Filler Chapter Pt 2

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]







Taeny is on their date. They went to lotte world had fun and now they’re at a restaurant in which Taeyeon booked a private section. And now time for the truth to come out.

*At the restaurant*

After the waiter took their orders and a few glares from Taeyeon because the waiter was obviously flirting with Tiffany, which in return caused an amused Tiffany to smirk. Anyway on to the conversation.

“So TaeTae, what was this sudden date for?”

Now or never thought Taeyeon

Fighting! Aiden said

Taeyeon smiled at her nervously before clearing his throat. “Um well Fany-ah, I need to tell you something but I need you to promise me you won’t freak out”

Tiffany was now getting nervous. “I don’t know if I can promise but I’ll try” 

“Fany-ah, I’m a… I’m a werewolf and you’re my mate”

Tiffany just stared blankly at Taeyeon.

“Tae this isn’t funny. C’mon tell me what you’re really going to say” Tiffany whined.

“I wish I was joking but I really am a werewolf” Taeyeon said

“Taeyeon look I like you I really do, so if this is true I need proof”

Taeyeon scoffed. “You really want proof that I’m a werewolf huh”

Tiffany getting angry said “yeah, I do and if you can’t prove you’re ‘werewolf’ then I’m leaving”

As Tiffany was about to get up and leave, Taeyeon grabbed her wrist and sat her back down. 

“Okay you asked for it” Taeyeon said and just like Aiden did to his mate, he bit Tiffany on her wrist.

“Ow! What the hell Taeyeon!? What’s your problem”

Now do you believe me? Taeyeon sent to her.

Tiffany now had wide eyes. “How the hell- but- w-why me?” Tiffany said 

“We’re mates Fany-ah, the moon goddess chose you for me. We’re fated”

The rest of the dinner was spent with Taeyeon explaining to Tiffany about everything and answering her questions. Surprisingly she’s starting to accept things as they are since in the end she can’t really resist Taeyeon. After the dinner and the explaining from Taeyeon they were walking back home.

“I’m really sorry Tiffany” Taeyeon said “if I could control things I wouldn’t bring you into the supernatural world”

“TaeTae” Tiffany gave him a small smile “honestly as long as I’m with you, I wouldn’t have it any other way” she gave him an eye smile.

Taeyeon was surprised but quickly recovered. 

“Um… so I know this is probably the worst timing ever and you don’t have to accept if you don’t want I mean I’m just saying-”

Tiffany giggled and cut Taeyeon off “TaeTae just spit it out”

“Will you be my girlfriend?”

“Duh! I mean I’m your mate aren’t I? It would be wrong of me to reject you” Tiffany laughed

Taeyeon had the biggest smile ever




Soosun’s date didn’t start until the evening, with them was the same as the Taeny couple; they went to a restaurant. After they ate and chatted a bit they went to the park and now it was late at night. Sooyoung thought it was the perfect time to tell Sunny about his secret.

As they were taking their walk at the park Sooyoung was battling in his mind on how to tell Sunny about him being a werewolf. 

Breaking the silence Sunny decided to speak up. “I had a great time today” 

“I’m glad you did my bunny” Sooyoung wrapped an arm around Sunny’s shoulders 

“But.. I don’t know I feel like there’s something bothering you,” Sunny finally gathered enough courage to ask what’s on her mind.

Sooyoung sighed 

“W-well I have something to tell y-you” Sooyoung cursed himself for stuttering 

“Ok I’m listening” Sunny smiled 

Taking a deep breath Sooyoung started “Sunny, I’m a… a werewolf” 

“Ok” was all Sunny said 

“Look I know it’s hard to take in- wait did you just say ‘ok’?!” Sooyoung was actually shocked

“Yeah, I did. Now if you excuse me I’m leaving” Sunny started walking away. Before she could leave though, Sooyoung grabbed her wrist

“Sunny wait! Why are you leaving?” now he was confused

“I mean I believe you I don’t know why I do but I do, but I need some time Soo, I’m not mad or anything but just let me process that my boyfriend is a werewolf” Sunny said with pleading eyes

Sooyoung let go of Sunny and sighed. “Ok I’ll give you space, see you on Monday?” 

