Chapter 18

Mated to a Dork [Kryber]



“We are begging you to not bombard them like you did to the other people we dated” Jessica pleaded. The twins were FaceTiming their two best friends from California

“Relax, guys, we won’t” Hyejin assured

“I make no such promises” Moonbyul said, texting someone on her phone


“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure she won’t” Hyejin rolled her eyes. “You must really like them if you don’t want Moobyul to see if their ‘worthy’ like she did to Taemin and Minhyuk”

“Are you kidding? Taemin was a douche and Byul made Minhyuk never want to talk to her again” the twins chuckled. “But we know Yuri and Aiden’s intentions are pure, so I don’t need the examination you guys give”

“Aw, that’s sweet. Are they hot?” Moonbyul asked. “Do you have pictures?”

“Not good ones”

“Do they have instagram”





“Not that we know of”

“Oh god, they really are lumberjacks in the woods” Moonbyul said, wide eyed. “How do they not have social media?”

“It’s just not important to them I guess” Krystal shrugged

“Oh man, they’re not some of those weird hippies who live in the forest and like, bathes in mud, are they?” Hyejin asked

“Ew, gross. No, they’re normal” Jessica said

“And they’re still dating you guys after they met your parents?”

“They haven’t really met them yet, but they will before we leave since they want to be able to sit down and talk to them. They should be here soon actually”

“Those poor guys” 

“We know”

“What time is your flight?”

“Like 11 am, dad said we will get at your house at like, 7ish ”

“I am excited to meet your boyfriends, I want to see how hot they are” Moonbyul said. “Thanksgiving this year is going to be great”

“Noona’s! They’re here!” Jaehyun called

“Send them up!” Jessica yelled

“Is that them?” Hyejin asked, trying to crane her neck, as if she could see outside the computer screen.

“Halloooo” the boys dragged out, throwing their suitcases at the foot of Jessica’s bed. Aiden jumped on top of his girlfriend and attacked her face with kisses. Yuri just snuggled up to Jessica.

“Oh my Namjesus” Moonbyul said, mouth dropped open. Hyejin smacked her arm.

“Are these your friends?” Aiden asked, cheeks flushing. His voice dropped, and it sounded possessive. “Taemin isn’t there is he?”

“No, those guys aren’t there, don’t worry, it’s just our friends” Jessica said when she felt Yuri tighten his grip on her.

Krystal, still pinned down under Aiden, tilted her head up to kiss him again.

“Soojung! Keep it PG!” Hyejin called

Krystal turned to glare at her friends. “Hyejin, Moonbyul, this is Aiden my boyfriend”

“And this is my boyfriend Yuri” Jessica said

“Hi” Aiden smiled. “Hey, what’s up” said Yuri

“Wow you guys are hot” Moonbyul said bluntly. Hyejin cupped her hand over the other girl’s mouth.

“Hi, I’m Hyejin” she grinned. “This is Moonbyul. She can be very greasy, so just ignore her”

“Hey!” Moonbyul whined

“Nice to meet the friends of our girls” Aiden said with Yuri agreeing with him, while the twins just blushed.

Hyejin just chuckled at the couples while Moonbyul was trying to get out of her grip.

“Girls!” Mrs. Jung called

“Yes?” Krystal called

“Bring your friends down so we can talk to them!”

“Oooh, you’re in trouble” Moonbyul laughed. Jessica shut the laptop

“Are we in trouble?” Yuri asked

“No, why would you be?” Jessica giggled

“Well, I gave Krystal a tattoo”

Krystal looked at the crescent moon inked on her wrist. It was actually covered with bracelets

“I don’t think they noticed, I mean if they did, why would you think that they would know you gave it to me by biting me?”

Aiden looked down at his hands. “I dunno”

The twins led the boys off the bed. “They’re gonna love you. C’mon” Jessica said

The guys couldn’t shake the thought that Jessica and Krystal’s parents would hate them, or worse, pity them. They hated the looks people would give them like they were some helpless orphans who live in an overcrowded foster home.

“Mom, Dad, this is Aiden and Yuri” Krystal introduced, pulling Aiden to sit next to her on the couch, Jessica doing the same with Yuri.

“Hello, I’m Jung Seoham” Mr. Jung said, waving

“I’m Jung Minzy” Mrs. Jung smiled

“Nice to meet you” Aiden nodded, voice cracking, he mentally cursed himself.

Krystal grabbed his hand to comfort him.

Are you okay? Krystal asked

I’m just nervous, Aiden admitted. Sorry 

Don’t be sorry, everything is going fine

If Mr and Mrs. Jung noticed the boy’s nervousness, they didn’t acknowledge it, probably understanding that meeting the parents is a scary thing.

