doesn’t mean I killed those people!”

“Did the vampires kill them?”


“Do I know any vampires?”

“I mean some go to our school”

“WHAT” Krystal screamed

“You need to calm down!”

“We go to school with vampires?

“I’m a werewolf, Krystal, of course we go to school with vampires!”

Krystal flopped back on Aiden’s bed. His sheets smelled like mango and and cologne. Krystal inhaled deeply, it smelled like Aiden.

Wait what the am I doing? Krystal thought.

“I don’t know, what are you doing?” Aiden asked

Krystal bolted upright. “Stay out of my head!”

“I can’t help it!”

“Look” Krystal said sitting up. “I didn’t want to be part of this werewolf voodoo stuff”

“No one wants to be a part of it, Krystal, it’s all up to fate” Aiden sighed

“And what’s my fate?”



“Your foot?” Yuri asked eyebrows raised. “You want me to mark you… on your foot?”

“My parents would kill me if they ever saw a tattoo on me” Jessica admitted.

“They would still see your feet”

It was Wednesday morning and Jessica had arranged to meet Yuri at the coffee shop before school.

“But I could cover the mark up with like, socks and makeup”

“Makeup won’t cover the tat, Key tried that. The makeup just soaks into your skin” Yuri said taking a sip of his coffee

“Okay then… where do you suggest the mark go?”

“I mean I’m pretty sure no one would suspect a tattoo on your -”

“Kwon Yuri!”

“What? I’m kidding!” Yuri raised his hands in defense. “I didn’t mean it!”

“Anyways” Jessica said still shocked Yuri said something like that. “Where should it be?”

“If you really want it to be on your foot, I guess it could be” Yuri shrugged reaching for Jessica’s shoe

Jessica jerked her leg away from Yuri. “I didn’t mean now!”

“Oh, sorry” Yuri blushed fidgeting in his seat

“Why do you seem so anxious?” Jessica asked

“The full moon is on Friday, it gives us all the jitters” Yuri explained

“Oh, so you guys…”

“Yeah” Yuri cleared his throat. “You can come to the cabin that night, if you want. Victoria-noona and Changmin-hyung usually stay up and have a movie marathon”


“They’re mostly movies about witches in them, but yeah. They stay up all night to make sure none of the wolves get hurt”

“Sure, I’ll come” Jessica said giving Yuri a small smile

Yuri started to ramble. “I mean you don’t have to, cause like it would be boring since I’m not there but I mean Victoria-noona is great and Changmin-hyung is pretty chill but like I would be gone so-”



“You’re cute”














And I'm back with another update! hehe 

Can any of you guys make me a cover for the story? or do you know anyone that can? I'm asking cause I at making covers... hehe yeah. 


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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
1149 streak #2
Chapter 26: 😍😍
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Chapter 2: Kenapa sih si Amber selalu dikasih nama Aiden kalo jadi cowo? Sering deh bukan selalu. Gak ngerti deh
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Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love reading it.
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Chapter 26: Boystory!!!
Chapter 26: completed already :(( but nice one author nim!!
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Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
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Chapter 22: ?
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Chapter 22: :'(