Sunny smiled. “Yeah” 



Like I said Lun is young and he’s also straightforward. Lunsul are hanging out like they planned, they are at the arcade currently having a competition on air hockey. 

“You’re gonna lose!”

“Am I now?” Lun smirked at Sulli 

“You bet your ” Sulli laughed

“Bet? I’m down for a bet” he grinned at her

“Ooo a challenge I see” it was Sulli’s turn to smirk at Lun

“Ok then loser has to do whatever the winner says, deal?” he stuck his hand out to seal the deal.

“Deal” and they shook hands

Three rounds of air hockey later…

“I won!” Sulli cheered 

“I let you win” Lun pouted while sulking 

Sulli laughed at him “sure you did you little puppy” 

“Pet names I see” Lun while wiggling his eyebrows

“Y-yah! Shut up” Sulli said while blushing 

“Ok ok I’ll stop” Lun said while laughing

“Anyway, since I won now you gotta do what I say” Sulli smirked again 

Lun gulped nervous about what Sulli would do to him

“First let’s get out of here” she grabbed Lun’s hand and exited the arcade.

The pair was just walking around with hands intertwined 

“Oh look! An ice cream shop!” Sulli excitedly said dragging Lun along with her, who could only smile. 

When they got their ice cream and were seated. Sulli decided to ask Lun some questions

“So Lun since I won and you HAVE to do what I say, I want you to answer my questions truthfully ok?” 

“Ok shoot, I’m ready” Lun rubbed his hands together looking confident on the outside though in reality he was really nervous.

“Remember last time when we were hanging out with our friends I asked you if there was something going on at home, because you were so uneasy most of the time,” Sulli carefully asked

Lun nodded and told her to continue

“Well were you telling the truth? I mean since it’s just you and me now, alone, you can tell me” Sulli said 

Lun sighed and took a deep breath before telling her

“Listen ssul, I don’t know how to tell you this without you freaking out,” Lun started

“I’m all ears Lun, I’m here for you” she grabbed his hand to comfort him

Feeling a little relaxed he continued “ssul, I’m a werewolf, and before you leave or anything just know that I will fight for you and your stuck with me because you are my mate” 

Sulli didn’t retract her arm though she was shocked to hear this 



“Ok I believe you but how do you know it’s me?”

“Remember when we first met? Did you feel warmth in your body and you must have saw my eyes change color right?” Lun asked her

Sulli could only nod while remembering how they met

“Well that’s how I know,” 

“I honestly don’t know what to say, but I’m not leaving your side, of course I want answers to all my new questions, but I’m staying” Sulli smiled at Lun

“Thanks, Choi Sulli, really” Lun smiled at her 

“No problem, Park Lun” Sulli giggled.



Hyoyeon is at the dance studio practicing for a competition, ironically the dance his team will be dancing to is ‘Wolf’ by Exo. He was so focused on dancing that he didn’t know someone was watching him the entire time.

The song ended and Hyoyeon decided to take a break and rest a bit, until he heard a clap which startled him. 

“Wow, your really good at dancing Hyo, I mean I’ve seen you dance but now that I got to pay attention to your moves I’m impressed” Nicole chuckled

“When did you get here?” Hyoyeon asked

“Well hello to you too, oppa” Nicole said

“Since your here, I got something to tell you Nic” Hyoyeon sighed 

“Oh? What is it” 

“Look Nic, I’m a werewolf and you’re my mate,” Hyoyeon looked down “I know you saw my eyes change color, that should be proof enough” 

Suddenly Nicole burst out laughing, confused Hyoyeon looked up with furrowed eyebrows 

“What’s so funny? Nicole what I just said isn’t funny” Hyoyeon said getting a bit irritated

“Look Hyo, I don’t know who you’re trying to fool” Nicole said calming down “you really expect me to believe that you’re a werewolf?” 