“Are you boys also Juniors at SM High?” Mr. Jung asked

“Uh, yes” Yuri smiled. “We like it there, it’s fun”

“Do you play any sports?”

“Yes, basketball and baseball and we also hunt”

“Like with a gun?”

“We use our teeth”

The twins felt a sense of terror wash over them.

Mr. Jung narrowed his eyes at the boys. “With your teeth?”

“Oh, um,” Aiden cleared his throat. “You know sometimes I make jokes that I think are funny in my head but when I say them outloud they… aren’t”

“That’s okay, sweetie” Mrs. Jung said. “Do you guys have a job?”

“Oh, yeah, we’re amateur autobody engineer’s at one of the shops downtown” Yuri said

“What’s that?” Jaehyun asked.

“It’s, uh, a mechanic” Yuri said. “We’re mechanic’s”

“Do you work at Shim’s Auto Shop?” Mrs. Jung asked. The boys nodded.

“Us and all of our friends do, there’s ten of us, so Changmin-hyung doesn’t really need to hire other help, and the money is our allowance”

“And Changmin is…?”

“Our foster father, we’ve lived with him since we were ten”

“I hate to ruin this nice meeting, but we should start heading to the airport now” Mr. Jung said, getting up. “Where are your suitcases, boys?”

“Oh, their in my room, we’ll get them,” Jessica said. Krystal and the boys following her up the stairs.

When Jessica shut the door, Aiden and Yuri flopped on her bed.

“Oh geez, they hate us!” Yuri exclaimed, Aiden nodding to his statement

“What? Where’d you get that?” Krystal asked, sitting down next to her boyfriend.

“Didn’t you feel the tension? Oh wow, I can’t do this. we at meeting new people and that’s why we don’t really branch out but when we do meet new people it makes us look like idiots and-”

“Aiden! Hey, relax” Krystal cut in, cupping Aiden’s face gently. “They love you guys, trust us”

“Are you sure? Because they-”

Jessica stopped Yuri’s rambling by pressing her lips against his.

Aiden looked at Krystal with a pout. “I want a kiss too”

Krystal rolled her eyes with a smile but never the less kissed her boyfriend.

“They love you guys,” Krystal reassured.

“Yeah, I mean, what’s not to love?” Jessica said with a smile.




“Where are they?” Yuri and Aiden heard someone yell at the top of the stairs.

The twins rolled their eyes playfully. “And there’s Moonbyul”

The boys nodded, setting their bags down. They didn’t anticipate a force to tackle them.

They stumbled backwards, trying to place their footing. They both failed, falling over onto the ground

“And we thought you would be excited to see us,” Jessica said. The girl who was on top of Yuri and Aiden looked up.

“Twins!” she smiled. She got off Yuri and Aiden. Another girl helped them up.

“I’m Hyejin” the other girl introduced. “We met a while ago”

“Hello” the boys said in unison and bowed.

“And I’m Moonbyul” the girl who tackled Aiden and Yuri smiled widely. “But you obviously knew that”

She’s scaring me a little, Aiden told Krystal

Yeah, she’s a little greasy Krystal said sympathetically. Sorry

“How was your flight?” Mr. Ahn asked the group.

“It was fine, unless you get trapped between one of these lovesick couples who insist on sharing two seats so they can sleep together” Jaehyun said

“No way you guys joined the mile high club?” Moonbyul asked. The twins and the boy’s eyes almost bugged out of their heads.

“You have no filter” Hyejin murmured

 Mrs. Jung awkwardly cleared . “Thank you for having us”

“No, problem” Mrs. Ahn said. “Hyejin-ah, why don’t you help them with their bags, the boys will share the guest room and the twins will share your room”

On the way up the stairs, the twins grabbed Moonbyul

“I can not believe you said that in front of our parents” Krystal glared at her. Moonbyul shrugged

“I’ve said worse when you guys were dating Taemin and Minhyuk. I’m just warming up”




“So what’s happening in Seoul, we haven’t been there in a while” Hyejin asked, setting down the bags. Moonbyul had been staring at Yuri and Aiden with a sly smirk on her face, making the werewolves uncomfortable.

“Nothing really” Jessica said. 

“Not as eventful as California, but it’s nice” Krystal said

“How did you guys meet?”

“We have a lot of classes together” Yuri said, as he thought the moon goddess made us destined to be together. Aiden snickered

 “So Aiden” Moonbyul said, leaning her head on her hand. “Do you have any siblings as hot as you?”

Krystal glared at Moonbyul.

“Uh” Aiden looked like a deer in headlights. “Well, uh, Yuri here is my brother plus I have six other brothers and a sister but all the guys are taken and our sister is straight”

“Aw, dang. How did the twins snag you two?”

“Don’t you have somewhere to be?” Krystal said, annoyed. She crossed her arms and huffed


“Actually” Hyejin cut in. “why don’t we get coffee or something? We could take JackJack and my dog to the park?”

Yuri and Aiden’s ears perked up. “Park?” 

“Yeah, there’s a dog park downtown, do you have a dog?”

“We are dogs” Yuri said

Hyejin eyed the guys, confused. “What?” 

“What” Aiden blinked

“So” Jessica cut in. “park, um, yeah, let’s go”

“They have a weird sense of humor” Hyejin whispered to the twins as they walked out. The twins just nodded.

“What’s your sister's name?” Moonbyul asked the guys, squeezing herself between Aiden and Yuri instead of sitting up front with Hyejin resulting in Jessica sitting in shotgun.

“Victoria” Yuri said fiddling with his hands

“What about your brothers?”

“Lun, Hyoyeon, Yoong, Taeyeon, Sooyoung, and Kibum but he prefers to be called Key” Aiden said

“Jeez, big family. How old are they?”

“We’re all sixteen, except Victoria who’s seventeen”

“So are you guys like, quintuplets or something?”

Yuri and Aiden looked down, almost sad. “N-no, that’s not it” Yuri said

Krystal reached behind Moonbyul to touch Aiden, to show that she was there for him even though they had another body squished in between them.

“They’re their foster siblings” Krystal said quietly. Moonbyul’s eyes widened.

“No- oh my Namjesus” Moonbyul put her arms around Yuri and Aiden’s necks and brought them into a hug. She rubbed both their backs soothingly.

“I am so sorry for your loss” Moonbyul said. Aiden gave Krystal a look as if to say help me

“It’s okay,” Yuri murmured, patting Moonbyul on the arm Awkwardly. They wiggled out of the embrace.

“So the twins told us you live in the forest” Moonbyul switched the subject. “How’s that like?”

“It’s interesting” Aiden shrugged. “We live in the woods with seven other teenagers and a foster father who’s 26”

Moonbyul narrowed her eyes. “Is that legal?” 

“No, but it’s Seoul, everybody’s too busy caring about their own lives to care” Yuri shrugged.

Hyejin cleared . “And you guys are mechanics?”

“Yes” Aiden said

“That’s hot” Moonbyul said

“Moonbyul, I swear to god if I weren’t driving I would smack you” Hyejin threatened

“What? Do you want me to lie and tell them that guys working on cars isn’t hot? Lying is a sin, Hyejin”

Hyejin groaned loudly. “I apologize for her, guys. If she makes you uncomfortable, please tell me and Krystal will kick her out of the car”


“While it’s moving”

“I’m not making them uncomfortable”

Aiden cleared his throat. “Actually-”

“How dare you insinuate that I make guys feel uncomfortable!” Moonbyul continued. “I am offended!”

“Shut up, Byulyi” Jessica grumbled

“The twins haven’t even been in California for an hour and you made them want to leave. New record” Hyejin said sarcastically. She pumped her fist in the air. 

“Hey look, there’s that park I think you were talking about” Aiden said as Hyejin parked the car. The boys hopped out and sniffed the air.

When the twins walked up next to them they slapped their arms simultaneously.

“Do you smell that?” Aiden said excitedly

“No” Jessica said

“It’s grass!” Yuri exclaimed. “Oh my gosh, I want to roll in it”

The twins stopped them from dashing off. “Easy there, there are people around” Krystal said

“Oh, screw them. Would it really be weird for two sixteen year olds to roll around on the ground”? Aiden asked

The twins gave them a look as if to say are you ing serious?

“Don’t look at us like that. We know what we want” Aiden said, leading the way to the park accompanied by Yuri. the girls just sighed and followed their boyfriends

“Wow, I did not expect a lot of people to be here” Hyejin said, looking at all the teenagers playing with dogs

“Oh my god, there’s a frisbee” Yuri said, excited. He turned to Jessica. “Can you throw it? Please? Just once?”

“Is that Jessica Jung?” A voice said

Hyejin, Moonbyul, and the twins froze, Yuri and Aiden were confused about the change in their demeanor.

“Do you think he saw us?” Moonbyul asked

“Obviously, he said hi to Jessica” Hyejin murmured back

Jessica huffed, putting on a fake smile. “Minhyuk, hey”

“I thought that was you” the guy smiled, leaning in for a hug. Jessica reluctantly obliged. “Why didn’t you tell me you were back?”