“You don’t gotta believe me Nic, but you’re my mate and there’s no changing that”

Nicole scoffed, “I came here to dance and have a good time, but you ruined that with this nonsense” she said storming off

“Nicole wait!” Hyoyeon called out to her

“What Hyoyeon!? What is it now!” Nicole angrily said while glaring at him

“E-everything I said was really true! I swear on my life that I’m not lying” Hyoyeon said to her

Nicole sighed and softened her gaze on Hyoyeon

“Fine, let’s go back in the dance room though” 

“What?” Hyoyeon asked

“So you can explain? Or were you just joking” Nicole said

“No! I wasn’t joking, ok let’s go” Hyoyeon grabbed her hand and went back into the dance practice room 

After so many questions and explaining the HyoNic pair were now on the same page 

“So.. you’re really a wolf, huh that’s cool” 

“Yeah… sorry again, I can’t control who the moon goddess chooses for us” Hyoyeon softly chuckled.

“Nah it’s fine, I guess it’s fine with me just go easy on me now that I know this information” Nicole said

“Yeah, um, you still wanna practice or…?” 

“Hell yeah, I mean I didn’t come ALL the way here for nothing” 

“Oh ok, I’ll leave then” Hyoyeon was about to leave but stopped when Nicole grabbed him 

“No, you’re staying, besides I dance better with you, plus with you gone it won't be the same” 

“Ok then shall we?” Hyoyeon smiled widely and started the music again



Yoong has been trying to find a way of telling Seohyun about him and what happened the other day without freaking her out, thing is Seohyun has been avoiding him ever since the incident because she’s convinced that he’s no good for her. 

It’s Saturday and that means Seohyun can’t avoid Yoong for long because there is a little birthday party happening at the orphanage for one of the kids there and they are both attending.

*At the orphanage* 

All the kids were in the back playing party games that were set up by Yoong, while Seohyun was in the kitchen helping the people of the house with the snacks. Seohyun was minding her business until Yoong asked to talk to her.

“Hey guys! Mind if I take Seohyun for a bit? Just need to talk about something” Yoong grinned at the house workers

Seohyun looked up and was about to decline until one of the workers spoke up

“Sure, we’re almost done here. Take your time” one of the workers winked at Seohyun while pushing her towards Yoong.

Seohyun being well, Seohyun she couldn’t decline now because that would be rude of her.

When they got to somewhere secluded, Seohyun was already getting nervous while Yoong was getting ready to just tell her.

“Yoong-oppa look I-”

“Seohyun I’m sorry but I’m a werewolf and you’re my mate, I can prove it to you, but not here”

Seohyun looked at Yoong with disbelief 

“Yoong-oppa, what kind of joke are you playing?”

“Seohyun-ah, I Im Yoong am not playing no joke on you, but you have to believe me please because like I said you’re my mate and really we’re fated to be together” Yoong said scratching his not so itchy nape

Shaking her head she continued 

“I am going to tell you this once,” she started off sternly ”please don’t play with me, because I am not just any girl to be ed with”

 Yoong was shocked but that didn’t stop him from what he was there to do

“I would never say this to with you Seohyun-ah, I am not lying to you” Yoong was now getting a bit irritated

“Ok, let’s say I believed you,” she sighs, “what would happen to me” she asked him

“I won’t let anything happen to you, Seohyun-ah, I swear on my life that I won’t let anything or anyone hurt you” Yoong said sincerely

“Ok, but why me? I just moved here and suddenly I become someone's mate?  Does this happen often?” Seohyun was slowly getting curious but still cautious of Yoong’s intentions

“No, it doesn’t happen often, and the moon goddess chose you for me, even though I was already attracted to you, it wasn’t my choice” Yoong said not realizing he just basically confessed to Seohyun

“Y-you w-were already attracted to m-me?” Seohyun could feel her face flush 

“W-well yeah” Yoong said now blushing 

Seohyun sighed “Yoong-oppa, I will believe you” she hesitated “But, with the condition that you answer all my questions and promise me that you are not messing around with me, because… I.. I l-like you t-too”

“Ofcourse! But now let’s go back out and have fun with the kids” Yoong said with a smile

“Yeah, let’s go” Seohyun nodded

Yoong was about to grab her hand before Seohyun shook her head

“Don’t push it, Im” she said 

“Hehe, yeah, sorry”

After the party they went to a nearby cafe where Yoong explained everything to Seohyun.





















I legit have everything planned out just need the time sorry.


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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
1139 streak #2
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Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love reading it.
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Chapter 26: completed already :(( but nice one author nim!!
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Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
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Chapter 22: :'(