“Because she never talks to you anymore, not since you cheated on her” Moonbyul scoffed. Minhyuk turned to her and forced a smile.

“Moonball. What’s up? How are you?’

“My name is Moon By-”

“Did I ask?’ Minhyuk said.

Moonbyul looked like she was about to blow. She clenched her fists and stalked towards Minhyuk. Hyejin grabbed her arm, restraining her.

Minhyuk sent a wary look to the girl, before turning back to Jessica.

“So how long you girls here for?” Minhyuk asked, giving Jessica a flirtatious smile. “If you need a place to stay, you’re always welcome at my place. It could be like old times”

Jessica didn’t realize Yuri walked up next to her until she heard him speak.

“Actually, there’s no need for that since she’ll  be staying with me. Her boyfriend.” Yuri clasped his hand in Jessica’s and sent Mihyuk a death glare. MInhyuk smirked, taking in the other guys appearance.

“Where’d you find this one, Jess? Pick him up at the kennel?” Minhyuk spat.

“No, that’s where I got you” Jessica fired back. “C’mon Yuri, let’s get out of here” 

Yuri started to protest. “No, let me-”

Now, let’s go” the twins dragged Aiden and Yuri away, they didn’t want them to like, bite Minhyuk or something.


“If you walk away we’ll throw the frisbee for you guys” Krystal bargained.

Aiden’s and Yuri’s eyes lit up. “Okay” they said in unison

“Not now, we will eventually, but not while my ex is watching us” Jessica promised, kissing the tanned  boy on the cheek.

Yuri made a noise that resembled whimpering as the twins led him and Aiden towards Moonbyul and Hyejin. They were talking to some guy.

“Krystal! Hey” the guy greeted, hugging Krystal. She looked uncomfortable

“Who are your friends?” he asked

The guy seemed too nice that he was fake, like the kind of nice someone is when they’re trying to get into your pants. Aiden felt something fishy going on with this guy.

“That’s Yuri” Aiden said pointing at Yuri who just nodded. 

“I’m Aiden, you must be Taemin” Aiden smiled. Taemin pretended to be impressed

“Hey, yeah. Krystal must talk about me a lot then, right?” he smiled cockily

“No, I just smelled a boy” 

Krystal made a choking sound as she tried not to burst out into laughter while Hyejin had to slap a hand over Moonbyul’s mouth to keep her from hollering, and Yulsic were laughing silently. Taemin stood there, mouth open in shock.

“Yikes, never been called one of those before” Taemin said, running a hand through his hair. He put out a fist, waiting for Aiden to bump it.

“Respect, I won’t even try to deny it,” he said. He cleared his throat. “Well, I better get going. Mom needs my help in the kitchen. It was good seeing you, Krystal. Catch you guys later”

Krystal turned towards Aiden. “What has gotten into you?”

“I don’t know but I love it” Moonbyul cheered. “Keep these two close, girls”

“We are really possessive” Aiden murmured lowly. “You’re mine. I just need a way for everyone to know”

Krystal stared at Aiden, trying to see if she could figure out what the guy was thinking.

“You were thinking about peeing on me, weren’t you?” Krystal asked

Aiden’s ears turned red. “God, Soojung! I’m not a dog!”

“Mhm, say whatever you want, wolf boy”

Yuri snickered.

“Don’t laugh you thought the same, I bet” Jessica chuckled 

“Aw, don’t attack me too!” Yuri whined




“Your boyfriends kind of act like dogs” Hyejin observed. It was 2 AM, Hyejin and the twins were on her bed, a while ago they when they went to check on Yuri and Aiden and they were curled up in balls looking like puppies.

“You think so?” Jessica asked, trying to act surprised. “I never noticed”

“Really?” Hyejin furrowed her eyebrows. “They literally act like golden retrievers”

Krystal pursed her lips. “Yeah, well… they had an interesting childhood”

Hyejin shrugged. “That’s okay. I swear, you guys were like, made for each other. It’s like your soulmates”

Krystal found herself rubbing the moon tattoo on her wrist. “Why do you say that?”

“I don’t know,” Hyejin paused “but like, when I see you guys together, something just feels, I dunno… right. You guys seem really happy with them”

“We are” Jessica said, almost immediately.

“They make us really happy” Krystal said.

“That’s good” Hyejin smiled, then yawned. “I’m really happy for you guys”

They suddenly heard a thump sound like something dropped in the other room, the twins looked at each other and told Hyejin to stay in her room while they went to go see what’s wrong with their boyfriends.

They knocked on the door. It flung open and Yuri stood there with a wild expression on his face. Tears were flowing from his eyes.

“Is everything okay?” Jessica whispered.

Yuri nodded, ushering Jessica and Krystal inside. He sat on the floor next to Aiden. The twins wrapped their arms around them as their sobs filled the room

“What happened?’ Krystal asked softly

“It’s just… they got a letter, or warning, more like it. It was signed ‘K,’ so they think it’s him, Kim HanBin” Aiden said shakily.

“Kim HanBIn? Who’s that?” Jessica asked

Aiden looked up, looking serious

“HanBin is the vampire who killed our parents”




“Are you sure they don’t wanna come?” Hyejin asked. “It’s the Thanksgiving football game, a tradition!”

The twins pursed their lips. “They had a pretty rough night, I think they just want to sleep” Krystal said.

“Are they okay?”

“I think they will be, they don’t want us to miss the game though. We’ll probably end up leaving at half-time anyways”

Hyejin shrugged and grabbed her keys. Krystal adjusted Aiden’s beanie on her head and Jessica put Yuri’s sweater on (that they stole) before following Hyejin out.

Leaning on the railing of the football field, Jessica felt someone walk up next to her. She assumed it was Krystal or Hyejin, since Moonbyul had to stay home to help cook.

“Hey, Krys, did you-” Jessica face fell when she realized it was not Krystal nor Hyejin.

“Where’s your boyfriend?” Minhyuk asked running a hand through his hair.

“At home” Jessica said, emotionless.

“Now why would he let someone so hot out of his sight?” Minhyuk smirked. “Did he finally find out that you’re way out of his league and deserve better?”

Jessica clenched her fists. “Actually, he’s sleeping cause I really wore him out last night”

Minhyuk’s mouth dropped open. “Wha-”

“I mean, at least he lasted longer than three minutes, unlike some people” Jessica turned to look at Minhyuk. It was an obvious lie but MInhyuk didn’t need to know that.

“You’re sleeping with that in-”

“Careful, remember that he’s my boyfriend” Jessica warned.

Minhyuk grit his teeth. “I could be a better boyfriend”

“Yeah, no. You tried. And you’re not” Jessica smirked. “Sorry, not sorry”

Krystal and Hyejin walked up to the two with coffee in their hands. They looked at Jessica, confused.

“What are you guys talking about?” Krystal asked.

Minhyuk grunted in annoyance and stormed off. Causing Krystal and Hyejin to look at him weirdly and Jessica to smile amusedly.

“What is his problem?” Hyejin said.




Coming home, the twins and Hyejin were met with Yuri, Aiden and Moonbyul in the kitchen.

“Are you sure we’re making this right?” Aiden asked Moonbyul, uneasy.

“It’s mashed potatoes, how hard is it supposed to be?” Moonbyul said

“I am almost positive you don’t put the potatoes in the blender to mash them” Yuri scratched the back of his head

“Hey guys” Hyejin said, walking in.

“How was the game?” Moonbyul asked, trying to shove the lid on the blender.

“Dunno, we left halftime” Krystal said back hugging Aiden

“Hey, seobang” Jessica said, wrapping her arms around the guys waist.

Yuri stilled in her arms. “You were with your ex, weren’t you?”

Jessica paused. “Um, how did you know?”

“I can smell on you”

Jessica cracked a smile, placing her head on Yuri’s shoulder and chuckled.

“Sica, I’m serious”

“Relax, I just talked to him for like, two seconds”

Yuri still looked displeased, but noticed that Jessica was wearing his sweater. He smiled.

“I like it when you wear my clothes” Yuri murmured, wrapping his arms around Jessica. “It’s like I’m marking my territory”

Jessica giggled. “Are you sure you’re not a dog?”

Yuri’s eyes widened. “I am a wolf! There is a distinct difference-”

Jessica rolled her eyes and pressed her lips to the werewolf to shut him up.


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So after awhile of finishing this story I decided to kind of update some things, which is most likely just Victoria's son, his name is still going to be SungWoo but he will be portrayed as Asahi from treasure. Also i'm thinking of making a sequel but in their kid's POV idk yet. Stay safe!


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Chapter 17: Nice
1149 streak #2
Chapter 26: 😍😍
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Chapter 2: Kenapa sih si Amber selalu dikasih nama Aiden kalo jadi cowo? Sering deh bukan selalu. Gak ngerti deh
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Chapter 26: Thank you for sharing this fiction. Me love reading it.
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Chapter 26: Boystory!!!
Chapter 26: completed already :(( but nice one author nim!!
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Chapter 25: Thanks for the updates. Take care.
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Chapter 22: ?
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Chapter 22: :'(